Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Sep 1966, p. 8

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The 1966 Barrio intmnediatc uwflbzoll PlaYofI dramptonshlp will be contested by the third no Iowolwlaco toarns Last lrdght at Queens Park third plaoo IrnpeciatEosIrnm who are dclendlog champions nipped ponnantrwirmlng BoarIo coop 21 in an ight film and deciding Bern al game my now clash with fourthplace Clarkson hotel who lip Bcnzlon Flyors In their bcstoHive round The bestoIsevcn finals will commcnce next Tuesday Supt at pm All games are nine innings rind this series will be played entirely at Queens Park Ace Pos Thirtystwo mcmbcrs Barrie Camber oI Ctmunarce tourncyc ed to Bast Bordon Wednesday and played III halos of got with mcrrrbors oi the Army and Air Force clubs The relum match in Barrie will he held on Wed nesday Sept 11 Borden golfers won most ot the individual games as smile ol the local top playcrs wore contlnod to the Sirncoe County matdh inlianric Itawe Elmvale Drops CllSll Contest WILLIAMSFORD Elmvale Palace Itach ran nmoni some strong pitdting last night on the road Thcy were held to tun tour may and trimmed at by host Williamslord in the op cninlz contest of the OASA ln Immediate zone tinnls Second game in sdrcdulrxi tor this Sunday nllcmoan at Elm vate Communi Park stoning at pm Pitcher l3 MtComJ was the big stumbling blink or the Ilotclmcn Aside from sit encing tho Elmvalc hitters he claimed sot dawn the side in order six times Including con sccutivo out strings at nine tuicc Only seven Eimvale bat tcrs managed to rcaoh base oil fictional Ilo had perfect gmc going into the Iourth unIll Stone was salc on on Birl Caitmill doubled as Pat Wanrlmakcr Dave Campbell oni Gory Keclcr singled tor the only Elmvalo hiLt Loser Dan Illcllugh was tourhod tor tcn hits on the hosts postcd thrce sootcs In the our more In the month and anolhcr In the eighth Elmvalca lone tally mm In the touth when Stone was sale on on error llcllugh walked and Wanamaker singtcd Elmmle 000100000 t0 Wililansford 003000tlx 91M Irllugh and Lou llclcourt ll TsBorden Golf Ectstmdh stInter Finalsr ImperialFmth mapped 14 rtalunatc with singls tally Inthetophallolahoeighlhu Laurie Wheeler outlastcd Ted Wilson in tight dual over nine Iramcs The winners lumped In trout curly as Wheeler helped Irirnscll to thhdfmme oalo hotno run over thc lett tlelders head Coop capitalirod on an lnIlelrI error to pull oven In the home Ital of the sixth Wheeltr worked near pumice tion as he only pncrnittcd tour singles He set down the on position in order seven times and ran up streak of 10 con secutive out until Jack Stran ahmt broke the spell ted In fine timc was had and the Bor den petsomef proved as usual excellent hosts Following the bullet supper kloncl Covey Acting Commander of Base Borden in the absence on loam ot Colonel Elliott welcomed the Barrie group President Ross Stephan extench thanks in re ply Prim wers presented by Army Gull Club priesidcnt Sgt CV Auburn and the pro Nor man Doylc Feature oI the day was haioinone sccrcd by Ion Huntington cl Base Ilordon on tho nth Second nature was the to accord by Ken Walla oi Brme on the 15th hole while trying to play out at the bush lrcdhnm of Barrie had gross with III Other local win rs oI prizes