Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Sep 1966, p. 4

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Safety aulhorilm say he Labor Day weekend in one um wmsl llmsoday periods for highway nrrldcnu in Canada Mnru carp are on the road as famlllu en Juy Ilwmselvos lwfnrc mhools rcnpcn you decide to join Um lrafllc Imam Nixon wen low grass and Bill Dyment low net Olhor Barrle prize winners were Gard Needham Ross Slmpson Frank Hersey and Ed Laws Roy Mack lem Bellcville took charge of new school lnspeclorale Slmcoe No Rev Cecil ll Brcnn officiated at sod turning ceremony for new buildlnli of Central United Church Mr and lrs Richard Harris Steele left an weddln trip to llallburlon in vintage nulomo Ho 1922 Piercemow following marrlage in Banlo Examiner Sept 1056 CNR scheduled extra trains for Labor Day weekend traffic Barrie District Col legiate Band directed by Allen Fish er won top awards at Canadian National Exhibition music competitions Robert Livingston former member won gold medal in open trombone class New Gray Coach terminal opened on Maple Ave in Barrie by Mayor Eldon Greer assisted by Allan Lamport chairman Toronto Transportation Commission Department of Lands and Forests con ducted Forestry Field or large ga thering Tour started at Midhurst Nurseries where foreman Charles Day spoke on work then proceeded to oldest forest in Ontario at Hendrie where thin ning was demonstrated finally to Craw fordTustln properties in Ore David Humphreys 14 pupil oi Miss Dorothy Johnson Barrie received highest honors in theory 100 or cent at midsummer exams of Roya Conservatory of Music At county oli tourney in Barrie layers 100 most honors Jack There was little indication of govern ment concern for such warning Yet during the sameperiods to cope with inflationary trends the United States provided guidelines for labor and man agement in discussing wages and produc tivity There it is considered contrary to government policy to allow wage increas es above 32 per cent Constcrnation 10 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Rising productivity the Council said Is at one and the same time the indis pensable condition for the achievement of rising standards of living and power iulfacior in the circumstances required to case the possible strains and conflicts among the various aims and purposes of our increasingly complex society The lack of guidelines in the Canadian economy has been glarineg emphasized through the endless rounds of dlscus slons this week in Ottawa mgarding railway contract settlement The infla tion threat did not flash suddenly on the national scene the danger was seen by the Economic Council of Canada in 1964 and 1965 and it warned Ottawa that pro ductivity had to be increased if inflation was to be avoided WIHI Publisher Economic Guidelines For Development Of Canada 71 ifialtiv DEATH TAKES N0 HOLIDAYS Publlshed by Cnnhdlan Nawapaperi Limited 16 Bnymld Streat Barrlo Ontnrlo DOWN MEMORY LANE McPherson Managing Editor SATURDAY sun 1m PAGE4 lake It my Ind be IIIr1 In do tlofcnnvl driving II non ha Harlin his wmk harlus Vlllnlmxkl 20 sullorcd rrllkai Inlurlm In hullmu HA In Nurmucll Now Yvrk He Is phown slumpnl mm the wrocka of Mn small Inrelgn ur Iollm lr him In 25 minutes yr annual an yuymum Its reassuring to know that no matter where we declde to go even In outer space well always have somewhere to put oumclves Braeebndge Baptist Church Expect ed enrolment ot 1200 at BDCI necessi tated opening five additional classrooms Principal Bowman continues to head teaching staff Department heads are Coekburn vieeprincipal Chisholm Fisher Miss Enid Coleridge Liddy Miss Mary Mac donald Mite ll Dalton Nesbltt and Miss Nancy th Mrs John Ough won ladies eham ionship at Bar rie Golf Club for first me three days after winning Simeee County title Arthur Powell won mens championship at Barrie Golf Club for third time beat ing George Kennedy in final Man ager of product engineering at Barrie Works CGE Jack Richardson compleic