Oanarhan Norman Jewisnn direct and Stalker and Sid ney Ponler in In The Heat 01 The Night film about um Deep South mm runDMZ MAIN munnynnmgm Evdry Monday 800 pm Twila Above NuServlca Clea nor $26000 SHARE THE WEALTH SPECIALS JACKPOT Admission $0 14 HIGH ST RCAF Assoc Ill WING Ale Envorlllnmonl Mon modun DrlnIn Norm Toronlo Box 01 Opcnl pm Show Sum Dunk BINGO IIIIICMH The Enwright lamily lelt honielessy and without clothing after ï¬re destroyed their home recently are being assisted by at least two commlitces The Lelroy Committee making canvass of the area nsking or cash donation for the purchase at clothing immediately to help the tive boys get back to school The family is living with the grandmother in Leiroy It and when adjustments are complete ed the likelihood is that new home will be constructed on the iormer site It expected that then some assistance mayho grven in help with the iurrï¬shmx Theburnod horn we Mn The fire complelely destroyed the Ialrly new harm and local Midean an peruubcd about delay In gelling the new In station and equipmch into use al hat end the township At present prwcrly has not been obtained so It could be mat ter of months bdm the new slpï¬on will be ln operatioul The unknwwn origin started just priur to the return at the parents from work The cmnmittee headed by By ron Gross of Hwy who is pre sident and treasurer will see that every dallar collected is well used or the beneï¬t the 515 Hope To chvideAid jFor Lefrbv Family Mased by the Enwriï¬wi and only couple of years pay mng glare su11 9anlandlng INNISFIL NOTES nclwtcn Burl Ind Oflllll EJWSTIER IR Ilnlr mu IMSIMS By DRIVEIN THEATRE am in brigade was called In nub Innlsfil firefighters ho hum cl Arthur lInwrlshl Killnrncy Bead road and 20 ddcmad Innisixli 11m hlgmc and Those who completed Gr 13 and wlll bu urlllcrhuz their ed ucnllon In Guelph aro Earl Len nnx in Ontario Veterinary Col lcgo and llandl Hlll ln Welling an llcgt lfl llomnmnklnz Club girls who altcndcd CNE or cw mm but week were Christine Finkbclncr and Maria nlnck FIRE BRIGADE conlenls wcm destroyed Aug 21 Hm volunteers wen c1le lo Ted Hewsonu bum in Com lnnlsnl here Kim had broken out In lho mow It wm under control whcn lhny nrrv rd on loss wn xmnll Symï¬nthyh Voxicndod la George Dnvls new Exsn Tawmhlp In lhn dcnlh his Congratulations to Fee haLv son of Mn and Mrs James Fenhley on winning $500 schol arship at Watedooa St Jer 39 0911959 Mr and Mrs Thomas Granlon Mrs Kay Lang Toronto and Mr Vincent Lang Arthur visited Sunday wlth Lbeir sisLor ME 1°52 NSF By MRS HOLT Mr and Mrs Raymond Crane have Inknn up residence In their new hume La Can 10 in nisiii and new congratulation go in them on lhe birth 01 dnughicr in Rayal Victoria n54 piinl Aug 22 Rum Cmcmom Sunday LIe 00 3351011 being Harrys 70th birth Rev Genrge Bell was in charge of the smite Sunday morning in he Uniled Church the paswr Rev Mr Saunders being on holidays Mr BelL whu leaves Ibis week or Sudbury ha been the minister Fras er Presbylerian Church while nllendiugï¬nms Cgllcge Tomplo Mrs ï¬hea jailer pétlen Injewxp get bogital Mn lllmUand Thompson and daughm Mary and Mac Sloan ill of Toranln were recent vls mm with Mr and Mrs Willan Elliot The bail teams that have hem battling it out during the sum mer an now in the ï¬nals The womens team beginning the best oi three game between Hunters Beach and Shout mma team are in their play ofls with 5L Paul and Alanna Beach team facing each other wine weekly in beadfive games So far all the game are being piayed in Innislii Park WWI plenty of mum and good diamond they an ex pecting good crowds Mm Gnlï¬rallh and Mr and Mrs Wilmer Palmer were 599 nm yany gcnenl feeling in Ldroy was that had the equipment been on Iaiandmoner at Exiflzï¬ mwilh arm wawr the building mlght not have been complcla 1055 The home was silualod on the enr nerAd the Rh line and 20 ride