Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Sep 1966, p. 6

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lumhino rumbles AM lull Int mm tum avmluhl ml 01m drnln llml vim IUKM rrnuunl and WIN um la lvullni ivoan MI vwrmfln Inlng mil again nml rook ID mlmnm lmn Inln Mvillzed juri Ful Mam Llnu Fresh Vegetables Make Tangy Relish Wndnruhy we quid hut nnnmlmn day lur Mr nml Mm Imlmr Umrnu ln7 min In NICIIMM Ulclr In wnllmz nnnlvmnry m1qu lm have $90 all hour NAM No In uwu Imh Onlnrlo vcgdnlyn nra haw Uer pruk lln he mu llmllrmukrr Mm mm Ikmful Inn mu now and prcrrvu llhm lur Hm MM lay thml llmm mmmnlln Mnrdnnnhl lmlnmv Ynhmlly illrlph MILntH nlurlnu mm mm mm mmn In he my me mm hvl dun rrVIIJI NOT INN HHJSII cum mmml 111me lh cum mum mm IM ml mwr mm Emu bower cm llnrly rhvnud uluy mml walrr quart WNsz up llllll IraWm mum am InhIrwnn rrlny er If an Chan orrrribtebook with pencil attached near freezer for recording quantity of each kind of food on hand Plastic bags and closures Elastic bands metal NOSUIBS clothes pins or pipe cleaners can be used Iron or curling Iron for heatsealing wrapplngs Freezer tape Freezer marking pen pencil or crayon to record contents and dale Ovenware casseroIe dishes loaf pans and alumlnum foil containers are convenient for many prepared foods FORWINVENTORY Although the food keeps beautifully frozen alter Its thawed it spoils faster than fresh food EQUIPMENT For packaging you will need Molsturovapour roof wrapping freezer paper heavy aluminum oil molsturproof heatscaling transparent MST wrap Plastic metal glass and special waxed containers in variety of sizes Temperatures of zero or lower keep frozen foods in good condition Storage temperatures higher than zero are risky especially if they go up and down Spent Wedded Life In Creemore Couple Mark 68th Anniversary Eat all this years frozen goodies by spring sa an agriculture department bulletin There should no carrying over from scasnnto season For one thing frozen foods can dry out unless they Ira covered by Hm of Ice or oil or packaged In fln or some other moistureprooi container Vegetables should be scaldcd in boiling water or steam before packaging and freezing Some irulls hold their color and flavor better with the addition of sugar or ascorbic Add Some garden delight that freeze like dream and are in season now are peaches corn broccoli spinach and Swiss chard Other items that are not or freezing are celery lettuce cucumbers radishes and pears You can store all kinds of succulent vegetables and fruits picked at the peak of flavor and ripeness and store them away for ac01d winter day Do hope you havent attempted to freeze water melon though The experts tell us youll only man age to disappoint the family when you whip it out of the freezer to serve the family in January modern room or relrigerator Is the housewifes horn of plenty Out of it can flow the most fantastic assortment of foods trimmed and ready or either serving cooldng or quick heating Farm fresh produce is available in abundance both In local groce shops and atthe farmers market on Saturday mom Ifyou happen tobe one of Ihe fortunate people with your own garden vegetables so much the better MIL AND MRS ARTHUR PERRY KITCHEN GOSSIP The rm hive lvm dul drfil Wain ll AMI In Mm xv Hindu Nolan min 11 nME zrmxl dyilvlum ml maulml Million By EILEEN DIXON IM Hillgun mnlh 15m dun ma 1mm nwl lnxzuv wiLlI Wilma llc MM woul ly Ilm mu mu mm In Inm Ml he MIMnt lka III Wm 00 la