tncludcd Polo We Ed Wysoglaa Bab Arrnstmng Fmrk Toakc Bah Ilunlcr Jsck Slcssor John lttdg ors Lcn Gdlmrure lisrvy Hodg son Earle Lilllc Jim Waste nod lloy Onysciuk London Girls Trip Ft Erie TORONTO CPI London 0nt dctcalcd Fort Eric Ont Canadian womcnr soitboll champions Thursday night to advance to the Iinals at the Canadian anlonnl Exhibilion womens soluball championship Fort Erie took the had In the first Inning on Ellen Bonner tworun homer It was for Fort Erie in the lottth whcn London struck Ior Ilvc runs on two hits thrca crrors two walks and hit ballcr Pitchcr Joy Kohut war Ihc winner and Arlene Irvine the loser London will mcci cilhcr Tor onto or Fort Eric In th Iinal Saturday IlllEle VAIIY Iourthvhame blaop single to hit In the Coop sixth Dave Milk was sale on boot by second sackcr Joli Hines Claim Itinehm followed with single and Wayne Hlitldinga attenuath Hamilton bunt loadad Lita sadta the force out throw to third nus Iain Shanohnn than deliv umd his second single of the night Into centre field to square the score Itindiart lottoopted to score 1mm second base on tho hitt7ut was called out on perfect strike to the plate from certhm fielder Jim Burke wnn one out hair at tho eighth Randy Lacey drew milk ott Wilson and adva to second on wild pitch Jrn Burkes Ily ball to Iott advanced Lacey to third and he came home on Arnla Neals elutdt single to centrc thcckr then successlully stiilcd the Coop hitzenr mow ing down the last seven men In now ImpartialEastman gained tight hits oil Wilson with Brian Mc Crnn and Noal singling twice Score by Innings Imeastman DUI 000 0101 II Coop 000 001 0001 thelttr and 503m Wil son aad Smith SOFTBALL SENIOR SERIES It Best oI chen SemiFinal Ill Plaza Eimvale Plaza wins sales SERIES But oI chen SchIlnnll IV Pts Stewarts II thtmarket Stewarts Illm Round SERIES Best oi Seven Flnnll Futurt Game Saturday Stowarts at Plaza l730t Monday Plaza at Stewarts 1730 Sept 7307 Sept 10 Plaza at Stewarts t7tOt Sept 11 Stewarts at Plan ncccssary MOI Sept it Plaza at Stewarts If necessary not Stpt 17 Stowartr at Plan It necessary tum Stewarts art Plaza INTERMEDIATE SERIES But of Five SemIFlnll IV Ill ImpEastman Earnc Coop ImEastman in mind Lut thht 5m ImanasLman Coop SERIES itll nl Flvu SchaFInAl IV Clarkron it Ilordcn Clarluon WInr Round SERIES Best Seven Flnnll dictionh and Ilay Klagcs BASEBALL RECORD II THE CANADIAN PRESS Nltlanll Lugue lctilll San Fran 7a 56 Pittsburgh Ln Angclrr Ihtlntlclphln Cincinnati St lonls Atlnnla IIrnInlnn Now York 59 7E 07 Illl Chicago hit TIlJ 10 Thursday ltnulll SIII Fun 000 100000 50 Now York 910 I100 MI Eli Icrry 20 Malianch In and llnllrr Ilihant to run Ncphrnslm 17 In An WIMDM HBO IIlII 0000010092 to Sutton 11 III Ilcgnn Irrrnnnrkl tll nntl Ilnsrlmm Inn III7t Iltlklulsrn ttol IIIltl llllflrlllll lIlI lgh IIntIty or hltuo 000 JOELII I7II t1ntlnnatl IN 000 020 I0 Ktmntc tall IIrntllry trl nml Ilnmllrvy lJmial Iatm llnltl Mlltlll ltil ltllrtn IDI lintlllxnn tilt and Itulrllth IIlI Itl limit 13 Atlanta IN 101 It St null IZZMGIIIII II rllry ttrr lllltlllc lll NI lru ltl Abrrnnlhy ltll nrwl Tntlr arllmt tail Ilncrrlrr lII antl Mttartrr lIlI till lllllllrlt III ptrim are generally heavier IINI OIL IMII IthP SARJEANTS BUDGEI PLAN sproudl HEATING OIL payments unltormly Snood yaw 1qu oil