Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Sep 1966, p. 7

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nrr part of orflnllnlinn nml rnlnrmnenl In In hum uhm mrmlm Ihlp will Inmm lrmn hu lo uvrn Mn lnlu nnmh hnn Mum dlmlnr of yrlmlrihlaunn lcrvlcu who will Innu Ml lm Idlnrlnurmn MICP cm rrhnbmlnuun pmngqu TORONN GmHealth Milk hm Matthew Dymnnd sald Thursday Ihat the nursing stall at Ihe Onmlo Hospllal here will be nearly up to lull strength by Sept 12 Dr said the hospfla has vacancies or 20 nurses tom stall at 130 Hospital au Gimmes have application mm mm to ill 15 of thnsa p051 Uons he said Ax we do in the case all prons who resign each at tho nurses were lnlenimcd and not one lnvo the rotational system as her reason or leaving Dr anymond nld Because of crlllcism or Ihc rolntlunnl mm he mld he has askcd for borough Investiga tion ho complainu Unlll nmwl pulpitnu mind In uhL umwnnnlo Mn WI rm mun ml winnu 1n Ilr Imrl ml Mr nnmlo pmrnl 1m In In Tm mullnn mnnmnlrm mm nmuwrrlnl Travel He denied that the resigna tions were due to dissatistacuon over new romlunal system er schcduling nurscs shins Mm at pmlcst meeting mid the Manon syncm all nursu mnk lhrce ts hrs hurl ht morale or Han and patients with Hm Alhlnl xupruvnir Il lmrl lho lhvw zrlllna llmmzh In Ilnm va Nully dmmlu Um mm Unw wn In manna um Hr Mrfiwqur qnld IHMrlnu lumlmm II nflmHMI Nanunl lfllulrillnn mu Hw mm Imu mnoNm 1cm¢rnuml ml an lmmlu lnzxmn lnr lwhlm dovrlwnnrnll in lho nlr Aml Ihr Ilhmlnn my ad mm Unnlnn Mcflrmvr pvrh MN Mr 11an MM Trump 10mm CF Frank mu Hmclm ol pommmuy lm lhe 0mm morm Inxumnunc drpurlmcnl born nnmrd chnlrmnn nl Hm vwvmrcl pa lblr Mani Alnxnnder 1km fichru nulhor nnd maltr collrmnlxl yo Mm nml MAIL hm lrctn nmmlmrd lull lime lxmnl mmnhrr Transport Mlnlslcr Plckm HH opened dnbnl on the con troversial Railway Act revision and quotnd hls leader as Inyinu that It is mic to my somn He said dupile the act 10 registered nurse and non regislercd nurses have rcslgnnd mm the slat since May 31 Ms not an unusual unnum rate dming summer months hm during crisis wind Pain of rvrdcr Mr Pom gn lnlerjmlrd wllh Imlle lm hcln mLuumlM Ibo rmo minimr mual 01 In huvo In backtrack ML Pichkcrsnil Nplkfl Mr Penna Hand In walk on of he Gammon In mnck nur but quckly rtsumm mid Inuxhltr Ontario Nearly tymWA GUPrime mam er Pearson was Joklngly halted by one hls awn tab incl colleagues Thursday over the zwcrnmcnlx pcdormanco an the Connnon rml suika do In VAma malher battlennsa dolphin at Dos Angclcs Mar Ifieland the Pacific takes facilities Lag Gets New Post Misquote PM NEWS ROUNDUP SWIMMING LESSON FOR JUNIOR HTNM mlmlinn hillnry Wm lorrnHy an wvrlxl Inm llhmlnln um lrllnfl Mlllhlrr lrmltvn Hum Inkv tlnmz Mm mmhul Ihn In Hmlh gmnmnrm tr 11w millIncl nnmmmrulm ill In an hrnhl nthL 7n Tnmulu Mid Thumlny Mr lmrlnn ulmuhl drnmml nuunuuc lrmn Thuy havent mid £0 but Im bar Imnnmrnl ollmlnh pm numahly hman lhlnrx will be Ho nuolvr CanmInl own lnbnr Ironl uhrn lhr mm im opens Svpl 11 The Dctflxhvn Is mnhmuu Wrslrrn Hrmlsphrru Imm hm nl Ibo lnirrnallnnnl thur lrnnild0n Mm le In Can mln nr llu Hm Iinm Mm llmn mo drrunm mhislu nml obserer will he nllvmltnu sald the gran