EXPORT ALE wann an mm Roblon Bnl 162114 01h 11in 538 H7 68 312 TripleIMcCarvcr St Louis 11 Allen Clemente lo Hume nunsAnton Allen Maya 53x1 Francisco siulen mm umck hy62 chkson ljouslon VPltchlnillegan Los Angel 12 1L1 Maricha San anslscn 21 908 SlflkeoulsKoulnx Los Aug 19 Dunning Philadelphia 212 mu Mou Atlanta 199 Rose Cincinnnu ms Doublzs Calllsnn Phlln delplpla lou Allntau Alon M1 508 107 2A Clzmenle Pg 551 1191 Allen PM 452 9514 cmy All 5111 mm Alon Atlanta Aaron Atlanta 103 Rum Blued IIIAlma 035191118 101 BED Yugoslavil CHThu Inger world championship r¢ gum In rowing history opens today in this resort near the Mum border In northern Yn noslavlu with no country ex pected to domlmte the compell glan the way Germany dld m5 meet in 1962 Hells begin Ioday listlan an the innit in 11 event Sun Ig 0n the whole the United Slater West and East Ger many the Soviet Union and Italy appear to have the strong est conllngenlr but here 1110 blghb mgnrded crew In particular event from France Britain Czechoslovakia H013 Switzerland Australia and Denmark mum ARE sumin éinadns best chinccs will probably be gliding through 1ha water with coxlzss our St Catharines Vaanuver fAt Warld oar Champidnships Canada has entered the sights the our without cox Ind the pain without cox and med among the leading con tenders in all three events two counlrles are sending crew to the manna held evcry our yam hallway between Olympic dates The en try list or seven events shows 140 beats with 540 oarsmenl By CANADIAN PRESS Nullnnd Em Amerlcln BASEBALL LEADERS FROM MOLSONS INDEPENDENT BREWERS SINCE1786 Canadas largest selling ale mlguu AB Pct 452 I57 608 107 200 329 551 B9 179 32 452 95 319 449 51 13 318 WAS DRUNK ON HIKE PORT ARTHUR CMVictor Halllo or Part Arthur seen weaving his bicycle through last hmsdays rushhour milk was fined £15 Wednesday or oper ating nonmotor vehicle while drunk SinkeoniliMénawel Cleve land 185 Bell Cleveland 178 lime RunsF Robinson Pay Doann YnSirzemskl isos 105 Olivai 31 Sloleh mm mm flicking more onnil 722 texauy inm 5mm Call Kuhn net 120 77 120 1255 Wagner01s 469 6617 J92 Valentine Was 466 238 Charles KC 2151 47 10 258 RumF Robinson 104 Fay Boston 33 Run Halted IIIPowell Hal llmore 104 Robinson 102 mu Ollva Isa Apancio Baltimore lioblnsnnu 162 ï¬lplél Curripaneris Kln as City Erinkman Washing lnn cmhaér cjonn demthé 033m eithzei new be tough at anyone The 51 Calhnlne 0M 1966 Royal Canadian Henlay chlmp lvnnhu woke Neil ampbeu 35 Juhn 1105511 Jo McIn z4 Wm Fhflb ck Ian laxIn que 21 Illc1 Mlc1liiL fl Marlin 54am Raymqu Guy i7 Wm bde Enqumgli 17 as cquim HA5 liqu newts The crew is composed of smke Max Wleczorek 27 Daryl sund 26 Olymplc champion Roger Jackson 15 and Bob Slubbs 27 Jackson palred wllh George Hungarlord of Vancouver to win the cnxlen pairs at he 19 Olymch Game In Tokyo Hunger01d weakened by IU ness retired from rawlng last ym alter he and Jackson placed second in Britalnl Hem leiqu Regatta The nlher Canndlan crawl lhe coxluxs pairs and flu big night coma from St Cathar Ing nglng Club ram vcra Burnaby Lake Aquatic Assoclntlun the crew um won his mm at this summers Roynl Canadian Hen gy regatta In St Catharina 77 66 17 74 1M 41 ï¬ll ylltl r5 IN THE 1Wfl0ï¬kï¬mjw NHMH 133 Pnor to he lmnl game Ihe remainder the second game was played with Nannlmo scor lng two goals to cm 76 vic tory The gnme had been on dtred mplnycd when An Da oush Canadian Lacrosse A550 ciau chairman or the play Gaxy Williams Donn Sherry Murray Thvmas Al Faunon Gordie Mar and Dan Morelli got Luckler