Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Sep 1966, p. 11

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1111111111 1110111111113 no He rm llOfllt Illill moo lTmln Bunk seumiao Hume 11111111 Laononro lillJiltflLlON SAIUItDAY SEPTEMBER EVENan 100 71111 eMur 11111 15133 W1 mm 1avmey 111111111111 3wm 11min Party ecerUns ll DWorln 50m ginennu ia Mus 000 011 at tho week HPGA Tournament tThs aomry lion 11Dlnn1l the Mull 130 3nnu with sun ad ac 1111mm Qllalt 000 24111111111111 Clllnnal Reports 1V0 In th 00 tons the Eel 1111100 030 we and Snortl eons need sasw 130 Hllorlr Hiultcll Shomlll LDuflaio Bills 11411110 is Dance Party 100 sl Dream Jeannie sLets Einl out 010th Never Sly Goodbye e1o Smart Lnllverly 111111011119 amm 7111111 1113111 r111 900 Haturday seem tiioms 11M lndiallsl lnrn 0111 101th 011111110111 liosnce r1111 Millitoll oirellywood Psim 1030 unieciiaoetar 00 an Wutinr Sport 3411 001011 nzo Iastumu Movie B3 Egecial 11lel Wlllhll Boom lllilocbhulter mo Sedovii Rebel without Dense amen 01130 Show incommlat 11 Tokyo SUNDAY SEP1EOIBER MORNING AND AFTERNOON 000 Hammer UM 0Woid 01 L110 080 Helix the CII ecoaudy Capers 0011 Much 00110 VllClthldfll Chimes 000 311 Anne OUlhcla Vmye Club vcertann playhouse 1111111 Journal 010110 lChluch invil eum Unto My Fm llClnssilo 1m 01111 ts till L1 GLook Up and Live 011 11 11 T1111 wm mau Mum BUNDA 400 1411111 or Adverh 1111 e411 tinmy Eoyl 0T11It ilTon Cu 400 zAn rootosu 500 scountry Calendar tani ew 111lmlly ihllii 510 sMevie 011m Fun 11 For Hilton thl Monster 000 42001 tanturi IWait Dirac 111mi iiLort 111 Som MONDAY SEPTE nmmer 5111111111 121 News 0110rnln News 111lt itiori lel 11 tiooeye Playhouse liSchnlirel llallu 300 Nawl Hamlin Xlnlllw Mil IUnlvlrlily 01 All llAibm Item 100 11loxoa ltil Tov 01111 aflilul Flicmpal linen 010 IJuk Willie timvs el 1111 knayuma With Uncla lobby 11Mathamlilrl 1000 km 1111111 nNuc Nm si Lon 11117 1111011 oeummc lun HONDA 400 91111 nouns 11111 5111111111 eeum 010m Ii Leu bury 1141111111 60111711111 130 buhlrly shew 10m Upon 711110 00111 llnIi 1111mm and chip muni 100 1111 11 0011 e1 llTamll 110 Irnmn Too human H71 Toothit 000 LNwi 111mm 01 ll Illycll 111 11Y1niiy 111111 TUHKIMY 5111 0110 141w 1111 111 Wmhl eeumm 111111111 700 liodll tn111 111111 1411111111 Neve 11111111 111111111 710 may Ill 11mm 111111 lls1n111111i lTolll 11 111111 er11111111 n1 111111111 llrwm 110 lwlrl Linn Lime lenllm Mill itnelr aoohy 1000 srn 111m lNIIC 11 01 11111 117 1100 zlnilrnt ecmen ihno 91111 1141 World 1130 still For Today cs iettens dPIiiem or Livinl 0H Dalton 11Dimusion 1100 151111 and autumn snymn Book eNewr Walther tLets Look At Congress Iltlliln Album 1230 Illlflll Playhous Princes til min Llm um 1min siiersid Tullh 114000011 101 111 1211 1111111 wml DViet Nam Eocrlll 710 2Wsit Disney Jliazzi 41011 Favorite him this 1111 Amm 11Farnlly Thu 100 Hz auliivsn elod sumvsn 0301 MM Landlw ooutt 111111111 iierdo 000 1Douuul saoosme oPerry linen llClnlda at War 1010 soonrenintlon sTlms eTh can 01V liinga 1142111 Allcn llma 1101 zcnsln Lelier 11111 Allan eAndy ol Maybe 11311 end In 1111111 Doulill 1110 2hewdawn r1111 Undell rrmohe 1in anick v11 one DAbrecedabre 1200 Humor sLuneheon Dell sAeern memo tvNoaiI News oTmato 51111111111 time 1215 Hauler oi noun 1210 141411111 111m lNoonfla 11pm osurch tor romeo sew 0110 Guiding Lllhl Hummer 1111111 1171 171111 Wen Jun 100 IIlunuuflrtnhifl lIioney lvm oLIillut lloho Mirlicm 11101 Th I0 710 21111 1111111111 DNIurv oi rnlm 571 T111 111 111111 1142011101 2111111 1le War oe Nil m1 11111111 111 sum 111ml ration