Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Sep 1966, p. 3

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Cigarettes Will Take Price Hike vlty luwtr Otlober higher Udobft um lwmmrm lawn nlum In hallway mnvemrnl of all mw pman 1anan In ml Inn on Illa Vlnnlm GM 11 Hullmnzn lull Flu npnml In low Ovlulwr sum upuml lo lam number mm nnln Ilntlllnlnl Oclnlwr 9m thr labor Mil The price rise has all Harrie slam yr hm ls pcclcd lo any time wilhln the rum few days Cost popular brands in Bar xiu Mum will now he ll emu er the rcnular park 0120 and mm or packs Ap paronlly snmc flu kln all Iarlnllcs ill pusslbly roLaH ll 52 mu pack Tlm rlsc Inllrm dccism by Rolmccn uhulcsalcrs to pan on cxlru msls imposed on lhcm by he manumrmmrl lixmnlvn and pnlmhml ml ml Immlo Highway linrfl rlvfl Amnmlnm new era me 1me rnzhm In dlnlml ml annIyM uwuanrr Imlmflm mrdlnnknl main Imperial Tobacco Ca of Can mla 1M largest or Um Canad hn supplicrs nnnwunml Inst Friday it had gm rimrulle to wh mm com per Ihvuxanvl or kin me nml 31 mm per Ihnus nl fur nLGlnr I1 reflux Tobacco Urgently Uppuhmillrs mung mm rtvmmndal mint In Mmrn mr 1m Am mluiml In MI llm nmh nmIluyNI the IM lln No1 mm lvpmhmt nu fullmu mm mum nuxwfmfii frVkfi Tammy hnrmllna 11 now un drr wny nnI Mm runmum mvl mnxmlmcux winer Mr urKrnUy mkd nrmnnnq mm lmml quay by he lim blnmlxl Hm on slrndlly rlsinx labor TEN marhlnrry Cohan sup pllm and packagiju cxmmtfl Must Mmcu nllcrs In IN ms nu 11 unnl nnm llmr thvhsulm In Mun lo nmkn hr Jmrrasn rumlive mo mltl boy would mt mmk rp urlwu umil le Mock IM Ln mid and MW shilvnmu nmvul The Communist have made definite success of their in duslrlnliznunn program in Mum edonla Bob Christie doctor ale sludent lrom Penn Slate University lold Ban1e natalIan yesterday Communist Program Proves Successful Barrie and dislrlcl smnkcr can expcrl In my prmyx we or pack oflclzuroltes nxl Mr Chrisific spent one month of Ms limo In lhc capital Yugoslavia FARM PRICES nos Christie cont stand In 1mm of map at Yugoslav in he used to illustrflla hls FINDS IN MACEDONIA recent mu mm Hum nr Mn mm mam Ihvd meal mum mt um Mid 04m mlor low mu rim an anal wwlm mirth lam Ib munu le male mh dmk ran Imo dwmdlrl 54 rink linking min 11 mmlmmn 1min Inly mmlnnnn Ikvm while ml mlll murmur MIHnym ml hkwl mm mn Mmlm Mlmvl mu dmllmrl 1km hull filmr qwmlml rarmurr nmmun ml Haw mt Mafia fully mm my ll Idhn olnmdlm male hmml Inqltlunlllu male mmhrpcr Inr gull mm 1mmmll lulme pxinv Inldfiml anksmrn mn mm mman MIW math lm qwerr lmlxw umdr 11 ch Mmk dink lnnn lumk 31qu mm MI lmn prfxvlll rr drnflmmn nwrlmnlml lilo huurnmc mlumm null MIC wmrn lrnlmuq pmfllmn pm vhlnl 101 my rlndnmlc ginrcrina lnhnkhn cmnmrr dnl mm ulmy ltdays Lmcnxa Im MIMI Mr 112 MHLMI uvrr the In yearn Normandy llrslnumm yum lay rmlml lian mm from Her when 11 he Inertam mxl ammlmuly 1mm lhfir pricq lpdny Fer Thyhr opcrnlvr Jackml Grin 51M he mu be Inn charle 10 ccnu more xxtr carton He predicted that Hoth mnnt Co and Benson and ad LIL1 and mast olhm mum smn ulluw Imperial Tobacco dz sIon Tlml nlwayl lho Ha ha marked 1m they have waived unl tinl ward they will boost heir prim by one cent ncronllnx lo Um mghxfly mnnnxm and nuchlcrs supcnm boen sellan churches 39 and 49 mm per pack since the hat hikcin spring or may However cuslmnm ho pun chnse thelr clgnrmlcs at most chaIu slam in Barrio will now only be paylng and 50 tom per pack Several stores 1n chxdbng Woolumha Tamlllynl Dnxg Slgv Unllcd Clgpu Slm fimkcsmcn at wmlcsnlu cam 5114 that Miller were minlnln lhe same profit the nice to the consumcr mud have to be ralscd by one or um wenls ptr pack The name yslcm wnrkcrs mnnuge mom he said Also the lndl vldunl commune nr caunfle mm the admin In their area He noted Ihnt In Russia de clslnm are made In Muscow determlne lhe amount and how much will be produced whfle in Yugoslavia wurkcrx Individu nl plants make hm decisions here are many barbershop in Yugoslavia he said be cause many Yugoslav want to be prlvn femurs of their particular brand of Communlsm is that it is possible to own your own business but in here as hm or our employees he must He mind that in Yugoslavia in her Communist coun tries here was public owner ship property People an own lhcir own houses but not