Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Sep 1966, p. 6

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av $13 Mll 1W Mkndmlml nun1m II no Jpu Inn Ii Imp ma wan lhv mum In mhl Oun So lease help me to look out or her Please drive careful Please drive slowly past school and lnlersccllons And Elmo remember that some Umcs chlldren run from chind parked cars Please dont run over my little girl Wllh deepest thanks for whatever you can do or bar am llluch as wnsh could it is not possible or me to be with her at all tlmm have to work to pay for her nonle liar glqlhes lger educntlon When herr doll gets broken or her finger gem cut or her head gels bumped can fix them But when she starts across the street then Mr Driver sho is In 391 hands uunw AHLIB Wetaiitcd about lot or things tremendously vital and unimportant things Now as this is written she is sound asleep with her doliniaddy iniipr arms Tonlg we talked about school She told me about the girl who sits in front of her girl with yellow curls and about the boy across the aisle who makes faces about the teacher who has eyes in the back of her head about the trees in the school yard and the big girl whodoes not belieer in Santa Claus Todayfrfiy daughter whargvgixHSEs old started school He cocker spaniel whose name is Scoot watched her leave and whlncd his ballot in the folly of education few weeks ago Isaw little girl struck by car as she tried to cross the street saw father race toward her and hold her to him as she struggled in the agony of death saw all the plans that had been made for hm dashed and Isaw the look of despair that came over his faced could only offer prayer that such thin ht never happen again m1 PLEASEboNi 316 REAISIITIEMHERE THE EBBme LEIIER IS OF SPECIAL INTEREST T0 Dear Driver It would certainly be to the advantage of every par ent to take few moments out of this busy weekend and chart the safestroute for their child to take to school Why not go one step further and walk over this route with him at Most schools also have safety patmlsmade up of older children who guard the younger children at crossings near the school On occasions the school enlisk the help of police at such places if the traffic heavy Drivers 100 can do their share by obeying the traf fic restrictions within the school 10th and paying ooial attention to the safety patrols and the ren Most schools in the city do great deal to make children conscious of saletyrules traffic safety program is taught in Barrie schools during the school term as art of the Health and Physical Education pro gram literature is provided by the Ontario Safety League no the Department of Education In cases where it Is the childs first yea at school Cpl Berry say special attention should be given to direction everyone knows how excited and confused children can become on the first day at school Where possible take the beginner to school the first few days until the child knows the route and what to watch for mu mum mm mu mum puuw mum wuu unmy believes that parents should 1mde their children to follow routewhere there are safety patrols or pro per stop streets the shonesz and safest route GIVE DIRECTION This slogan was first adopted by minor hockey en thusiasls to it their particular request but it ls equally pllcable to the thousands of parents who will watch elr child launch new stage in his life on Tuesday These are also the sentiments of Cpl Ralgh Berrfr 53 £110 with 63m Moe M9 wl inn Dont send your child to school TAKE your child to school HM HARM 33mm lAilfflDAY SEPT BOY SUIT SKIBTING THE BAY Very sincerely yours Slgncd FATHER bar In hurl wndmbh