Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Sep 1966, p. 8

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uluunu ugxuu 11uhhiontlay nlfin chmy nnd tng playoff sep mm the saw Bradford hnvn been provldlng nn oxci 3105 In the South Slmcon sollbnll league moifinals Lnlroy pounded out an ll2 triumph on Thursday night or he cqunlllcr but the other games were cloau ll Inok cxlm Innngs or Bradford to squeeze ugut 70 margin in one of H10 games GORDON KNEESHAWS Fennch Comm loam lnnl Mllonl also have been maktnu hlngs Inlumting Zln Ihc other scmHlnnl nel Fonnclln pltching 100 men Mntchcl came up th lhrcehlllor In aolllng lback Gllfnnl 21 lo nhmlc Wayne Mundy Harri Chop mans honm nm prevented Malcth from Kn nlnu inhuloul Mundy gave up 0an four hits two hy llon Admin and mu each by Inc Numhlo nud Dent Drown Larry Mn and Peter Newman made the ul on Ihapxn homer Tho c1050 mmpeutlan ln llm ncmlflnal 5va has keyed up Internal ho mmnn peak and all lmllm unnn lo one llm hanlmlmmhl llnnlx ln yum lfiTho laller 21mm wlll go nlno lnnlnxx ll wlll ho lho lnbml hm mil livu ntlalr Exactly $1 be 115 In purse money for the riches meeting in the htstory of Can Cndhm thoroughbred racing which opens on Labor my morntmz It marks the first ttmc single race mcct ng tn pod the $1000000 tigurc DANGERFIELDS Ermine Sox who nnisfiul In the moncy ForkE311 1151351 run better In the null LA Bnrrlé and be fullmélng her progrcss bino nnd Grocnwoml meetings horse named Real IRunncr won at Vomlbinol summer mceling for Hen lowln oflcomlng prguqd ngaln jnandéd inching for the Majors BARRIES TWO racin slnblcs owned by Goorgo Dangcrficld and Richard lenderson respectively are bclng moved from Fort Eric Toronto as We thor oughbrod racing nclivity swings from the Buffalo bor dorL1o lo Woodbine for 40day unldlnn mceling um uvluu Southpnw eorEe Dunn ls generally consldcrcd the curmnt ace of the lllnjms staff although Terry Burke rIalsa is highly rated lollhandler Ralph Cooke ls an un ghd cpming yqungsjmr yth has dorm most of tho pitching forrrfiahéér needs 11 hthandcr Veteran Doug Howard who once play for spell with Thornton also has done some nght La AL RIVALRY IS KEEN between the eastern Ontario and north vdnners since Brockville eliminated Drillia ln the first round last yearr The Majors won in 1064 and then went on to win the senior Ontario baseball crown winding up by beating Chatham in the finals flhmntons Don Johnston played an important role in the Orillia win on that occasion both as mounds man who shared pitching honors with big Bob Gat ield and at the plate iiis homer helped to sew up the clincher 84 former Barrie star Nick Owen as leading hitter with the Majors then and he con timies to wield potent bat for the0riliiaciuh HAVING SWEPT aside Midland Indians five games to one in the noth finals the leagneleading Drillia Majors swing into action against Brockville Beavers tomorrow night at the Oval starting at oclock The game will mark the start of the senior OBA laydowns with the second tilt back at Brockville the allowing weekend Its best twooutofthrce affair ared monow the team will be declared south section champions and meet the nor thern group winners Orilfia Majms at Orillia in the irst game of the finals for the county We next Wed Psda ghl under