Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Sep 1966, p. 5

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ELMVALE Slum Junlur finchool air and Elmvnlc HI Calf club mlevcmcnl day will be mud on he second day of he Flns Agrlmlturnl Soclclys mun annnnl air which vlll be held ll lhn Elmvalu air nmund on 5ch 18 20 and 21 Jnhn Vnples Inlhnr cl noted lulky ruca horse drvm Keith Ind Murray Vnplos Ill be hclping In the xnlky mclnx pro umm cloaan day calm an Site an old dnm In New MLowell vhlch to ho rebuilt AInd mnda rplnce n1 banuly gArrange Attractions EFor Elmvale Fair Campetlllnn Ln lhc Junlnr achool nlr secllnn open In pupil of all elementary schools In F10 and afloinln townships wllh all pupils nuendinrz durlng he spring lcrm cllglblo to make éxhiblu Tho cxhlbila are re quircd lo bu arranged nnd In place an the openlnx Monday night nhu glrb homnmnkinx club and Elmvnlu HI club are Imong other lpcclnl events or nunx fnrmm nml lnrmrrcltcs here will he nchlcvcmcnl duy rhonlngs of both dairy and Lth calves WESTERN HORSE SIIOW cstcrn horse rhow an Olhll nuradlon which has hzcll mlrurllnu much early lnlcresl Inhy ch wollhnown Elmvnlc merchant and hnrlomun Chairman In chnrgn Mr Tuck hlmsrll ha am riding horse arm ncnr Elmwlu RAY TUCK CHAIRMAN OF WESTERN SHOW OLD NEW LOWELL DAM TO BE REBUILT Llliotl Mrs Henrdsnll Mrs Earl Conn Mrs 1mm nll Mn Sam Allen And Mn ll nonhwlck Cnnndlnn Trolling Auoclallun rule pmull or lho ulky ruc lnn and mu rules provide for mile heals flcglslrnuun cnrd must be Drcsanlcd for n11 hor acs cnlcrcd and lhc mnnngc mum mono the rlnh to post ponc nny at the rum event In em had rather Wednesday Mr Vaplu chairman and orhcra ncludu the president neglnuld ncrlram Brown Graham Edwards and Dr Windrem The Womans lnslllulo Ills Flay always nllrncl lnlcrcsl ram amen lsilurs la the Ialr These are madu by New Flax Waverley Van Vlack Conlru Flos Allcmroml Crusslnnd Sil ver Muplu and Saurln branches Member of the cnmmmco 1n chum ur lho Indlu Iccllon In rIudu Mrs Jnsuph Dyer Mm Wlmflm Terry Mrs Vnde Mrs Sydney Boll Mrs Wllllnm Lanzman Mn llownrd Grler Mri Charles McFadden Mrs ASSOCIATION RU HuhIr or rncln close at the day ha race Enrllnr rcnlslrulion may be made uilh lho secrclnry he Ialr Mu Marlena Tinncy lJlmvulc us on ha Nounwnxnun Valley canscrvnllon projccls shown In addition new Tho western horsa ahaw ln cludu Iuch classes In plunsura elm koyholo rm pale bend Inz buncl me flag rncu pick up mo and mm mllo rncu Them also speclnl prize by Ray Tuck or the but wellcrn horn on the grounds Max Lane and Ted Johnson wllh Lilllnn Wnllbhud socrelaryA Ircmrcr and Leroy Dannld Ind leuam Johnson dirczion TRADE EXHIBIT STAYNER Plum nro bclnx advanced or he lath annual Sinynnr communxy alr and rude cxhlbluan lo ha held Sep lcmhcr ms at he Slnyner Arc enn An amnlcur thaw will Icatm nlong llh Ihoulug at And nlher lnrm Ind merclnllle EXleI SHflNTY BAY OFFICERS ELECTED VASAGA BEACH Stall Fred Marlin well known Oak vlgw Bench ml estate broker hn been elected chairman the Onkvlew Bench Brock and Sprlnzhum Properly Assad llon Vlcu resident ho rly renrnnn ed urnup Includa COULSON WI COULSON Mu Dullnn Ju may will ha ha haslm tar lhe Caulmn Vamcnl Inullulu n1 ulnr mccllnu nn Scpl Mn CHnlnn annn MI dlscuu lho mm and member the lunch commluco Includn Mn Wood rnw Mn thl and Mn JDbelL 0K0 COUNCIL 0H0 STATION Slam Ora Tommhlp cnuncll mm In head ed by leave George MncKny Jnrrnu Mlll hulrl Ill nu ular merllnu rm Mundny 5cm ID Tullhopo dark Inld ho antlcipnlcd ll Muld be buxy luslon ROAD HUIWHYK MADE THOIINTON 15mm Sfimc0fl Caunly lunrynu hvo bran maklnl mm Thornluno Ilnxlrr connly mud In prepnr allun lnr hnrd Aurlnclnl Ilrol lrlhu uhlch were not done uh TO DISCUSS HEALTH GRENAHD leu1lh Ind dlol lnx wlll be ducumd by Gren nrd Womenl mum at In ncxl mnclinu SepL hm Mn Cnlhcrlnl Lyn will be hosms DISTRICT BRIEFS park la be built on acro alto lhu mun Total cast or lho project ha bun csllmnlcd at H500 VI mu mllmlnm mmqu mm mm SHIIH llllhny II numll NOW SHflWlNE mzwm MumIn mm THE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY HEPTEMBER 1m The Mr princess chmn will