Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Sep 1966, p. 5

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SHANTY BAY ens ene Va Paul Morrison Henry Jazwinski Larry Robertson and Mike Slade le physical lilnas award went to Laurie Ann Brown Sharon McDonagh Terry Col lens Nancy Duivcnvoorde Ar IlmrCallens Anne Thoma Pam Oowan Cynlhla Gentle Henry Jazwinski Dmnk Nonnandean Tony McDonagh Lee Kyryww 91ml lNormandeau Ron Gentle ike Slade Richard Benoll Paul Goodall and Deharah Sampson PROFICIENCY AWARDS Proficlmcy award ln lhe swimming classes went Io adpoles Dabble Summon Ann urmandeau Paul and Alan ImlsonMlke Slade Ran Dul venvoorde Sharon McDonaKh xmflm guy new Vim tor Polkr Rogerson ANGUS sum Pan Mor rison received gold award or bu Lost at the second Angus Day Camp which concluded rc ccntly IL wax shown by results ms nnnnunced Ohamman the Angus Dis trict Minor Rumllon Council Gcnrge Guergls cvmrnendcd the good shewing by atvani winners and praised the Simcae County Recreationnl Service for as gimme Blue awards went Lori uodison Kerry Lynne 0di Shaw Brenda Smylh Lynda Goodisnn Rene Van Gaalen Debbie Mchnngh and Wayne Kearnan ARCHERY WINNERS ony McDanagh and fins nnz Van Gwen ware winner or he archery contest While the ten inspection award went lo Ron Gunfle Steven Blggs Kim Srqylh Gary Devlsoq Tgrry ROY KENNER and hls ASSOCIATES Anglis Day Camp Prizes GiVen EDWINLOIL DANCING Dgfitfiujustflfitemm miwfiwmh llllhny 11 It Gulhfll STARTS TODAY Box OHIco 0pm AI pm Show sum Duxk Most modern Drivmln North Toronto Thil Saturday Night Featuring MATINEE SATURDAY AT PM NOW SHOWING64 905 PEGGYS Adull Entomlnmmv Strand Béach Three passed me senior ask from flu SlaynerWnsagu area They Mare Simon Alnley Jefl Bait and Susan Mchbe NEW 8165 ERECTED BEEION sum New slim erected on the Boston Public Library building has been cam mended by residents and visK tars The library L1 located in thehrmer teksphone office on Guppy Rosanna Van Gaqlen Steven Riggs Rlchard xenon Henry Jazwlmkl Mike Slade Brian Rogemn Terry Collens Wayne Kearnan Paul Goodall King Sglylh and Larry Rogerson mg Anne rpe Kerry Lynne Ogllshaw Natalie GuerA gis Rosanne Vln Gulcn Bren Smyul Dena Osborne and mind Goodlgon Lad Goodlson and Dennlr Narmandeau melved beginner awqrds from Stayner wtre amnng suc cusfnl junior candidate who passed Simcoe County Recrea tion Servic swimming less Just concluded They fire Marilyn and Mar lene Ayers Lama Buchanan David Ford and Teresa beihcr In the slnynerrWasaga inter mediate class Neil Buie Lynne Mirrlees mu Pallersnll Gall Splcher and Betty Wilkinson were successful candldalcs The two summer camps con duded during the holidays were amended by close to ma main Net 13 Pass Tests In Stayner Area Swim Classes Salim Barrio And Orlllh STAYNER Staff ufiva DRIVEIN THEATRE The hylaw has panally of $600 or those lhn persist In its viulallom Pcrhnps tho rcsidcnls whu altLndcd he Counull mccl lug with their complaint will be sumrlscd In learn that lhis un known hylmv was there to serve lhcir purpose This is the fin llmo lhal complaint nl lhls vulture had come In lhc allcn llon council and no member remembered that lhcrc bylaw covering the pruh such dumplng SPECIAL ING special muting lhc Plunning Heard was held Aug 15 uhlrh membrrs hnirmnn Allnn nah Jon Cam rant Kelly Mulllnllund and Reynolds were In nllrn dance The plan nrnscmcd by Dwim erson was rccnmmcn ch or nppruvnl by council KM balm nn mlditiunnl subdiv Isinn of nrnprny nn Int 15 Con russion adjoining Hm Sunny brne man Tlll rcnscd lvlnn showed he nnmu Wnnlicn Slrrnl rhnngnl lnrkshlc Dr nml PmksMc Dmo runmnml ircle Drive lmntnurs 01 Lola 56 and 51 um nllrrul mu nn McLeod Slrrrl milking mm nne nl ha plnn tn nlmsl ping styrefuse in sewage on any lands in the township No one was aware that bylaw was on record and Jen Clerk Richard Groh found the document it covered lhe presan complaint that sew age of obnuxinus odor was being dumped on Holds the own flip In the district near the 120 Innlsfll Palicc have been hand ed copy of bylaw In exist 55 196 Mlcr he bylaw as mud and handed to the police Cor poral Crone was dcspulched tn the area to endeavor to he on hand when lankload of saw Ale arrived and give the