Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Sep 1966, p. 2

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he cm Hm Hvyd William MCGIPLDX L1 Orillln chm wil criminal ncxllxrncu camlnu dentin and dangerous drllew nm Hm cumin Hrflhl Knxhnd and haul Wain Dr GrmM Humr who hu hem 1m rilml an auxhaml In Inlnnr murld lrmlrr will nnrmlo lht color lllm Adqulm in no nml parmm wnuu ItchI lhln lkk rfl pnmmnnma nr th In mnmt Intmm the Krm li mum Huh or lhr Iarlo Mum lmfim mm In mic Mm hp lulllnl umlnl club plum In lulnu le mm lrnvrlmmu lo the rlly b1 1mm om um All mI Mum re lnrlun may in the damage said Eric Brouwcr ma Brown and Sm large tobacco am stating the yield hare was above uv age and flag quamy 50031 Supreme Court jury in Barrie mired shvnly More noon to qay altar hqarlnvaI 1n Tho man was charml in con mlien wllh drnlh June Iconic William Grconucll who wm hil truck as ho Kmmcnkll Kiwnnlx CM all nounrrd lmhy HIM hr Int mm bl he Travel mud Advrn lulu Sula Hwy are brlnllnl in mm win he thln 0d at 1le In Hus CtMrnl Colleg lnln nunmurlum All will be onumllhll of mm Mum In knnh ml will nunIn lry ml Illh cullHm mkl lmnllm ALLISNJN Stall wm nearly 30 per cent harvosfing done the tobacco amp rabid on arms in this area proved fligh lly better than average despite damage lo some arms by hall month ago mums revealed that nnly rchuvcly cw mm wore hit but damage up as high no and 90 cent as rcjpoglcd Va have had some pants with and 26 leaves an Henge vi 13 or 19 and that good he 51M when visiled during hanmling operations hullfldum wcro helping in the W0 Néimra also had good traps and the quamy was generaUy Hear Evidence Driving Charge To Show Film On October 21 County Tobacco Crop Better Than Average The Barrie Police Associa tion yamday presented chequ to the Sheltered Work Tourists Roy Lem Go you For Chlnm Food Call hum Hull 711 PRESENT CHEQUE T0 SHELTEBED WORKSHOP Same of the early variety polnlocs were media but Iho ale varicflcs were excellent said John Brouwer brother 01 Eric Who was looking aflm pogo haggling Mchgqt told the caurl am in WP light on the wk of lho bus we not munllng as he ovcriook 0001 climate here gives tobacco slightly different 114 wur than LS tobacco and many buyers prdcr it Thu brolher were asde nbou pom that there wu an exam tinnal damnd or tobacco grown hm noalun olvoro lwxfihip Inld hi mm gm gm mug Immed Inxelyam mldrnx nip pogc ngd lougd it Ala In on 01 Conn Barfly lll who IMKSNEMM the ntchknl mid lhw flashing light wrrc om allmz hon Im nrrlml at me mm Mdhcanrn employer Nxdml nu Momma ulrmlor ll IMI nnlmnl Imwnl wnkr uh ho alumni lhn hm on lhr Irmm rnulr be oHuwlnz MyV nml loam llml he llnflinu 13ng mm lulu mxrmlon mm 510ml not nl othm Mcnnanr Md bu mu wulnz Hm hm nl lmtwrrn 20 and 30 mile hour Man he firmk Um mm We believe that 15 said Ken Bmuwcr he export db mand has risen with Great Bril ain lookflng or supplies la re place purchases mm Ilhodula because me cmbargo mangled In on the road lcgrngtlinx d1 school bug My was Mtrxmilxm in mm Coumy and 21 In lmnl of the mum uhml bu from he hm ng Illzhlul exceptional Potato and cam crops also were good hnlped by late sense ralns alter the long midsummer dry spell DEMAND F011 EXPORT shop or Retarded Adults The cheque is given annually as mull proleds spammed by th local police association wacvnr 5m driver Charles Trnmpormlm lav lhon who duln dwth 2115 pm SEPT 11 II 230 PM NY CBMMUNITY HALL BURTON AVE CHURCH CONGREEHTIONHI PICNIC EVERYONE WELCOME 10 be hold Rmrls oil sucks clsrwhcre In the marsh nrca couldnt bo confirmed Farmer spoken said they heard reports of such findings but did not go beyond his Severn sald they heard oil drills might be scl up or testing perhaps latcr In the fall 1th could not say whether there was any substance the mom or mrrc rumor but nnid here had been some Inter slmwn Anylhing 11 possible remarked one Mlnulr mm nn Angus mnn dunnml nut uullly plea lo gullly an charge ranks drivinfi he wnvplulnl uiurlmwn by In men In Lil rln Court yrslurdny Polno gmwlng nlso has gmwn considerably In recent year largdy through the encourage ment Salad Food at Allis on and better quality developed