paymonll only in many mmthl Avoid Itmvy midwink Hill who Ivel roulvmplim Nut and on rot snarrnnr Thcrlvnre more than 11000 kinds papcr today llonltnn Ml MO I100 BO Ihlln 000 III Punch Mil Iltlyrnond 87 null Ilatrman Jurktbn tlJIJI Ilntl llntrymnlc It on Nicholson not Itrntrlcan Luxue IrIGIIL Baltimore El 50 Detroit 71 Ill 54 ll Illiunrsnln 72 01 511 I1 Clclrlund 70 65 IID IJ fliltngo 71 Jill Calilurnln 67 IGI New York 452 13 Insltlnglnn 7d MD 11 MIMI Ta CIS 13s Ktlntill llly Sit Tl CH 15 Thnrldlyl llclultl talllrunn Ml 000000 In lcvrllnfl Moll Wrl Palm IIIIll Ilrnhcnrtcr t7t nnll l7trltrllnrrrn Sithm till Itan Sluts IIIII CloAlvll tIJl Slim ISI tlrtrnlt ooo col not 11a Chicago I01 3000009 II lollrlt lcrul ttl hhrrry 11 lot and thnn llannrtl llnr Irn II ltlllrlm t7 lIlirlIMtlt Into Ito and Ilnrnnno Ilch erltlcy Ill lIIlr IlrtNotttt run Its tnrh tcol lltrrlnn 1211 tlylAgrr III New York MI Mil5 ll nlllnrnls 000 oaa MI ltIrumt IllIll anarh till Itlltl Ilmlnnl Imp frIf lIlnlcln WI Irma lIII uni llmlgru IIII NTlth IIII Cull Ill lotInyl co LTD cu mt git sitv FI Future film Scot 6Clarkwn at Imp NUlllllEn It appeared on tho Winnipeg Stadium tur for the last time this wcck prior to the Blue Bombcrhlontrcal Alouctto CFL interlocking game Albania great ltluo Beats 11y lION RAPDIOIIT AssocIatcd Pres Sports WrItrr Iton Fairlys Inarun singlc In the lath inning slurltd out as tho Icing on Los llngclcs cakc but it ended up as the skin at tho Dodgers tccth walk to Jim Gilliam with tho haacs loudcd Thursday broke it 11 It bclwccn tha Dodgers and Pittsburgh Piratcs In the extra frame and hen Fnlrly Iolloncd with single to centre the Dodgers hcadcd Into tho home hall at the inning llll thnt oppcarcd to bc cotnfnrl able 41 lead The appourancc was dccolvlng Phil licgan replaced Dodger starter Don Sutton on the mound and was rurlcly grcclcrl by by Donn Clcndcnons siuglc Illll hluzcroskl flied out but Ilab flailcy clnhbcd anc Into the seals making thr scarc anti Falrlys lllL crucial tcgan tinally got Icrry all to fly nut and llon Irt nnskl loot hand by getting lattny Mom to ground out Thr Plralcs Ihlh puskcrl up sterling opportunity to take Race Tightens For IL Lead Ily THE CANADIAN PRESS Thc tltrc ttmlcnlllls Im Ill Inlcrnnllnnal Irrtgu ponnunt won dtcisivo victorics TluttsJay night to rrnialn knoltctl at IllL munuonu filminml top with loss than urck oi Calumhm 7g 52 rm rrgulurscason acllnn runnin llothrslrr no or Inn Tnmntn 70 Columltttv lcls IIIlllllitlllttl tttrhmund 72 llILll lad ovcr ltorlnstrt nnltnto 7o Am Wings hy dumping Jilllttttllvlllc Tom Sum 54 whtlc thc llttl lltngr Jncuonym 73 55 itayctl onehall game In rant Syracuse as no 371 21 at Toronto rtnptc limls will Thundu mm victory nvrr llnltalo linens Tulrdo Mtolzoot The Loni lttpt pace dctcnllnu Itlrhmond moooioor Smnm cram 52 llughu tDfll lnrl Schmidt Hours 115 Uplhnw BI Dultcl tilt and Cannlunro lllll Iol llllllrr IllchIltlllnn Nyvnculn IOI Toronto Ill WOII SIM DI Loan 311 Illrrcntotlo Chuntllcr tot lllllcr till and Moore Nnvnrru tool and Illonl gomrry IIIl SyrClnylon ltorhutrr I21 MIDI1110 IluItalo I10 Zoom l0 Incynrrl Iltlglttlo to knit thats 12II til rind Illnrtrlrn tittlcuootl Ml Tiltottrls IJI Znnnl I0 rtan IIIIan IIIln llnrhII Ilny Epnlrln nui litmu tnlttnthul Jnrhvllln limit ttrflt