Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Sep 1966, p. 13

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girorcoon HEALTH Let hlm decide on the correct medications Them are quile few and they an In differing wnyn TREAT PROPERLY lrn sure youd llke me to glvc lho name at some sort of loot ball or nlve that would mlrao ulously clear up the trouble but what works with one klud of lnlectlon may not succeed wlth anuthen And there are besides the three lungl several sklmdisenses whlch more or less resemble alhlclaa foot and can he made much worse if the wrong medlmtlnru are used Thurston ll the condition ls really troublesome consult dermltnloglst Iskln specialist He can ll necessary take Jcraplngs of the skln and up arglnglt nllcrqscoplgslly We would get rd athletes out In quicker we began 10 think of lungus Mhlms out sounds simple It correct name ungus In cation 01 lhe foot and some tlrng It Isnt so Simple to pprg There an at least ihrce kinds of iungi which produce this trouble itching or burning usually between lhu mesY then accumulation oi ihick dead 81 JOSEPH MOLNER MD Foot Not Easy To cure Den Dr Molnar My 14year old mm is bothered with ath lelua tout which gel worse in summer mnnlhs What can be done or IVYMHLGJ Same unhappy pcoplr are also allergic and my really are In for misery unlll um lugs L1 sntxjg Mr and Mm Bud Malcolm nnl family and Buds mother Mn William McKinnDn Rid moml Hill mire weekend vis Iturs wilh Mr and Mrs James Andrew By MRS DUCKWORTH Congratulations lo Miss Susan Slade and Hairy Dcvison who warn warring cht and Mus James Kennedy nnd ly Ccnlrafia wLrc week tnd mums with their mums and Mrs West MEEnd Mm Oscar Linux mo lof In Grand Manna 10 yist Oscars mmh 1r Vil Rally who is mum in how CFM Ind Mrs Robert Wilson And Innfly haw man 1mm Germany and me visillng Mr and Mn Alfred Knight bdow haying 1m bondan om Mrs Mummfl nmkhmd Dc md Mmrrly Imam 31qu 1mdny ullh Mr and Mm us loll Mam nnd la within her cumin ln Now Imrll ML Harry Ilwglmm HI mull Vlrglnh Iq whiting hi1 Ikflf nnvl hrmh IN Mr and Mn mm nlmm nntl rb Inflvm um mu Mlllrm mm lame mm vcr mqu M5an minti In IM In In mallet NI Willow mm 21 to the pa tient to keep hl ea in condi tion whlch the fungus wfll not like The itching lures up in summer because the 1ch Me warm and moist and that make Kt old home wcek for IE InK my hashing andum Is very Importantcareful drying between the 102 Is the first um mmjm when fiaxpn Mallock London spmk the weekend With Mr and Mm WL grnlulallons to Mr and Mm Tom Knight Dmiflon my mcfly of Angus lhe blrth of son 5091 in Mnle howiml Allan Dunn son ol Mr Mrs Frank Dunn Li nucn Miljlary Colfiggc nHKring Iy Oak mums wont wllh Mr and Mrs turn to 1136mm alter ML Idnying mm hrr num 11ml bmlhcrlnlaa Mr and Mm Harvcyllnhlm Mm Jrnnle Ilowsbr 5mm Sic Marlo ml Mm mlwn no nellcvlllc nrn vlumnu llmlr lr MI flu hnrnct Hum In nvmdint wcck Mun lrlmb nl Codurrmc mm mm chuml Village rmudx le In Cm Inunwy mu firm WM luwa Imagekl Ml mmbm rmur ll nml 111mm llllfinwn mlll mum 11m ann Ilnlm mummy In lw nan why MIan mum lur lidm II Inn 0er Mild Imu nul hm Inuan om lrlm mu Shwm Tmnly HMIHI UM lnmunmlnl m1 1m lulu Iran up lidml INF MM omli in be why fining llu mumwr Nummm mu wnu le lrrrn mriml nlml Hm Imlrnllhy rmnhhvm In ml Dmunl Ihe nut kHn lulu UI 14 Tramwl vlmlnl llwlr Imm leHILV In linllml Hm IIIVV In lrfim In NuHMmnza lllvn ley Huczmlnl mmdl mniml he hm Mm nr lkvi IuMn 1th WRSAGA BEACH SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS ANGUS 13ng fig Mr nml ntlcmlinfl step Wear clean sucks least duly Contrary to common be llef socks dont need to be boiled Ordinary washing Eu liclent place cotton he twcen the lac can help to keep dry Use of foot ww dor absorb moisture and thus keep tha skin dry SandaLs or ventilated footwear In summer ulsn canhe1p Them any wnyto avoid an fungus Its too common Sumo people appear to he mare 11ker lo harbor it than others 50 perhaps differences In our skin have some bearing on the prghlem Thu way to control It lo have dermatologist help to start with and than learn hnw Io make your Ice unnllrnclive to tho fungus by keeping them as clean and dry as possible Dear Dr Mnlner