Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Sep 1966, p. 1

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Thu tax increase is being made to cover pay in creases for the armed forum promised some time ago by Defence Minister llellycri and no increase in the old age pension to guaranteed minimum income of $105 month In addition lilr Sharp indicated that other pro jccted programs would be suspended for an lndciin itc time one being the pet scheme of Prime Minister Pearson to provide $10000000 annually or univer sity scholarshlpsi This scheme would cost minimum of $40000000 yearly after our years amt with the resent student loan program and other aid available is an expenditure which can be well set aside for tithe future 51 lllilh MM 15 limml Iry In mum mmy Mm uululuannfi Imnln lnzrph mmumwxl Thumlnyl lemlmllmul tlnllnn WI Mmpplm um my jlh nl wuh lmlmz Mm AM Mal ernmmunu ylmxu Mm llm nut rlma lIVlmI ll lenl un llwrzlvl lurluvlul IHVEHL um Imucmnllrr lmdpr Dn huvl Murphy nlul Ntw mm lml lam nhln Mumm Vllunl my In mm nlrl Iurmirr Mm Nvulunv¥lmul mm mini mu 1m hrva fr xhuu mu lvlu HI vrmvw Ihn upwlliull mm 1ka mm 1m Elmlp III WV thlvllill Iruklnlmr LONDDN CF Cnnadns faced increasing pressure In Lews on the Rhodesian crisis gunmnlce Negro rule In film were engined by Prime Minis dcsin before Ihu rcbe colony is Pcarson today as Brllaln given legal indcpcndoncc iearson OutlinesViews On Rhodesian Crisis Ottawa is calling on all levels of government to examine their ca nial spending plans and delay those which are not znsolulely necessary until the inan rial climate of the country is more stable Unlnrtun alcly for the government in this regard they are caught in do as say nut as do predicament with the tremendous amount of money they have poured and will contlnuc to pour into Expo ll7 and tlu hundreds nr centennial projects now underway tilln15linllt Finance Minister Mitchell Sharps announceL mant that taxes art to be raised by $300000000 car and the deferment of the national medicare Elan for at least 11 year is indication that the govern am has finally acknowledged that Cnnadais in the middle serious inflationary trend We are all Involved in this influtiona bnnm nml rvmnilvss of polltlcal stripe ll 15 Vllnl mat all gov ormmnlnl dupnrlmcnls mm Ollnwn down In the lullnkipnl level oxnmlno heir apemllnu programs In Hxnhmlu to and unnecessary willing Controversial Staker Car michael nmionzd chainmm of the Student NnanioIenl Co oniinalimz Committee iean yEWflNDLAND MAJORITY 11 Smallwood Is Returned 101m Ym No 210 Wise To Delay Medicare Plan MD IN rlmlhm VII iDITOBIAL row or lhn nemA SNCC LEADER IN ATLANTA COURT lrmlvn Nuulumullnml hunk mu my Irmlrr um mw In Mm um ml nrnln nu lrmlrnhnv mu Nun lvulvllnlull hm Irrlmn um nnl rlrtllnn mlmMy lu vvur rml Ilnlll hr Mm hml Numan mum nhnmwnu Intpl III lyilxrnl Inmhllflr Dr Ilulyhyuhuinp1m1 ma loulhul Vllbll nllmk vn Mr over lo confer with SNOC at torney award Moore 1010 during hearing a1 Atlanta Municipal Com today Car Lilwml Kuhn hum Ilvn va Irnnlhu lnlnllul hr rrnh Ih mm Inna lmlqnmlml rIrlnl In 1962 In wllllml In the ummnum ml mu vlr lr In hmal Tlmu Ilh llulr wwlmh Tuln lrlnnl Illmflnfl Inn Eh Thaarrie Examinvr IMI miuhacl in court in con nection with Tuesdays racial xintixfg hid plagumi me Georgia meuopalls Iln Inlmlni vhlmy mm Im um mm In mu mu up In my mnulwlmlu lnlvirrma Mv Evnmllnmul Mun III Irmmml lvrudvmmlrn In unwr mm uhrlu hm Inz nuvwllm xlul Iler IN In dumn lhe unnlu man My My Ihnulfll dwn Hllmllumnl Ilnlfl