oper ator one chance Io slop he do livery We cant he on hard on Ihem and should give them chanca lo sup when warned Chlcf Brown slated AIR ll WI mm now IM my mMcnls nur lmllhlp MM llrevr llrrhrrl lluxluu Wm Guillimlmry an hip in mum wmk rmw mummu rm Nu In xlrlvmml llr MM he wxrk lellrd In In rumplrl ml In mu prnvulr nrw mm We have murlmrd nix Mn 14 In Hm lvmmhll Mu ymr and Her llumr murr wnnlrn nl Shnrw mm ly nlul nwmbrr Hm 11ml rmmrll hr rzr lkputy llrorr KMlh lump lunl mvinn Ml mm rur nn rmmil MM Hm munle mommx In lupyurlinfl nm mu Ixmnmrmrnl prlvgrmu Hm mhrr mnqu Hlllllvlnl Alllmr rl IVIHI Huh nml fulfill lnhul rmvlul Mlmhlh mm mu ilwnvllln Ilnzlm mul Mlpvvlmrmlrnl Crecmnre Reeve Gnrdon Wutsnn 1cm confers with formu Caokslown rnnve Ira West Gwillimbury Project Will Link Highway 89 T088 INNISFIL NOTES Bylaw Prohibits Dumping Of Refuse f3 Honesty llefRDM TIMFJ DISCUSS COUNTY ROHD IMPROVEMENTS mm mm inm some for at luls 1516 on registered plan at early vin tage revised atch discu mns ll was agreed that sub ice to mollnns as lollnws that the five per cent park allow mm may be paid far in cash mm swim daylightng angle be shown on Lot at the Inter section Coxmil Road and Caucasian the plan will then be recommended or up provnl Beautification enmrnilleo me in gel the Mk under way and la report on mallcr complishcd lo dnlc Assistant Clerk Green was appalnlcd sec retary and sunnnslion made that he be allowed nvcrlime for work olhcr lhan nllice hours Vii lime anda hall pay This will have to have approval 01 council Alter in pectinn of arms around the area of the International Plemz Match it was decided lhal only law farm needed any special work to bring lhem up In par has been suggesled lhal lhn cnm millln use he funds lillucfllcd In that area la pul up new mall box posls palm and leller he baxes and il neurssary replace any nnl up to sinndnrd Same mud and lllkh Ink is denied nnd lhu ill be passed over in the roads departman The mm line is nnu unlitr canslrurlinn and he lopsurlaced balare llIe malclll leller is lo out In enm munlly hull hoards chiIrLlKs null nllmr puliiic buildings mk lm llml palnl lm npplled ll nee rssnry llllll rlpnirx dune lhal ill lmpmve ll appearance Lots in 57 Blocks and and LN 110 and Ill from plan 401 HEAUTIFICATION he IIIle Hm nru he hummus It suggested lhzl mare be mm and Hm lmmsllip nfllcu nnll shed nru to In Iilinfld Gar nml mvicr Ilnllum nll rrcrive Icllcr asking Ihclr lnnprralinn In ridmmz Uer Inll thlrlca and mnklnx rmu lluzhu mvkr hr rcnrvnl mpmmnrm nl rnml in Sunrnr Cnumy nml willml nm Hm rsi GwiNlmlmry WM nnximu at 10ml quI up lhll Illuvrmrlllrlli vy Huml Irer yrnr Ilml Inn mnn IIHWH WM Guilllmlmry n1 Mcll lrlhll mu ma rmlnly rrvvfl rmpllmiml Hm Rum mulq nw nu llmmlmnl lnrlnx In rncnurnninu lluul In came lurk mmer my yr wnm um nmnfl mmm Mu mlduu mm mm rl Emllmvhury hurl lhb un mun mnnl rHranK In lrlhkhlm mu nno Ihn hw Mn uumy mumuml ilir MO In do In In My non 1mm xlrlrrl nml mm 1va lmluhip um hrlpml luv IhmHnlvl Ditlrlfl ngh 51qu Iuvanl MIMI huh It In IIIII Wilsnn centre nnd Slayncr Reeve Vllllam More They discussed Smmovemcnts to Lyn pm pm NOW SHOWING YEAH 1AM AND IM On Sunday nilcrnoon 5wim mer loll he lownshlp park prc sumcd In be heading for ihe is land when ho did not return in expected in about two hours his friends who spoke lillle English became alarmed and police were called Corporal Crone curmoored boar and set out across lhe lakc which had become ehappy boal heading ior shore Iold of having seen the swimmer mak ing llllle headway and though they had asked him lo come aboard he refused They were able in fired the search lo the location and on orders oi lhc police lho swimmer rns lillcd irom lhe waler Almost exhaust ONTARIO LEAH Shuc Ibn lirsl mu tcn ll 17 H1 IN Yul ll nllwr pruvlncm 1n pnpuLIlinn used or wrecking purposes All lhis ill be presumed lo Council for their apprcval and lunds allocalcd lo cover lhe cnsu likely to be paid hr by lhc lownship SWAM ACROSS LAKE Congratululions lo lllr and Mn llriun Law son of armor councillor Mrs Mary Law and he lnle Inhn Law ho um married In Nassau this summer alan are hnme lnr lhcir mllllng lrlp Brian ls an employee he llnnk cl Commerce in Nils 1u and will