Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Sep 1966, p. 3

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EHmMul cm lnr Hm program or III yMr II moo nml Mr Folmm ml Hm Unllkl veal am mu um nmey cm Injml End blind peron ll vhllul lam an yrnr by lho Itll rudely ml ho Hmmu vhlled mom lhnn firm In dlnlrkt and mm Ihln 100 In Ontnrh mpflah bll nar lay odmlnulnm And 21mm no mnuM lry mo mm Emma lot HI ymr Me an lmrnw only mo Mr Inn rIMnl Scrvku he ldlnd llnrrln lmhulo Mkan book hrslllo Inch um um and home vhltl by Mr Frmuon Barfic branch lho Cnnadlnn levmnl Insulqu lnr llw Blind Ln hopln lo mclvo $0330 mm ho Harrln Unltcd Appeal car ry on half service prozrnm or am blind cl Harrie Don Frrgumn Ilrld uvrdnr In the flanks Advlwry Hour any lhm nro wrnxlmnlrly Mlml pmmna In Ihu rlly CHILD HEHLTH CEHTHE mm popular Um animals at tho Vnsaxn Zoa However th he men mlan flu fluyn Majesty Indira Outlines Work Of Local CNIB IT WAS FEEDING Lima when the phmompher vklled the Zoological Pad at Wnsuxa which was to be held on Iucsdaf 501 MI 1006 In Hm Canadian Mon all be camcllrd duo rcnovanM of the lllninr of tho lmlldlng gummy by about the 7H CLINIC WILL NESUMED 131 TUESDAY IN OCTOBER 1966 SIMCOE COUNTY HEALTH UNIT More Hum 25 vulunmn all CNIIl mMmry lxmrd wmkm wIXl be helpan In Um Unild Appeal nnmiun In Haul Pd mjod nmvurul I17 IM NIH hroulh llm lkhl loc mnry Mr hm In 14+ klllngIl don In alva er Mr Fummn uh luur pair ya have hum lrmn um ll lrM IMI your ml IN mm nutrim sign lo Ian pgqj palm or mwlu MA la kl Tum mm locinl club or lho mel In Ian141 npvnmml Ivy he UNI Harrie Lub ll run mlcly Ivy the Mind nml nvcrlm mum lumh 1mm Hm CNHI 3m Jpnlhvnoénrwrfill Iran am In hrlp um bllnd lo mlm ha lndlun E101an compe lllon lvr affection L1 growing 51mg But here Chico 53m to be having mom lun Hum 110 pbmogrnplmr hose lhal cant won lhrm on lhclr own Mr Fargulan nddrum nhooil Mu lulu nnd ww mena groups on eym and mo mloumm bllmlnru Beach Wednesday Now that the season almost over the animal on digest their meal without constant public No nu ulmmm lmiunx pmcmm pmka with my mm 132mm lndurnkfim mum ml gm Immzw mil ml Murillo my nth Tluxrull at 11 pm at Cum munfly mm on Torunlu ElmL AMI IVAN Jlrk llullrr Chairman of lhu Klwlnh an or llama nlp plml mldnn ronmllllte HI pmrnl poll on nlmxled rhlhlrrn nl lho nu duh Inm IIIL lhln Monday Mfllllll Communlly Ilnuu mdfimdflonmi Whymm Senice 1m rpm mtummmmmm Pookmflkntomudalm lnz L1 mum um um wok and flamed 1750 nm muskd lo mzsJur mm 1110 mm cbwgmJcs uukm my mulmd Win In Imlmmzd lmao md ammo hide gum vim mm mm Previous grand jury reports have made Mixer suggestions the upon said but We unani momly name that all these suggestion are mpleiely un lounde other grand janLs haw wand fault with ventilation flowing llghiln and modniiun space It has been mmmcnd HOTMW lflltMflle Jack In of TlnnnCnnmln Pipeline will be Hm gum imp Hist dudéri Hway Imrn scammed criminals Grand Jury report that said condition wen unsatisfactory Slmcoe County Jail have bran cmplclcly unlmlndcd Mr Justice Stewart was told InSupMno Court at Bar rie Maddy mqummnndgd nn THE BARR EXAMINER FRIDAY SEPrminlIR 1966 THY EXAMINER WANT AD llloNl 7111 Tobacco Harvest Workers Are Urgently Required NES Says states But the lack visl astho twocntehlppoubovc My allect oppeutes mow 511nm lgrytha long the mmd Join maximum GRAN JURY II mun nmu mum mm Inlm llnn Tmnm um mu Allennlm Inm AUIO INSURANCE CITY NEWS Reports