prvlunlrdrm linn an mm um um INY nlru In Nrunmullmul Mumqu llw IIrrmll IIunuuh rm During 1m munqu Dr Murphy Ilrurllml Mr bmaIL uwl iynml NM lllhr II MM III lutnlnw Hulmlny Nfill ulllrr Hunk llml lu rlnlnu dillnl nw hrr Imlmw ll nlr llrlmlm In mm wqu MW ulhmd minimu whom he Pearson spoke th Rho desian High Cam in Sallsbury ruled that lhe consmuuon drama by the Inn Smith re Aime alter ll seized indrpcnd to lflsl November was unlawA Jul he cunrl noted that Mule the smilh fluvcmmenl unmnslflullannl Lx he vnly enccllvu ndmlnlsllmion In the country nml he court rc quiml give cflccl In the gov ernmcnll measurts An Indian dclcgnlc emerging lrom lhn conference snld Your son canrd or bmadcr Unilcd Nnunn sanctions against 11hr dcsin covering other products besides nil He also endorsed African demands favoring mn Jorlly rulu bcrnm lndcpcndcntc informants said Pearson spoke for about 15 minuics pleading Iar mminrallon and preservaunn the Common wcailh They said Pearsons views would be made public lulcr Indn Observers suz gcslrd bclare he spoke liml he would add weight lanAlrican and Asian demand for rm British commitment In mar ui milderin mpnning Neuro ru My Nun2 Immmm 12 CnmluIJ llrnlhlIO IlulllrlS HdllnllnlI fipmlIl TV IllnuII fllFl amrnIfl nlhrrN Ann humus6 The Examiner WILL VACATE LEADERSHIP TODAY HHHIH llllfllllill Hr uvuM mumIr Mum hum mul luuur llumk Ill be nllr In nwmln mm minN Uw rlrlulrr Mm IMNHNI Mr Nmmurr Ill 11 prmmnl rnlr In Ilumllu TIL HM lu ptmmml In Imw lnr KI Ynlml llllh lxlrw In III MI rum mulrr Im NI mt Mm lulrl 1mm lvlmuwrl In mm nrw mm lvlmwll mul mall Ala In Lnmrr Humk uhidu hr Ialul HII Imnmn II iuhlnyllal If lln pvuvimn tmm mm pmer mny MN pull HI HIMIr wrurr Mr mnllhnml will lw in Innuh 3mm mm um lhry nmum now In ma nuL he judges rultd at the same me that lhc rcuilne 01 Prime Mlnislcr Inn Smllh in he only dhclho zarcrnmcnl ol llm culmlry The judges Mm glvlnz reserv ed judnmrnl an mnsxiluunnal its me hcarknu In which the legality he govrmmrnl and he cnnslilullon wrn challenged Two mm while lawyer and an ann nnllnnulixl nlmlml or ITIer mm delcnliun ml the grnumh lhal lllu cmmzcncy mt ulnlmns Hmkr uhlrh lhcy um drlninul um lllrunl nml humm wlullnnal vmlo nIlinx Hu prcsrnl cnn allhlllnn lllrxnl the Judge mlrl xlny llml Inlrr wuml durum mu cnurl should nho ccl Will Incmum of lhe rflrrlho uuvcrumcnl ILI could lnMuIly huvn been lnkrn Ivy Hm Ilmlul umnmmrm undrr Hm lml cmmllutlnn In hm impugn Juxnmxl he udxm mhl llm llmml th mlnnrlly IUmlnlnn umrrnmrnl SALISBURY Haulers Tun Rhodcslan High Cnurl Judgu ruled today lhul lho mt cornu lulnn inlroduccd the llmc IUmdcslns uniluluml dculurn llnu Independcnce nnd lhc present gnvcmmcnl be up un der llare no laulul Introduction of the but In the legislature called after mem bers of the OH Chcmlcal and Alnmic Workers Internatlonal Unlon went on strlke against the Saskatchewan Pawcr Com evoked strong denumlnlion mm trade unm loam across the province and wasopposcd by the CCF Opposition in the legislature My 1hnlcher smd Thursday outside lho legislature he hoped it would no be necessary In pm claim he bill the Esscnlial Services Emergency Act as law REGINA CF The Saskab chcwan governments compul sory nmllralion bill was given royal assent Thursday alter lwoday 12hour special legisla five sasslan nm Prcmlcr Rnss Thanher said he hxrpzd he would Inevu have to proclaim the blll aw About 1100 gas division work ers rvprcscnlcd bthc OCAW won on slrlke week ago when ncgniiaiions on new contract hmkn down Tim unitn asked for an