UN mu Innr mfilom hm an Mr and Mn lrrry cxdmnz an ho hum we IIrMen MIM Um lm Mm VI Ham anhll ml Aux 1L me 111 lnlo mu burn an July 11 WW and I1 Ihn omwr Mary Ummln ownm mm llm lnh Mr ml Mn Fnurh mnu 0f vrmvu Hm II Um mly mnMnu mmlrr Iwr llhnmllnle lmlfly 11m hrhlmwm wnI born In Immul In 01me ll Dmhmn on July 71 um and In the gun lhr 1142 MI mu Mm Jnmm Im Ile Um nthl nunMn momm 01 lm Funny DIME NYle IMVR mole mw mule Ulclr 11mm will dwir mu cdry mul I111 uHn on Nmuu SL ley Imc In Mhrr yours hold me home In rolrlnun Um nmfimmry llvmevfl Ms mr Iwy murk the mm am Mr hnuly and II 1th Mali Mm ra lnry 4r ulllnpwnL Mum Inhw Immnd Wm hm man 110 waldmu ml Zulu In Mmen 13 CNE TM II NH rar llm Strulnllln fnunplrr hm rnler rvl Ilnking ny ullllNHHun In Em Ian year up wlu lur hum nullrlnm lln mer nun alm rMnrul II in MM plum llmlwe lInI mlrrlnq linking mmprll um Hm va lnr nlx yrm ml she ml lur Irlllrr alilrr Iletly pwvlmw prlte ulnnm Tho limwhl buy hahy mnny mm jmlnlnl Ill yur lml damnl plan In Nb M1 lmklnz pmlum unul Im 11 lflxhlmvl Mn Wm llnyA moml MdAnu Mrcvlullln nub twka hll ymr nlvl Illlrr llnh Irnn In Hm hrny lln link In runlrtl In Jlmlnrl by am mm llm nmulllm Nullmml mull Alw lwslml hmlrnn In Junlur llnm MIIHIIII MINI lhfl lwu Ionk Ill nml mmul Ixxlrrm Our mlddlu sun is stewed lul Inxy unto upcrnlivn and un lnvelrrulu liar llnw can pur rnll Imlxe poor rndrs unim lthcd projnrll nnd dishonesty Hn myl hls uhlrr brnllwr um all the main and prhlloiu Aml hell rluM Hul Ml nhhr thwr rnmrd he hrwkl nwl lvrlvllrurs Ivy leuu uwrullu nnrl lpmwvrlhy hnl humv Suu INK or mrrnlx In um Impunllrh pml llun1nnlrd Very hnl our mn chnc NH he mmmxsflflo for mm the Ahrlnkago 00 Cool ll Lady CLOSER LOOK Denr Ann Lnndvflt Our mld Illa ion 11 showed me your rnlumn In hlch you lambnslcd parent or brlm supercrflknl childrrn Vnur um um anlln who Ml lmpossihly hlgh Alamlnnl can xnuku cml lrrn lcnsn nml lmccnro nml Hunlly the chfldrnn may nluc In In nnylhlnu or car ML urn Dar Mn Slrnlxhl My med Ical cansullnnu loll mu lhnl In mm Instances lhe pill nclually dun increase meamrcmmu but lhclr lntrtnso usunlly temporary and not so wide spread lhnl il cqud create bagm in thu hr sigrc Induslry use print my mm and out he facts before the pulllic Inform lhcso foolish young girl of In truth so they new slnrl inking lhnse pills just bccflusc they think 11 ill girc Ihnm blflcr moasurcmcnls Thank yamMrs Strnlghk Fats know is true because High mystd every three day and according In my scale have nut gulncd an ounce Also am not blind were gculng Iargar any plan wnuld surely notice ll Who are lhnse people trying Io kld anywny7 used to wear aim 38 and mm have buy SEC am not taking hith control pills so Ihat cant be the reason need larger bras slm Its hccnusc lhc auto mulic washing machines and harsh dclcrgcnll nru shrinking the fabrics EightYeaIOld Streetsville Boy Outbakes Sister At CNE Contest Bur Ann Landm just read In the paper mat the brnssiero manufacturers from coast lo mas claim thdr busl ness bcumlng because he hlrth canlrnl pill They say thousands vamcnhave had In no out and my new under garments because lhcir dimm lions havn gouen larger lull xlnyl me II Ml Dul Wankd TM Inhl ho These aulumnwlnler slyl ing 1n maternity wear for 196651 hy BrimcH of Landau illustrate the wide range patterns availnble luday in line woollen when cIeganca is he rule um cunt and dress cum left Ls an unhcalahlc ANN LANDERS Place Pill Facts Before The ruuuu Kw AUTUMNWINTER STYLINGS 