Jail In Good Condition LOCAL AND GENERAL um mm um Sum mom In mnhy SM 17 Im 1mm Wcllinumn Hum II ILle Fur mmrl km mill ML Ynlm Al llnnin llnrumlluml Society is lpnnmrlnu our lo Jnmu Unr dmu Ovrlw Mimi and um CnnmlInn Chrymnlhmnum Almw nl linlwnnh Funkm In Tomn mm mm manners con smdion Mm lobnoeo erm uplmmmr 521mm mt chinist nutmafia 5m nhmo opumlm ummw Crude 11 och stock cimk mm hands single mom ml lmni mmde Em hmklnz Gmdu 11 mzmmmn auto body Mair nnn 11 lm mm 24 mi oporMur mlcklayun and lockhym 11mm instal sonloo mun uHmLInLy dim Imrl Um buIMomr 0pm Mum 0min mmmmlm and ink wk Ntricm lul ly licensed unflmcflm doe uwinn xmlntumco Lngm huntn or car lou armu om Mom shed mm Armani mflnmlm Enohpu War 51M mom worm may wadm wok 1mqu ya mumm le nmlcb mdu clmk pm fine dmxsflcs lim ln nr m1 lmnk clkr unwnrlxo minim 710 0901 Mso lnépmlc as Gcnrglnn Manor Pendan and lwnd In excellent mnmllom Th iridd jury said in 11 re port yesterday um surf at the jail was chcm in every The ju called other county building an Lxamplc haw old architecture can be remod elled and kept in spans cun diHon misc buildings are credit to the Simcoo Coumy axpay rsf the report sald ed In the past that the old Jau be rcplawd and committee oi county council is nuw studying thermamr Flour and quarters were vc dean the jury louml but recommendcd that Inmates re wig the building SOUR DRAPES HOIITICULTUHM TOUR Mm rlunlnl duwflu In more unnm hm alulnlun poor will unm or walla Mn Dunn ml an MM 1nnm IIIMI up rum dnpny tlunlnl II lull llllllif Inlml Ihvlnhuh Ivu 7m lmnlllll mum 01 ml om Imm and ull urn lhe All II lady II 111 Inl and bunllly ynur Mn lmmrdlllfln Wfilfufas NEVER AGAIN lnc llghts changed but ac mdlng to Hold the vehlcln mnlned slop ln lhe mldule lha Intersection When the up driven by um manned and carrylng three pasuangors reached um gale Rcld asked Fisher if he had been drinking because he smelled alcohol on brcalh He said hed hurl cw at the cnnlccn hd lo lllcd Reid then called UM ml flaw when at Borden Dunlo man was churned wllh tanks drivan ml 01 lowing Ion closely allawlnz lwocnr colllxlan yuurdny ul lcrnnon mullan In 1150 dam nae diurnal Kennth Hnmy Wm 15 1M nnynckl 5L Wllliam Hughes and hallo Pmk both old Magistrate Foster they found the Mom dants clmhing be disurmng td and ho smelled nronzly Alcohol ry Hid Flahor lwnycd whllc alandlmz but admmed that when asked walk distance nl 10 act ha walked Mil However ho policemen ch1 ed thnk ms walked cautiously urLd yin dciprmlncd more Follwm 0mm cv met Mr Chaloncr old Maxislrntu Fosm lhcrc wuld be no need or Fishn to lcsuly Edgar com missioner employed at Harden aald he was on duty at Iha north barrier when ha heard the squrallng brakes and car com to halt considerable distance away lrom red traL flc light Assistant Crvwn Miarncy Dick Chaim ycsicrday requested charge 01 impaired driving iii ed against Base Borden soldier be withdrawn because lhere was not sufficient evidence produced by three witness to xegisier conviction Thomas Harold Fisher plead ed not guilty to driving whlla impaired Aug 15 nt Base nor degand defended hlmscll England told the mugklnlo ho did not kick the girl but ad unified mm of the battle Driver Charged Met Accident Mr Chnlaner related to ha Incident as an unprovoked snult People have in be strong 1y pralnctcd and able wnlk as street unmolcskcd he sm Magistrate Foster was told yesterday of fighting duel between lunarold youth and 15yearolrl xlrl