lltllultgh IIII llul Irloe Ilcarnnrth Itll Illrhnrtl Inn Wynn no amt ttnnmn IIIImflIuIIII In the olhrr Home Tolrln llltirI Ilrm tiricatcd Itlohmnnrl Ilrnvl tl Davn Ilollcrln and Jimmy Prlro carh hll pair of tltrrr run llllnltl to trail Iltr In victory Ilrank llutlt mu lllf winning pltrlior The Sons Itnn cvor rcarhod llnrk tor tintn of thoir mm In Ill eighth inning Illtlro IItuloin hIl lunrnu Itnntrr tor the Itrrl vlngt ulnr ratrtmnla llnvc lilin ttrlltril bnrwrmpty lllllllt run Inul Knrclttrr hold the Itismn tn tun hllr owr thr Itnnl Iivc lIIIlllllI John Ilyan nt Oslmun loll llu annnlo hlltlnt ntlntk with our lmtttllltu nintrlrv lttllu Nov nrrn gale IIII irtcn hits to tru WW lnlnr thr vltlury Dick IlllKllr lltlll lll lllllot it it wilt of Itlln tllll Altlltlm out It lmllrrs nnll lltllllllll Illrln IIIII tnIIlnlirrls IrIrc Ihtlt mood Illlltll mttll tItn mrnllt llllllfllllrlt nnlnr DENIS SHEARD lTD DEPT mm IIIIMIM and hunt on Irrtu Ilnmlu Annad vu lIuIMIvIn and lipilrs ARCHITECT MILLWORK run our Mittm rim aimll out Arrtvllrturl Motmt KllrhsntlhlnII Wiltan and um ttuum Atllrwnrl URAL Bomber haltback Loo Lewis listens to tributes along with It wife and two sons as ho wns honored following his on nounccd rclErcmcnt In car ccr nhlrhrpunncd ton Canad CANADIAN MOUIllDSMllIl Meis firearms Ribant ord Perry ovcr sole to csslon at Iirst place in the ional Lcaguo as New York llcts hcal San Fran cisco Giants 21 earlier in the day Thc Piralcs rind Giants tea TORONTO OUT OF SR ll LOOP TORONTO Th revamp gd hakcy C5ttt has entries Funny or in lat Ilzrr InterWard Game Tonight Inmnnt rlttnitut ronlrnt Io n1tt lttccns lnrk Irritth in tm llama lhltr lrlal mm Tnlligllta IfilIIIK rvlrrl or ttt wrl tintic tho it Illll ul th lint or tnnnt rollllall II Ilur lII rtnltrn lrtrl Iotlr III Ilhlllnlll Air in 12mm atmtnlr tnr tram II Illll lllltitlltr rlttl rolmri lvtu luIIrIInl In tn It rm wr GUAlllllIllE DlllllDllill DlllVlthS or IEXACO FUEl CHIEF Itnnto Itontlnu OII San SIMCIIE PETROLEUM Lttr 7282563 gumo lasing slrcak Icrry Ilu 75 ANMI ll in Inn toothall seasons all with IWinnipcg Lawla earned superstar rating and piled up total in excess of 20000 yarrlr gained CP Wirephotol maincrl tied for lhc top spot and the Dodgers climbed up to within two games of thcm Pitcltcr Vernon Lutv got the first Pirate hit singir in the sixth Ilc lulcr scorcd an sin gle by Rabcrlo Clcmcntc his 199mi carccr hit The Dodgcrs scored In the fourth lhcn llm Lcicbvro trIpluI to Iclt ccntro driving In Jim Gilliam ho had walked Other games saw Atlanta urnvcs hoot St Louis Cardi nnls 7st Chlcago Cubs club Cine cinnatl Rods 113 and Philadel phln Philllcs take Ilouston Ilstros ll LAW IIAS IAISE Lou Johnson started the Dodger lDth with an InIiclrl hit and titcn Law sultcrcd fatal lapse walking Jim narbcirl halting Inr Stilton amt Wcst Parkcrloadlng the buses Pctc Illikkclson then come in and walked iilllam bclorc surren tIcring lalrlys hit Dunnls Illbant sot track the Giants on live hits as the Met got to cognmc linnrr iaylortl Icny In tho second in ning Inr thrcc singlcs be last by Ed llrcssnui tirithg In both Ncw York runs Ilm IlIcCartcr rind Clturlla Smith cach tlratc in two runs and the intro snapped in our chck hit solo homcr or the Cards Stein Carlton couldnt hold on to tourrun lead