11w panel lurhzrs mini mm I0 am Im In le Munru In EN Hwy nmul lo vllmwr ml me Gvnmmmvl Ivy lhu LNII llw In nlfrml lIy lw NI Mums thlun In lolnl In Nli ner mrr mm In ml wlm nr llnwllunnn mu Hum MIan Huh mumml ml mm by ummwulnl um and ll Ml II Inlll Il Ihn INII Illr llnlluu Iluy pump rnhlu rnmn mm In May ldlmmlnn ml Irmlprz lny pmer pMI All MINN mind My lur Jmlulnu hnlmnu In duqu lly primI lam vllwm In Im Im Alllll lllllunl Umulm Illmr ha Urnnvlnlmvl II Imlmln lneml mu rulls mullm Mr Hill vim nhv 11m Jnlly mlml Ilrullnfl 1de vhkln llwr rm lrlltlfl Ilnhml Ill IMMHUVI In umva Ivr WI In null IIII lllnl lvrln IHHIII 10 mm by mum upturn Hux ii The rs way In pron In your mnlhcr that you are nlce prrson is helluva like one And slop lying In your diary Tnan BE HONEST Dear Ann Landon am i2 years old and my mnlhcr doesnt trust mm She thinks lhat xhcnum no to visit my married sister something not vary nim goes an ill me and my 5m slcpom dunt know why she lhinks this unless It becausn used to makn up 10 01 Crazy things and wrilu them In my diary None or those things are true How can pron to my mnlhcr that am nlcc per SOHYMlss Unduslood Fur llm hmkIualwnl mm Imlhllhu phmtnn dun by Loshuvmr 11w popular Inn lrmnl lurllu nnrk Mary II Hrhfl mhmiuu ln My oun Klrln 141nm Mlnlrnho You and your mlddlu son ub viausly have In very poor rcla llunship datlng my back will lake the help or son soncd counsellor lo cslnbllsh some line at communlcallon Dont hcsllalc to get the help lynu need hope 11 not loo ulc is least lovable is the one uha needs have lhc musl And ex lcnding lave Io um chIId requires enormous compusslnn am nullcncn OFF TO SCHOOL palr Hm dnublehreaslcd can in subtle strips and the plain dress picking up one or the colors The high rou neck of the drcss emerges abavn he cnaL Everylhing campircs to make the woollen dress right he answer or any grm Mrvo cunle Ilnkn ly Arrnmw plum lop nl duuuh Mm rut hlo llown Mlx anulnlnL nuanr And lhu rlnnn Urn pnvl FIgrtnko mfr Tho mm cnjcycd baseman pitching the he vmmun play td croquet and listened to on side music Ana demon picnic sup per and lnrUIdray cake the cum Lng was spent on Ihe lamn wuh cverynne Mining in ma old asth singsong to the no madman of lheorgm ac cannon and saxanhane cup alllrd our teaspoon douhlcncllnn bah lnz powder umspun sugar mm mm mm mm bullrr can wrll hcnlrn tun milk cup mpcnuls men Iczupmn clnnnmnn ash hnhu and pi iums To lho lillcd our mm mm powdcn lnhllumm ha nuunr nm unll am Main Cu ln lhu cullrr Stir In ccrenl gradually mnhlnu rim Ind milk Add lo flour mmun mlxhlfl 0mm jun Inmprn Hour lrmr Inln Knflml Ixfifl lmh In sprcfullnu dmlull nvtn The lovely woauwr added much make this graded day On ls nucndcd ran Toronia union Cnmpbclllord Palmlaw and bilingwwd Mrs My has nine grand mum six whom we pm em and 15 gmtgrmddfildm him 01 whom were m1 Jack Filmer and amfly hdp ed 0me the gaihmnz cm plain Imh Onlario plums nre dc Iigmlu hep cn sh out of lhe ham But you are looking lnr mar elegant way servinu his rclrcshlnz Irull fnlIcw thin lnlcrnsling Men from um spvcinlim ul Mncdunnld lnsllluk Unlvmlly of Guelph or Ihe period plum cake Mrs Bert Freéthy Marks Birthday At Family Picnic The nanny mmives and ux Ifin Em Freefiny gaude Cooks Havm he homo of Mabel and Jim Fwdhy to honor Mrs Freethy on her out birthday Aug 20 966 The celebrnnt two sisters Mrs Edith make and We Mrs Herb Gulhaml numbed hm her me When Sam and Dan sent regret than they were mnble be present FLU CAKE