cighipnr uni increase and the SPC offend nun Rhodesian High Court Rules Constitution Is Not Lawful SPARKED PROTESTS Blrrlo Oniarla Cnnidé FrldAy Mamba W66 Saskatchewans Bill Given Royal Assent SHARP FORECASTS HGHER TAXATION RINHM Imhrinl lllrulrrfl um Ilylvlirll INN Hulw lay nluhl uhlln Ilvlvlnl um ginnl lulul in nrnr hrm an mmy Ipukrmmn um lrlny mum auny nmmtnl dead Al IwImu ml T0114 liertMrrl lmmum Um hlun mvlor mum Ilv mm Mm hml dINI wm mum at lullHMy mlzL mm rmwvnln and mlmm nnrlr nhnrml INN1 Hr mm In lenu mrl IVN 1mm mumHug vIlu lwlhlny mm 11 mnu KI Mm nlm In In had In hum Tranmrl Minlxltr lkkmulx mndudnl In Imminy Irhnh Mlh mm In rnlulnm wu pnullnn mnrmlmrnu ln mm yuHhn um mu Ilnnnuumanl Hull In TIII lull IKIEM la nu IVI dummy in Munr nM rxvmpllnn mm municiul nun nu II mam HM on ma Iumlu lllluml formal vuln lhn fluvrrnmcnln HWword bill to man llw ullwnyn mlvm and male luperbonrd Iupcrler nll lrumpnrlnllnn was ginn mam mulmunupnwnl ln prlnclplo Thursday nllcr nmm Dclnlll ha blll In to an tlumscrullny Mllrn Ille Com mons lrnmwxl commlllrc cow mm 1le Ill muulh week ur Au lwlnrr lMllnmonl van rlunlu ll lnlrmlmul mm llml rxpmnl muman lnlrr lndny uuuhl not bcrome he hmrul gmcmmoul unlil III lit at suvucixmy were scvcrcd cilhnr by ransom ur by nrll nins abandoning ll Mlvmm and he hrcaknwn Tue 5le novemlng colony scilcd iLx Indrpcndcncn mm nrllnin Nov 11 196 and pru mulwttd its cwn canlnulicn rmlacing he an of 1961 YITMVA CWHound one the Common Iranme nnnn lrhvln ovcr wilh round lwn mhrdulnl lalcr this month Soldiers Die In Forest Fire The cabinet under terms Ike legislallnn unuld Ith pro clalm state emergency whlch would mean all strike by the alfcded mnployou would be illegal discovered just lhrea hour before lulmnnul Charm Conrad and Rlvhnrd Gordon were lo 1an prcyarn He saxd he planned call the OCAW negotiating commillee to meeting May In lastdim eflort to end he srike Falling an agreement he would pm claim the hill law by orderin council alilher iiliVnVII booiler fockei oday forced posmoncmcnl oI thallluhIAd Gemini ll Given 2nd Reading Transport Bill Fuel System Leak Halts US Flight CAPE KENNEDYMP have bhmul ln punuil of nm Annnu mclmc 1015 am aiming catch nnd CIP urn In lht in arm swing curd nr space Nnduvous sure me you mm Mm lmmon ha Imkwlmno mp Fmllnmu may4 rim nl Itll rpMml Hm mk rI uln AH hrml rmnl lw The launch crew immediately began dumping he 151 Ian at uni so Ihuy can purge lhe tanks before lcchnlcians gel In or closu look ma lcnk run be repaired by in simple llr palch omn llon mm the outside lhe rocch could be ready In so In day or nlIchals said Bul if the up OI lhc oxidizer nnk ha lo he rcmuvcd nnd man Iwnrcd mm Ihu lmuhln arm delay of sovcral days is likely he ML dad Uniled Nlim ti llng An arbitrauon board would be established with he union and management naming repre scnlalive each The appointees would have Im days In which Io name chairman judge lrom any prodncm courl The anlo Aeronautics and Space Adm nislralion said new launch date wnuld not be snl until he scriousncss oi the prohkm was determined While there an oulside paulbilily al Snlurday launching nlll cials sald ll mare likely would be In or more days Sleps could be taken decer my union Invomd If mem bers did nu return to work wllhin 10 day after date fixed In lb proclamation Hugs hfeg day mksinn HarryMum anura IcloWhn Cunrml nml Gordan wnrc lo HERES ONE RESULT OF FAMOUS HMRCUI OTTAWA CPDThe govern men Thursday clamped one ycar Irma nn calm Minur MncEachcns mtdiml can pro gram and Mr MacEuchen