The Brwwcr bmhen ruler rcd rampayrrs meeting whm there was discussion bout the sharp increase in as mssmcnt and taxes Icw ycars ago these arms hnd wry lluIe me but lhl plclurc has changed consider ably said John Brown Smdnlnu hunt on InuuMnx ntlvr 1w man told Mnnlurnlo rumr may run well gr II am now nllnr he pulmcd am he Mnulll mm In brim wllnmu tn rnurL ha was In plead nut 53 lnllnwlnxz brie ndlnummtnl Aulsuml Clnwn Mlnmcy DIEH anlnnrr Mllldrtw Um chum lwrnuso lmrnrl Ilium Um no cum uhllc he wnl ulrlvlnx and Um mvgwmlly In ho Started little aver quarter of century ago the tobacco growlng industry has developed considerably in this part of sum can County where most arms appcnr much more pmspcroua than average MASEIJ FLOIK IN Aboul 001m new mum mm Cnlllumlnl lxnnlm awry ycur Guilty Or Not Withdraw Charge Corporal Roy Lacey assocl alien treasurer made the pres cntalion to Mrs Eileen flan kin workshap dinodor THE BAREXE EXAMINER FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 1m FL ammd by his wife Doreen and our dau mum base military poucéde mm and tho mum do mm Lhe or am in Mr Justice allowing the Jury decision flu Jellyu acquittal did not necessarily mean the six wan lying Howeverde 0mm did not present sufficient evidence to com jutorgan rape oc curred he md mlerse ownsd John Vinn ston argued that evidence was an eminent with consent on the pan of lha girl as wthnu flaunt Dnlry Arman and milk turk 1nx firms will discuss the pol ILbfllly joint nctlon In mllk lmkc Um lhmatcm mucm Ontario and wan Quobm on Thurliiay fiigm Thu glrl 13 had testified she was assaulted 1n the rear seat at Jellyx canon lonely 11d md near Craighursl April C1rl Draun ol Hrockvlllu an nrganlur lar the Ontario Farm cn Union old lannern muting In Prescott Cmmly lenu llml he discmslon will be held Sorncmlllc 0111 51111 wk armor lrom me Ot Myuruld Collingwnod mu chmzed with ma rape He girl was acquitted in Su game com Barrie Thur HY An allmale Jury deliberated almost three hour helme find ing this man Dennis Oscar Jellx n9 Sh told lhqéourt she had been kicked and beaten at the am the lngldgnt WENT FOR DEM The girl flva eat elm Inch es all and 170 pounds nald Ihe Went ora drlve April widl he accuud knnwn to her Itflma an parrywhige She asked to be taken hnma shnrlly after leaving Im Dun lnp Street boarding house but was taken Instead to lonely wk armor 1mm me Ol Inwn Valley nnd Wsmn Quo bcc will mot SPM with On lnrla ovflnmonl lrndm in TM onla lo discus nrmcr cm mm about the rim lhey pay or Ihmpinu milk pmcumrl Man Acquitted In Rape Case Dairy Farmers Threaten Strike DIES AT BORDEN Sr EUGENE om cm CITY NEWS Loses Balance Falls 40 Feet my 11 annam CO LTD IAIIIO on ery lllllllllll WANT A1 arm Erlcomu PHONE mm DONT FORGET GRAND PREMIERE COLOR TV SHOW urea lnrmcn were told anlwlrd wllh the 22 mull hundrcdwcight prplnl charges Ihcy now pay and with what ho aid was an Ontario Milk Board llntcmcnl um prmnm no longer have to pay the uwn ccnu they pnld toward lhp pkg cmLs slderaad near Cralahurit 10 mile wry BanXe The girl laid aha wn klcked and beam when 5h Med to ruman maul and caught by the hair when she alternpr to run away She Ind been threat ened with death Illa aver told the Indde the court was told Her landlady testified the III was brulted and blecdlnx when she returned to her rooman 110ny later gm eyeqln Jefly martial and the lather of two was arrested at Cam wood about two week later by pravlnclal pollen tha Barrie deuchmnm Thu xix mid she had been but with the mun twice before in tbsname week but 115 ind bo hnved weii He had Identified hinueli to her Laxjry White oi Milton Ont aha told thu court Milton doctor testified ha examined the Sir Ihortly alter midnith on the night In question and inund evidence that sexual lugcoma hag lakan place The mettlmz wul old that Wnllcr Miller of Tara Onl second vlcn prasldent ha CPU in la med ulcrnl Am tulmr Minlmr Greene Mn Gmmol lnanUon In 01mm today In dimm tanner co mm over milk and Inn mac lncry com Folowing the hidden also and her three brothers let out far Mlllon to lock or the man the cam wu told but lulled find him The defence howevnr cnntcnd ed