Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Sep 1966, p. 14

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Northern Georgian Bay Ti mazaml Algmna Saull Ste Marie North Ray Sudbur Sunny and warmer today Sal urdny aunny with cluudy peri od and scallzrcd showers or lbnndmhnwerx In the anemoon Ede Lake 5L Clair Niagara Lake Humn Lake Onlnrio Southern Gzorglan Bay flalihnflon Killaloe Wind wr Inndnn Tmnlo Hamilton Sunny today and Saturday with slowly rlslnu lemperulum Windsjizht synomh slow wanninx trend in dayLIme temperatures is likely continue through day And Saturday Colder air is expected to move into the Ouch rane regfion today Further southward progress of the cold Ilr Is expocted to be held up by weak disturbance moving In lrom the west The weather trend lorecasl Thursday is expected to continue today and Sammy Night time temperature will remain on the coo side The overnight 1w re corded at The Examiner Office WI 48 degrees The emparaA lure at am was 52 degrees gugd Elie vléanhcr mice 19mm cmFarms is Cool showery weather will continue to prevail over West em Canada but in the cast it DISTRICT WEATHER Sunny And Warmer Saturday Forecast ENJOY CANADIAN N10 OUIHALL UH lV AND WE ALE WM WINGS ll YOU mu tunnelalum La ovcmlxhl hlgh Sllflrllay Vlndsur 55 78 Than 50 73 London 30 73 Kitchener 30 73 Mount Forest 50 7s Vinghnm 50 75 Hamilton 55 80 St Cnlhari no Toronto 56 X0 Pctcrbnrough an 80 Klngslnn 55 TH Trullull 7H Killnloe 55 RI Musknka 55 80 Ouawa region Simuy and warm Iodny and Salurday Winds was 15 lo 25 Cochmne Variable cloudiness and turning cooler today with scattered ailcrnoon and evening showers or lhundershowers Sal urclay cloudy and cool with oc casional raln Winds soulhwcsl 15 shilling in nuth today and northeast 15 Saturday White River Sunny wilh cloudy periods and not much change in temperature today Saturday variable cloud ncss and cnoier with scaltercd showers Wind Southwest 15 to day norhcnsl 15 Saturday and evening Continuing warm Saturday Winds southwest 15 will be nfainly sunny and dialed high temperatures warm Figures indicate pre Wircphoja crowd gnadae fastest growmg am xxnups DAD SPEER DIES NASHVILLE Tenn lAP Gearge Thomas 1mm Spear 75 planner at lhe AllAleht Gospel Sing and leader ol the 5pm Family dled chmzsday alter link illntss The Specr Family singer are one he mnsl widely travelled Hamel hm Lake Ontario Light variable winds Fair Lake Superior Southwest winds 10 to 20 knots becoming normensi 10 lo 20 Saturday morning Sunny loday partly cloudy tonight Lake Huron Georgian Bay Southwest winds 10 to 15 knots increasing to 15 lo 20 late l0 ninhl Fain Nnrlh any Sudhury Earllon Sault Ste Kapuskasmg WhitI River Muosnnee Timmins widely trEJcliea gospel MARINE FORECAST CF CLAIM SUCCESS MONTREAL CF US Quakers claim they will have defeated attempts by the 15 Government to prevent llrem sending equal mrdical rcllei lo all Victim of he Vie Nnm war when llre Soviet llncr Alexandr Pushkln nails from Montreal Saturday The Pushkln will be carrylng lnrxelhauzlr undls closednmounu of pcnlclllln nlhcr anlloblollu and surgical instruments deallncd lor Illa menus wam aoox TORONTO CPLA