menu MI out mi murky um lur lb mrn minim Mumml MINI modal nflmd he Ml undo lxmny Itch In llm lhvh Mm or nmlnd inllmn Hun Ir mil Elm0 MIN Illuwvd lull min Mm hm rm mmm Um Imam FOIITNIEILI iny Ml Ika Fumdm lmn mmu ruin11X nix um umw iyï¬néiiumdy um he dmumd or blood my mum ram mun nnl mu mum In um um um yumI Ammonia 1mm nun mnw lunmnnh nu AUTb msunmca Kn L1 INDmAf WELL iSEmED an HOME XAT machI BEACH TllIH SIMII WINDSOR KC Matthew lelrl anh ml ml mhlrru Ilmrnnl mm Hm mm llrr II myMMIIl lmlmr ulrl In 11 IIman nlrmy hm JIIIM lrinl In clcnpu rumny lncsdny nl he wnl Mn lnl In can In runnmlnl Sql luvMn MI IVukmmhlp TELEPHONE 71M rmnn OVEHINU lll INM HUVINIZRSX Unlvam Ryg Co mm 11 an of up Imntllmm Hill Um 11am Exumlmr Hume ho lwuwwk rm mlo Wm Jmn WM Um nmu Mmlny nml ltllny nnd mm mid THY EXAMINER WANT ADS VIIIONI 7mm mm Iu VIn mum Ivy mm mm nu In an FM IIIL Illplll ml MI Invlrn Hum 71 mnl InnJun an Imh un lm mm mm hm mm In um um mum Imu In IwwnvmInu mu 1141 Ann xl NA In um IIAIINI mm mm mm lnIIMII luvum hmun 11 mm bum1 mum v1 ml nnwlm ya on Noconry nun Sum 5110 42 lsrsmmiim 00 USTS urn mu cumplclnly micwmml an to Warn nlluwlnn re unncdby ball ol 1151an an Juno 1mm and will pro virio music Im in picnic Ii vnwcr scrvicu will be held in lim evcnl in end liw picnic rr1 nurvlcu or Sunday school wlll ho held In the mom lnx and he llrsk Annual Cllunh plunlc will be hclxl nl lvy Com ICfllru ln llm pllornoon lluv Knnnclh Purdon wlll hnvo lul llrsl chance to preach In new church nl thls llmo and ll cxpccltd thorn wlll be 11er allcndunce flurtnn Avonuu UnIed Church will bu nopch and rcdcdltnl ml lhl Sunday In conjunction with In rcgulnr service at Imam Tom and Joe hlIo Nancy Lho nmso largo able manna wiLh head In the bucket HER ROYAL Illnlesty us she nflcctlonnlcly remred lo has settled dawn at 115 wmga Beach Masha Park la the delight or zoo olllclnl and the hundred youngsters who have visited the park slnce Indiras nrrlvalr The 882 mmd 56 Inch tall elephant gilt ol the Indian Government is certainly gelling tho ruynl treatment The phologruï¬cr arrived at feeding time and saw pails crbbaxo carrots and Mums nanailan cel ebrity At present Indira nho arrived in Montreal Sept 25 Isolated pending thatwill examinations bu nccordlng to gamckoopcrs must of the other animal are certalnly aware cl her arcsemen Last Sundays turnout or vlsllors was the largest aver rocordci Lhc zoo awarding In om dala who said It was difï¬cult to mm the overflow 1de AnDVE llm Jack Warner and daughter 15 dis play their Mlmllon or Indira Mm menu happy accept all welldwlflzm nao glam animal in tom mnndu younger than lnvycarald Llsn Indlmn nr rival hm definitely not allodr ed Lhu eating balm of other animals AT LEFT Earl fr bollloud tnv omhnn Will Hold Bededication ï¬t Burton Avenue United Church Consider this carefully by umm Skrllnl hunt min nhlml mum ml qukll put yuur Iuln In good unlw Advkc um ow Allm Inmtlnlo um uluablt unk lmlny mu the poorly wanted um drulnlnl uway Mom bum up over many ymn uvll Ia mun madlm no lam or Um lnmlly you luv behind SUM amnion dud can bla ml the poorly Arrnnnd null 35 DunIop Sm lull hurl 725M ESTATE PlANNlNG Prompt Conlldonml Survlto TRY EXAMINFR WANT ADS mom mun Eillmalcd coat of minth lho thurth 11 $15000 Ones renovation were dccldtd upon tho church decided Io do moro work lhnn would be cov ered by human money In In wort to provide lhe church with rmw loo Caulnz and loan are all mtyled or now And the wall In the church proper hnvo been pnIhcllcd nod Mecornlcd Ncw braodloom carpet wn laid and lho pew Wm Ill lak cnqy and relinhhcd Damage was ullmnud at man lhnn 0000 allowlnl the blue and extenslvn wnler dum nzq we found mm via new Wm me to ME Mum Na pusom were killed Andy mum and thud Wu Injured folkmlng twocnr headm col lNon on Mummy hall mile east at Orangevme Baud are David Leonard Mu hnd Jokuy Blvd Tar onto and