and Cirtctnnatls eighturrme win mrcak mm to an cnrl Don was shcllctl In the sixth Kosslngcr got four hits tor the Cubs and Illlly William rlrnvc In our rum IIrnio llanks homr ml for thc Cubs Ish Columbia Lions has at least TIIE BARRIE EXAIIIINERFIIIDAY SEMEI Skrién 10111615 II 00 19 EDMONTON CP Rooklor tailback Larry Ellmes o1 Erit two boostersboth Important to him Coach Dave Skrlen and gen eral manager Ilcrb Cnpozzl saldThursday Ellmcs could boa come key man In the 30 at fcncc It only tor his blocking The graduate 01 Washington State Unlverslty made Mr Wcsl crn Football Conference debut Sunday In mu loss to Sas katchcwan Roughridcrs and says Skrlen he didnt miss block In addition he pounded the tough Saskatcbotvan dclcncn for good yardage up the middle He will start his socondpro game tonight when the Lions moot Edmonton Eskimos The Lions who have won one at their last games Includ lng 1966 exhibitions enter the same In weakened condition Several players including buck WillltI Fleming fullback Bill Munscy and punter Ncul llcau monl will operan dcspltc In juries Fleming and Beaumont have neck inlurlcs Illunscy an ailing ankle Argonauts Release Jones TORONTO CPInon Janos whose toyards rushing was the best Individualmark by Tor onto Argonaut in their 214 East era Football Cantercnce loss to Ottawa Rough Itldcrs Thursday night was rcleased Thursday Jones lorrncr halfback with Minnesota Vikings at the Na tIonal Football League was playing In Ills Iirst game for the Argos altcr working out with the team for wcck Also released were Canadlans John Raykdnl ccntrc and deionsltc lineman Wall llala sink Restorcrl In tho nclivo lineup tor the third time thls year was centre Ed llulsc Eiimco Beaumont also delcns back Is extracted only to punt with Bill Lusrclcr occupying his defensive post Olienslvc tackle Lonnie Den nls was lclt bchind duo to an unspcclllcd Inlrnal Injury lie will be replaced by Mike Mar tin normnlly one of the host dc lcnsive end In Canada shares the WFCbaso Ellrnos young rcpulntion at talncd basically against stand out dolcnslve and Garner Ek stran o1 Saskatchewan will on tcstcd tonight by two othcr standouts Forwlck of the Eskimos Sims and Ron Both were brilliant Saturday at Edmonton evcncd Its rccord at thrco wins and three dzlcals by lrcuncing Calgary art5 Edmonton licking Its mus clu nItcr humiliating dcioats In its first two starts will add LAI min to lIncup tonight llalns was obtaincd from Calgary Slampcdcrs on waivers Worl ncsrlny because Ncill looking or said coach we were ntilc back Balnrwill sec actionanly on Armstrong panting and kickoll tcnms to night unless the game situa tion dictates change Armw strong id HAROLD JORY morons ROM SERVICE Ohll AIIA CAA IIIopal to All Makcs Autharltcd Dcalcr For VANGUARD ENSlGN TIIIUMIII TM SPORTS CAIIS 75 Bayllcld 7254 I963 FORD Falrlane Sedan auto transmission radio discs many other extras Reg $1295 Now $895 Dangerfield MOTORS 133 Bradford St 71640 No smooth whisky selling at any price delivers as much rich rye flavour as Adams Gold Stripe Something new Rye whisky that tastes like rye whisky ADAMS GOLD SIRIPE Canadlan Ilyo Whisky mow ADAM OISIItlINI tltl tonoltro IIISS mont with Calgary Stampcd crs They have 14 records

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