Isapage book talled lransitlonPallcins or Social Actlnn will be pulr lished Saturday by McClellnnd and Stewart lt wlll serve as me the study documents that Dntnrlo delegates will carry In the leeral Federation Can ada annual meeting and pulley centerence ln Ottawa in Ocl loher The Ier the Liberals failed to obtain Common ma jority In the Nov election Waller Gordon resigned as Mr Cardin announced March he Md whhdrawn his resignaA ion in the Xnteresu nauonal and party llnty Thxfee fnlnlstefi have resigned mm the cabinet 11 he last year loivarlgms masons Only last much Justice Min ister Cardin precipitated ma jar crisit in Liberal ranks whtn he handed his resignation in Mr Pearson alter the prime minis ter overuied Mr Cardin Imd med an inquiry in lhe George Spencer murky can snoox ngvsilmm Four or five Quebec ministers old Mr Pearson that they too would resign Sf Mr Cardin lelL HemEnglish split theat ened the Liberal pany and the minor Pgnlson government Rellable Inlarmanls Ald lhe 45yearold Nova Semis bache lor had dralted lettu resig nation but wauld decide Ialcr whether lo give it to Prime Minister Pearsnn now In Lon don or the Commonwealth can erenu 13 potential succtssqr In Prim Minister Pearsan Mr MacEachen was considering mummywhom to resign his podium following the cabinels decision to put of medical care insurlnce coverage until July Inna OTTAWA GP The possibil fly he resignauun of Health Minister MacEachen renew the risk atmosphere um has sur rounded flge Peamn cabinet MacEachen Is Considering Resigning His Cabinet Post LAamq no WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF CIA mu NUH EllflWINO Cannghln Incltic Alllim nn nmmwd In Vnnrmwrr Tluxu lay 12mm lnrmw In Ira Manon revenue or In Hm ml of 1m nvrr Hm Inmn nulvxl 1nd yrar rnlmmny Mt uh pnmuzcr mrnuu nn IAn mum lnrmml ll Kl rrnL nlr rmuo Jumped 11 per rwnl nml nlr mail uwmun xnlnnl In prr rm THY EXAMINER WANT AD 0ka mun Inlrml lhal will yirkl mm han mm por ml The Eve nlng Nrw the nnnmmen mml wm Um pmvm mp nilwnnrr ICIA pMILI had de rlinnl Ian wnl runnan shut of rash FINANCE MllMD nulvcr cl lmr run through Inntlonn financial ccnlre Thum dny lmpcrlnl Cnmlcal In Insults Ilrllnlnl blunt ln dunrlnl unnhine announced Irmrr prom nnd plan In rnlm ummm Mn at ml nl fly THE CANADIAN PRESS Monlml Hannah Tunnm banm 80 leader In businm circles and the chhh commu nin in Montreal suddenly TornnlnW Hilly Hew 91 promlncnl Canadian mnrll lam slnre he mm he rcnlury ulnar Inna pc xirxl ol poor henllh FOR THE BEST BUY IN THE CITY Cl JOHN FRANKS llASLE on Scale models at alamic power plans an an shnw Thursday In Swiss cily nl Ihe firs Interna Ilonal nuclear trade Ialr Sumo 250 companic mm 15 coun lrlcs including Canada lha Unlle Slates France Brilaln and Wm Germany demon strated such products as com plete mwcrslafinn models um mum fuel sample and lnlrlcale clcrlronlc measuring gauges BUSINESS BRIEFS llaI Thursday NAZI WEEPS FRANKFURT iiieulersThe iormcrchlci Nazi administrator or concentration camp broke down and wept in West German court Thursday Wilhelm Burger 62 charged with complicity in lhu mass murder Jews robbed and gnslicuialcd and daciar dc