culled Murillme Componrnl is livr mrmbcr mmmlncu nrmod In June by the Nuvy quuc lhe Navy OIHtm smlntlnn and um nnynl Canadian Navy he came was Inn snmrlhlng as wrong with lhu services OTTAWA cm Ready or nnl Ollnwn Ml ln rullmg um Ihe ml mm 10 day mm lmw or 11M intmatlonul lubur cnnfcrcnrc SAULTV STEL MARIE OuL CF Commodore Robert Mendy mired Canadian Naw nfliccr said Thursday night hat brie being prupnrcd group he 15 handing may Insu mo friend In Balance Min Commodore Handy Toronto Inwym old the Annual loyal Canndlnn Navy Assoclalinn canvcnlinn that ll brie mil in far pause nml oxaminao lion or town will be In Mr Hellypr 1n abom hm rrrks Must Take Stand Hospital Staff Normal Dymond Submitting Report Host Labor Meet he nwbmn sun Salty or swimming lesson in the ocean mm d°ivhir canmm tank Sally sun wit Vbehlnil WIGGINS FUHS RMTTHEW DYMOND Ink Mulrl linluuhr Fun um Wuum un nu ma my n11 my run Company AI Tu Iqmun nu ownnuumuur Mn Munn All ruun hm mrnnn nu lmy Imam mm mm um mnhuiunn lerrAlnwu unluwu mu unnmn Illlulullm mun Imam Tnnmll DETROIT MP Jllllflr Glmxo lluulu um named Thumlny by ollnw Vnynr mmly rlnnil humw routine nnnmnn mm Jury humi unlim ruu umhllnu nnd uHur mum In lhn munly Htmlu ulm nlnl lnr hlmr mt unumllwl nrmvr unnul mr Eduard llmzinl ll IIxcim Inlnlncd 1mm Hm vHuu This highly unusual genetic strain misc now can be 1st 1n expanded rcscmh In learn more about the exact cause and puxcnlinl cure ol human dla betcs llluhu ulm rllrlulnl linl nppulnlmonl hy lnHuHu Imvl 121ml HII ll Izrmul Jury lm mum Inqu lm mk uhlth In um Ilulllmllrh OTTAWA CF Yellow knife he goldmman cnmmu nily on no Grcnl Slnvu Lake has but rcvommcndcd to Northern Allnirs Mlnistcr Lama as he uluru capital of me Nurthmfl Terrilorirs II was learned Thursday 1th he rrcammrmlnllnn Is one of neural made by he hum mcmlwr Advisory cnmmisslnn nn lhe Icvnlupmunl of guvcrn mom in ma Nnrlhucsl Terri lorlrs 11m mmmlsslun hemlnl by Cnrmlhcr Mndnn OnL lnurlc Its rcpnll In the mlulstcr Tursduy ll xill be made puMIr nllvr It 13 rans lnlal lnlo Fnmh They our tendency or susccpllblllly In dlnbclcs and scinmlsl bclizvc humans dc velop dlnbcm ur the same rem eon The dlabdic mlcc were de cclml and are helm mm by Icicnlisls lhu Jackson Labo ralnry in Mr Hnrhor lLadlng rcnlrc or rmarqh in genetics and rtlnlcd was NEW YORK AP Same black mice shuwn on movie screen Thursday are prile medical find They dzvviop din bnlos spaptancogxsly Britains Prime Minister Wilson Inc Commonwealth prime minisicrs conference in London next weak that inrltpcnrlerx never be given to Rhodesia un less majorfly rule in effect said Mr Wilson should he go in the United Na tion for mandatory sanctions against Rhodesia In nrncllcnl lorms wo should iry harder to undrrmine the Smhh regime Future Capital Cppduct Inquiry Mice Bid Research he cars stays closu lo Mama He was barn Monday and weighs 15 younds AP Wire photo Ml 11 mm IN my na our BY Tour tmwtnlen DRIVEIIN SERVICE or CALL 7750259 Mr FREE PICKJP Ind DELIVERY um lls Back To School and qulfllsqnina Time ullnm wn smm OWN um ml lnvlqlhlr Mann Ilmlily llrnnlnl mu hum nlrlulnl MI mlxl Alx Stlmols olILrlnz carllur gradessome as law n5 Grade 2sull need pnrmlsslan