other guns SCORE FOR FERGUS Cecil Denny CHM Turner and Peter nergin each scored two goak or Fergus and single wen In Jerry McKenna Bob uglvley and Gegyï¬uzwood Nanalmo raced away an 80 In hall lead and Fergus spent lhe rgst of the night trying cam up At one pom they got to within six goals Larry Clarksnn led the Nan amo scorer wilh five goals Gerry Shires not three and Bill Russellone the oulstandmg players in the seriesscum two buckles led HI the end of tha ï¬rst quarter half time and 114 the untowar cr mark NANAmo rem Nanaimn Luckjeg delenled Fergus This uea 169 befuni 13000 am Wed nesday night win the Cana giap Seruqr lacrosse cham pionship In three straight games Nanalmo raced away In an ol the bcslvulrflve mics 205 and lhu second 76 alter replay lnz the last SEVCn minutes and 15 seconds If the ï¬nal quarter The Germans competing 1th united country won ï¬ve the seven titles althe 1962 champiqnshlps 1n Lucerna madam but no swap or these prvpnruan L1 expeded here either by them or by any body else West and Eastï¬er my are entered separately to beat mi hehas midlhe humans and the Germans pp pear to ha ha etrcnï¬ unders In the eight and prob ablï¬ In mus other even as we SPORT BITS Nanaimo Captures Sr Boxla Crown Theyre he lunar175 chm we laced all season sald Ar New Westminster cnnch PORT ARTHUR CWNew Westminser Athletic won the Canndlnn Junior lacrosse championship Wednesday night scoring three lale goals In de lea Cornwall Wildcats 1411 ROIIERDAM AP The Dutch and Hungarian nninnal soccer teams tied in he pm llminary round or ha Eur paan Cup tournament Wednu day night Mom capacity crovgd olA 65307 The Ndherlands Hungary Demmuk Ind East Germany constitute Group Five in the lournamcnl when ma am so under way Think could not much the Nnnaimo speed and were repeatedly lch laHmled by he ismtaking Vancauvcr 151 und mbuify 13 pick up loose ball and pour passing proved costly or me tastcrn champ on oils upheld Ftrgug prnlest of avrelereea call in he Iourlh quarter Monday gimp 1053 npparemly look the heart out Fergus player5 who were conï¬dent they could wlnland grainy he series Wins Junior 13 this llrne resultvof ag dslon by the International Row ng Federaunn Canada will be represemed 1n the coxlen pain by Daryl Macdonald 31 and Ton Blar nackl 30 the SL Cal urine club total of 21 crew an en lerLd in the mm 75 In the coxcdlourl 22 in the rules ours 14 in the cued phlrs 20 In ha sexless pairs In in the dwhle scnlll and 20 in the Iln gle mulls Soccer Cup Tie Cornwall rapped New West mlnler will its only defeat this sennn covering 25 matches1m 1713 verdict In the ï¬rst game Saturday night But Amleua rchoundnd In lho bestotthm series wllh 125 decision Monday nilhl Originally scheduled as besbouivc Halt the series was shortened because official THE BARR EXAMINERll THURSDAY SEPT use FOREST HILLSLNY AP Auslraflaa classy Fred Stall severely damaged Americas Lle hnpus with straighlvsel vic lary ovnr lhlrdseeded Dennis Balstun Wednesday and 13m ranked Clark Graebner cl Beachwood Ohio emerged as the lone US survivor in the mens quarterï¬nal tbs US EDI champions Sta pnycd rilllamly and pulled on phenomenal shuts at two set point to crush Ralslom Eh US Na player 75 StallevTrips Dennis Balston REM mrronuzn comm Con0mm Gull mlv 8245M 9995O 32 14 unsmm 85 wmnnws mh In Lm Lem Truck It Any DRY SPRUCE WINDOWS AIIOIIYI Eggs 1083495 uu nun pnAUIImy x48s min mo niul COMMIle Guh 21 umm emu $2795 Emory Grade Filo Run 01k Blrdr Indor Elm If regular flock would $142 and $848 pu banal 4mm VEEGRQOYE