have 81 ways been carelnl about not gnlng swlmmlng immediately alter entlng Recently read that thls rule has been dIs moved and that am Is nu more likely tn get mm with lull stomach than with an empty one What ls your opln lamMm 11 ha dumping such 1me Eras tunings leaves bolflcx and even sewage Ind bocmno serious threat 11 move pm miscd to take the subject up wZUI GEDL and 11 motion we passed to have bylaw prawn ml which mum give the conned unmarin to prosccule oncndcra The rcavc also suggested the Chamber of Ccmmmc be urged to plan clczmup campaign in he early spring 1967 My oplmon is to wall nn Imm utter his men Cramplnz 11 ML stomach lunctlon but is matter of water temperature and musnle acllvflyor apasm llnwnvar am still unwilling In take chance in the hope that full stomach have nothing to do with it Dear Dr Mahler Can vmmnn who has had breast rcmuvcd because cancer have children Would it be danA genus or her at an 407 MH could have children but think most physclnm wnlfld discourage her cancer should hnve started in the rather breast the vigorous harmunalacllvlty of pregnancy would make it progress very rapidly Mrs Helen Gmim nnnouncld she mum bu numde lho fln nml mnvcnflm of he Camflnn Tnurist Axwlnum In Vnnmuv rr In Oclabmv dclcgnle and suggested the vnlaau con sider wading same small Hun 1n vacfiisc Wasagn Beach Mm Gilllm mercurymm of he llurnnln Node SM rm Thunsl myme Mn Mutylu Ilynn he Chambcr Commerce is on the lluronin Man of dlndom and nll be nmxmmminz Mm Glulm Both MIX be working or the pram Inn of lho MM Indumy llurnnin The Mid mince were nsk cd to inpare repon on ser ous parking condition which has developed near Crysul Vii 210 and aim on lhc tempte tion of lane near Dymnia ilulci Thin reading was given bylaw hEFh would make the upcraiion business wilhoul licence mm the village sub ix lo maximum in oi 5300 Tender for the lnsuiiauon storage utilities and pumps and the mblng of gas uni 031i and molor oil was wanlcd Dominion Bnglnuodm Thu slrncl lighting contrad Oak view drum was awaniul In Marley Knufl 4400 yeah One odior under had been re ccivui or $850 MN Kent um 11 hu hm hnml opemm Inlae mkul In Rpm about um Wuy 0m Canto Show Mn Kent ilmflfd Why or place lxko um could pmuhly In rm mnl by dmnfi mm MI umlrrflml It In Mr lnngmn mm with hrr and Manual Uma prmnt ho had rerrhnl mrmy mnquainu rmd lhnl It hm brm lnvmlunml hy lhn HUMP In be My Inv vmllmwl Mm helm amva lmwe nut ymn Suvrml mvw lmnlim Imvu nmvnl In lilo villa Mr mvl Mm Mn Tail of lllwrr llxl wril hum In mzmy nudrnll hm lluvy hm Im npmlinl ith rrkrnli hill holiday II limit mmmn imm lnr mnw rmJ lmvu mile mm ml Ilun uilli linluu 30 I0 hrlr lmmn in Towuln mi 141 rl mir Nrnuul mlhnr Mr nwl Mu ll Iiiwrnry lvmu mn lni lnum lur Mr inmin rl hm in mm lwn 1m Ill Kllklnml Knlfml nml will him in hm or in mm Mr lic liiilvrrny rammqw rrnlly Italivnni limp lino rim Mn Ml MI iramvn lmv Humi lulu liwir imw ll Nevv anafl Mr ml Mil my limmll lwmnly Fol lmvy lime buile fluviu lllrln llwy v1 Mal uillu llvir lmnliy all aim in rpmiinfi l0 winiw ll Vnea ivlmm flmlwllt ml lmnfiy ml Teqvlv lull wily lvavo lnuil up vMivu in Wiiiw llmu Park Mr Tmln was lmmly lmy mothnil IIIZHIII lfi HIINH In each the following hands he quesan whelher it is bet ter to open the bidding will one notrump or one oi null All five ham Ire taken rem wafld championship manila and the same opening bid was made at both tables Assume that both side are vulnerable and that you are the dealer What would be your bid in each case 8Ale Hm DJlOS CARI 8MB HANG D0109 CKiM SM llAQIs DKQW 0K7 SAIO 082 DKJK CAQM 11154 DAQIOW M01 One spade You have 15 hlzhurd points and notrump distribution but dsplle this Is mgwhal bean to wen with spade than notrump That what both the Ilnllnn and Ameflcan player did when they held the hand One diamond We stan dard notrump shows 18 to 18 points one should so 311ml on the number plus values hand may include we com the mu nine and elth pre sent in the hand It becomes clear th we haw the equival ent or wmlnt hand We should uherefm Lreat it as sunk and open one diamond Inland to rehld two notrump over ham or spade response by partner One diamond In this case