Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Sep 1966, p. 4

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What must Canadian industry do to keep pace with foreign industries that have longer production runs lower wag es government subsidies or other advan tages It is complex problem involv ing more than justgoad management An example noted the Financial Post concerns theubrauc of manufacturing that is our oldest dating back to New France in the 18th century and one or our largest employers about 87000 workers One of the most encouraging examples of longterm strength in the Canadian economy says the Post is the per romance of the primary textile indus try This industry spent $20$30 million year on capital projects through most of the 19505 In 1966 it is spending roughly 100 million or the third year in row For an industry whose com panies seemed to stagger for nearly decade from loss to loss the change is dramatic They have had to gamble on new equipment new techniques and new fibres The textile industry had reputation or loud hieatjng about foreign competi tion It is refreshing and an indication of the industrys new mood to Mid this recent statement by Francois Cleyn chainnnn of the Canadian Textiles insti tute The Canadian economy is under going substantial changes and suggest that as exposedds we are to internation al competltion we have to foresee ac cept and introduce these changes more rapidly maybe than some the more Barrie Northern Advance Sept 1911 Coming federal election was gen era topic and campaign in Simcoe Coun ty rldings was heating up Prime Min ister Sir Wilfrid IAuriers Liberal party was getting strong oppOsitlon on hust lngs from Robert Bordens Conserva tives At Grand Opera House in Bar rie British llally was planned for even ing of Sept 13 with Arthur liawkes as guest speaker llis subject The Place of BrillshBorn People in General Elev tions of Canada Rev Ernest Biggs ree tor of Trinity Church was to be chain man Interest in golf is increasing and Barrie links are well patronized The club president ll Grasett has done tine Job In promoting this Scottish game Daniel Quinlan county treas urer announced annual sale at lands for arrears of taxes would be held Dec at court house in Barrie Great debate at Opera House attracted 1200 peo lo as Vrlght representing the perial Mission opposed Ernest Drury of Crown lllll and accused him of set ting class agalnst class lle also called Lauriers Reciprocity Movement men 55 YEAKS AGO TowN Walls Publisher How To SurVive Concerns All 01 Canadian Industry Mrrly rmrmlrllmn oyln Mp In an Hnlfinnnl Put la lnwlu vllh lwllsu Tho hPinhrriv Examintr BEAUTY SPOT IN BANFF NATIONAL PARK Published by Canadian Newspaper leltad 16anfield Shae Barrie Ontarlo DOWN MEMORY LANE McPherson Managing Editor rmmv smman 1m PAGEI Mu l1 fil Ivy llWlWMR IIWain mmer llu mm Ihu 5anth In lh hllh umml llhhlr But solving the survival problem is not solely matter of finding the capital to introduce new equipment and products as this excerpt trom the annual report of Dominion Textile Company explains Both labor and government must recog nize intheir own longterm interests and for the welfare of Canada that the powerful downward pressure of foreign competition does not weigh alone on in dustry but represents an equally power ful limitation to wage demands and to the spending programs governments shellered Canadian industries This positive and constructive attitude toward the realities of business survival in the 19605 is something that all Canadians can profitably emulate no dis Canadas am biiions for all its citizens to live better and earn more But the reality of financ ing our ambitions is that the industries and businesses of this country are the primary sources of its tax funds They provide not only corporate taxes but the Payroll from which the increasingly arge pool of personal income taxes are drawn aee to Canadas British connections He insisted that the deputation to Ottawa was financed by an American railroad magnate which Mr Drury flatly denied Both political parties in the United Stai es have advocated annexation of Can ada in South Simeoe Haughion 1911 nox KC Conservative candidate sched uled series of meetings with