the land under in Primers Needed speech lo Barrie Rnlnrinns at right Is Jack Dyck whn In yestcrday left troduced Mr Christie Caldwell club president and 11 Immlnlmml Ielrr Cnvll onyxfly Guelph II Mnmm ouruy rNrmHle nilmlnr mu mmmrld yer lonlny In slum 01me 3mm rll Mn Cavnl Imoth Jnmu llrltL Banlkuk ThnlllndLl Gen nurlboon Chulnchurn deputy commandquth of he Thu may Iln hlg 5m flnnl all Thllllnd Darnll Price 55 Informnllon officer lho Souihml Am Treaty Or flnnllalian We USA old polka Ihe molar allMM the boat on flu cm was last seen at nlno last night He reported lho Ihcll ll 65 nan Colored whlle the outboard Johnson produd An outboard motor valued at 3175 Wu reported nlolen ham ha parking lot at Ihe Dayshore Molar Hotel Dunlap St somellme durln Starting In 1952 large Indus lrlal phlan were established but it was not until 1955 that any mm was mada to divert mnncy ram he mm prosperous mm of Yugoslavia Mnccdonia is holding its own percentage wise with the north new be noted When Ills communlsu look over In 1915 over 70 per cent Medonlmu were emplayed ln agrlcullurc and those lII lhe llmlled ugrlculturnl base avcr 50 per cent were In Ihu tobacco lnduslry By THE CANADIAN PRESS Mr Chrlslle said wnprlnd plus aided in the Induslxlnllzn mm Maccdnnla These are ra economic development by ed saving kw ages and high capltal Invesimenn and equal annuity for all raglan and groups to up special Ianalmcnt undx set up by the sla anm ulm It Ilul mm vmu um Ammun Im Report Theft Boat Motor Within the past year the cm Ilullst Idea prom determin Ing whether factory will re main In business or not has been Introduced REC DIRECTOR Au de INSURANCE DEATHS Tho numde born nu1mm 0M Mum 1minme bdrm mm by In wrllmu Marinmt mm awn mm mil Hum MM Klr wells Madam ll mm lung wIhh MI Inn Hun 310 IM MIN Iur we Inn Wm nrrval It Iwwl on five ndunl coal Inc Ilmo MACK uphan Kn hla mm 1M mlmbur nut In home mildrm In Menuw makhabb 111m hm WWI frumhu lnmum In The report Almul Um nlnl wan mymnu Wm mm 01 or Juno MI $19507 or July M1 mutt 3511017 nnd M10000 am or home mnlnfl Cmctm about the tiflng cod nl mmlnx hmw mm pmunl in mt tn Smm Counly Comm by llmvo Gmg MarKny autumn of mm prop oi Reeve Dailun Jermcy oi Mcdonie thni ilg um be presented In lhu nexl meeting showing he basis or grnnls lo the 31 member mun icipniliie was ndopled Mr Jermey oi hicdnniel xrnnu were based on an assessment with 429mm tiiiiernndai with lho eounly and he wanted in know why Slnrncr flew Wlnlam More chairman of toumy nxsmmcnl lnld hu dldnl comldcr mo ll Wild and Indian llqnlrn nm an mn tmu mil um low Lou par we limit llm ll mm In 0qu mu 7mm Rccvn Tarn Joslm of Orfllln chairman county properly Deputy Reeve Lorne Graham of Fla and Reevu Gena Longnvin nl Wnngn Bench were named or this task slmcon County Wmdtn Gemno McCaguo appolnlcd spcclnl commnleo cl Ihree lo Invcsu gale county Jnll nclllllca and make rocmnmdnuam cm ccrnlng new prlsnn or other changes The cammillc also to look Into he mnller of avufl able grnny anq finances llaving taken av ssmenl oi its 31 member municipalities at lira lira oi iha year and wel on May uni countys next logical mova merits mm study it wls argued Some have proposed county police perhaps dividzd into regions and other have suggested lit protection on somewhat similar lines Them will be among ro posals considered which xhi require new lcxhlniiau The ommmeo appointed in cluded Reeva Herbert Hughes rl Wm GwfllLabw new bert DeConkey nl Malchodush Reeve Montcalm Maurice oi Tiny Reeve Dalton Jermcy to any Warden Mchgue suggest persons who have had experience warden the best quniilicd tn recom mend needed changes mid Reeve MacKay stating the swing Inward regional govern ment has darted and there were bound to be more move in this direction We wnuid like to get report so we could adopt some ni the recommendation or malt year line 09 emtinm and We have to keep breast the times said Reeve George MacKay of Oro county chairman oi finance who moved Iha motion which was seconded by Reeve Earl Brandon oi Coldwaler The resolution pas zed without opposition although another motion proposed by Reeve Brandon to nod 11 dele gnuon to the Slate of Michigan to study county government here met deleaL RESET QUALYFIED Fullnwlng