ed 20 years of service with company Big expansion program to add 125000 square feet is underway at CGE Mrs Bert Cook was sweepstakes winner at an nual flower show of Barrie Horticultural and Town 1m rovement Society in Irin ity Parish Hal The crack Hillsdale baseball club of 1910 held reunion at which Lance Rumble was featured speak er Players present were Joe Hutton Fred llicClung Ed McClung Gordon llough Ernest Scott Bill Davenport Fisher Ganton and Albert lllcEvoy It is late but perhaps not too late for Ottawa to get the simple economic mes sage that country can only pay higher wages if productivity is increased 011 this basis government responsibility is to provide the guidanqe necessary to ob tain the ctroperation of labor and man agement to bring the economy back to even keel The inflationary trend in Canada is exceeding that in the United States Cost of living south of the border has climb ed 25 er cent durin the year ending July 66 where it as risen 48 per cent in Canada Yet the federal govern ment has yet to show cognizance of the seriousness of the situation by estab llsliing realistic guidelines 115 action has been to this contrary Yet thls Is small increase indeed com pared to the 30 per centover two years allowed for Seaway workers and long shoremen by the Canadlan government And will undoubtedly also be modest com axed 10 the amount granted rail wor ers came when airline workers received per cent boosts to get them back to work says physlqst H1Wson GeneralMafiagér BIBLE THOUGHT And lhe world And he lull lhexeol dulh llll will 01 God Ihldtlh tuner John Lani nllcr lho old uarlrl ln nlhu no pooplu who lhclr lrunl In In mnlnr wlll llvlng on In happlnm and cnnlcnl monk ma ll lhilehom lhnl pcrhnpl llm htll known member ol lho commlllcn welcnmrd lho party lirlk Nlelsen mlku hls llama 1n lhllthom and wu canyan an lhrlvlnx legal pranllco whlln wn worn hm llunltd pllal wllh llll own light plane hn WA aha dolnz mmo cmnmmlal nylnl lnr mu ol lhu many charm wmpnn lcu ln lhu men For youlldul Ml Orange he Munlxr or Nonlrmz Trrrflorltl the rip Que 13am Exumimn And lhe world pauth any And he lull lheuol bu ha llul dMlh llll will 01 God lhldtlh lanm 11 John mu Worm um year with good summrr weather that ram ed in ha 70 and law £04 In euly Aukuit Tourist lrnfllc up 70 to 25 ptl cent and cm wllh llcenrn plate lrom All But it wag Just outside Daw Iun Ciiy the Inbld uoid mi iwni um ID commilico uw the mast Ilngie giaring cxumpln of was Severn mammoth ruck and Lraliera standing mm is not high and madu especially by Texu campnny or use in Alaska mud ladiy on huge flat liru They crus Ied mm Musk ruin the Yukon Ind nww an involved in cub lam dlsgute These murmurs ll they am called by loul tea idenu will pmhahiy wind up Imp iron or another Daw nonAlwyixl Ailracdun Ruling cquip meal and bag cemanL brouth hula Ihanmlh Lt com dderahlo expense alien lle ex posed lo the element and grad uwy become mules and sim ply add another blot to northern INN FARMER TISSINGTON Ammun Companda WIUTEHORSE The bmpiy oil drum is perhaps iha most cmmnun iingie item across Cam in narihiand Once filled with precious gas or oil the drums are loo heavy to wnmmt shipping out empty and no on has yet devised an mnomicai use far hum 1110 mm is they lia piled by the hundrm and thousands in ordered raw or sculicred carelmiy by the down or the inndscapg ha Canadian mm Nrnpnwr luhllnh ml Awrlnlinn CM ndlnn lrm ml Mull mm fllrulnlinm anndhm Im In urlmlvely mllllnl lu Hm mg rrpuhnullm um dlnumhn In th amt rmlllNl In ll nr Annrlnlnl lvm tum IN film he Inenl um liIhnl lhvwtn Aummiwl mom clm mull Im onlco Depan mm 0mm ml or pnymml mum 1n uh Dllly Enntllyl And Slnlulnry llulldnyl rut17ml Sulncrlpllon rnlu dnlly hy rumr 1c Maddy um ymly 5mm top Me mail nnrrln um ymfi Onlnrln ll run Innlnr llIrnwoll Ill yenr Mull mmldn Omn rln yur Dullldn nmln rillh mnmlnm an yrnr ISA MI 1mm mm yr mum Unwtu Avr Tnnmln mo Cam enrl MHMUBI mi 1200 Wul Prqu Vnnmlvrr IIC THE NORTH TODAY Great Equipment Waste QUEENS