floodligth More people were werdale Park last nday afternoon most of them at the ball game and ndlcafions are there will be another large turnout to orrow The game week ago ended in rhubarb with some Alliston players and fans vigorously pro iesllng some of the close calls by the officials all of wluch reflected the rabid concern MM may Ag steady improvemen his pitching and might get BOD DONE the starting call this time aha 21yeamld righthander has developed fast nbnealung curve to mix with his fast ball which has dded to his effectiveness He was the winning pit cher when the Canucks won 53 at Creemore GRAHAM HURLED fivehitter in going the route when Ailiston and Creemore played 3a11 draw in he series opener and struck out seven After each earn registered win they played another tie fiall affair at Creemore Thursday evening Under the ser esgystern points are sylit on drew growl started for Can cks and he gave way to Doner and Fairbairn While he hasnh basked gin tha limelight as much as some of his teammates fiabr Donor ha shown rm nAiinm WE dammiszér ma DISTBICT SPORTS WOOQDINE PM DAILY AMINO MONDAY THE FALL MEEY IS ON AT WOODBINB Creemore filliston In Ball Limelight TORONTO Tl Tnmnln llrrnlml Futlph Friday nlxhl In advnmn to In ml flnnl Cnnndlflu Nalhmnl dunnipvwhlv in mm wm um rm Onl allay uHh lhn ulnmr arm with lmrvlnn In he ll Sept 14 Mm Slvwanl ll noccsmry 740k SepL 17 Stuwml ILILI mommy 1m INTERMEDIATE SERIES Hut Flu fitmlFlnll Ill Mmday Plan Slewafln 730 Sort 7x Smm Plaza 7307 10 Plan at Shewafll 7307 mguxsary gm ImuFAmn Dania Coop ImpJJMUnnn win mmd ll Nllhll Mora m+xm Coop Clnrlunn normn Sammy mm mm 730 Plan Elmvalo Slewarll Newmarkct Ghosts Beaten In CNE fiction European Cup of Nullonnl lea Hockey Champions rela tively new compcllllon among lhe winners of each years ama leur hockey playofl in Euro pean countries was officially sanuloncd by the Muslim Vfiln number of teams in clghmeam group remnlned unchanged while me number at Reason lot the change Ls Ina here have been three or Inn weak teams In the group every year fhu i967 wild Ehnmplonshlp am in Vienna One dcclslans madu by the annual llllF conference here was reducllon the number of team playing ln the top gmup the group from 01511 to six The slx top teams will play each other twlce In stead of only once In lulun world loumamcnls POERTSCHACH AP The International lee Hockcy Federation Issued new set regulations Friday or warld amateur championships tnAgo Intoeflect In 1969 lnhnn Wlnl Hound NEHIHS mm Sewn Final rum nmu MN Manama Irm DA Rh two run home run and sacrifice fly In du third accounted for all the Columbus rum in the Jets firstgame victory But the Braves knocked the ML out top spot In Iha second gums behind Lha smudqu tulle per formance of Chl Chi Olivu who retired the nine men he laced Jnhn Mason led the Red Wing attack with four hits and runs runs batted in Cam Cur reon and Dave may also cul lected two hit each or Roch ester while teammate Steve Demeter drove in two runs with first St 12 gm It Plum Elsewhere the leaguelending Rochester Red Wing walloped Syracuse Chm 06 while Mr andplace Columbus Jcls dr and Richmond Brave In the first game of double header before losing the night cap Jacksonville Suns de tealgd Tglpdo Mafia The Leafs werent that