that evidence lelt room for reasonable dnnbt that the Ac had taken place wllhoul consent Tim lruckln firms he want cents FOREHTEM EUCIHIE Serxcnnu Mn ho nnnle Iquhlmn of Grey and Slmcoa Famun baking mdxm lho llnniu Armoury Salunlnr Scpl l1 nl pm Thtm wIl be prlm ml lunch and amy nno II wrlcomu is family wide it in Cedar JERRYS RADIOTVHlFl FLLT IWINHEIL Iald 33 Collier St Pmlnclal polled at Barrie have expremd concern over motorists who are not obcylng the new school bus law re quiring tragic In any ms with 351nm an hour or over speed limit to slop In both directions or stopped school bus when red Ilgnnj lignls re fluhln MacLennan principal at Codrlnzton School for 15 years was honored at retire ment dlnnar at the Continental In last night The dinnu was attended by Public schnol principals and their wives and school board members and their wives or husbands Mr MncLennnn was present ed with travel can by Norman chnlrman of tha Public Schnnl Board The pollco detachment which has recelvcd 5mm complnlnls mm school bus driven as well as molorlsls warns that drlvcrl wlll ho chmgod under the Hair way tmfllc act under he won wnlch slam motorist mul mp when passan or mccllng uhool bus when alsnal Mg an lashing Openln of the Darrin DupH cam llrl ge Club 1211 my fin HI wile Alma was present ed with an arrangement of red mm 5113 reflrzd In June after 15 yam teaching Codrlngton tcrgcsslofi was field Wednesday L991 MW mm in thu 180qu pm lllan wm In order Mlh Narman and Cyrfl Mulr Mr and Mn Chmlle Parlor Stun Mt Manon and Ilnltl Clnrk Mn Spearin and film Alklns cal winner um John Suwan and mallard Mclulchle and Doug mum John Graham and Ernie lrvlnc Mn llalph Howe and Mn Em man Swnln arlnu Ionlghl ha Md Club wlll hold No wnrldy MI Ilom at the but Wul nculny and Friday nllhll lho Insular llme SEPIEMBER lo mm 18 pose with the amm law Mr an balding mm Nam mm mom Madmu on dwmemntokmolesteem Retiring Principal Honored At Dinner Bridge Club Opens Fall Winter Play Motorisis Failing To Observe Laws Concerning School Buses Mr MucLenfian grew up on Am mu mmy Me am mu Wt In In Maw in Shaw am In Huron County Alter finishing his Iecondary llth education In he en gollgd at the Teachm Comm Alter graduating from Tcnch at College he taught or Ihru yell 1n dleAqumsagdmen Eldon Greer owner Gm Trnmymrmlan In Barrie nld he problem m1 much In malwrlsu awrnnchlng buses requlred In tho umndedlnw but wIlh vdllclel paging Aw pm buml He then lei the luchim pm win or three yen and tried his hnnd at reinii managing in the United sum Not wanting in become In American citizen he rclurnedin Canada in 1931 Illzhwny 11 North the lo cation for tha mm numeral dimer his area Menus lhe road is wrdana divided highI way many motorlm according presume they nccd nut comm LI nm the laid wokcsmun Alter teaching It the Prince oi Wales School ior our yem he Wll appointed principal oi Victoria School Building Codrlnmn School was begun In 1950 and finished The change In flu school bu law was rcferred In by the School Bus Opermn Amcla uon Datum In 0mm are 217600 llu4 dcnla ride schoal bum over 275000 mlles any school day Motorist must mnlin flopped unlil the signal we Ilowai and lhu bus movlng min Spnud yovr hul oil paymonh vnly many monlhl Avoid Navy mldwlnlu bllll whon VII conwmplion In high and 01h upon an annually hoavlu Call In lodcyl BUDGET PLAN upland HE MING OIL paymnnn unllovmly SARJEANTS SHBJEHNT Mr 1incLennmx moved to Oodrinzlon as in first principal and will have been in that pa lllflon continuously until his rn drumenz at the end ni in month Scouting being member oi St Wl Presbyterian Church lesslan and belnz member the anlc order well the Barrie Curling Club are mung lir MncLen lnlerpsis Victoria Ichool which had been Inld to the Canadian Gov ernment In that year wan down tn make room for nresent post olflca In lime or III 1951 Seplcmber 99mm His hobbies include reafllng huntlnx woodwvrkmz anim velflnz niuunmu daughter Jenn In leaching mill at North Collegiate They plhn Io mm In Fldrlda this wlnm and an looking or wani to vlsnto Scotland In the near future lh Iullfll

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