PARK Seen In North By MPs Problems Plaguing II nr In hmm nnluvnny hlgh Irran rl Imupnnlflnn in Inca mamlnln ml hulin My main rvhv Mint mo urth Ind nl About wk no1 dml mung nr both who am mm nallm In malnr pmNrm In north Thu ml bund In hmn nnluvpny va rslmlmcr MP any Mllllrr WM Itmayfil Io mllm In lam nil Inmn New Dam rrnlr mmmrmv Ihll Mn puny 1m mm pr nothing In In pllb lnmI Mull dlmfly In llu nnxlh and Ill Nubian an nmlulnn ln Mmr Mun Ihl Mxl lertlnn IIMVIINII IMIMJJM merr Nammn Mlnlrl min hm Wullrr Dlnsdnlu wu lumber nl Hm party And ha oc rndomlly olrml wlm Churrhlll Ml Hubert nul Blmmn lo Mk tumorvnnn mink In pnvale mrrllnc wllh nmpoxl ug lhmjvzhnm Hm nmlh ClClanl nrlunlly malts mm pniilknmny nlopl Mn Ornnfu null MA Job an Mlmln Ilmlar or Ihl Dmurlmanl ol Nnrlhtrn Mm tn um um win for Hhernll In 101 elocllon vlmhnlrmln ol Inn cmnmllltr ho nhnml Hm xmwmm wllh thnlmmn Hm Inllnnll ml 11 lent lhnl flux II pvpulnr nml kmwltdluhlo wrtscnll Ive or In nemln CVlflllflll Mum mm lens nmsflbln 1M Int Tho Nurlhml commit Ire wns composed of tormen 111ch all parties In Iho Common and wk tha mm bm x0 along harmnnlnnsly on lhcir norlhcm ulp hm Wm norm mural politicad overtones Also of great nlmsz Wu word rum Dr VaHer Wood who working the humid Ranges unearth Project hud quarlm al Kluana Lake Ha has reported nu Islunllhlnz movnmcn by he Slccl glacier The large in man has bun quicscen since 511ml 1935 Ind has Iuddmly Muted movan at tho rain 1er for an hour PQHTKM OVEHTONEB nhc major excitement In WNW at Lhn time committeel visit was new of rid sllvcrvlead slrlke at Bunk tr Hill In the Mayo area by Ina praspcclar who believe Mr find will run In $100 lun nut Yukon residents are nww uIrIy snphlsllcnled about mining strikes and have long ainca learned to adapt 11 wall and see nullude before becvm ingnvcriy enlhnslnsllc Dawson excited about tha development at Mm Cuslnr As bestos mine In the area and lhey hone his will help to ollm he msum ol the nxpoded yearend shut dawn of he dmdging oper ammx by the Yukon Demolidn provinces In Canada and many of the sum the union were parked on Dawsons meets or the ammoon pefloxmanco the Robert Service cabin and or the evening Gas ht Follies at Hie rohnblgh Palace Grand Theatre lei cold macs RAm1n Imle at Nuvhnn lay Nlnlng nlzl In Ill Inlmlow In Wlnnlpu In llvu Illleanl II ruwllnlly wr ml Islam IMIIMI run nlrlwd he In mmm lur mlphur nr mlphmlc uh lllnll lm mum hul dllruullml an thI up under My Mr Turny MM In an Inlet vlrw mm Nu vmpaud your rnnlurl bring Imle NIL llmlmlly ll umlkl All lnr llmhnn llAy Mlulnfl 10 5M1 1M mo 1m lnillnxl yrar mm llv Hln Finn Mnn mlma In Hr Wk 11 Illllnn wmml In no aged he ympmullplnnl IHZGINA CIL lurvey prulxlonl lnlrrpmvln rlnl Stall Mu mm Cu Thursday WWW mnlmrl th Hudlnn Hay Mlnfinu nml filmIllnu MIL bhldl wmAIII mull In umlrulllon 13 mom iron rllerlnix plmxl ll nperlnl Hana ulmln nmnlh But the mast Amsiul honan Integration we saw on he lrlp cnmmunlly called llkudllk mldwn be lwccn llm mm Churchll and tho army camp lherel Estab lllhod by lho Department Nnnhrrn Allahs the commun lly wns mm In ms and lZI klmo were brought ln ln llv aldo hy Ildo wllh lhn minnnl ml ha dcpnrlmcnl Them 11 nlso lrnnsll ctnlro or pa llcnu returnan ram hDIpllnL community hall and lunndlrrnll Hort In home or mm and cm for old people Tho dn purlmrnl xlmrlbu It In their MD lutcuslul rllorl in mm lixllmos la Mun mm ulclr awn prlmlllvu wly nl III regular Wafo rmploymml in IerL and on Aslmlnllon wth whlu pcoplh But thin Kine cllwt was very much the exception Most Ind anl nnd Eskimos hava not yet developed my real prida in meir dwafllnga and even whcn moved lnlo new nousm make no on fix broken Mndmv panes or clean up man yania The housing roblcm alao raises the Issua semznllon and whehcr any work ahould mode to encourago nnflm lo Ilva Ildn by side with nonna llvu An mm is to be mada In thn direction now nona Jna om being developed at Froblahcr Day Big Mine Contact For Hudson Bay have ever seen wuimm has been develecd by olay