rom Ihc Inpaflmunl French uill he an official op tion in Grades and spukes man or the curriculum brunch at the department of cducatlon said in an lnlcrvlcw But about 1mm qualified tcarhcrn Mnuld bu uccrlnd lo Instruct all the provinces pupils in those smiles Computer iccncu nml duln prnccsslnx ill be lnlroducml experimentally la low Grmle 11 and 12 classes and geography In Grndu ll vull emphasle mlmn dmclopmcnl lnclndlng rnhlorm urlslng from poor TORONTO CF When school bells rlng In new year Tuesday same Ontario students will Inca clemenlary school French and compulnr science and most will get mue mlch mm the overcrowded class room and nvcrwarkcd teachers they 10 last spring Only 1200 qualified leathers were luking nan In he program lnlyn1r gpnkchlansald 111E BARRIEIXAMINER FRIDAY shaman 1m Annthcr warm and humid day forecast or our area Scél teicd lhundershnwcu nra Also mum at thla evening Sllght by cooler on Saturday 1w rewarded at ha Examiner lka last night was 52 dugrm The wmpemluxe at 545 was 10 defines Synopsll Another warm and sunny day is forecast for south ern Ontarln as hlgh pressure area llna sunny weather rc malns nearly stationary over the eastern Unlled Slater snulh the Great LakesA band at cloud and scattered shower pushing southward through the Algomn and northern Genrglan Bay region This weather la expected to reach the Lnka Huron region tonightvnnd early Snlurdny Partly cloudy and sllghtly canlu weather found over Northern Ontnrlo hehlnd thy hund of growers ke Erie Lake llurnn Niagnru Lake On tario Windsor Landon Toronto Hamilton Mostly my my warm and humld Inday and Saturday low cloudy Inter Va and chance of scattered lhundnrshuwera this warm night and Saturday Winds gen erallydlgm Southern Georgian Buy lluli burinn Killuloc Variable cloudiness with scattered thun dershowors toduy and Satur day Warm and humid today slightly cooler Sniurduy Winds westerly 10 to 10 Northern Georgian Bay Al gomn Smrlt Ste Mmle Timu gnml southern white River North Boy Sudbury Sunny with cloudy intervals today and Saturday It few scattered show ers or thundershowerr this morning litila cooler Winds north in northwest in to 20 Northern River Coch rane Sunny With few cloudy periods and lillle cuolcr lodny and Saturday Winds light TORONTO CF Farccasl Issued by Ihe weather ofllce at 530 am Tl RUSSIAN All lM INK Imul umme Ilnnlnl Ilrl llchwr IIm Mmln finlnl Alnu Arklvl llvlml Imlll Jnn Hm Hnlm lhrvdmc HI Ilwl and Wm Fm 71m Nun 1m Im Forum MW Elementary French Computer Facing Ontario Students DISTRIGT WEATHER Warm Humid Some Showers xnmu nh nu mm llulI llrlnrrl lull Illm Inl NOW AT IMPERIAL Anomer Aunt spnkcy man sald that despite be 1m lhal 101252 new pupil places we calm in 1955 hue en ralmcn Lu cxpcclcd lo rlsa by nly 019 his all we are slfll behind on Dnlv 1000 t0 menury purils vuIl he smnm nruund unu new lucimlu nru rczldy John thm superintend cnld 01 London public lchmh an Tols first entering Ichoul will ind klmlcrgarlcn totally new production The chlldrcn will be lnkcn in plnccs uulsldc the classroom and specialism will he brought In lnlroduco straw as practical 105m of learning lawn plnnnlng and Irnflic con legion And this rimlum being