bcrnlurning more RAISE FUN The fire that rmnlly des lruycd lhc home Arthur En wrighl ul lmfrny Icn lhe am lly Including liu boy under no 11510 UK years wilh Ins lhc clplhcx they mod up In mmmiucc has how 50 up In Imlrny under the cllalrmnm ship Iuslmnxlcr Hymn Grow to make cash cnlkrlinn In lhu um lnrlurllng me lukcshom and he rural cnmnuunty mm the smxlh Dnlne In Ihc 7m lonrcslnn kmvzmrrs lmc Ich appointed and It In hoped HI amorous nmnunl ill be cuhm Tho Lflrny Cmnmib Ice ls not Asking lur cluum or hmmhlnns lhc plnnr for re huihllnfi am mll nwnifinfl mm ndJuslmanq lhn Insurancn Mr mnl Mu IImnnzhl lln Ixnh murkan nml 10 cash he lug rulltrlcd la mnkv pnssllvlu Um IIIrCIIISlflI ntxcssnry rlnlhlnz nml nlmxllm net lho boy hack lo ICIIML nn cflor to glue any portion Simcae Counly roads Exam iner Photo The mimic Advonturv Thvlon Who mic Tim Slugccmwli l0 Cheyenne lmflllnu Indium mu lmh ul hll urnas 2000 milm of flmnlng Frontier The presxdcn nyd either and swrntary Norman Stod dart bouh sumsedlmhmfions paint to standout Mr wikh In my gutminus MITCHELL SQUARE Shall Prude as Innm yand gall horseshoe pitching tournament hastecn amngtxl or Dron 114m annual n11 exhibinun which will he held at me On ran gmmds 16 13 14 pm to rm arms the tournament will be in charge or Ken Gunman and Allan Mb Lean Players are asked to Pm Vida heir awn hnrseshocsr We wz to thank the com of 0m and the County 52mm aka the demchan of agriculture in Barrie and Tor nbo or their splendid contrlbw ions and citoperation in mak ng lhls and Jurmer airs wuss said Mr Fletcher RACING RULES Canadlnn Trolling Assuclnllon rules will prevail or sulky horse min on lhe second day of the lalr with lwn classified races arranued or purse of $150 each lwa Unamile heals are run In each class Barthuiamcw farmer 0m dupuiy roeve Elmer Shciy well and Doug Crawlnrd are members of the racing commil lee more limi nine hor ses are entered similar purse will be pmvidud nr third race The True Blues have lheir own hall relatively new build lng ANGUS Staff The Lady Orange Enncvulcnl Assoclallon Loyal Orange Liulw and True Blue Lodge are adive Angus nrganizalinns which play lhcir pay In 59mmunily endeavor Mrs John Audrey Plaxlnn is worshiplul mislrcss of the LOBA whlth has its own hall at Elm and Jnnas slrncl The mens lodge hcmlcd by Garllcld lllcCulligh also meals at lhe same hall Eflorls have been made from lime to time to intmsl more musicians in life and drum band one lime Augu had bands which were prim winners 1n district parades During he war the Orange Hall was uscd as an apartment house In hcp fill nch or homes for nmllim of service men raining nuarby Camp Borden Mcrvyn ilsnn and ofllcr local musicians now are with the We and drum band at nearby anlcr After the war It was rccnn vulcd inn hall Main and ur rcnny bring much by tho assocIann and Imlpm Horéeshoe Tourney Oro Fair Feature Angus Village Orange Hall Is Busy Place 20 cmemamemnmi The program also includes horse and buggy raco provlding there an hrce or more entries pony class also is included 011 the racing pmgmm chlar Ross is airman of the heavy horse classes with Thomas and Lloyd Fletcher al sn on the committee There are six cim or Clydesdale six 101 Percheron and six or B014 gians in addilion In has fourhorse cam hiwh FLIch classes in addlfion spcclals have been nrmngcd or llgll lmrscs and pony dlvl sinnwllh Tudhape inr mcr 0m rum in charge of he farmer and Tom Ross and lloy Campbell the lallor THE BARIUE EXAMINER FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 1m Fresh From Their latest TV Appearance SflTflflDflY NIGHT RANGE MISTBICT NEWS HUNTERS BEACH PM STARTING TOMORROW Night Stand Doors Open 830 LETTLE DIANE and the JADES STROUD Besides lhe harm good showing of bed and dalry cal lle sheep and swine also ex pected Purebred Holstelm Ayrshim Herelord and Pulled Angur are raised In this area and standout showan sured in mm classes Smith Campbell 01 Barrio chairman of the sheep disses and membm hls cvmmlttee Include Georgs MncKay Ind Gordon Woodrw 0m Tcwnship Reeva George MucKaya special or equilu 0X 19 Soplémbcr 13 L1 preparallon day and he rum and Manuel show will be held on Scplcnfm

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