Hansen DawnDan em ployee at Yellowknilc Thu rant hlx modes house mass of beautiful calar Ilowm ol damn varieties bloom In the long norlhem aummcr llght Unfonunnlcly many of tha whites are In the north or only two 01 um yeura win no firm lnlnntion of maklnx their home here permanently This tends la reduw their Inmmlvo when ll come to kctplng up the up pearanca 01 me home and planting flower Yet on the all home gagdenn we has been done Mm We houses and wllh medal mar xage arrangemth to raise ha standard One lederal employee In Inuvlk or examma was llv in In house that cost $40000 In canslrucl and ho was receiv Inz me heal light and water or rental 01 Mind 5120 month Vilh lhll backmund Ind perhaps with norm good rca sans ho mu made rhairman board ol dlroclon lhu prnjccl Than lop boss wn found Jahn Czrnn had but old Inmilyl llni bullnm whcra hu hm hm chairman board dlrcttnn nu lo museum abroad by government olllchlll It was dchdcd lhnl uicnca wit the thqu lodlgy An ldEnl Wll ulch onlhn pcflmflfr ol Torointou 119 martin Examtnvr COMMERCIAL PRINIING In first xmfiobddy Lppnrenll bud ha Idea lhu cenlmnlnl pgqu ghouldlye mluwm In from ha um you mle have though was mak lnz new yoyo Instead lry in la hum an ultramodem mquImllllan dollar lnxfllullm And now Dr chrge Mc Bealh the project direclm has resigned along with number 013mm projcc dlfckk The lawn re that you wan to build nome hlng new and chbome money should be no problem and some body with expelante in tha project you hnva In nd would be hlred Thu lovemmem didnt or hasnt don lhk First St developed that ha centre woulan be ready for 1967 ma centennial year Now theyre nnt mm mil even be reng at 1308 Imunl cost csllmnics proved to be way out From an original cost cl £5000000 whtn con tract wm In this had Lam tn $30000000 or more By DON OHEARN TORONTOm birth On Iarlo centennial poled the provincial main Scienca and Technology has been plagued with problems new bahada and the usA lollv5 ScotLinn cam at Noltawasaga Cleek lazSBank Khusfm failed Fleodxr mm the Hmpshm Men managod the Pelican with lmvy gunfire which calmed many cas ualummboard Deuingandfludsonnaywmouzowne but lbemfle and Fletcher mammwmd huh ships fur three hour trying to gd at each her Fictdzer became mm and fig nalhdlbervlllatamlmder Asmdidsammlhodlorwimnnd showedlbervme mathewasdrhfldngawaibohhn lbmvdle mmdidunsmonuwbfldgeoithemlcm Nutmedto etamadam Asmflmnpwfimearmammdlwthelflllheawmdwlnd named 3852111 heel over Ibexville pmned heavy gunfire into flmcmedhlflumflmpshhvsmkmflddywimnlthJM Bay and Doennz bah badly damagad sailed away Pdlw wu aka damaged and went on shoal unLil Pmlond Pannier andwmmlmdmekemdemmflmmcue Lamthe our ship mm on tn cam Foxt Nelson mm EVENTS 0N sammm nanmay Vegsalqs ugded Amefican WQW War and l6 DAYFIELD 5T OBILLHEADS OBUSINESS CARDS OPROGRAMS GUMMED ABELS OPOSTERS OOFFICE STATIONERY OTAGs OCATALOGUES OCHEQUES OHAND mus DRAW TICKETS WEDDINGSTATIONERY nunw we sum con Qhodahe axmbbtodamsay qu3 Sums Mmmmlwmmerewum yeaJim WW By nus 30mm nmwmcanmmmmmwmwmm mmmhmm Fgm lhemjsmcon OINVOICES ENVELOPES PRIZE LISTS BILLHEADS BUSINESS CARDS LETTERHEADS CANADAS STORY Centennial Project ABigV Naval Batfle Went By Iberville PRINTING BLACK AND WHITE AND COLOR Naw hwdlmclorgcnual man wlih some scienth batk gryynd ls ppirgz lpugm Hawshonld be ImpeMous la PfiG mood bum out ha nu From that uncertain sarl one would galhan there hgv been many langenls worklni cross purposes and diy agrpcmcnu Vn newsman left Ihn room puzzled The Idea sounded bit Bu 1M and could say 1qu what the jdua rele yas And Dr McBealh whn hat been director the New Bruns wick museum tradition museumwas made direcLor Itwa all very casual BIG IDEA the mm the first public announctmcnt at the prom here was reason to doubt anybody muy had on much an Idea of Just what was 5° Fur ludlnt Fund at nunllly Carpet All workmnmhlp lulnnlml Free Elflmnlel Unlvurul Run Co llmh Thl Home Flue flroldloom C0 Phone 726131 BROCHURES

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