MANCHESTER Vt AP Slnn Mikila Chicago Black Hawks took onestroke lead Wednesday at the hallway mark of the first annual Nanonal Nkllonal Hockey Lcaï¬ua plny ers gulf wurnamcnt TORONTO CF Arnold Palmer sald Wednesday he will nnt compete ln thls years Ca nadlan open golf tournament whlch open Sept 28 at Van cnuvcr but expect to play in next years event Palmer was here or lashlon shnw of mens sport dulth and gull lng accessories New Westminster Sal monbellies have bowed lwice lo Oshawa Green Gaels In the or Indian junior lacrosse ï¬nal but wam You have to get mad um thlrd time And despite the loss lwn players or the bestolï¬ve ï¬nal hick opens here Saluxday said players had lmhlum home or school Vac Mikita Leads 4MM VIEGROOVE mm on dxls 418s Ii In ynlcl OKOUME Wont Play lilu MINTO CUP IINAL LIMITED AMERICAN QUANTITY WALNUT HURRY FOR PLANKED ELM 495 ms Tm Haw gmrmsmn ac OKOUME mm 411 II 4x8s mm In mm OW PRICES Salmbnbéllies Are Ready To Test 7OShawq Gaels EGOHOMY WOODGHAINJABBBDAHD PANELS PHEFIHISHED MAHOGANY PLYYIMD PANELS LADDERS or 18 16 12 lDWEST PHIGESH Hum Wood gig Extension 2m um PUSHUP 2m ma NHL 3995 32 3278 ALUMINUM LADDERS AT SIMILAR SAVINGS EEILING TILES Fen Hum 10 mum MI STEP GIP GHAlEI PHEFINISHED PANELS Firm Qualily Dnublccoal Whit 4034 iï¬m inmna LESS THAN cams ADD 10c rmsnzrfl In cram ilnmla LESS THAN CRATES ADD 20 PER SHEET Playing or the llliuln Cup won by Oshnwa at home last year and here ln 1064 the teams meet agaln Sept 12 and 14 If allonrlh game needed It will be Sept other wlll be set Bxflnmssary Shmyr 21 Ls Joincd by brulhcr Paul 20 to head the New Westminster defence Said Shmyr has asked for the job of shaduwxng Oshawas high scoring Gaylord Powless so think theyre really up or this one Trolzuk said Salmnnbclhcs cansldcr Ihey have balanced offensive and de lonsivc units Fruntlinm Ken Vlnlnsld Wayne Gossand Ed Gnss ï¬nished 121 in thvir home league race Man 257 points be tween them MAHOGANY PLYWOOD PANELS Snlmonbcllic haveni had the polishing experience oi tough cgmpeiiiionnil year and migh not be sharp in paulble But the club look at puwcriui performances from seven piny ers including capiaindefmce man John shmyrnnd Wayne Bailwood who leave junior ranks alter the series FINISHED ML iGrccn baeis 569k their 011th slgighl ï¬ne manager Jake Trolluk 80 champlnns am 37 Canon 64 11 It Wu man man $3 mu um ml 5mm WMM AI Gulc IOlb Colmul PAINT SAVE muniol um ummma wum CASNWAY BRAND dxfls ch In any qlunlfly LOGKSETS ASPHALT SHINGLES KEYINKNOB EXTERIOR WHITE ALUMINUM SIDING E2355qu 412$ says hls lunklng or this TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7132114 Among those who gradumd from junior play alter the 1965 Inals are an Bull Kcm Tory Ray Nicmi Harry Ferguson and Bob Gross brother or the two ljna slanduuls Bellwood 21 seam nine markers against Oshawa last year Others playing ln lheir last Minlo Cup series include Iongshnl mm Jne OMalley Brio Rczansotl Terry Bnflnn and Roland Jackson In goal will be Dun Wallis 10 Trolzuk said Wallis wasnt fully tested by league compell lion and conï¬ded Ihat his Osh awa counbtrpan Merv Mar shall ls real good Missing will be injured db lancemnn Ron Pepper and Bill Kaslclcln heading lnr college in the U5 Neither club may plck up players but Tmuuk said replacements wouldnt til in easily anyway The Salmunbcmes manager with the club since the 194950 seasun said the loss 1965 sal warls and lack of regularsea sun competition will be fell by bnlh ï¬nalists Trolzuk There arent too many guys whocan get past lhcm 233165