cinrcd him unlit lo continue lrial Thursday Proceedings will continue Monday CONVICTS HOT SAN JOSE RcuicrUA priy error and guard were killed and 15 person won iniured lhnn Lino convicis riolcd at he central lni in Casio films cap Jun Mm Hm MIME 5mg cht Nam VIM Crass Nnrlh Vlct Nam Red Crass and the National Liberalinn Front Vic Cong In early 1964 three ministers resigned or various reasons They were Justice Minister Chevncr new high mmmls sionm in London Postmaster General Azcllus Dennis now senntor and Senator Ross Mac dannld government leader in the Upper House em canadian puis was dis missed as minister without pori nliu or his involvement in Quebec racetrack franchise al tair Ho was convicted this year of influencevpeddling and MW is appealing EAR MODELS Enrlcr 1111965 Jean Paul Dcschntnlgls resigned as works minister for 11th reasons and wentAln the Senate In July Guy Favreau resigned as justice minlsier altar his judgment was crltl cizcd In the Darlnn judlcial 1n quiry apart and moved to the llgurehcad pomolio or Privy Cmmcil presidenli William Be ickson reslgned as mlncs minister for health reasons and was appnlnted lo the Sgnate allowed Dec 16 by the resignation of State or at ry Maurice Lamontagne and Postmaster General flené Tremblay both at them charged that their reputa tiuns hadbscn harmed by un lnundcd opposillnn attach Both had been severely criticized or buying furniture on easy uedlt mm firm am we went bankrupt under mysxeriou cir cumstances nu INVREPORT nanca minister and as Liberal campaign chairman DEATHS HIMI lmmu Ill ll IM In in lnuvur hurt LT Tn 1mm Hnmlxy nunn am mmmn urnI Nu km Tov CH 30 lvAH rmlhlll up mm amm Mun um lChlmh Invll um um My 70M Clllllflo 10 gjrmg hm cLoal Up um um mwn Hhll hill with nmu Mun lTh £Unclu me cm lCfllnvn lIIynouu umum hum ID MO 11m cu Hmmy Cnpen woyu nu Bob lam ol Lnzpm mmcax snnwm LNau um spam llDann new show 20mm Cum llCflhrdrfl mum 14mm Vallry my jcnnfil napom MI rI Mm um 211 at me Me lDuml Rm 5NFL oaunmwn numnnh lhn mum zuulmo hurt Hm Ind mum burnt mm 11 mm mun Wmunu mu axvam Gnu 3Wrullln DWnrln or spam ennll Man illAye gnu 930 zumuxu Fer Cum llnmlnu wnh ma Sonlnl l000 1Sztut Squlrnl lPrmkrmttln Jr Lsmbm Jr Hun To Learn znmny tummy nscnnluu noun llEn Pram 730 14an Suntaner ummr kmutu ncmm nu Gund Ilnmi flulldlnl lamw um Imu mmlnu Mumq rnmuulwlnn IM libl 53 llNewl 2mm sum xnunmyannuq snunmv sapn LEpFfi xmuoo lawman unum 5J0 101 um um 5m lsclem muun GNu mum GPO CONTRACTING DEFTA zMika mum Show nldhn Open znun Dnulh snow ISunlhlnl Semester sum smrm tl lav Luz 450 69 Suma Minion Hnlnnn mun summer on mm run 00 mum me Thank WILL BLAST 5m ST JOSEPH DE LA RWE Quc GCP Demulillon crews will use 10 tons at dynamite to break up ltil wreck the Inkor 142er wflich ggnk ip Ihe mm Ine St Lawrence 70 miles down stream rum Quebec City in September 1964 after collislan with the Greek freighter Appol onlfl ermm 31mm TELEVISION PROGRAMS DENIS SHEARD lTD 511mm muswmxipun MRRIE 300 35 Inldllll 0P9 wauufl um SWflh Fun 150 an Jr Hm mam 114mm Vumu SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 10 EVENING 700 ZNBII Farecm lNFL Foothill sum lHevlrley mmmu uam um