nu umnl nonwmmfllnl rcrlm qucsllonx Mmlll spreadmz rc pcrls that ht mlzhl quiz as hmllh minlshr Finnncc Minister Sham an muncch lhnl nn nnli lnl1n Ilonnry measure the govern mcnl lmd dctldrd In buck In July 1063 he rurcliva an2 arkml pnymcnln la ymlnnial mullcnl cm Insur Incv pralramn mm II 1mm Nam lawn waving llw ther hm uhHl lumlnl Ivlm Ind Ih nunr mman 1h hulln ln lamr II nmk an In ankt lo play th min nixmbcr or minor federal programs ould be scrappcd for he llme being AM In Jnr OTTAWA CF Canadians must take dose oi higher taxes as remedy for inflation Finance Minister Sharp said Thursday They must also lempcr expec muons wage and salary in creases and must drop any hum of coverage next year under new government medical care Illgher taxes are cold cum qu to hose troubled by higher prices Mr Shnrp conceded In Common speech packed with sober news about the pressures forcing up prices In Canada But they can help prevent prides Kolng up more and Thp tux lncrcnscs will prob ably com in baby budge fin late Octabcr The minister said the budgetary deficit of $150 I00000 hUrcdlclcd in his bud get speech last March now expected to doubla to $300000 He also announced Ihat Vel craus penslnm will be In creased and naked that the gov emmcnl lms promlscd lo brlng ln supplementary Increase In old an panslom or lhe needy gunmnlcclng mlnlmum ln Como of $105 monlh When Parliament consldcr In Ule supplementary oldage pensions we will be able In re view our gonoral liml posl linn Mr Sharp nld He also announced that the target dale or the Mural med lcal can lnsurancn program wlll he so back onn year In July 196a Mr Mnelfinchm Govt Clamps Years Freeze On Medical Care Program AntiInilafion Finance Minister Prdposes No Man Than We PunCopy Page uhn had rp lnlarmanla mid Mr Mao IInchrn mum tnnsMN In lha next few days uhuhcr ha can rrmain fin ml pml He prob ably would make ua dcclslon until Prime MEHMLr lt rclurn hum he Cnmmum MnIlh prlmv minim centur rues Research gxanls would he re alrlcied scholnrahlp program dclerrcd and forestry program with the pravinccs allowed to lapse next March The defence budget would be held dawn nr as possible and the lamb mcnls mm capital éxpcndilurc uould be reatriclcd slawlnl down and nnalnnning number projects These were not spggmcd WM Hm mlsznnllnm IIHI VIM manx Ang rom mml on My lhls In mo mm pcatcdly endnrscd he Orirdnfll arm dale nf July I967 was nhmnl mm lhc vhambcr when Mr Shana announced he cuhi nets derision The government has done all It can through munrlary meal urcslho conlrnl crcdiL he saidv It must now look In than pnlicylax changes Thr finance minlslcr said guldrlincs really arent guide llnu unless the provinces back hum and husintss and labor prove and rcspccl Ihum rlng note fur the provinces Mr Sharp sald Ounwa cannot mm their requests or more tax rev enucs Wilhnut calling them his nwn Mr Sharp also set out guide Ilne for annual wage increase of laur or live per can Any lhing higher would contribute to Inflation bemuse it would ex cccd he incrcuse in productiv ilxhc saixl Those inch oi ecnnnmlc 1m are sum guide in ihcmselves Mr Sharp promised to hop in iure inx increases to mini mum by Icicrring or dropping several minor programs 31 though it appeared that none the nrngrnm would have in voiva much icdcrnl spending In 1967 finance minister said lha measurcs must be taken be cause lhe economy ls over worked and demands on ll must be cuL Manoeuvres SEE PAGE TWO any qursllnn nl hll VJ

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