in mud Min um ml uhllo Aml wu Mm whim Winn hark By EILEEN DIXON Iv tmlnlnrru ltIYEMI lo ham nu nnmm mmum mlmn mm mm Emu no luv he MIMI who vlul 0r mm In dnlmlng lhu mml beautiful ml Ilnlnl 1m mny um mud ul mm or 0le ml will many wml ollllll him In lhrlr pmmlon mm nl Mu truly plum run Inlnm pmlurrd In Amner In nlnmnl Am Rom Hum containers duly rm Vulunm mnlxl mum ml wvlmhly wn uu lxq pol ulnrlly nl lolpmlnl hm lurh urrnln Irr Mth Nlmt Mllny ml wulul ym lhu law Hut hhlory rrlnlrl lho Ind llnl In lhn mh crnlury lho 2mer Jmcphlm hrflml Inll on mm of mm nhlpn In lmlhrr llm mud lnr nvw vu Irllu of mm main Irm mul wlm in mm In Mr IIIlIIIlnl mom rum uhlch rnmo mnny unllc mmml In IMmurrl Nlllnry mo Inlru Ilm Emprmr Nuxurlcnn hownlnl on Ill quprnly Mrl pmlr It win nurpxlalnz In lenrn Hm Immvlnnce IDlpmml In umllrnu playrd In history Tn lhl Iny mnny people an un dcr lhn Imprmlnn um um llncnu worn discmtrcd by men mauvan Hm unknown far Ihnr er mm In In sulvply Ipch and hub whlch wm um In medlclnu and food In lho ull wurhl In Ihe moist mclhod layer oi dried mini wan pinned In an ennhcnwnrn poi lhcn lay or oi sail inycr on lnyur unliI inc cmk Mu Iiliul Topped rlih heavy weight his was ioil in mncnmle or mi Inr lov rrnl wcekl and Iiirrcd occas ionnlly Then spim and herbs um 1ka Tins 1W6 was tedious nnd mam my one Evcnluaily name brilliant mind nrlulnnicd in dry mcihml nnrl nllhouxh he resulllnx lmurunco wn nni imian he mnlsl mcihod ii Imnmn my mpullr Thu the name Inlpourri wm umi inuilmlminnicly In My Inlxlmo ni driui ior mnlxl pilflll Mle and ppicu PEACE IN HISTORY Today our dlscoursu wlll In on Polpourrl Lavender and how to make Pomnnder and some or lho way In whlch lhey nllnlncd lhelr populnrlly Pol pourrl pronounced popcorn nclunlly mean group un rolnlcd objects For mennlng container und pour rlr mu French verb to rol Hence the name Pulpourri Actually lho rollan pot was generally made of earthenware and used for curan llro drlcd flower pelqlm Pcluls nl rosos wore used rulely ln some nl lhosu old llmo rec peso lnlcr rcclnos called for the dried pm jasmine uranium cnrnulionsv lavondcr and In incl any hlghly accnlcd flown could be um ln lhll lusclnallml nrl From medieval day he lem Ininu mind has been preoccupied wllh way and means on luring and holding the Ingram ICGMS of summer nowm The Almost forgnllnn art of making what was called Sweet hugs Potpourri Pamndes Sweet Vn tars even perfumed mu Wu WW In its heyday km the 15m to the Early lath cenlruIes EDITORS NOTE In Ibo lwelflh uric lrlldel which hue awered Melly oume women page um nrria Enmlner Mn Belly Murray all at hcr pmolul experience In collerunl pelall lo mike Polpnurfl Lanndar Ind Pamlndar Mn Murny hu not Ind 00 mm It momtnll lhll lummlr Ibo his been buxy canceling pu lls Ind drying ham The cm the prnccn must have lame Illentlnn each And any day Ill lummer 11y BETTY MURRAY MRS BRUCE MURRAY Mr and Mn Albert Wimall mo shown following their marriage In Emvale United Ghumh RM Douzlln Miller officiated at the miteran colmm The linido is and LOOKING BACK Collecting Flower Petals Takes Up Entire Summer TO LIVE IN ELMVALE ml min ho have fled mun hm mm hllhnl min Imh an nllill Mary Schmidtr In wdunla In FIM All llulu Wurlaw Jam 5M lm IlKkWd many rmlnlrm and rlhilvllrd In mu lklulmn melm linl 1m Murvluml ml USA err Inn lnwbnmmnl In Emma Mu umd In five lr lidi mmy ml lulu ln Inn lur Ihn IllMl 11 11mm for whom the In the hlahul nnrd erw manning air or at me All Cantu Adm ulna Aha llvu In Turmln ml walla lhm ham and Armlrm Hm Arl lhrrr Mlnr on mllml Imprlmn mm In FM Tnnmln In um 10 Win Armln Uuhmily nml hlrr In annnm Horn 71nd um In Mnan