theme United Canada Not United States Barries our weekly newspapers were divided The Northern Advance and Saturday Morning supported Conserva tives The Examiner and The Gazette were staunch Liberal advocates Gossling advertised for apples for his evaporator on Maple Ave George Hakogeorges Olympia Candy Works had homemade he cream bricks at 20c pint Ed Brysons conleetionery and ice cream parlor advertised Properly Cook ed Food Simmons C0 had sale going 20 per cent cit price of furs Walter Scotts book store had specials in baseball supplies Barrie Brewing Co offered splendid ale and porter dir ectly from plant on Dunlo St East Canadian National Exhibition attracted great crowds in Coronation Year They can continue to do this only it all Canadians foresee the certainty of ris ing costs clashing with strongvforeign competition and accept as fact that social welfare nmbilions wage ambitions tax as and industrial health are all tied io gether in one nannal economic pack age iSurvival is joint effort for public government labor management Wilson General Mahuger nut nurlhrm nurses even lhcy come 1mm lnr mull Au5 lrnlia mo rcmurcrlul nnll she managm la halt the bike Mum plunml htr mm the rivnr Sha Algnallcd NIL pilot Just lic lore hu look rushed hark up lhu hlll lo prrparo the baby or he um um mnlwl hark down In lho lnmllnn place so it caglllnbu uvurunml to lmqvilnl Shirleys major cnmplnlnt mn um lhls Peel mvcr com munily is almost entirely de pendent nu float and skl planes lnr contact with he uulside world hm rather with the lack Irnnsporlalionllgxf hcxfsell and cw weeks ago am or hcr Indlan baby pullLnls dcvclnml sedan hm condillun whlrh demanded lmmcdialc allenllnn the lnuvlk lmspllnl Shlrlcy knew that charm nircmll was about to lake all lmm mu rivcr quarter of mile way down rough slccp rend Ap proprlallnn bicycle mm nclghbourinz hnuse she sol OH in rnnllc hush to catch the plane before ll look Tn her hnrrar she numl lhc bicycle latkul brnkcs MM she plunged wildly dawn the slccp hill So ll perhaps no surpmln lhnl M15 Jlflllnll Insl 1ch llma In lclllm lhn Imnnwns commmce an Nnrlhtm Allah that the nerdml mmu kind lrnm II nnl Ml Mck nrxl mnnl hut nnwl Ilurr lrnry lican hat ll Ix HI l4lrl Mc Ihcrnnn nurse may he lucky ll no gm mnlor th mmu umo nrxl MI THE MACKENZIE DELTA Shirley Jeanne In young ni traciive nurse ram Melbourne Australia She has nevcr lived in zuuihern Canada but for the past several munlhs she has been in charge of 11 small nurs ing station at Fort McPherson 100 miles nnrih the Arctic Circia in the Mackenzie deli1 mqnigy 1na Auslr Inn numn per Imcn lyplcal or Mm num 1h IMMHM lnu Olrllulvrly NHle In IM or lqvullllrnllnn 14 Nu IIIlrhu In UNI wtr rmllml In Axwtlnlml hm will lml Illn VI nrnl mumm HumIn wt and um um 0119 Bunr1 Exnmmrr THE NORTH TODAY mung nssmqu Dally Sunday mu mummy mum urrxulnl Sulvmmnnn mm lmly Ivy rnnlrr Wth 311 Nvly Hngln In la 10v Ily Innil Hand In Nllly lmlnrln H0 yrm mm mmwnu yur Mail uulshln hum Nu Ill rar rmMn nmln mum WIIMIIAna Aulhnrllm Irmml rlnu mail You Ole Dexan mrnl nllnwn nml lnr pnylnrnl Mum In rash nmln mm mm mm 15A mul llmllll no war 0mm lnlwmly Arc luronlu Cull rm Muulrmh rl lmrlrr nnn rr Mrmlm Ihn valiml Dally NEIIPHWI lulrlulv NI AIKMIJHMI Hun nu Ivliun IH Mu Amle Hmrml LunIIMlnm MPs Impressed BY Medical Facilities In The Arctic izxmlner Correspondent mmm wuhm the cum mg Mama IN AN mm me bar of young nunactive gin are pulfing up with In our northern Immunities The MP8 were most imprmscd WM he medl cal flames available in the north Most of the communldcs had modem hospitals or nursing sum equal in or boun man hospims In many southern com munities Not all stuffed with doclors but the nurses and nurses aides am doing heroic Job under diflicull ckcumstam cu Tho greatest ndvnntu are be ing maria in tho laid pre nniai nnd chiid cum and nn In creasing number 01 Eskimo and inriian women are mnklnz use hr Inciiiiins or chuckups nnd guidance The nurse ndmii lim am their probich ix imdim out which women are Prtgnunt bcrnuse of he now liliing Aciniiws lh Inuv lha chic centre lhu Mackcmlo nrra model 1mm ovrrlmkmg vast arm 10 mm lung um 50 mm uldn Inllnl ullh myrlnd lakes channels ponds rhcu mu land only one 01 lhrcn nrcna In he nmlh