nonmp opening is detective or several ransom Generally 1H desirable In bid no trump when you have good fivecnrd mnjur unit It is per mkflble course that ap pears lo be the best bid on make on particular hand but when the hand also xach 5M peu in two ulta It is heml to give up on the nonmp ripening and start with 5501 suit and Mn Everett Shel well and Mn George Shelswell uuendcd party he harm of Mr and Mrs Jnmcs Doormnn In honor at Mr nnd Mrs Joe Bmwn the occnslon being their my wgg 35 nnnlvcggary fly MRS II CRAWFORD St Andrews Ladlcs Md held their meeting at the home Mn Lawrence Mch and made pian to hoid booth at 0m Iah presemallon Blue Mounan pottery vnso was made to Mrs Robert Busby by Mrs Goodllfl on behalf of the group Mr and Mrs Bushy and Lynn will be living in Tor nnlo ml day and many donned bathing suit or LUp In line lake bnlnre the races were held gaudy sgppcr wan enjnypd Canzrnminllons are cxlendcd In Mr nnd Mrs Charles Crnw ford nee Lo Patterson who wgra margin in OrlllinScpk Thu community Sundny school plcnlc was held Wednesday after pqcn the par It was lgcnull Mrs Ellsmcre Lissa and Narda spent few days In Tor onto guest Mr and Mr 110 anln Sympathy is exprtsscd lo Mr and Mrs Albert Pearsnll and Mrs James Pcnraall In the pass an of James Penrsull on Man day at GuLhrle DAILY CROSSWORD mnnhy Exthlnll 91100 10 Huh 11 haunt mum HChmc river mm thumb IMldIIllkt prnclll 160044 muumy Hum muéulln nor emlnlno 31 MW mm ml whnlu Wullu Imrlvmml alumna mm Thllun of 1mm 11 um my II on Pol rnver I5 Com mm In film of hm mu an mm ORO STATION ACIIORH umn 71 57 Im jolnlnpinyaur employees in their pickn llne dcmnnd mlm in my household nllownnoc In CONTRACT BRIDGE II 11 llulnltd 11 Huddhll mom unmp 1n am mm Ilhyk Quintin nwln DOWN 10 In In Arlen By JAY BECKER itiacicmiybcttertoapma diamond intending tn show the hearts next By bidding the suits in reverse order you indi cate longer diamond than haartx and at least 17 points in high cards Since that in exactly what you have partntr should have no difficulty finding the best contract or On notrump It best to open with nolrump whenever ml reasonably possible be causa you your partner so much about the precise nature of your hand when you dor duh or diamond openan would tell vlourxpammatdyou 18 an balanced mar 13 ROBBle Harold Jenldm Cream 15 patient in coilingwood Hos pital Wilklmon hi the same howilal lauwwing set an accident FATALITIES deco mom was cask over Ibis village and vluimty When it was learned of the sudden dnnths of Mr and Mrs Welles ley Anhum who were killed in mum collision near Stayner last week Sympaflw of the community ls extended to Lhelr son and daughm who mwrn the loss or dear maths and father Charla Robbins who has been pallenl in Toronto bos Plai for the past six weeks ex pects to be home um weekend William Hendelson of Bax ler and WIUimn Aslie are pa tieng in hosplmll One noknunp Here 3150 It Is belth to wilh notrump Illd thug pmner flw proximate nalure of your hand you opened with diamond you wonid find d1me lo bId properly If partners res pause was either heart spade notmmp or two dub Meirvlsifing ht thiz home Mrs Cod Wilkinson aver file weekendhre Willith Wild snn 91 03am Robert and Don ald of Tomnlo AMENITIES Mandxeld one at the smaller Villages in the County DuL min can now boast mnxw fa ciJiLles which the ingest vfllngu havu no gal Pressure water ram large well Serves All the home who want Lha facilities of running water The streets of Mansfield have hnen drained mm mating and water sewer put in More the paving ommcnuL mm was gravel road is now paved road from Hwy though to Stay nor Mn and Mn Johnston Toronlo Ipenl lhe holldny week end wuh Mr and Mrs Everell and Howard llumc Miss Gwen Mullcy Taxmuml Ipan the hollday weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs Jack Mullcy In Equlp lur cold wulhn ma 217mm IK 211w 251mm pnlnl an rm wnyn my an Fmplmp 15 DMInl 18 Illnmnnd or EVERETT RUGBY 1mth An 7v nnpmnm 311111 rulml ML Fmth llllnn II CUIIIL we Um uurk MMJAI and wnuum ms K0100 rv Snow E93 zzu ailF 1FX 593 13 gfik 1fl1fl mahuhluunnh WLNT ourmmr ANOYHILQ ONE IN THE METER

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