anu am Friday night They slipped from onehalf guns to lull game behind lha leadm when their adlcduled contest against Eujfalafllsangyg mIngd put IIHI Revamps Tourney Rules lBaihlInipedes Pennant Thrust The last flme Toronto Maple lull warn idle they took over first plan In the Inlemnflonal beague SENIOR SERIES But Sevrn EmilFinn MINES linl of Flu firmlFlnIl Plain mm mm SERIES med 5H SemlFlnIl Pl ml 11m cmngmn Puss Slewlrl ln SERIES mm chm Flnnl Fuluro Gun SOFTBALL Round III In front wu Hugh Cnmp bell Snsknlthewnn Roughrldrrl whusu min mm In rnmlnrl nblo rlmn mom than lhu ch as pupuqu Cnmphtll Abcmluhnn Thomas Ilnlvlman Culley MlllllrIL ILC Wlnlnn Krrlmw Nlrlxrn FlrmlmL ILC vnmhru Kerbow Vaults Among Leaders nnndy Kcrbnw swept lulu he cslcm Foolan Conference In llllldllfll Emlan pictura Friday nlyhl collecting lwn lonchdoum In Edmnnlon Eskimos IiiII vie lnry Llnm KerbowA 19 min wcm good lot elm plum five pomh ho hlml lwmmnlo Tommy Joe Culley haw IIHRIO lIldny uino hIm polnu In Hflh Knpp mm with less than three minulu temmninz and 10 Raw callcclcd Brfllsh Columbias touchdown also ram one yard out as the Lion lailed to escape the league cel lar they share with Calgary Sumpcdm GUN ENDS THREAT chbaws touchdowns 1n the second and third quarters came on Idcnllcal ona yard plunges an up by long divcmL licd marches Tommy Joe Cof ty who missrd bolh convcrls qddcg 11 3mm point asyanl held goal allcmm that wcnl wide Bill Lasseler on the mini The Lions mredtéficd late In the gang but Ithe Agun sounded starts the Eskimo now share can lead will he Roughfldcrs and Blue Bombers Each club has four wins but Edmonlon has played one mme gum He scored both louchdwwns and directed masterful ground oflensivc us Edmonton Eskimo rapped anus Columbia Lions 136 nr Iheir third successive Western Football Conference victory Mnnhandled Saskatchewan nn thjpeg Blue EDMONNN OP Randy Rozbow was given the reins of authority Friday night and alter ane lull game qua temack the nimble youngster proved he had all the essential to handle Ihe 59b ulllime fly THE CANADIAN PRESS Tho lcndrm 176 BLAKE 5T by Dion defends mil mite ESKIMO ban omiiar Willie lmodued dm Edmonton Advances To Leadership Share OPENING FRIDAY NIGHT KEMPVIEW BOWL Ilrilish 61ntan HAVE BALL BOWIIM NOW WITH AUTOMATIC PINSETTERS mull modern Iqulpmunl lullbk BOWLERS WANTED PIN LEAGUES MENS LADIES MIXED Phone Lovo 7ll976l or HIM F05 NI All AVAILABLE TORONTO cm Hmmlnl nld up lo Available to larmm lo Mp Mm In lrmov hm mm Hump Ind hmsh cum umlcr Im Airlrulhxml Hrhflllllluflnn and Ihvelmmrnl Ad Axrimllnm Mlnhlrr wn llnm 51mm nnnouncnl filzlny Hnmlnon will he arm lhu younzut prospect In linux on trnlnlu ramp whlch nptnl Sept III In Kinznun Hnmlllnn nnd nohby Orr Boston Hrulm Innuhnnd are ruled he lop lwa amateur de lencn nupccu In Canada nxa lwu pnyul nKlml wrh olhrr whmn Edmonton heal Oxhnwn Ixnun 1n he 1906 Memorial Cup Innll llnmilmn quAloaHuo my pound dclonccmnn excelled in ourKama tryout with Mug lnsl mason and alch good chnnco makinz lhn Jump to lhe Nutlonal Hockey Lcaxuo lhll yaq Im mun Hammnn hclntd Ipnyk Edmonton Oil Kim lu lho Mcmorlnl Cup chumploxr nhln NEW YORK AP MIMI llamlllon 20 mo the up Junior horkcy pmspncls in Can ada has hccn ugncd lo pm lwlonul contract by New York Rania imam manager