pumleflplgnlL cooked whole Special Plum Cake For Family Treat mannerlobe who has walght problems and needs ligure Inucring help The horiznn cal lines of he channel scam lng and the contrasting check cd bld from all help mainlnln the slim illusion as do he long sleeves cullnd ln chem CANADIAN FIIDIJIATNN UNHIZILHTV IHHN MIME UNTMIII Thursday Sam 1966 300510 pm 11 Sunnldala Ron Ml wmrn lInlanlly Iv mm Non Mr 30 In 35 wnrm mm HI wumrn Mullu FALL TEA mumHy wlmmo In 35 mlnum mm whlmxl E1511 No Iris no houn lar he mnHInnXI much your wrll ho right 11m who won pm Hminary wumll Thu dnlry pflnrml will lo Him pnri Milon cullura Day TOIXONN CWMarl Bib lagllnl IO Cnmpbclllnrd OnlY and han IIIIr ol Dnllmllh 0111 at mend chance mo Ontario dllry prim flown Thundny nlxhl whm they won lh mend ltml Inn round at lhu Canndlnn Na Ionnl Exhlbluon Dolh lllll lull in ha prullml nmu hm waek but MN than or he umHlnlh hr can ol um Mgh number paint hey melved durlnl Um prellmlnary judllnu mole that outdoor llghllnz can grcauy udi lo the beauly and luncllon cl your home at tha same timn lenglhmlnz yaur out door day Many hams will have mm pmlcular lcalure or are which would be mhanced by nllhl llghllng floral display sculpture or watt Several types cl llzhLlnu are unable each deslznrd to produce purllculnr ellecl Spread lluhl used In lllumlnnle lnmr Area xuch ll pallos or mun llnn Iacilillu Mushroom lumps nru availnlxe dalrh can light downward lo dlspluy Inch hu lum flower beds and round corvml THE HARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY SEPTEMBER ma Todays homznwnen are urn In In outdoor living more than ever The home gurdcn can pm Vida relaxation and enjoyment for your family nllawing you many hours of the warm lum mcr sun Tth enjoyment nzcd no mm sundown Speciallm wilh lh Depanmenl or Horu cullure Agricultural Collcgg Univguily Guelph Mr and Mn Hugh Gamidc Blue Wk Mfidfiw have been guests 1m hm Mr and My ma Kaigfln Down Pea honors will be performed by past presldenu or the club and the current membersof the execu flve will an ten hostesses All womenunlvenigy graduates from Ban1e area are Invited to atten the alternoon event from to 530 oclock FROM OHIO their mu weddhu anniversar mm in em nday from Guem Included Mr and MI 0mm 0M0 mm um Charles Brown purenl who will haliday mmh bur brlduronm Mr and MI mandmmdndawMxwd George 300mm and Harvey Haas of Magic BArryLRIckyrflvonnln Mr ANNIVERSARY PARTY An anniversary party was held In honor at Mr and Mrs Joe Brown Alexander Ave 51 ma home 01 Mr nnd Mrs James Doorman Grnve SL FL he brldea parents but lunch was served The gusho honor necelved many Inver gm mod commemornling Entries Win 0n Second Try Outdoor Lighting Enhances Home Upwim llghunx can be um HIV Your School ml Guests will be mew bryvthe preéidentand hos tess Mrs ODonal the as president Mrs Rod Snider and the members 1p convener Mrs Hartley Mrs Rory ODonal president of the Bards bunch of the Canadian Federation of University Women will open her Sunnidnle Road residence lor the clubs annual autumn tea on Sept President Of UWCI Will Open Home For Fall Tea NUSERVICE CLEANERS In Clipped SCHOOl OPENS SOON only BuckTo Clqud The but result or your par llcnlar requirement will lound by experlmenllng dlrecl In the 1mm lrom dillerenl sldt and anglu such slnlghl on lrom huhlnd from benzalll thé subjecl Ind lrom abvve Colored lith may be uscd to achlcva In allecL but fienmlly wh In light 15 mm able Foliage lake on bright or gram Ind Mb