BALL miss TOtténham Youth Wins Scholarship tum By MR8 WICE NEWS OF THORNTON MATINEE SATURDAY AT PM NOW SHOWING645 905 PMJUOND FITw Fiï¬1R3 mum mumum mumumn Mr and Mrsr Malony and amin are newcomers to lawn having 13km up residence in McGocy apartment on Mill Those who warn away for wackend of Aug 28 were Mr and Mn Cecil Drdhcl with Mr and Mrs Russ Brclhet Gait Mr and Mn Story on Mr and Mrs Wall Andrews mud lord wilh Mn Tom Blukclock Huntsville lrlnily Unlle Sunday School will reopen Sept ll at 15 mm allowing lho marning church Icrvlcel nevl hlilroy will hnvu mlumed from holldnyl tn occupy his pulplls Soul Mm Cunningham hnl rclurnvd hnmn nller spending snvcrnl weeks with hp nunla In anonln Thornlnn Vnmcnl Immula day Sam 15 515 prn at the home nIMrs Vlllinm Morris Vlillprn wlllr ha weltome Tlinny UCW will resume all mccllnnu in one at Mn Illnckl home Tuusdny Scpl pm Vlsilm um bu wrlcame Summer course mm mm plnml rrccnlly by mm In Tomnlo Hm Pramck In Orlllln and Mn Charch Ilcld llnrrlc the hall by senior uuzcns who duke in play cards or thumo board there At present the group not organized legler mrm ï¬n Hal Board an rate of 50 cents per hour or each card player and ten cent pa houyxgala or flu use of the and Mrs Allan Oranslon and family are on My to the em was visiting Mrs Cuna tanu parent Congratulations to Mr and Mrs 11 Darnell who am celebrating their 50m wadding aardvcrsnry Wily Sept 11 molhnr Mm Davisol Barrie also to relalhes and friend Mn Hurry BanUnL Friday evening Aug 25 has the local bowling club enlemin ed Eeelon dub mixed doub le tournament The winners Ihree wins were mer Ellison and Marian Dale two wins Marx Olmidge and Ag nes Keogh ang win Joe Bel lord and Ed Palmwr Mrs Ag nes Walsh assisted by tho mum bars convened lhu social pan coflee Mrs Creighton Mid land and Mrs Jack Blair Strahroy spent last week wIlh their manner Mrs James Hm dcrson senior citizens club may be omnxdzed at Strand Ia endeavor 30 come to snmq agreemcnc with ma Comnnmfly Hall Board who have set what rat to be rage Qrlhe =5 Ithloltuutlluduhwu organized it might be possible to hnvo funds on hand that would gnablelhe mmxbem t6 participate In the use 01 the unity alllhlsls gro nefï¬réaï¬b Committee nught take hand and see that these senior citizens were provided with such enter htnment as my enjoy Mrs Jam Emigh attended the Mclnlym reunion In Grand Valley Sunday Thu patient of Dr Frank Shannon regret to hear he L1 to llrlug Dr Shunnnm came tn Churcth ln 1935 and canLlnucd doctor here until 1950 when he moved In Burrlc This was the llrst llme Churchlll had been wllhaut mldcn dacmr for nearly 100 years Thu Slod dart hame mm ho oldest house In lhe vlllaxn wu lhn doclnrx resldence and arm or many years Doctors Lund Reeve Llllle Leader llckard and McCallum prmlsnd there In the 1920 Dr McCallum moved to what new Iha Fllv ulmmlns properly was here Dr Shannon practised for about 15 years Pallenls nnd blend Dr Shannan jnln ln wlshlng hlm many yenrl9l hgallh TEE 3mm EXAMINER SATURDAY SEPT 1W pursue neW position 0m wnlI helcs dsmuudinfl than prl vale pracuea FLASIIIIACK Min Fanny Smith oi SL Pauls has In Mr possession Enlan catalogues dnlcd 1396 and 1397 was intrigued with Romeo velvet hnl nn elabor nlo creation rimmed with Prince Wain lips lam nnd chiiion rosettes selling Hi The current pricu for plain alrnw Wm 25 cuan Chil drenl bonnet tinimtd lwn whole page and were replica oi our baby bonnch Mnny Ilyics and chulca oi leather wens flown in tile hlgh button boon prices 45 narrhcd or builonhmk but muldnl iind one iiicnl owrconu Friends and relatives of the brlda and grnnm entertained In honor of Miss Grace indie bridulect at miscellaneous xhnwer Aug Ofï¬ce friends M15 We gave surprise xhpym jn Barrie Mn McCluskles apartment being hum Gordon McQuar ries and Don Fenian3 new house are nearing completion MmMcCluskle has sold her house