Simlln Franck appeared to ny roughing penalty up he 130 touchdown Thu penalty moved the ball to the Eskimo and Kapp wild in play In Taking over at uons 37 Ken throw to Larry Eiimes and Billy Moore in tench the Edmonton 28 with one play re mining Km flip to Mun soy Mar right sideline lookmi dangerous until Poles in tercepted the hard running fullback Edmonton marched as yard in six plays for It first touch down Jim Thomas and Trent Waller sparked the running game and Kerbw tired passes Io Willie Shine and Colley to move tho ball the three Th9 Esklmo scored Inmch ately alter the second half kicknlf They maved mm Ihclr $6 to the 130 eight in eight days Thoma and Hutch Press uy mm the and Ker baw 511d aver eh guard for tha 5cm Pale was replacing Jim Sfln netle who sullered tom Achil les lzndon earlier in the game penalty or blocking from the rear ended Ednwntona bid to run out the dock Hamilton Signs With Rangers allstar and TmrmyJoo Galley 77 watch 11 mar Actim came during an had ground BARRIE ml the Ichmklnx am the lmh Dclrnll manager Frank ska malth Kallno km the line up Irlday allornmn explaining um Im wnnlnl he MlSlnr on litlrln Akron lor lho linbh Kallne wrakrncd lzy mum cal tam IIMI akltHNl brow ha 110 mark and had lrivrn In only 15 mm In Um past man woekl CIMM WHALES Tho Tlnm pirlml up lb men on he nrmm uhn mm Chicano Vhiln SM In mink lur Ihmr mu has In lhs nmrs WHIla llorlon waancd Ihrcrmn Immrr In he but game backing the ourMl plkhinfl Danny McLaln Mlckcy Stanley rapped hm hm Including hl first homrr lho plyflllcnn my Dclrolln slumping slugch wan benched ln he opener of Frldny nlnhla doubkhcndcr at Cleveland but playrd ll lnnlnu ln llm mom came lhe Tiger took +2 75 new om Clevclnnd lndlnm Tho Victoria mow the T1 xm wilhin 97 games Amcr Ican unwinding ualumoro 0mm fly DICK COUCH Anodntrd Im Spam Wdlcr Al Kallne began hl vacmlon by workinz overlimfi Keflmw also averaged 52 yard on seven puma nearly 10 Yard helm than Neil Bean men of EC mmzplkhed in Ihe name number of Mom EDMONTON rip SlntlsA In BCEdmonlon VFC gamu Friday First dawns Yards rushing Yards pnsslng Passes mndolrlcd Passes Intercpld by Pumaaverage yd himblcslosl lcnallicslanl yd galner 1n the West vaccd the Eskflma attack with yards in 16 carries Premley rambled or 55 in 12 nnd Walters or 36 In live as Edmonton picked 239 yards an In ground Kerhvw comlelcd 10 11 page or 144 yards as Edmun lnn picked up 22 first downs Kama had 14 pass or 144 yards as Edmomon picked up 22 um dawns Kapp had 14 comleuons in attempt for 235 yards The Lions nddcd yards may taut or 55 Tigers Edging Nearer AL Top mm mafia lwlnl Wtstcm Fmtbafl Omlumce lune at Ws Glam swim to llZl 743 Edm 1017 752 um Lumy Calcr kmhnl In lwn In wilh Ilnzln Iml Anrrllim 11 MRI Ihll 00 Ml vawmnny Mum Jon Mcock nmncknl two mn plndl hll homtr ln lhe eizhlh 11mm Hm Angola pan Wmhlnxlnn Iltflry Knoop drllv rnd Ihrw Caluamln mm with Enlr of pm hmnrr iha Xuficllq rllmiml pnsl nomm Inln nlnfll Inc thml Q10 lellll pinLug Ilrvf Slu Mill Bafllmnul usu ally brilllnnl rnlM sperlnli Web And Tommie Aw with 11¢th In the nu inning lurc mz across Illa wlnnlng nxn lMmw optnod he 1m wllh double and Don nulnnl drew an lnlcntlonnl wnlk bdm Mill ers comm disappmred Earl Dallcya lhrmrun dru bln In the hm Innlnx and pllchcr Jim