ITS NEW The spcknsmnn llfld elemen lnry school are free to experi ment wilh nn ungradcd Iystcm under new course oumncs being drawn up by hi duparlmenl And lhu olcmnnlury school cur lXlum last updylod In 1n 10 lmprrlnl Thenlw Houlm sulmmlnu Inc limuml nn mull Amtrlmn Nmul II NM Mnlut ml hr Inhnhllnnll link my my Minx Inmdrll Thu mulu mo hllnrlmu Musknkn North Bay Sud ury EM SaultSle 1am Kapuskusmz While River Moosnnea La Superior variable under 10 knots today and tonight briefly northwest crly In to 15 this morning Partly cloudy Forecast emvemnrel Law overnighl high snturdny Windsor 61 97 St Thomas 63 as Lonan 61 85 Kltchcner 85 Mountforcst 60 80 Wingham 60 80 Hamilton 65 81 St Catharine 65 87 Taranln 65 BS Feterboraugh 52 so ngstnn 65 50 go 65 85 Lake Onlaria Southwest Ia westerly winds 15 In 20 knots to day becoming west to northwest is to 20 tonight Chance of thun dershnwer this evening and overnight Luke uron Georgian Bay Southwest lo westerly winds 10 to 20 knots becoming west lo northwest today and variable mainly northwest under 15 lo nlghl Afltcwsh pdny 0llawa raglan Mahlly sunny today and Saturday Scattered showers and thundmhnwm this morning turning llttle cooler may Winds light becom lng northwest 15 this morning and llght thIs eventnz Suulhwesl In West erly winds l5 In 20 knots today becoming wcst to norlhwosl 10 lo 15 10mm Chance of lhunder shpwers Might MARINE FORECAST cufiaplctélfleéériéi aazaaésasas runmm minim tie with mm lldhn bread Ami lndfllmnt Tuplofl nth mm mucum rum IM Mme Mud warm mm III 11 MR1 mun pony Mark Int Mall 1V llrml Influ lhu mm 1063 lklkwm lllmvnI lmnl mam1 11y lry vnrMy ML chm lklmubln ElmI mid manly tulsmh nunm mm RIVER GARDEN RESTAURANT Hwy II No Shanty my 72M 11ml glorious MQUHT L1 lsnd wrk co mainly lllll mu 114110me mm mrr or the mml pun Srthlml elm old 11le Imd delluhllul ho Mrmlly nrrvhr mul mum finnmr 1h lurid Ivnfl nhln be pmfly IIIVH LUUHCN llATAUIL ANI than why nle mmng or lrrillu mlng um nmwvrnhlr day llwlr MN All wrhr Hw plclnrrulun llhrr innlm STRAIGHT FROM the Fall er ID the FABRIC SHOP WIN nn aanta mime ol Munninz colour In orangr Green Black In magnifich hlslylo Dolcrinl silks luxury fabric or huae Klnmomul hum Fur the mmlanwiso yum r0131 nboul the classroom rich wlrmmi emymre leMmon blmd lo cwnlumlc Mlh he mlflmmblv mlnIprlnlx An mlvmlurr In mInz mm mm he Inbric Lori1 Dollulmm Tn harvest grnhl com the malsture content the kernels should be down In between 20 end 30 per cent It you have rclntlvcly small acreage the use at corn picker tu remove the cab and husk ls quite sat Islaetnry In order to store the cut one should construct corn crlh whlch wlll vary from to teet ln vldth end rnnge ram to 12 act ln helghtl To cal culatu the proper the It ts nec essary to allow cubic tee 0017 storage per bushel of shelled cnm in the structure FABRIC SHOP In constructing cth it Is mbsl lmporlnnt lo prnvlde good venlllallon protection against oumdo 01 proloctinn from rodents and provide some cnnvcnlont molhod of filling and cmplylng 0n Iahcr acreage of grain cum thn harvesting operation 13 lfl Collier Sh By lL GREGG En Agricultural Engineer Simeon Counly About six weeks from nnw which will be