up It moves tm ward more nutanal government Stmcoe County councll yester day summon nppalnted com mittee at our tormer warden and the prexcnt warden to make study of the present setup county counctl and report it recommendattnn 1n tlme for ndnpttnn or 1967 Warden Course II McCague prestdud and the clerk Fred Hunter repd the con ndcnce THE BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY SEPTEMBER Express Concern Over Rising Cost Of Nursing Home Care 04°F 45 lhlgvUmmA lgmm PmlobIopuixl luv Mle or mag mod ya vl lnmlmlod tablml In HI Ia lulu nbvm Slmpll Ionuunirnnlgm In umy 41 mm thong with mud Omn 2an Vavlablo If 33Man Committee Will Study Present Council Setup dy it wns argued Sam clinic on county govtrm we proposed county pollen ment problems presided over by luip divided into regions Robert Spock past warden ul other have suggested it Peel also is planned Directur action on somewhat similar oi iho lnslituie oi Incal govern Time will be among ro ment Queens University Grant considered which xhl Crawford will be among the dih win new legislation cussion leaders Three Named To Investigate Facilities lit County Jail CITYNEWS 11ml tmMI pnrnlflo In wual mumal lmtnlmcnu WM mummy by man lur Um 6N1an mrl Murine Hmvlml nl hulluuwlxl KW ndrllm mun 500 um MM tn Ll MIMI 33H was wtan in genmum gram llfllfilifl KTANIMIID flm lnlrmnHrmnl nlnmllnl rlzhl II lllvzum anM In me anm Tho offu Wu lnrmnul Ivy meow tunan mksry 12000 NT ymr with he um nwlmny Imum 1M ginn L7 Uzo unmly ml Ed And this 19 one ha diff culllu lnmL 110 My Ink nvrr me nmxflnhfmUm May WM Gmka an ho chin mlfavu omm nnd mnmnwm Thu county Ount so ngrecd lo Ich rcprcscnlnllru of Unr rlooxnrll In discma mutual problem cancnnlng annexation and nnunly Lcrvim continued by Unrrlc vllcd lulu bus Irlp lo Hm IBM In lcmnllnnnl 110an match Scalar on October 11 new Pflkrson snld Iormcr wnrdcm would also be Invllcd Purchase an nanm refer cslmllnn property in Tossnmmlu fur $3400 Mn 50 ncra properly In Tiny or the mu purposu or 2200 wn approve Nallnwnsagn Arnold Vunclse also won nppravul or mullon that the road cummil present dclnil propoa rd voyeur road Improvement plan to the nut meeting at munlycuuncfl In Orlobcr me were lirrlvcd on the same has all but he said he mid no no harm in selling lhq figures Council voted tor the Simone County Council is the host for the lourdny convention tho seventh annual meeting oi the association and Warden Mo Cnguo asked as mnny mom hora as possible to nttendt Reeve Dnlton Jormoy oi Medanle pro posed different welcoming com mittens be appointed to receive guests each day Deputy Reeve John Pntcrson oi Oriliia Township chairman of contingencies gave report on tentative convention pinns which inciudos key addresses by Hon Spmncr minister of municipal niinirs Mayor LA Giiiord oi Oshawa iormcr0n inrio county warden nnd others Warden iiicCaguc said he all here was merit in such in study but pointed out that Ed Connor oi Detroit counly supervisor oi Wayna County Michigan was listed as one of the convention speaker at the Ontario Counties Convention aimed to he held at the Continental inn Barrie Oct to Why nnt hem Mr Con ner first And see what we can learn from him about the Mich ignn counties first asked the warden commenting Then we Ican consider whether in ioliow Chairman the cuuniy 1014 islativo committee Reeve Brandon said Michigans county councillor were elected on in direct bnsls by iho voters and he Icli same such plan should be adnplcd inr Slmcau County He prnpnscd the legislation com mliitu which also include Lionel Dion Pcnninng Edgar Currie Naiiuwnsagn Eugene Smith of Essa Louis Francoli ol Orillla and Warden llccaguel visit Michigan and come back with repuri mummy coxvamxoN flllmllL lllflflll HEODHD PLAYER lrllnnku 34495 96s may wmmu GOOpound balvel of saltllno high lumber wagohlvvilh as much effort as most men use to lift small sack of llour The deed was much discuséed later over pints of smoothclear Brading Ale at Owens Hotel In those days Brading gave man full ale flavour wlthoutovmfllling It still does today June 17 The day Silent Duncén McGregor Hoisted ann JLA Barrie1873 flmdlng Alo In bvnmd Jar todays toms by Calling nrnwurlm

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