and lot In Mr and Mn Len Carr Miss Ruth Browning has re turned home after trip west including the Calgary Slum page Norman Sloan of Saskatoon left an Ille last train for the west before the commencement of the alrlke alter holidaying with his tousin Stewart Donnel Ly 1cm Mrs Gordon McDonald and children and Mrs Ron Conn and family Midhurst spent Wainesdny Inst week with Mrs Ken Graham at Hillsburg nbcron namas THY EMmNFfl WANT ADS PHONE 7M1 un ay morning at the United Church Michael Karl ion of Mr and Mrs von Grnflen re ceived lha sacrnmont hap Lism Rev Clare Geddes oflic cmmm and median at pm In Churchill United church ML Beverlpy Ken L1 Allend Ing muslccamp near Parry Sound this week Miss Claire Tillman im proving nicely alter months aliyvlnï¬anlg hqsgglal Induct Minister At Churchill TONIGHT SUNDAY MONDAY Rev plan Gedfls BA1 By MR8 HUNTER DISTRICT NEWS PICTURES ALL AHBHHRIHHUHMSMWII uaRanuixmummmm SEIIHNWHSHUMW MPH EflflHMWIWHIWSI SUNDAY DUSK T0 DAWN Tho swim classes tnr Bay vlew group at Wiskrr Avenue Beach had Its llnal class Mon day Sixlysuven chlldren from Bethesda Churchill Lclrny and Bell Ewart pardclpaled Ros Hulling ol Toranlu was the share nrganlzcr asslskcd by Marilyn Mackey of Barrle and Bob Baker cl North Slmcoe Tuesday lhe junior journeyed to Barrie to Inks their llnal 1015 at the Linn pool Congratulallnns la lhom and thelr Instructor us they all pass ed the required mu Thnse from Churchill arm wera Wen dy McQunnle Nlckla Benny Erlc and Susan Sauntar Much credit is dun mother who or gnnlzcd thr group lllrs Elmer Graham chalrmnn Mrs Jack Reivc secretarylrcnsurrr and nsslslant Mrs Duncan Coulls MéMICIlAEL ART pleasant place for art loven lo vlslt is the newlyopened Mc Michncl Conservation Collection of Art Kinlnburg Smnil all paintings are displnym against lhu weathered barn board ram such wellknawn Canadian painl nr as Tom Thomson Jack Ion Lawrcn Harris Arthur LI mer and other of tha original Group of Seven Tho panning are housed in mansiontype lug homo whlch combines lha old with tho new Large boul dcrl ï¬eld alone do thc ground near the wlndlnz drive way Iho mammal home straight razor was 40 nenu Mammal oll lamp is cenu cruel stand 3L9 and very fancy fringed window shade was 80 cents Mts Smxth has an Interesting large old photo of her uncle chrge Quanta who was th threshcr in North lnnislt for many years at the turn of the century It shows the steam en gine the thrusher horse and rigs and the threshing gang It would be an cxceltent photo for tha new Innlsfll book SWIM CLASSES stern wen $495 hdlu cape mus hnva been popular 70 year ago or many were Hsled from to 7150 It was surely the good old days when one could buy many thlng im ccnu yard of fancy mekon cloth curling tong or candlestick OLD PHOTO handsome baby carriage with read body and damask upholstery was mined at 35 Put nsols extra at 90 cents It one desired army palIsa hey were avambla in while sateen mated with line point netting scalloped mined and boxplea ed at $2 MTWWHMM nnnrlnx on Our mm In he Tenace Room mun Now lpptflllnl lhe lab uloul loundl ol NIGHTLY FRO EM Mul Ynur Trltnd when Um Acllon ll WEIINS HOTEL GOGO The Dawn Trio MINE aooiflriin=i5r saxirrwrar CANCER FILM armnun 596E131 Rex reunhflm from the Canadian Cancer Sodew be mowing ï¬lms the ash meeting at the Gutbrle Womens Institute be M51 1mm TODAY c=6mwl Iva7 UMMLJIIILUWIIHQUL wtllJSElIISMllIilfl comprehensive mlnlng In all muslc mblecu lndlvldual lnalrumlonSpeclal some classes for children FALL TERM OPENS SEPT SCHOOL OF MUSIC mum MoNDXY AT 2001 Emu Muzalonl Prlnclpnl 275 Bloar Sm Wm Tathno Tllnphona 9283787 Win Some Great Gifts lust Gama This Season Como Ear1y and Play MODESTY BLAISE BINGO ADDED FEATURE nayu covmmmny or MUSIC WWW ImamLn 16 In Gulhrk mm NJ 15 LONG The penlnnda at Nova MA Inï¬eld long STARTS SUNDAY SUNDAY CONTINUOUS momlzau m1 ALIA PICTURES ALL