involving slum kicks threw and an In cream cone John Langlands l9 Angus pleaded guilty to assault occas Ianlng bodily harm and was Jafl cd or days Courtwns told that the girl Elizabeth Ann Holland was kill lnx to trlend while an the way hnmo from supermarket when Lnnglnnds who was known to her came over and wanted to mil to her Acting Crown Altomey Dick Chalnner related he events he grabbed her shn kicked hlm he kicked her several timas and lhxenlened you my be laugh ing how but Ill kill you next tlme he slapped her Ace she stuck the Ice cream cone In his Incq he hit her on the hand with cansidernhln area causing hel to fungi151mm concusslon Lnnxlnnds who was an pro batlon previous convicllon of theft had been in custody slgce SgpL Crown Requests Driving Charge Be Withdrawn Gets 30 Days In Iaieror Hitting Girl ADVANCE TV VACUUM SERVICE mu Mnlrnltr 726m NEW UNED TV NET IS YOUR TV DRIVING YOU CRAZY llnllynlr in lhlllop my us call 728553 him of 11 car Invnlvml In crush wilh nnolhnr driven by Mammal Parenty Im nnnlc Cnnsl Hnllls Slum In vnsuunlcd lho mlshnp which oc curred on Anna sum 15on ll mo pm Snmntlmcl they mu so com pllculcd that mm has In make runsclous film read and undrrstnnd them he anld Why cant we be harms In telling morchnndlse he plcnd cd In lemma cmnl mnnu Some day he 531d We wun hnvn enough muncy lo buy the products of Canada be cause the rising cost pack aging As an exnmple hu look tooth paste Once the package of tooth pnslu reaches the home and used ho sold It gets squashed and muulnlcdnnywny so why should wo deman packagan Mulch nnly keep it laaklnz good until It used and rep menu one qunrlLr ha cost the consumer Another point mndn was that we pay an extra 50 cent car lon fur canned beer just so we unn havu lo gn lo tho lroublo returning lhu cmpllcs Simpllflcnllon dlrccllnns on parkngc was ndrncnlcd by Mr Slnnhcnson Stephenson Toronia real name broker and Relaxinn said lhai we were raising the price ei lood way beyond the limit by demanding avupack aging of products He pointed out that packaglnl might cost the manufacuner livo cents to start wllh but by the lime it had reached the cum sumcr thraugh tho wholesaler and retailer tho price the packaging would bu anywhera from 20 30 cents Item nflnr hem In store an nvcrpackagcd to prevent dam age ha said Toronto businessman told Barrie Hummus yesterday that we hava lost Ihu sense 01 hun cst In selling marchnndlse In Canada STEPHENSON cen tre holds some of the prop he used to Illustrate his speech BOTABIANS TOLD mm graduated from hum Idwol Ind you Him 11mph Jon amMuouI 1n dustrmu havn lulu vo and will mom auponisory nvqrondbllluco within one your Ihm hm yvur chance 10 Jotn lho moot omvnrddmklng bank In Canada otter carver Irnlnlng In nccolmlod ptmnotlan pun and mlarlm geared lo tho mat modem llw mg Added comde will bl given In hm wnh pmflm mm modem Apply llama Branch Overpackaged Items Cause Of High Prices Bright young man looking for career notjust job CANADIAN mmmu BANK OF COMMERCE GAR EERS Wanted Kids let the Idea an every thing and ths is carried on to later yam when they buy soap on the mull of free towel and china lecturer selling on lha max1L1 of the nee garch which they mdydg Inside their packages Romy Club yeslarday wall Taygor whq InT noduledm linka ma versnry Holman and In trodnpcdlho guest speaker rlghf Dlgglo who on hehal lhu dub thanked Mr Stephenson

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