rinhoue lAndr oulilta liiairdn 000 lxmi 1111111 111 111111111111 1111111I1I oy mimlh lhol 0101111111 1111111 lilll 11471in Aline 111111 1010 1111 Inluillm 11111 1111111 111111 00 IVXIgltI 1111 Vt 7h MI IV 111 1111 1110 11114110 411111 0111 Kim INrullrleliu 111W earMl arm1 11 1111 I1llllll1l 5th time 1110 141011111 twin 111111 on 111 11 4411111111111 amor 51111 11111111 111111 15111111 11111111 inntotal ttwmlm 31111211 MORNING fire Mack rum 118211111 Mini 111111 110 ssoeetrunl Marl PI ch0 to Feel 11Thll 50m 100 lTDA 40 llaxteaon Hyena Special 230 Ma 011111114 now was sports 11Whivlllh 300 1boctors at Work sTEA llCiub 11 Duch 110 zMevis Elephant Gun 1000 IAndy Willhm ecompm lCuidld Camdil Heart at Feet 111110 Untouchable 1010 6Whatl My Line acsmn Wut 0Clrlsdiln IIilnt SEPTEMBER EVENDIG 700 club 5111mm 1100 INevl tvutnar on llN Valuer Sparta 1115 stM Theatre lTanighl Wines news 01112 5119 M11 in Emma Wm Valiant 1140 BTha Virmlln 111anlllfll 1111 Even 1140 Carla Orfll ND Amnnoox 11Noonlima 100 zalrrv nrlilen SLuritheon Dlia eslect 1n villus llThsetre and First Four 11am 110 1333 out 11 111 can 011 111 111114 mm 200 1111 oi 0111 11ch tPunvm 280 ITm Doctors tLlnhlliierl 11°11 IrIY Dllooia In Conlllct 100 fiAaaiher wand 3111 Tell the rnith 41 Tell in in IPrlziund Pal lllevpil no 1Ym1 Dont as 111111111 rru on my 111 1111111 1111111 111m runny Comoloy SEPTEMBER EVENING 010 Flha Law and M10 111 117an 0llil Vsliu llanaoown 1000 kltunl lor Vlir Lil Jainsnlans Jlihlile LAil Llnlietllr 11Mer 01111111 1010 LTuhlrore 0iwnis in conflict 1110 14111111111111 siiro 11111111 111111111 11101111 eNm 1111111111er 11411 1111111 11 11111 Unliialuhl lav11111 1111111311 MORNING AND MTWLMON 100 141111 411mm show M111 1111 vi 111111111 11111 and 71111 111111 111111 Lilo 1711111 1111 11m 111 Tmull lAI 1h wula 1111111 Loo 11 11 0111 Line 111 01 230 Ln ilorlntl eItnennu Home Tull IM lit Conrlrl 111mm and 0mm 000 Lemon World 1711 111 1111 1111111 0411 7111 111 hum tllu 41111111111 lhum ltleilehl 110 4111 1mm T11 111 Mn 01 Ill 1111111 um dealer WW west geese 9am poo 10s emu on one urea nm 003 Thehtddlnx South West 1111111 nu Pass 30 Pl Opening leadnine oi dia rnonds There are some problem which arise durinl the 0111 where ou can tigure out exactly the ri thing to do with absol uta assurance that you are cor rect However there are other situ ations where you cannot be sure at your ground and the best you can do is make an inteliixeni guess ilcro is such case Lets say youre East delend 113 against our hearts and your partner leads the nine 01 diamonds Dummy plays the king but being thoughtful player you do not automatically play the ace instead you take moment or two to consider the hand as whole and more particularly your play at this point You cer tainly dont want to ho stam pcdcd into toking the ace and then thinking the hand over he causa that would he doing things in exactly the wrong order The iirst thing you ask your self is thasigoiiicnnce oi the nine oi diamonds You know that it is not iourth best lead nor can it be the top oi sequence since you are look ing at the eight The nine could be the top cord of worthless threecard suit but it is iar more likely to come irom either doubloton or singleton it the nine is singleton it +9 oo an 1301331111 win the trickwlth the king must be right to take the ace and return diamond but it the nine Is doubleton the proper defense must be to let 1111111111 the same time signaling with the eight to xhow possession oi the ace Thereisno good reason to lhink that deeiarer is more apt to have live diamonds than