he undqu mhlledure In Am llyl Wiennn and up In mm mm wu ulvrn or moan In In Any fludwml HQIKN IN POLAND 0M ollhu 11qu mm In In Munch In mnmhl ul lnlmauannl mmlo Ina ONE lhll ytnr out pox uhlo cl our cum he won Hm prlm or oumnndin glnxo Mom 1w Mud wrru mm 1an Imcunm nlo Schncldrr Schvnl Finn mu hns lan cmde In cnnm diy all loam than lhere wnrm and lriendly almmphvro lnrnoly due to Ibo lllmlnrl Dr Human Schnrldcr Ind hh wile Mum l1 HAZEL BARKER ll the M11 cl nudtnu to he an mum at Adlmlilo As any lndlcallun lho lmruuo at In crul In lho at Mn II delinilely an upwlni Searching for the herbs and spice mbe used in the recipe sew Trying to find and borrow the earthenware 1m necessary lo hnbd n11 um frag mm But Hm mast baffling pm he whole procedure in trying In locate the incred lanq called lenuvcsi These an Item nccexsury la bind and hoid lhs dulcrcnt mull 011cm er In one store you are Inlorm ed they are not kept in stock wwwmcallrorumn In annulm store that has been In apernllnn or number years they may havu pm he no msury llcms Tm no to be regular mmygommd Pcrslslence payl howmr and Ike necessary lnnrulicnls um many lound couple Mom in nan He in Thuonto and mm 15 hr afield as llnmlllun and Interest In Art On Upswing At Art Centre In Actinolite petals rum yuur own garden and ram friends and neighbors is nowr Ming chm Then we petals have to be dried for several days pre ferably In he sun posslble and Iurncd at IcastVnnce day The old womans work Is never dune must have partly originated in the begin ning of making PolpounL An lunlly Ihe process takes small part of every day all summer Fnsclnaung he sure to one int in 11 hubby but an Inner and outer lid The per oraled inner lid nllnwed the lrngrnncn to escape In permeate loan ladys wardlrbe and In some cases 11 small amount of Ihis dquhUul mixlure wns enclosed in squares or silk or satin and hidden in miladys pompndouxl minemy pnoczss tonne Cam Kahuna Mndill daughler Mr and Mrs lhmld Madfll nl Elmvale The bndugrooma parems are Mr and Mrs William William Wyevnle The newlywed will wide In Elmvale llMll BEAT MILK Thu MINI Flu lm Im Ivunhnlzwulmlng unly 130000 mdk mu In llnrrln pnlnlnl lnuhl NW ll Arlinolllo duvlnl llnnlmr ulunmu Mqu plum and exhllrilnl In many tnunlrln Rama lho Hlmm Counly Im ml Allmllllnn will member rule wok ml lmlrudnr ll Ill mum Inuul In Tmnnin MI hull nmny unemnu Ahoul mu Owlnu In Um Ilu ha In In Menu Ilnurll nnvl Illnulc Ihnrod lrnrllinn um All rlln Dlnzlu MICL 03A HM In mrlrnll and Inwhrum mm lrr Mir ll uldely hmun Ian what Born In Larhlnn Quebec ha now prucllninK llnu It In Tor onln Ilia pnlnllnxl hnvr bun mm mm to 0354 in Enxlnnd nml USA do lllllo lcnrhlnz lull came lo Adlmlblo Iur tvm ck 1M4 cnr Ho Imamv mulml ml with mum nmwlkm An lho UM Mumr uwl lha hallu nlruclum In lhclr palnllnn lhn modern nrlln Inyl bum lhu hon mmxmkm He LI nu lllld on mm Somo cl mm mm cnlerlnlnlnx lzul tnlmnlm mm dwmm with num bnllc mind In ID ml The nmnluxr IN mull he nanm lurnllnn hmulh mm communlmllon Im lo mm Mum lml palm or plrplprc ll ILIIIHI urn dlml rum rflrnl and mum Ila harm it Aluvllu In linzlnpxl ml my Ilruclorl at lchool wm Im on lluucll Many he nunlo Club wlll member Ml vhll hm hm he pulmcd young nnrrle woman III domanslrn Hun or Iha club aw dry su is year made ii diiiicull to find iho quantity of lavender ncccssnry inr lho Pnipaurriv sachets and in soil In bulk This was prabium ior somo month but with lhe luck of lhc irish iricnd uhn ms friend uilo iorlunnieiy are ircmcmiou amount lhi highly scented inwcn gave us permission in cull arm quflniiiics lhix ncccssury item and Wu rpm delighliul morn ing harvcsilnn lho