compele Iwml winner ram 40 other cuunkle or the vlnclnl Us next urn Idlnn Nnuonll Exhl men but earl winner Mmml Imbly landlord represent ed Simeon County It the nation al exhibition racemly Ind uh will in vllllor to Orlllln uh Ind commentator for 01 copycat Marunret run RR Thornton nnd Marla Gillan of ER Creemorc Ire Imflll oth er Centre Slmcae lllll entered Mariam Waunn RR Tot lenhnm and Lelia McDonIld nl RR Benton will represent 30th 51mm while In onm townshh entrant L1 Madam Earnhardt of RR Orlllln The minus chosen on up pcnrance depmmenl pulse and lollamnion and the girl mun be thin to milk cow In In lhe girl wlll be and to dem pnlr1aln coyyllklng 30 to am up will ya ukedio ANIEN Mm Stall Atv trncllvn Baverlay Mchonald Anton Mill In one le IIIII anlmd Io Ir 1n the Simeon County dnlry princes content which lo be held the cum Fall Fair on Siturday nlzhl September In Enlrlu be Med with Fraser Sulher Ind of Slrnud no Mary of the Slmcoo County milk commltlee Vlnca Fountlln mercury 01 the Ormln Amcul Geom Ind Mrl Ken Ind hmlly Dunn wm wlth lha ormerl vm Mr Ind Mn 11 Kali at In hulldly wuhnd DU TRIP MINESINO rsmm Fum en who no wllllnz la ulde Ive acres or mm or plnnuni and are willing to um nu cut them or 15 year can receive special mlmnca or lho project by lho Dzplrl mgnl anjl and Forest Mr and Mn Shumnn Todd Mnrjorlu Ind Mrl Campbell were zuuu ll Mr Ind Mn Arlhur Roberunnl 25th wcddlnz Innhcrnry It Minusmu leu unHAulk 211 Mrs Lornh Nellly ol Toranio ha been recent vhllor with mend In 6mm Mls Florenu Luck Mn Cannnm and Mn Granvlllu Huuhu Illanded lha Slrallord Foalle Sept 14 lo Twelllh tadl gathering wu held ll Mr and Mn IL Kelll or Wlllinm Kell And ML hundrn Kly Gum wcra tour In Indrgrlcndl lh former mu nuueu unend ny mnn Polylechnlul lmlllulc In Tqrpmo in Mr Grenvlllo lluuhu and Mn ll Drybrouuh nuth the leadtrl lnlnlnl Irhool Mil lnn for the next Numcmnk cnum Acccnl on Am Iorlu Member Gillan lnxlllulo Ind Mend In reminded lhl bun lrlp Rap 15 All In ukml ln be It Fennzlll Corner ll Trcearwill bi pmvliled ll nnmlnnl ml 1000 for no Ind the department wllllwk Iflcr Mlsl ery Nublu Ind John KcIl Glllord hm hem ll lundlnl munlc clmp Imy Sound lo the Plll wetk Anten Mills Girl Among Six In Dairy Princess contest Tree Planting Help Offered Show Hull Dunk nilm In In 0mm ImNor 52119 111m mulls DAY IAYIA lly MM MWVIB nhnkulkilwlh Mon modern DflvoIn Box Ollln 0mm DISTRICT NEWS North of Tnmnlo GILFORD ule MINI DRIVEIN THEATRE gun lurmlr wlnnen Mn Burton Smnorvllla ol Stwncr in he among the indies alum with Harmn Camber Barrio TOTTENHAM SI Work on Ilml Improvement conllnue In this Soth 51mm vulagu when the count hudod by Regvrlred McLean Councillor Leonard Abcmclhy Ind Rem MncLenn Ire mom ben of hi Hand and hrld mmmmoc whlch Ilsa mak nu other lmgravcmcnu Ncw curb lnu Ind ulna lo he done on Alexander and Wilson streets and 230m storm sewer ln lllllcd on Wllmn from Alexander 10Chllrh streets Tiny Tay no and Modem lownship lrlcd the experiment In year with was rucceu and it has been expanded In cover nlher lowmhlp 11 51mm Coun 1m Soclcly nr one the cogngy mlcunurll gljlccl The village has It own wnler Iyslem and this being extend ed wllh water main construction now proceed on Greenway um Io Wllgun The contract which has been Awarded lo Covmln Construc Unn Cumpany also include work on Alexander street from Wilson to Greenwnx and on Wilson ram Queen to Church meals ml plunllng The forestry re commend planting 011000 mu to an new Application arm avnil able ma Vex luwmhlp ol lice where Em mchnrdson 1n9hurxt CHICKEN BARBECUE STAYNER Achlckcn har becua wlll be held at Ihu Slny ner Grunllo Club on Thursday October Water System 13 Extended Ht Totlenham Locmd on em llnu Wm Gwllllmhury b0 lwun 27 Highway Ind 400 nghwu on llnl south of 83 nghway Admulon 50 Chlldron undcr Iru Rnfmhmcnu nvnllablo For lnlormulom Mu Llnduy RR Brldfard 775206 SHEEPDIIG TRIALS NOW SHOWING64 mos SPECIAL MATINEE PM SAIURDAY CRANE FARMS BllND HERD Seplember 24 1966 to bo held at 2nd Candim Open COLDWATEB sum Ee ductlnn In Slmcou County Cann cll membershlp from in present to 22 member would add to efficiency