Grim llrlvrenklnu nlnxlo In no luurlh svarkrd Hm Twms to their tvurlh Almlghl vicinry ME in smhf 5an nlnglix lhg my and 540 be x9 himnd on Jim Rm Imam zrmmdtf BEANHD BATTER lha Indlans lunde an Joe Sparma or liva run In the lira Innlnx 1h nlghcap but De lmil nughl hack Ipnliy yin oulscorcd New York Yankees CnliInrnln Angels cdgnd Washington Suntan 65 and Kama City trimmed Boslan In the Us he played or EuL ah Bills and Denver Cookie who played or Samla and mm of tho Ontario Rugby Football Union and llamlllon TlgerCnls Toronln Argonnuu and Saskatchewan Roughrldcrs lhuCmadlan Football Dengue says he would not play foolhull in Canada ngaln What do you think wen thn v5 tor Money Cer ulnly eel lm war Th1 is the amount owing he claims on his oneyear nocut contract which Included nusu He also said he prclers retire ment lo the abuse and treat ment 13 has received In pro lesslanal football MAY BE THROUGH The 31yearold fullback an of the high seams in thu AFL says he could be through with lhe game Bert Yancey the US who had 68 Thursday shot 73 or 2x7 which put him twa shots of the pine BruceDevlin ol Auskralla also had 17 218 were Roberto ds TORONTO CWCookie Gfl chrm gays Denver Broncos cl ha American Football Leanne owe him $59000 Cockle working for mining firm with holding In Northern Ontario and Europe said In an Interview Friday he hasnt heard mm his Denver employ ers in tha last monlh Nngle held his lead Friday 7y Ming par 73 over the 7031 yard Rays BirMale course Casper me US Open Chanr plan fixed laurunderqar 69 to leap back into comenllon Casper stmde mm the final round of the whole medalqzlay immamuzt with he shall one behind Kel Nngla Amalia who was leadingme lleld SOUTEPORT England AP Thom mm odds mo sam bluaptltonBfllogsperlowin the £00000 world champimflp gall tomamen locked like good bet May or those who naked ma Ammoan Cookie Claims Broncos Big Salary only Ljeynndlng what NASHI LEADS Norman Stays In Contention You only am WM ll 1mm llwu 0m Ilvllvlvln brlngs you Texaco Fuol Chief all wlnlor long all filmtit Exumitm There still are 12 players In the makh In addition to the Canadians there are 44 Ameri can 11 Britons eight Ans tralians slx Swlh Allluau our Spaniards two Japanese twolrislmenarlld New 29 Oniy iwacanadinn of ninn were Hill in contention Mos Norman imm Giiiord Ontario was in sixway tie at 225 iia shot 71 Friday to £0 with earlier rounds of 75 and 73 Wiif Hamemik of Winnipeg the Canadian PGA champiml in 1965 shared 29 with nine other players He had no Friday ailer rounds bl 75 and 74 Mm Arng MWME Equalllnz par of 219 or flu hole route were Colin Joluk stone and Barry Coxonvd Aus Lralla and Bub Charles the la hander from New Zeahnd vlcenxo of ArgentinaPeIer manual 01 Australia Terry DB of Muleshm Tom Ana Nun Oaks 01 England 42 Bill SIMCOE PETROLEUM 75 ANNE ST 72¢an One call thqts all UM BURR SEW For friandly comp enl larvico and quil IIy brand name prud um all In now Borlram mam And vlmo mt 64km Wm 1m in Pb column Youll mm mm Landau vmle youn picking um hm hm mu my youll quickly mum Why dont you do Phona 72414 Fur Fnst llelplul Want Ad Sanka 02 mm nuntum mmwgu new quack 10 on on CASH AND CARRY ll youhl lLkn mm hm Mm magnum How To Beat Boredoml 1160254 kmfiik

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