lrcarurc Tho 0rd nnry Polpourrl usuaIA Iy laund In stores is llkely to be mixture rose petals with synthch perfume added These to person who has re searched many lihrnry books has had he loan treasured old llmc recipes nnd has ex perimenlod with her own like comparing diamond In piccn of cut glass The scent is there but It doesnt last mend Whose son sent her In of Potpourri from England in the early years Ihe last war Iinds It as sweetly scented as he day It was made Pale blue balchclor bultam and tiny whole rosehud sprinkled on up were hardly faded and added so much to he nllrnchc nos his trensurnd gift This snmo frlcnd also hns box of Potpourri she made 15 yam ago and Hm ghosts of gnrdens pafl llngcr InlL fragrancg Kitchaner And so to work mix In these delemahle scents pel als spices and llxullm This was the mast Interesting part or the procedure and the finish ed results appear to have cap tured the Irngrunce of the car den flowers enriched with the aroma of the marw spices and herbs N2 COMPARISON Where romance and soda re IatInnshIp are concerned you can look forward happily tn molt the yearwith accent on especially stlmuhtinl apt Hence during late December next April May and Aunt Sentimental attain could prove disappointing In late Navember June and July however chd born on on this day will be curlan with nmbiLion great intelligence and an unusual love the arts FOR THE BIRTHDAY ll tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope Indicates that you rhould take advantage oi mvery nvailoblo opportunity to advance younnli in occupa Iional molten now lince while reuulLs will not bu immediate your idea and Inlean in put Iing them over Bus period for Job and or bushel Emu Mid December through mid Februory late June lute Au gust and of next Septambcr Good ilnonciol pariods parallel the above with June on out standing mouth or mansion But do ovoid extnvagnnco and speculation upecially be tween now and Nov Snme planetary restrlcllans wul mun on Sundayw dilly Alana person Una It will he most Impaflanl to use great tact In all dealings xlnca any perlonx will be rather Ugo auuon In trnvtl Iy EmfiunA pg Tompnnow THE STARS SAY RECEPTION 1h uuhllnu nrepllon MI hrlvl In lho Ivy Cnmmunfly Nanjing hrldon Inqlhcr hale an ni lfiqlnlgc llnrn nh Cnrrylng lhmuxh the lhrmo Um mnkl nl hannrl gown lho fluwcr glrl worn flour lmulh drm Aqua muon nn almllnr mm 1110 maid of hnnorl hrml drm mu Inn rhhwtnnu The firmer gm worn hand un MVM ribbon hrldegmm wnu nllrnrled IIY Irhnnl Trcbblo Unlrle Thu ushm um llrlnn lulxu chase lvrullur ho hrlrle uromn Dmnlnn Iml Ilulmt lurolln nephew the lnlde lnrlnm The mum at honor were fluorlcnmh dress of nquu omn 11 um lulleln lnshlontd an Emplm llnu with In Allno Mn and mm Chantilly lam mmmcd lho Iharl Ileom nml mllly roundul ntckllm Illa Inu Kamn McAphco lama Wu lhe mnldalhanor Krlly Lynn Tale Banks rim ho bride wnl flower mroncl lulla pclnll held Ihn hrhlon lhrecdcr shoulder ltnglh ml of French Iulle luslun Shocnnlcd bouquc m1 055 nmlho cqrpnllom Given In mnrrlnge by hcr mtr lhcr hu brldu than floor length gown urnnnm uvcr ml and mum The mod bodico organza and Chnnlnly Inc on um neckline ncnlloptd lace and lung xlccvu The boul lnnl skin was dcslzncd on xnnzn ovcr lace ll runan II The bride In the daughter of MrsJRobcrt Currie or Ferris and Iha late Mr Currie The bridegroom Ike son of Mr and Mrs mm Chlpchnse 11R Thnrnmm Its Back To School lu and E911Cltzqnina Time nv In and our Four tonnnlon DRIVEIN SERVICE LL mo Cullam MM amid loot flopIn Ind mum Mmdlnl Mrs Ruth Webster was 1010 accompunlcd by Mrs Doreen Miller he orznn FWBAPENGTH nnnss exchanged vuws summer