around the middle af October many iarmers are going to be inln the corn hur vesling operation Corn silage is still the number one lend how ever lhere growing inlcr esl in Ihe use and storage oi high moisluru kernel corn and also method cl drying shelled ruin corn ave An acreage min cam now Is the lime that some serious plnnnhlg should go Into storage it arrangement have up already been mndc 5PM gfflflfl BUY TIME WWW WW COOL MR cwers the Pralr lea lodny but hot humid nlr Mpg the weather plum Farmers Begin Grain Storage This Ann llrrnllmnl IL Alum Mill Slmhhmg III lull xhlim MI yd Imvldina lhn nutrlllm mu 1rwy in mental mr lnmihu luvV1 mm humane Lmlly T4 lulu rmlm mm Wlnuux nod mall Mr Mu NEKMI mm mm mmIn maul nbum Wm Han lrm 1m only mvl HM Inlml mwlml mmhl IIM err Innum 1rlmln prhm th be plan ml wrllly synLulu quo MARKET Au 7231112 And That will Summers vxériu mm mu Mam 111 sw rm M651 Gown mt umnhhvm mm mm Mum If mm rm Mn In um MW mim NUSuvlu Clunm mm KL FUIUII rr mm Ir wreak mllmul now ll MM find Ale NI Ium Wu RM In My warm or mm It VIM In mm rmqu In an1 lvmtlhn Mun hauls lllhl llnm th lvl Ix wmlnm llmlywnu qulh numb NM NM HI my mm mum mm mm lml Mumu or lhlhlfl In hm rhnl IMvrl Ind Mu II II vrry mn am In Xllnnml hest accomplished wlth plcker shellor or camblnuplcker headcr Farmers are consider ing either storing the gmln as ltlgh molsture feed In sllo or drylng the kernel to sale storage molsturc content in suitable structure lllgh mois tum shullcd corn stored In tower sllo should bcvhurvcsted when the molsturu content var in mm IEBBS JEWELLERY STORE In southern Onlarioj Rainfall is predicted urmost equ ern Canada Flgum lndlcala For carrier delivery In your home or office call our circulaIion dept 7266539 MY MINING llllS HOME DELIVERY WammwnwmW mm mm Mm mu an 2211 Ca 4n the Wild Have yr In mvluro Air in mmwuhlu mum wnlnr wnyn Jnln mrrhnmslnl numbrr mum Inklnq lo homing Mruar mrr ram Im In Um ummny or an oh mlly um Um mm In mm ml llnyvww Mmlm lluy luru the wry ml NI whimM finlnduhl Aruminum mnva Aluminum lmtl ImIn Mnwl um and Aqua Mnrlm Monm chkl fluuly Snlon mm 7mm 29 Penrlnnu St 7151151 111 mm ul 1mm has at to be like rim lide Lhnl mmr mm cL nur 01 um man mu Pwhl qu hath how rllmhxnx pm mm ILIUMWH All anff Couliiumcr wll Mm Mall 1va nvllming mumm or wad or lub null um Its no buy 1424 alum laundry Km mu lclrrgunlt are shampoo ml and hum huh lrmxtr Bnyvlow MIrIm Mlplo ll Ilulrnnl 71061 CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONING Wigglnx Barrlo Exdulln Furriers Dunlap muss Every wnman is dil 1mm She 15 an dlvhhm or choice fur must word lnale flattery in her nppwranu and hm personality lr vignm In mmlm In the m1 cl creating cuslam Iur dosing can mist with your snkdltm IllPMlm Tallinn or he ycung uphlslkatc lhc main llgurc Shop WIGGINS only choim ct discnminminn omen Mm dcde pufccfinn In crnILsmamhip In betwcan 20 per cent and 23 per cent The Barrie Examiner forecast hlgh lcznpérnlures CP Wirephola WALKWEL SHOES Dump 7252391 YOUR BACK TO SCHOOL HEADQUARTERS only 45 weekly SAVAGE GOLD CROSS NATURALIZERS RED CARPF Us PUPPIES figm READ ALL THE NEWS DAILY IN THE EXAMINER

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