four on the contrary be In much more likely to have four dia monds than live Therefore you Blermit dummy to win the open lead and since there is no way for declarcr taprsvent you from later giving partner roll youaventually deteat the cons ac 1111110111 Down Magnesium Mine HALEY STATION Ont mine oi Dominion Magno sium Ltd whose 400 employ ees have been on strike since midJuly may shut down per manently plant manager McPhii said today The mine at this centre 40 miles southeast oi Pembroke has been out at operation since the employees members oi 10001 1362 of the United Steel Workers at America went on strike July it Ottawa May Hold Civic Plebiscite OTTAWA CPLOttawa citi zens may he asked at this years civic election whether they want to change the pres ent lorm oi local government resolution asking or the reierendum to he placed on the December election ballot will be introduced at city council iuw day by Aid Maurice Egan it it is passed the electorate will be asked whether they in vor abolishing board control and the we rd system and whether they invor appoint ment of city manager The alderman says 2000 eit iesin Canada and the United States now employ city mana gers TUESDAY SEPTEMBER EVWG Loom sM Show 511 131 tall xln 1391033 3111 oerl one 11 I4 Lou 1411 um v0111 114mm Comoav iiizsaiel noon 1111 1v 1111 dlha 47111111 shew 50111 have 111111 name of the Jaimie lllmu mm 13731353311313 oam rml 34111111111111 linxooer Ed Mount 000 our Ace 500 0Red Shelton 1100 lArrnnhetr rrmller 11140 11r111111y roe1n Mktharhfion 030 liNevu Weather 530 WI W11 5W emupext ilannlmthaiiiiia sWmuine mum may Lotus1 shonusa ITonilht shew eoo Hmwr Malml tNm 111s spam Elm 500 WM 23 110 111 mn 11 11 esNm om Vm 0on 111111 aunt incur 111111 salem onwi llChsnml 11 News 11mm on Rooftop The 1111111 what this salery would have meant thirty years ago DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS DOWN may Talking Hobbit and bill 100115141111 00punlla lion melody 3111111 10 Additional Sideways amount 011m 11linsrt unnot ortlrsge rsrlawhni 11 91 10 Ahreluma It titlesw 10 iivud intern Alliv ldrUilvleu Jltlporta 01110015 4101iental 03 111 who 1111111 11111 0111111 1eiill 101Valinp 111 Conimliei point Jim Jillyell lilLWalllwIll 01lllipell0n aspirant twat 001avrl ronirncuon 11111111 ov1 211111111111 fillllyl Id 1111111 IANII 2111111111 211111101 mm 111 11111 Ii 10111111111100 0233 lg5 fiflal glam 1111110 1n1 In no 1310 III or 101911an mmmanmemsemo JULIET JONFS Mu Hle Foams orm DONALD DUCK 55cm THE FIRST VESSEL TD CIRC NORTH WNAVOATE AMERICA UT MEN ARE NOT IMMORTAL ENRY LARSEN THE NORWAY MOWTIE Wm FAME DIED IN 196 an GIANTS AWE HER IN RETURN NIP AXES 7N5 ONLY 35 DAYS HENRY EDITOR JUST tNFORMED ME WAS lESS THAN NOTHING ON HIS STAFF BiFFWI HAVE To TAKE 11 FROM HIM HM EML IM SORRY 111 Wear TO TALK TO YOU FOR MINUTE airsAtom HAPPEN E17 you 100K 50 50 DIEIURBED SECRET AGENT X9 IF uma 1mm 11115 nets asmusg RAN DMA VDUSNGJLDNTLET WENWJHAVIAOUARHIL mosnmmsuvsnm wrluwunMiEdusrrake LVKISTNAT MEDITMEHS inzilo M17 AND THEN eHEwwLDNl LerMB mu TN uauss muva Hour LAST 141on THEN You can TAKE DADCAN you GEEDAD lM GiVE THESE BFAT DROP MB 01 FIRST 50 CAN Gill 10 DID HAD AN ARGUMENT EITA KEIT 10 NW new Mini MVK Wle 11011111 two mull one HI 1151 011010 OVF 1011110 AROUND JNJW V11 MD 14111101111 KM 100 Mi NI V1 10 Mi Hill Mmli no 516M IMO MKU ENTNI 1100193101 Tile 1m BUZZ SAWYER coir 11511111 ILL Gir WI litlr 1an Mania ARM 700115011 SAVED NW 9011 IN TMT LL NSMNI AND THE WM N10 TIM at Tttl CARJ MUGGS AND SKEEIER

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