lrrmlu Jnlmwn lew MRI WnlwrhY mum that he anm SJMIH viinl In lmlmln mil lo the man lair In be llthl In Mm mnl nwll Mf lul my In In mum iwr mu led 106d mm Guy Pawn vrrmlrm the Irhy Cuunril um Limin in Ihc Irnrrnl lmjuml tn mm Sunday In mu dmlv mm 11an um ummrmm 4mm whllrhm in nr mullnnn Ila gum rcpnrlcrs rundown on speech mark Io the ncnum try Commonwenllh prime mln lslcrs tonlcrcnm by Sardnr Swnmn Singh Indian oruign mlnislcr ho rnprcsml Irlme Minlatcr Ixuhm Gandhi PERSONALITIES IN THE NEWS LONDON CP India he Asinn giant of he Cummnn nonlth lodny edged close to mppurl African demands or In use nr form to owrthrow Hhodcsins hronknuny regime spokesman declared that rchrl Premier Ian Smith and ns hcnchmcn must not rust as surcd that may are at liberty to arlel at naught 700000000 poo IIIHIHZH JOHNSON India May Support Demands For Force mberg winters cum Canadas Minister mm is Intemrmed by newsman last IN RHODESIH 102m Your No 209 liUl FMMEMI QWDIAN TRADE MINISTER WARan Bariié Girlfléé$tifiéï¬Beaten mm mm sntlvur1 ml hm miml 0w wed hr flahm mulmum rmadau Xlmflw lnWllV ll Silab rbmrmu RUN HI the PNknl GMNIIVIM wmiln lmlwla lkm who mlwfly rmvlnfl Mm luum nml uhlilrl llm ym up lulnn Hm IMhmlhul II brliuvl Uw Um mmmu mm lu dump on Wlaliunnry pnmnm anme Mmhrr Hum MU thmhy alum he lhrml lnllnlinn mmtuhnl mum mu he lugmninz it expressed earnest hope or joint Commnnwcallh soiutinn to the Rhodesian proh lcm rather than solution by India or any other individual country He emphatically raincth any suggestion that Britain is ready to sell out the Negro malar ity in Rhodesia stating that the British Labor nvcrnrncnl and pooptu are tar on wise lur ihnL NIEHIIZII 1llr1llllll Spokesman Haksar My my high cummissinner In Lon dnn decllncd to say specifically hulhcr India Is in mar 01 force Bul he lmor his re marks Indium Ionc de lo be considcrcd It all other measures nilcd night as he arrived in Warsaw Polami In hackground is Vimurs Pdish countermrt MlTll IJA MIMII ll Ih anmvrur rvlulhd In mm yruunnllnm Irv rlmlm IM Cam Um Anulml 111 mm I4 mm 11 IMHMM ml 541 ulomlv IrvIvan Hp mwrml and In IiHIIHVI Ill llï¬lflflnllvm rmr mu ru mm or unilat hmï¬llv Mun yrnl rv mm Vhlml Vllulwv Mclvllln Allln Ilnmllhm and HOV mm Amlrrwl muwm Dr mum mu we rrnlr mummy mum m1 lrzu all lw mpxirul mm Inmn by Im Ilmy waI In nnolhur pummr in mum at rnnhurrrly lrzu nlrr Thu uu vullu mth how Dr lurklmrl mm mm lnr nmmnm In mad Tanmlu lnrursl IIulMIJIHl eMllllnl Ilvm III Mllllrlh rr Nev Wm mm of mum Mm nllm all lwnynr lmn VATHIIIJN 0M CPITho principal nl Unllnl 301mm In flllMerlXInIVM turmo rmy xcwn yuan mm In MIMI hll rulmnllun was demanded Inlay Hula hlnurl In pwl Inn lhnl Duld armmk mm rvnlruvrrly Ill Nev Vlllrld 1mm In Win rlrrhd mmlvrnlnr nl lhV mum hlxrrh nnmln nl llw upnumz rnxnrsw mm Um hurdl 21ml unrrnl coun ril Ila Hun Ihlnx mmlrmlnr mm Vinnhmr In lhc nnrtinrn rlly llue lermrisl lobhod mnmlcs lulu an elmdun Inlly injuring 10 In In 10 bums United Church Elects New Moderator SAIGON AmTho Vkt Con won an bloody rampage pro clccllon terrorism today killing at least six persons and vounrilnx more lhnn 20 lhrca days bolero Um vole for ncnn slilutlondrnmnu assembly The Vch CunK slngcd lhclr mos lavage nrt saulhwrsl ol Suignn here my murdch guwrnmcnl security nzcnl hl HI and Hunr Hum chfldrrn governman smkcsmun mld 11w ler mum um monï¬eailli onlémnca in Lam ngcrla Slngh spake an the thin day or III conlcrcncc whlch VedA ncsdny heard Zambia demand me and Singapore support snmn arm of limucd lorcc la back up wider ancllom an nlhcr vim products buldcs all Asktd whclhcr Prime Mini lcr Wilson mud mistake in pulling nslde he use force against Rhodesia the Indian orA chm mlnlslcr said lhnre wnsr an error In Jydgmcnl we went along the 1351 Cam Viet Cong Stage Bloody Rampage Wmfld ï¬ampczymki GP Virasiwh Via cable from War saw Wmfld $32 flarrite Tho Examiner vr TODAY lthvnn WAWA Cl The Anlv Mnhup Canterbury whHe lulml uman Chrltuln lmlly mnln hl INIch