Elaine Andrey CazRon 17 of Minimal1 Maluand was the driver smdfl mm car in bid Mm Canon was WM Driver the mend Ron aId Corbett cl RR Alton wa doused mm Ormevme Hospital Mar treatment minor head Nudes Both can wen Wudy dc mm mdlng to Much police at Brunpton commie believed to be travelling use at the my he trash wan 0mm paneling Mowing twoox crush on Maxim 0m 59 5L Warm St 759 am yesterday Damn mm to $7130 at wailn3 to Iaveslixnflnx 0mm Com Bill Jam We dly polla Hayley wasarmed by provincial polka 1mm Odma at l31 am an Hkghway ma mile north of Hawmmn Two Killed In 2Car Collision 313mm rcounT CITY NEWS Kickedf Be aten Prip To Rape Girl States M151 0mm was lhu onw dflllflflfl Mr AM Mm wil Jhm Carlton cl Wuhan tenham hams me visiting at Omnlwllla minor and tank mré Pinned with man whfle ho was fifm mm 1° took place at be West Bend parldnz lot Dot Sgt Roma Nmihway and Com George Win20 on human spukman laid dam11¢ mid nun high Vehicles involved mm dnlwn by David John Gflbuxt Fran Road and Alan chlph 3mm 711 105 Rm St maze was mm at by Cami Barrio Hum who and the Gilbert car was stopped on Mama 0mm at Vincent 56 while Ibo other Bub was travelling south on St Vilma and lumad len onto Maxim Om Edward twine1 p0 Em Road Conlre Cul Pork IOIN CROPS gyflmmmdmb CN PASSENGER SERVICE DOMINION STORE SPECIAL °° 19= are operating between Toronto Ont Montreal Ollowa GuclphKilchunor Slrnlford Hamlllon London Sornlo Chicago Barrio Norlh Bay Sudbury Winnipeg Vancouver OANADIQN NAnonXL CANADIAN NATIONAL PASSENGER TRAINS For further doralls call CN Trains Information 1mm necking LINW HR Players has been callod or Wtdnesduy Sept ll Bax119 Public Mary at pm The group next mum will be Christnm play written by Mrs Wendy Hicks and all be mm mm the end De She told the cum she had Inn the man several month More and had am out with hhn anhL awa More Apxfl artisan AT mm The EM said SM ï¬m MM to in out on the 11th quesw said she cam bank to her running hum bruk ed and blending from beating the man had given her whm she reglsted hp 9mm The air testiï¬ed over cm Um mm datum lawyer John lehgstnn who add their 0V1 dmue WM Imekwam Mr Jus tk Shawna hmver ul my thn arbor Mam Drama Group Sets Meeting Another um fled as wu nm teslMed she know him an Lam Mama and thin 15 yenold Barrio girl mad the count she had um the man savgrai 1mg we gm L1th six BEIMVED WELL flm hl MM she had been out with the mmme More in the E51110 week but ha had behaved W1 bid Milled Name to her an Larry White of Milton om she told the nth Bum wording to on £31 with mm rape 92w ca nx opencd to 54 higher on 306 rapcsud hlgher to unchanged Nov L3H bah Iey unchanged Oct 136 rye Iwer Oct 146 WINNIPEG CF Flamed price showed underlying iirm Ms in light ogbuing lrndo on Iho Winnipeg Grain Ex2hanzo iodny Hedging flies were ab sorbed and price wero siimu med btcauso high linseed oinrlccs onrlho continent mrxunnun The Mums cm was enm pIcled Waincsday amd witness es la hm 601cm um shied to he wilod They drove thmuzh Danie and than to mum when he said his mum lived but tailed ï¬nd him the girl mm TOLD POLICE She and her holbmn old pro vincial whim at mm the incident and 210 air was mm to hcspilal them at cxmnlmtion she told the Jury JtJiy was Jagged In Calling woad by Who of the Bezrio lament several Woks She called hm bmum who lives 17 miles out of town and he along with two 0mm hm um and um gm so out to hack the man the court was Md Hm lmdlady lestmvd that she was hysterical and appear ed badly beaten when she anniv cd home that wins shm white The couple enzqu over an in cumth Ind ocmmm ho pneflou day and she asked to be taken home wow she was taken in the apposika dim km tho jury was mu She saw the man thmaluned to kill hm mkd later said he Imer ricde in Tcmnlo uhmw nélcf on he she Iold anybody what had happened flan because she had In study for anh moo mmlms bu mme to go FARM PRICES