whnm Eskl mo and hullnn llvu laxclhcr in the 5mm tummunlly dcdicnlcd work lhcse girls most or them denied any sort normal sotlnl llle of their own ls helping to make Imlnblu pmgrcss in lighllnx llle ugwld distam Eskimfls and lndians luberculosls and res plfilory disease of all klnds an morlnllly 11 item lly tlccrmsing and wherever posibln mothers having their first bnhy or lhclr mm or murc are sent out In lhe huspllnll In lhu larger cnnlrcs THE MODEL TOWN lrnluru ol Inn ma mibtlm whkh com um nll unvtrnmcnlnwncd build inns Thrsc nrn nhlmlnumrclml llhrt nlnxsrlnsulnlnl lunncl cow MIUMI Mhlth ronluln ha plm carrying mam mm and mm The nurlrur wwrr plan hangin Paint on Lulu Huron In nlm qrrnUnu Annmlmv VII lull Im mm 1m Tn In mm Ymnl Im mr lm lmn HLI Ivy unny dalnym lImuvrr final mil gum Im rlmr In orlxlnul le llml MLWW TOIIOMfilul lMA down 1m achlrmntul Alumlr liner Lanmlu LII which ll building lb vlml In rumNull Mlh Unluln mm My uw Unnl mt mum Im nu mm lhnn llw prr mu mu mlzlnnl puma mlm ihm rm ol Mr lmlrmlnl pm huh ml THINK Ml 1hr lHwrll NM vmmllqu hru Ime um IH nl III ulna In nhul Minn Imlimn and rum um 11 mm luu mm in mqu II mm on mlm mmMUM my cnmmum mv Iml mum hm If £1115 II lu unNlnkln younl twp Th QUEENS PARK Open Nuclear Poweri Plant In The Fall By DONAL OIIIMHN and carrying away thu sewage Nu other system would be prac tical because lhe area has per mafmst to the depth of 1000 feet with an active layer of be tween 5b and eighteen inches in the summer Inuvik was the first communA lly we had reached on our lnur which boasts it own newspaper Edllor Tom Butlers une of lho towns leading cillzcns explains hnl In papers practical motto is Todays newspaper lo mgrrqw 1ch paper hi minkvm nnd brass int 1mm Eklmonm Mnin excitement whiIs he Communs committee was them was lhn ceremony inaugurating new Canadian National TcIL cammunlcnlimu lnndlinc link Ing Inuvik nnd other rcglnnnl sclllemcnl wilh lhe ouuide First call was placed between NWT commisslnncr Slv em and prime mInIslcr Pear son In Ollnwa dlnncr ul lumng the tummy CNT was taken In ask or mllm In In clude uny mum pcopln at lhe Icntl tabla ch wag occupicd Some of the vlslllng MP5 are given hard llmo in vik Thcy had Ipcnl he nIlLr noon and cary mcnlnfl visiling sumo ha oullying cummun in such as Amie ch Inr lnrl Melhmon and Tuklnynk Iuk by light plnncs Returning to Inuvlk 1130 or 10 at nlghl withme anything ml nlnw breakfast or mn chance lo wash and change my wm huslml of la lho homes nl hr cal rcsidcnls frw of these people won more Intercle In ILInning lhclr mmplulnls and demands lnr II more tomlmb nhlu and pmhlnblc life In lhu nnrlh than my wen In olfrr in ml nr drlnk of wen lnvlinllnn use he Incimlr Hut lhis non of lhnunhllm rcccpllon was lommnlcly mm and most Ihe nnrllurn hmll 1va up ully lhrlr npmmlnn or lrlrndllncss nnd grnrmxlly rhnlnnnn II INN mm In Tnnmto lwyrr wllh kcrn mind 1m mm Mm ally lm ham In ml at le uIII be Mail My In IM lmw murh Imam In II mu Mum In In Illl Iv um Ihrn Ihvru nrnup hr HM llwd rlzhl HINHMI IN nmm mrn nllrh 7nyrnr oltl Ihvllu Ilmkrfl Mu hfll hrrn lurmhrr Null Tu mo Imn luv up Tu mo mm muV up Hm wllh qu VIIham TMI mmmlllro In run Mrr mm qullc rMIImI Man In pm Mr rnnmnlgnv Inl rnII In Elwllvm out at public llMlC Envy mm Iumdlu hp mrmm hml lm II mm or mmnyx Und lvuh knHM llvrr myle mrn BIBLE THOUGHT nmmcnnl mnl n11 WWW UnAWA Defence MlnMar Hallyer will have In practise lot sellddence when opposi tion MP5 In the reassembled Parliament open up on him with their abundant armml on most mlous charges which could be placed against hlm centre on the catchall phrasa contempt Parna menL hora governments aralnoto ously llliberal in their attitude to the practice ol democracy and often they re veal yum1n prelegence Jar wnlmnptum bypassmg Pa llnmenLand acting with the aulncracy whlch normal to dictators rs spacilic charge tn which Ilollyzr open Is that he L1 proceeding towards unl licatlon oi the three fighting services without prior approval by Parliamem and in direct contravention existing 321 lefice vmlililitflr Doug Harkncss has protesth hum1m xrnlulslerthat he planned inhoducflm or uni fled trade slrupture or lhe three Services is the first and major step towards nu lntcA grplian The only uuflwrfly