In prquln gqvmmwnl Innlrml Iml many Hunde Walnmlay 11 mm min Im paml uvur In Canada hran Mr nnnd round 1mm Hm Sflvrnma Conn nl Cunnda rnndu ed lhnt Mn JuAUcn Lan drovlllu wnn nrflhrr nor mnpcr mm In nrcupy place on lhu benth lha Supnme Court Dnlnrln Ecumenism Topic For ArchbishOp AM Inflnl NIIIl HaulfleduIl nnIInIl HIMH DhMrlI mllalhl lpMIl ll TV lllllnnll luer WomennO Hull OTTAWA CPD While Mr Jusllco Lea Landrevllln will not day In court then mm lo be no diapmillon on lhn pm varllnmcnlnrlnm lo rehuar nII Ihn mldlnca when by lvnn and In hl Inquiry lnla he Judgal mum to rcmnln an In nth Rehearing 0i Landreville Evidence Unlikely By MPs HE hm Iaundwd must against proceeding too quickly because Parliament oflen made when the emaAhouIs sllflng alter 45minqu dinner break Galdon Churchill PC Winnipeg South Centre with tongue in aheeck laid he was nleflng he debm on the as sumption that Transpon Minis ter Pickmgiu had soulM nx endm hours to enable more my to spcgk ley Hausa btnlness end or the day pm on Wed nesdays but lhk time went on 1019 pm HAMBURG Germany lAPlBeallu John Lennon went In work an It In war movie Wednesday with his mop cut He nul lich his long locks for tho starring role or oldier In ï¬lm How won the or the 4000er bill um ht Comons Into extra hours In the hope that debate would peter on during the ovum The government trying to win car In prlnpigle MTAWA CF Dppasillon members Wednaday night spun out debate on the governments ranspormuon bin to an ex tra been of menm sit ting time mm WORKS WITH MOP CUT Wir OdeSition MPs Extend Transportation Debate Barrio Onhrlo Inna Thï¬rflly8¢phmhr 79 Tu Hw uvenlnl rmguzlllrm In Mill hrllllï¬m have mmmnn vldm nl Hull and MM IMMI lMIr lmlin luvlnlrml Dr Ramay flrw rum Mrmtml WedneIny mornlnx wM 1mm AM mmnprmlul fur mnrh he day by Ext lamI Amt MlnMrr Mmln mm pflmfl mlnmn In IM Hr mm cl lumm In lny bmmrmenflh ludm Mm In undo um tnmlu My mummy 11 MM ha th you ï¬nd door lhal idlll Illlll Innh II he lnld It Illnduvm Millin lml nwn unlnrnl lowm The nuhblxhw uld Ilv mar lnwln r4 IlWNmrN Mvmn Anillun cmmmnlnn and Mum Calhullc rhurrh II Jud om pan lho nemh In Ivxunwnhm um mm In mm NI Ilm Wmva brloro 021an Thxh lumlmm ï¬lthnu Ilnll or wllh Hu xuvrrnmlzrnrul and llnnfly In manninrrm thunh urka Mimi lry rinse Ia fllymmld Dr Alflmr Midurl dccldrd he Ihould hnvu lhil homing and has nmmml lhnl Gammon and Scuttle up nmumhcr rnmmmco lo Mr Ilnmll Mn and hm Mr Jumps Lllldrele hurl bdorc cnlnp cymmlllet Ildérn pressurglq 11 wk In no rcltdcd lieu run and nllnr Mr Hamll ï¬ll rt WM Md nut Hul Ion bclnre he pruscnlcd lhcse conclusion In Jusllco Mlnlsler Cardin Mru Julllce lflndrfvllld had been undcr cor Arson ddlnflely lun peclcd uld pakcsman In the Elobicnke Fire Department which Wfll null 31 the menu 12 TORONTO CF The Tor onln pollen Arson Iquad was sitting through lhe xmvuldcnng remIn at All Salan Anglican Church in luburbnn Etohicoke today After In during the night dextroycd Illa 5930000 bupdlnxr Desp rejection of me amendment me Conservauvcs mnunued to was for immch Ale Idem cl he 7111 to com mIIlLe and Mr Chmhlll ur xued or goslow approach In ha leï¬slagion Mr mgnl replied that the measure had been promised Wednesday aflernoon deputy Spas Kéierman Harder 1111 out er an amen nl Thoma PCMiddle sex West to postpone approval In principle on mom reading until he transport immnluee holds Lhomgh Blaze Destrdys Toronto Church CDNTDVUES TODAY The debate which began last Thursday nlgm alter pasage hill ball the natlrmal rall wayl strike continues today lllm when mwod coo mm up In ivdudfhm am mm bth 11 mm nle aanSelmAmlimnundl maximum Mm uroplo hclonml In lhu congrcgallon The myxlono xlmrlura was built In lha shape at eras wilh luvmr risinK hm ho nlsln rrcsml the Inga Insldu It was linlslml In Ilmtd oak WIlh tmdlllunni cnlhcdml In daus rhrrry ml 1rpr MM He said nmu prizcd pns sessions leslroyul wue seven slalmd glass windnwa and 857000 organ The thurth linishnd In 1957 was showpiccc