ceremony held at Ivy Prcshylcrlnn Church Ivy on August at pm Rev Mc Curroll oUidulcd honeymoon in Niagara Falls lullaucd the marriage of Miss Cnndyce Rene Currie Barrie and William Harold Chipchnae ul Thornton Honeymoon In Niagara Falls Follows ChipchaseCurrie Rites mu Mlka was mowing the lawn when one his Mend walked by and wind HI Ape Tried out or any Tman plclum use Mikel ace turned crimson He did not answer ukad Mlka what it wax about Ho replied have halt growing In am my bsck shoulder and flu kids cal me Ape Deu Ann Dude My has band died wheuour wu Iwa mu old Mike now 17 and am my mm at him HI scholasth record mel lent Ind ha ha med recog nlyqp In Mike has aways enioyed swimming and he md to go in the pool alienmill um year When noticed he wu making up excuses nut to go with his lriends became mspiciuux Yummy learned an mm eedyom ndyico ME AND MRS VIILIAM HAROLD CHIPCHlASE gun LANDERS Anvléns Boys Cruel Comment Had Bitter Results PLAN CHRISTMAS STAMP OITAWA CHFor the third year in row the post oIIIce drpurlmenl will Ian pcclnl Chrlslmu mum In nounml Way To be talcum 0ft II he llnmp wlil come In two denumlnnllothrce and livo emu me and mango re pchvely Il mum mm ducuon Praying Hands moo duwini Micky xuuls wem pm sent from North Bay LoxInn Brampton Slnyncr Smllhvlllu and Barrie or he weddlng lrlp la the Falls he brlde won blun dress lrlmmcd hwhlle lnce collar and cum completed lmr lravelllng ensemble wlU corsan mi roses 0n thnii rclum lhu couple will ruldc on mums An In BEEPP The bridc ml molhcr chose dress 01 pink late with while accessorlax complcmnn ch with canaga or blue tar mumu Ioncd wilh mulching lace lap and hm Her coxsaga was 01 pig cagnpginm Any nglmnd Num lnhromd In hklnu coum pluu tamd lhn Nuulng Olllu on or bola rorulur mum lor Rog will be glvln Iho Roynl Vlmll Hmplhl Barth Ilmlng Mike needs to talk lo mm nne whn can let through to him and make him accept his hair hm without Hume This will not be my dune hll Maude hnve already mIdI him ex tremely gellcansclouae Ask your family doctor or zuldnm HM DECISION Bur Ann mam My chl dun are eight seven and live Their tether has but temper and when they misbcheve he really wnllops them phi1n Shaving half remwll cram nr electrolth no anlwer whan mans buck Ind shoulders In wlved Du you rmmcng xhuvlnz Inh remwal mm or per Mpg aven electrolyxll In can such as thin Please tell me p131 for my 59 lllrnpuy Ind Rulr Moth II In Owl III SEPT 12 1966 SEPT 19 1966 flOTICE Dnr Ann Landau For years our mother complained about aches and pain anon ex tensive examination filled to show anything organically wrong She also lied constanfly We all covered Igp nr her cnuse we bzllcvbd she was mental use 251 month psychiatrist luld that molher mind Is per mlly 0K and that sh has kept us all under her thumb by prelcnglng to beuln Any person who conllnuall complains about ache and palm when the physlclans can find no organic illness ls H1 in the head and this can be more Lrlppllnglhan an organlc dis ease Your lack common Invoking de683 mu mm mm WWII Imlllll mlmullaldllhqpuu Dont make deal with lhnse Iddz Work on your husbhnd lo be less hush with them Ynull have better children and bei Iufi marriage Dent Lndeclded You In In derprotchng your chlIdren Ind me you sea this answer be fore somebody catchu on lire Yesterday the two older out we playmg with matches caught them twice They pmn Ised not to do it agaln didnt tell daddy Am over pllgelscflng my chlldremUnde The kids are alrald of their daddy When they do some thlng wrong they beg no lo tell him usually my OK 11 you pmmlse no lo dglt

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