calorcd ob ject broom mar vivid Plan and lnslnll your ouldoor llghllng salclyl Install lhe lix lures when the pound and loll Ago dry lo prevent shark ram electrical conducllon Um lhrcwrnnzml plug llld mum whlch provlde ground wlre ME AND MY SHADOW find In my Mum In Milo 5thool luhlunl ll Th0 Fnlnk imp It truly mllulc Prim AMI dont mm our 107 Ivunl or ul ml at ume mlmll Th afimr Shop to spotlight pnrllculnr calm or to llluminale the undenlda lollngc Border lights are also suggested lo provldn 1er along walks and steps mlmllaneom xhwwer wns had at the ham Mrs Murray Grave of Duhlnn on Tuesday evenlng Mrs Graaves will be MJu Pedlimmms mn their mu weddhu anniversary Guem Included Mr and Mn Charles Brown plrlnl ol tho ErldanoInm Mr and Mn Bany Ricky Bumman Mr Ind Mu Ralph Green Mn El Shehwell Mn Shlrley Sb well Mr Ind Mu Everett Shelawdl BRIDEELECT FETED Miss MaryAnna Pedflngham was west honor It cum munlly huwer on Wadnesdly uvenlng nmnled by the women of Crnlzhum and Dalston com munlllea And held file Cull hunt Cvmmunlly Hail DYCKS 150 Collier St MHHGHBINE CHOICE SIRLOIN WING TBONE CIIEFMASTER LEAN HAMBURG PATTIES Milo 5thool luhlulu ll Th0 Fnlnk It truly fullHe Prim And dont find our 107 Ill Mun Bo Sold by Silurday Saw 3000 LBS STEAKS 69° Along monetary linu he tides the tall Deccmbcr mid Fehruary period you an slated or gain next June August and September However it won be who to ba ultra conmvfllh during lntorvenIng monthsc gzdauy throughout this Septtm and October and during tha lint three weeks Dccrmber These engaged ln creallve en terprises shwld find the first Ix month DI 1967hlghly prof itable and should be the rccufi 2an mmying recognitlun during the nrne peglpd will ha governed by mud Influences or mast of the year AM you Me Ilngle your best parlod lar new romance and7r murlage will occur In lale December an excellent purlcd lur nll Vlrrofi ans nexl April May and Au2 url Mm ausplclnul period or lrnvrl will not occurunlll 1951 wlh early February and lha Weeks belwecn my 15 and Sep crpr qulslnndln sued child born on lhu day will be endwd with ma luv knowledge and chnrmln pcrsonBlM will have curb lendcncy award tx lmne mnodlncss If tomorrow yourhomcope Indium bright prospect for mama during uh nvxk 12 months provided ynu are willing to lake n11 same ad dldona job responsibluuea Ac cording to start you If slated for adyangemmt in both By ESPREUJTA FOR TOMORROW food day or finishing in competed task and inking ac tion on projects you have hm pmtponing In all matte how ever ioilaw welivtcsled pron duru so to eliminate the possibility of error Care nzrded in romance in dealing with the opposita sex generally r951 rm murmur occupa nuresla between Dec and Feb 15 with further boosts 110 your career Indlcalcd in late April In June August and Scp iron or helm at lha Sept 101i wedding Dalston Unich Chmchi Mimics Al the bridal shower was Miss Mary Jnh We who will be bridesmaid It the wedding Guam inciuded ormer school malls of he brideH and young people Damon EPIROUITO GALI Mr and Mrs Caldwell formuly ltmmln leltd with Mr Caldwell parents Mr and Mn George Caldwell ol Couler SL thl week on route Gall Mr Caldwell has accepted pusltlnn on Ihe stall ml the Gal Colleglata and V0 cational Institute my ANNIVERSARY Mr Grantham 53 Mary St will be home to Mend an Saturday rum and 79 pm on lhe occasion 01 their 4011 wedding nnnlverury THE STARS SAY Cm FOOD MARKET 7285339 $225

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