and hm been ducribcd lhcl best mhilco lumllydcsigncd church In Cam mla Im mystified lo ha caused In tire loll the dumb An hour before and cvcrythlng was nll right lhcn hours aflcr the Im slamd No an La Injurcfl in lhp Hum nu umka Arnold Wilkinson 49 mmlslcr at the church said In an inlnrvicw alter lhe main aim In ending the rcighlrme freeze is permit runways to adjust rcvenues lo pay for wage intro156 11m hill ouUIncs amew trans pnrtalion policy frees railways mm he freightrule Irceze cs ablished by lhc previous Die enbaker government and per mil gradual abandonment of some uneconomic brunch lines Mr chmï¬iu replied that the 1961 procedure was goodvone and should be repealed nvw vu men In agreed to send similar bill tn committee Wore second reading and the hearings then produced changes rennind in the current bill How many times does this same morass have to go on Pickersgill asked six years ago by the Diden haker government g7 Prior To Rape Speaker Lucicn Lamuurmx nun out of unlcr mollon by Michncl Forrtslnll llCHnlh Inxl ur an emergency dclcnco drlmlm Tilty accused him can lunp lnrliumcnl lnr xnlnu nhrml uim unillmllon lhc nrmrd lama before placing any unilimllnn lozlslallnn b6 me he Cummunx alive mounlnd their sbcnnd Common 1111an In hm days on Daftnee Minlsltr llcllyur vcd ncsdny Oppwitiun Leader Woodmw ond sparking CCF apposition to the measure called on he govcmrncnl In gubslltule bill The mnllnn mid Mr llnllyrr group of about 500 trade unionists was scheduled to aim part in demonstration about 90 minutcslatcr 30 minutes alter the legislature stars is second day or special session to consider the hill The Essential Services Emer gency Act prompted by strike of employer the Crown owned Saskatchewan PunLT Corporation calls for compulsory arbitration without mica in disputes involving workers furnishing water heat natural gas and elutricity rind bmployrcs pituls nursing Mm mi xi tustltutlumt PCs Rap Hellyer On Unification Bill pmm cmThe Comm REGINA cmA mass dam onslralinn by 53 skalchcwan made unionists today in Iron of the legislative building was cal culated tn suppofl voca denun ciaum Wednesday of 11 gm enunan hill providing compul sory arbitralian in some labor disputes mussuction provmclal Irndc knians was to meet Premier Ross Thatcher at am and present brief on he proposed legislation Lal only wflh the current Compulsory Arbitration DraWs Labor Demonstration repljesqnï¬ng An No More Than IncParCopy 16 Page an In nun mt grub Thrm fl gmw xlnn lhnl Mr Hrllycra ilkv11 tlcllons would be Irmvnmhly cumplrlnl befrlm lmlinmcm hle dxuncn l0 Inhale lllu mnlttt Il 1150 snld he minixlrr Is pursuing an Imprulmr cnursu wiflmul slululnry or purllnmm lary nulhoflly In Hi wncculinn ntll uni llqu dc spila mung ohjuliunx SAYS TIIIIIHJ had lampcml xilh lhc midnnm him run Admiral leiinm Landymnro had Inkndrd la pro scnl to he Communs chcma mmmiflm In June the Saskatchewan Fad on of Labor described he bin harsh and unncmssary and said lhc Sll would do ewylhlng in its power lnmnvlnce the gov ernment lo Icscrvc ils ml akm and harmlul coum The bill provides the cabinet wilh wideranging powers to de clam stale of emergency il it feels slrike In one the in dustries iropnrdizcs life hmIlh or property nlsn provides for dccertilimlion of any umon striking or remaining on siriko 10 days aflcr such an emer xcncy proclmnml He said ho bill is designed not to Ho dispule buk to get rid of any union that does not too the ï¬ne in keeping with the government thinking of ho dayln regard In wagcs and nrkin ndilions Jim Kimmnrly negotiating chairman fur the Oil Chcmical and Atomic Vnrkcrs Intermi innal Union which rtprcsan about 1200 natural £65 and clerical workers entering their scvenlh day of ihe strike against SPC said he is cum plainly shocked the infa mous piece of sordid insanin Introduction of the legislunun uvcked outraged ccmmcnl 1mm most leading nhm lenders who said it would lead to labor un resl SEE PAGE THREE