and reduce mu it was mated by Reeve Earl Bran don chairman Simon Conn lyuln llllvu mmnmye Whlla he was dssppolnted 51mm County Council turned down Ms mat to send lts lsmlutlye committee lo Mich zan to study regional govern ment there Reeve Brandunand members at his camrnlltce have conllnued to live thought to pm posed chunues which they con sider lnevltnbla In view to the county hnvinl assumed mute ld mlnlsunuvo power with the Ik lnz over assessment of it member municipalities and ltso wejtnre Pmposu or county or pionnl operated pollen and llrn departments have been glven scan study but Ruuvo Brandon tel IN and other aspactl should pursued urlhua Ear llcr In the year he proposed study cbumy board or edu cation lo equalize educallnnul gm Nth the cmmty reject Mora chance an inavitable nld Reeve Brandon who sum gcslcd delegation lo Michigan could oblnln vnlunblo Informa lion However member oflhe lenisanVn commltleu have been asked abide by Walden Geargo McCuuas suggestiun they mcnd tho Amalatim of Onurio Counllcs doslng day session when Waynu Ownty superleur Ed Conner ol Detroit apgnk on Mlchlgign scum Reeve Brendon said he was interested in Michigan because he understood the county rep resentation is eluded direeuy by the cieelor on riding or dlv isionnl basis We wlil have to do something like that now he lflid cnmmenting on the uninlr near the resent voting sys tem which considered nut mtxied UNFMRNESS GROWS Largo municipnlluc like in nlslll and Grill township have the sums voung sman smaller place wilh 5000 211 lhlu mm nlnce Um maximum under present lcglsinllnn our flute and 3000 mm will qual For larger tumu lha unfair ness uven ruler sincn they pay lnxcs an an nsscssmcnl hus ls but rucblva my mnxlmum our votes Orfllia m1 your had mm 9000 eligihla voters and pald Approximalely 16 per cm county taxes but had only Mr voles ha same as muni clpnllllo wllh thlrd it pop ulallnn and nsscssmcnl Grillln Reevn Graham Card and Dcpuly flecva Lauls Franco bulh have pmkslcd lho unlnirness this Illunllon sovch llmcs 221Member Council Favored For County With Orlllln havan aimcxcd large suburban area vhlch will add approximately 4000 morn population and boost the snow men lurihor the obvious un inlrncs 01 only our vote grows uocordingly observers boilcvo ii this not corrected the only logical course or Oriliin to inllow the land oi Barrie and separate through city status Oriliin clvlc lenders who have been studying Darrin figure are convinced it at least wont mid to their true and local control where ratepayers how inir volco in the odminislruilon un cnrdlng to nsscssmml looks like an enticing iuru or change mmldcrnblc study In he county setup already Rccva Brandon has con cedcd hat changes are not only ntcded but long past due In thl Inspect he has had sup purl from various exwardcns Including Smith Campbell Dal tnn Jcrmey and album whn have expressed slmilar vlcws flMNS SUPPORT DANCING The MYNHH BIRDS WWII7 SEEMM You141m REEVE BRANDON This Saturday Night Featuring PEGGYS NOW SHOWING Slroud Beach They have cnnlloncd too that any change ahuuld alrcnmhln rulher than weaken the demo crgglc process rec that Ihnuld change the voting system so each member would represent about equal population and assess mcm sold Reeve Brandon slat lng or this mason ha favored dim election the county muncll rather than rumescan mm by ream who are primar lly elected over local issues leo others ho agree there In plhce or local councils out system set up over century ago outmoded ml need slrcamllnlng lo elllclency llcove Brandon holds He hope have his report ready or In Nnvemhcr session other mnmberu Include Lionel Dion PanelnnmEdsnr Currie of Nounwnsagn Eugene Smith Em Louis Frnncoz or mm and Guam Mchxna n1 Alliston LIGHTNING SETS FIRES REGINA CwLightning main lrn hazard 0n the pralrlo caused 116 lire in Saskatchewan In 1905 1605 per cent of tho total and dcslroycd $6000 warm or properly The year hdurc llghmlnn alarm 203 fire and caused mare than $300000 worth of damage TEEN TOWN ELECTIONS to he held at he EMBASSY TONIGHT Mull Enlerhnmtnl

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