yet given Hwa by Padiamenz and yet sunght by Mm was to appolnl one supremo cammandcr or the three scrvlcu om chlef the ddcnco slat In place of he lormcr chairman of In chlds of stafl commiltcel His 01 to be charged with um specific act oi unification wasto naval eyesthe crime placing an air commodore in command our seagoing navy at Halifax routes ENACTED Heliyer course has no pun iiamentary authority ior oiLhur oi lhse steps The National Dolonu Act any cieariy that The Canadian lnrccs cnnsist oi three services namely iho 30an Canadian Navy the Ca nadhm Army and the Royal Canadian Air Forcr Th should be clear especiain to iieliycr who in his one year service wore the uniiorm or two ol those three separate and distinct services OTTAWA REPORT tho MIL0 Can mm was mun gc The com cram My had been nmmgnd by fixeMariim pmviom disclm Ibo pmsibxuty lannmg urnon among Wm nn gmemmmt n1 Camda asked lo ollmwd to send dolegait to pram bigger propuvihm hat the Mamizm sham Jon Omar in Miami union John mm mm Licnno Carder zoom kwn DImy McGee and 5mm um sailed mm Qudxx an Ming in Lw ship Qmm iwxh and rived In mmwom mm asrly on tho mmniru of qulunbm The Manka delegate wer not wake but onme mind Mammy ll Pope law tho ship nndmr rm ml wt in an oyster boat L1 said that he vm mistukm or lrshcnmn 14 Its ml was mkod abut pnro of nyslnl Lama max mum Thu Marth deicgalu hmdean on Anaun ax Amt had difficulty lindm occmunodmm brews due was Linux fin town he in In number yours What he hilly 50 moms Ihu Mamba Home Hotel My vmnt Alma to the rim and mjvm some hvgcfk mtmaimpml The mun dmmaks would mi ushum in the vysior boal so the Outer yécwtykryaw 11w Wm lmpmssivdy rimmed In lnxk mu my mum an nocklim win pearl pinx and glmsy mp hats 5mm ol hem manazrd lmd mmmdnlim In the Franklin Now but hm hm nn lmrd the gap lurer 51m fxmfmm The Aluminum inmrd ho Canadnm 10 speak Rm John Mmhmtd nnl me Ekmm her mun the Imus rm lulmllim the rlmm at 00d Tho mrdmu in be Emmi Jumbtr ll lmvinm limbo and lhl fan We 41ka and 1sz motlth mini by lulu Ncaxlmpcnmn um not IILIAIVI la In hfm vim mm on vy hiking lo Um Itlozer 7er mLfEmm mnHrmul umvl 6151 In lhz Ivml nryl Hunnu 1mm will cranium CANADAS STORY Hy PATRICK NICHOLSON WEDDING SMTIONERY lgrjfiarric Exmnuur COMMERCIAL PRINIINO non BOWMAN 0n cplunb£r A1069 the Gmlmclqm Mm gal wna Hellyer Faces Rough Unification Débate 16 BAYFIELD ST Confederation Meet Competed With Circus LETTERHEADS BROCHURES °NVOICES ENVELOPES PRIZE LISTS OBILLHEADS onuswess CARDS OPROGRAMS GUMMED LABELS ovosms oomce STATIONERY owes CATALOGUES CHEQUES OHAND mus DRAW TICKETS PRINTING BLACK AND WHITE AND COLOR control and ndmlnlslraunn of the Oanadhn forcesnola that last word plum and not lmply anunlficallop The second offence com mmed by Heflyer leans was In the tradition ol tho baro laced arrogance toward Funa menl 3ers°nlgd tho lug Howe which dld aqmuch Io cause the 1961 duel of the St Laurent bent zavemmmt reler Hellyers alleged ceni mdflxzadume evidenca whlgg ndymre pmpos to give before um defence com mmee cl ha House Com men meaty In mu law cum templmua to were Wilma whn sworn to ell lhe qrutll ihewluflu truth and mm but Nu truth Pullman la lhn hlghes com ln the land Hausa Common alert to IL status would on these zrmmd summon llellyer to expan hl conduct belore ll cvmmlnu an privllcgcs MEANS OFFSTAGE ird will on which MP may criticize Hciiyer is or per mitting bureaucrat to speak or him on major policy Ellie moms This was evidence or example in Iho Toranin Glob and Mail which carried tht heudiinc Tradesmen In services IIcUycr denies pay me back door to unlllcau yer Man made that Important dwlaranu It was Apparently his executive 3551mm B111 Ike and the newspaper 5101 continued spokesman or Dflenco MinXsler Hellycr xald one of Ottawas old public relations expert commemed backroom boy thfld stay of stage It is the error green PR boy to permit m1 jor annaumement to appear to come mm appoLnled bureaucnt when It L1 the elected mlnlster who re sponsible The accepted prac tice Is for the announcement no doubt pmpared by an Edgar Bergen lo be filtibuted he ventrlloqulsls doll and lo Charlie McCarlhy today am nounced that But it was Mdth not Hm 72M537

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