djlnlxvf SI UMIAID WW uxon Jam PW zmm to 5m Bvom 211 141 lei Navy kflulmo nun week HClnb 11 mm rm annu lIh IL mm Wu DIAL 72339 LII unwva Hum mm llJudu 1wu nuny land Ola AMI TIMI nu hm lulllun dm uulun nanm mum FRIDAY sum EVENING 34111 mun Thl Hvnl Wold HHITIIM DE 12 Irmlly rlnynonu Iimlr rumml 47 um Wm mm at num ilLprtnui 14mm um Sublllml lllrmn Imok INr wmnn iuu Mal Al Cnnlrul IIunm Album fV 1100 II xrmh ror TodI oPnnem or Illenl nmnn llDlxunxun 14anth 90 mm smir rmu Xrl 1152 World L30 ZGel mm leM 4Star Ann lx mm mm 27 snurdu mm glwlfluz unnm 45h mm numu mu Zllease Danl Eat mm mm Let slnx 0u 94m The Harm Mwlh Znlp 141 le Navy Flinnlo mu HClnb 11 mm mm zNnm Tamas lHeurley 111Mqu 41111 n1 uutmo Hum Glenna volt hm 1230 Lfi 151 mm Hummu In HyPhyIlu 1200 HIDle Father JErnle mmix tRmd flunnen DClrmn Pllynnuxl llYour llama Ind film xworld soccer IMBER MORNING AND AFTERNOON 1010 2111 Underdol llllnbby Tim 1100 11 cu bswpcnnan 1150 gA Iujm Misha at 5pm tGomu Pyll USMC llhnk Lbennle Brow 90514 Poochll no Hun 1m UNCLE Hat 5mm Minnn Heron IA Gv zme wilful mu DThe Phlml Bl Swflumpwn 1111mm wag 730 Wlld Wild WEI other women Wild Wild WI uchxnnel 11 New uFmgny mm ERIE ylBUFFALO DTORONIO uHAMILI0N wrh mumI um VIM IM vav Mn cumm ampI10 ARCHITECTURAL MILLWORK Pllthn MAY BE DANGEROUS CHICAGO AP Experi menu wllh tissue culturesth shown lhnt attain substance found In coffee In and some popular son drinks can cause changes In human reproductive Issue similar to lhose caused THE BARHIE EXMIYNEII llncll mn L11 lmnlln Hlllln lI1NI an mm rm INnu mm mo II xAum nuln mmm rm lh Mm mm mm rnmnlxl Hun mm INIIM um mem mt HTh Unlmn 00 lAIL Foothill HZNING IN no zar Canon owl uwnlplm lnntlorl II wart lTIM Il¢Cluh Dunn ler lnolblll Ollll llllum LNln mu nun my Wman ITM mmm awry xqqpmmm ban never lNfl Fmthlll Wlltffllm 1111 iv An 10 Wumr spam IEFL roomd nzn 1snumy Mom llunull In On Spec ILMam mm 01 um HHS Sfllrlll HNewn um spam Hmoekbunar 30 Svdlovle The uunmum Seven blue bhnw IlII an Movlt Suuon Six Sdun 23m Lemmy Mlllnu xcn Fwtbul filmamen rm nnnunu ma Tour iMlior Baseball 31th John sum Kln omu mm mm Mak of the Twrthe 110le Stan and with the Dev IlLlle Show uranwm 1130 zToxum Show 3910le om Lurysrxow 1m Harm Lens speck llMcn Gnflln 1100 zTm cu lSmolmu Enum lIAleuunl luncllnll 1010 bmu 31mm STOCK BROAD I00M 14 HR SERVICE SPECIALIST IN WALLTOWALL BROADLOOM UNIVERSAL RUGC3CF BARR ALSO Stereos TVs HiFis RecordsWe fine selection the lowest prizu in town THE BETTER PIANO Ell THE HOUSE FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 19 PIANOS UNIVERSAL RUG CO 0F BARRIE or REMNAMS on HAND zy rndlallan tescarcher pound Thursday Ur antram Oslcrtag said thn possibility on 15L that Maine is one of My most dangerous mumgcns man Blylleld SI filrrlo 7264453 8mm RENTAL WE SPECIALIZE IN OFFIGEA mmplny armed by El nnun lie1m to am you coast to can ml law unite Find mil how you my band by calllnz HAROLD FORSTER CO 0F FINE nusmnss MACHINES 36 ery SI 7284324 Ind System Addlnl Machine nnd Calcnlnfan Omen Equlpmunt RoyallI SEE US FOR 65 Cnlllcr 725 Commercial smunner 70 Dunlop 718683 3585 SIMCOE Emma

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