Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Sep 1966, p. 2

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Rail workers in Barri report ed or work M11 morning tai bwing parhamentary apprwal last nzzM hill ordering an immediate end no theh week orig The hm decreed return wrk on 110000 CNR and CPR amplch Roms Canada who hadbeennflfllejobsinceIuz 36 Although reports mm across the mummy indicated that many sklkun would nut heed um par liamentary order ONE spokes man lnBarde said Elix mom lng that emplvyee hm wm mom Mr work The spokesman said train IN BARBIE Hard and district youngster Ire nflmd chwenzo by the Barrie Jam Club to devale plan for odd peat The challenge one that could earn them $25000 edu cntlnnn and or career As Iislnntg granL Barrie Linn Club together with leu Clubs mmuzhoul Iha world is sponsoring world wide may content or wnrlds youth on on the mist Important IuMecLa tndny Pcncc The annual olferl $50000 In Iwmda Including lhn 125000 um prlu nigh umHlnnl world raglnnal anfd 31000 such and naval uxpenm or ha Thmo charge Mm laid by Barrio My Polka yumday aulllmz mm hm 1min vehi cle accident in Wish damage uvthmlod n1 $1100 No 11mm am Npmnd mgmm Mime dam take Iona 11 wotken Hour Imam Oodrimb 0m and Vlmt firde Am manta In 30 hrn llannld can Kim 5L Ink AM lmr Jnhn Jayne 19 manna Quebec Jrrym wu dlflfflfil with alllna to Map mm by law ununu alluvi 00m Dm Duh Ar myon mm mm yu with wring driv awn muwi lwmr um lmefiiznlqby iluhm Muck Hun Gmml John lrIIUAn Tom In St 0th DAM mldm um um 11119 Jaw 0m Mil Wm hh lMMny EM uni Mr Jaw vu born In 00 mum 01 mm In mm In In pm milk MM IM um um boundal Ivy Imam balm 1b min ml 0m palMr and mum Mr Jam mm Ind 1mm NA like lid wkh MI WK be 1mm In 11 lv IM Imlmu fur mam 11hmfly MM Inn vb Inflm Mung IA lb Jung 1155191710111 PEACE Three Charged After Mishaps To Celebrate 913 Birthday Railwaymfen Are Back On The Job Cmu Knvolvul Wm drivm Liohs Clubs Sponsor WorldWide Contest wwld be mm Mob the area today and mi engines wwld be In openewn About 130 Bertie railway eme ployew pmidpated in me strike and anoma 75 nonstriking em phyem were of work because 01 Most file 130 strike wen membem of me Canadian Bro mahood of Railway Trulnmen and Gumrel Wotken The Em therlmd of Railwzw GanMn or the Brmhuhood of Railway minmen win others belong lni smaller trade manila sznfl lhe Ad of Parliament outlaw mg the strike orders an im dth winncn to Chicago In July ln addlllon mm lhan moo local mum and mulllpla dim trch awards wlll made We are bapclul one or our yuuni people will wln um world wlda pmuge award Barrio Llom Club presldent Norman llcskelh snld ln annauncluz the eagles locally today people Mm will 14 but less than 11 lnnunry 15 1907 WI announced by the prusidcnl Lkznl Internallannl Edward Lindsey Lawrencuburz Tenn during the nundnllonl Annual Invitational convention In New York or an lnvulwsd wnl wormul by Smelt Pdhcrkk Illackum Ava name LTwin TWkifinx mama rail win ABOVE ware 1t infirm oocunuf 111 Vchmlu lmuhod mm mm lM by him flnhlnm nl Culrlnglm SL nntl Dori WWII ol51 gawqu MMuiciwm NM my 1211 pm Drive who wu cfiérxul with alum lo yinld on mumm 00ml lulmn mmtm lam hmal mnlw Will be IIM Mink Jdn IlaIazl Mun Mr BMW Mn dim numb hi mm In NI 7th yvar Mr Otdml wn bum It Mix hi4 fill Join WM Ind All DnflmL mn vdlo luxuhgmg mm mm World mm Ml anunl Imtd 71M flu MI numtm ml wu mauled In MUG hit MIKdH ll Ill mman 0mm MM vml mm and Eighty InfMR uimvfl ur 0mm mm Ian and mm hath ml midan m1 my in mm mm Marduk MrJRdudhnxviwdion mum Jmmh mm Ill wmhmumwn In mkv VII ha Md ummdmmnmu lmnWflwdqulrmfllv wumm Barrie Man Dies Suddenly minor MT mJulm WM Ila7w Wvormlw 10 mm lbvnumw up 313 Rflliqgéw 5U 91 mediate return work with mammal wan mom It least lfipef cm in lMmd 1961 for all workepl invovgdu rkers walked om éeek lng wagejigfrensml at am 30 cent scour to NW and varlcb binge bemfiu Under 01d whack which mined In 1965 Iwurkv mates or the various tmlea Bum emphvees mm 3179 or raw brakemm he 35 lot In operator Among Xingu benefits All to be negdflatod me sick leave vacation claims and mum agion ham and walks ben Th5 Pence Essay Context said Mr Ilcskelh is divided hr to eight world divisions for flu 31000 prizes Our cluhl win nor will ndvanccto Lion Dix lrkl A9 competition in hll or her man la qualuy or flu mulllplo dlmict comm ha pininod The purpose ha contest to davelop formula or world pence becauu we m1 pence Is nanlnane suemd Mr Hcskclh We want an alert our youth to ha need or world peace and focus lcnlloq log Conlcmnu lhnuld uuhmn lhclr entry in may harm not In exceed 5000 word Sludenu wllhlng to enter lhl conlcu Ahould contact am thu Burr Llonx ln get full dclnlll Mr llcékcth InILl ha hoped lo cal young people would amp the challenn and onlcr hh clubl lecllon flu conluL Thu tonlcn Ipomomd by mm Ilmn 10000 Liam Club In man than 130 tounmu 1n the lrco world will bu tho 1mm on may conltsl In the world ladly lmldcnl Hndlny Inlnl 1h wurldmlda anlonlnllun am tho nllenllon given to lcrnnllonnl remnant And In Ihlp buwoen dlflmnl nulonl lllu nnd lhtll plruclpalinn 1n InlornMInnnl humnnflnnnn pra xmnu won lhc crodanllnll or he mummn In In comm WMIWMI Judllnu necordln In Mr Hu hlh wlll full lnlo our lel per can ha Iy minll rnl bu ducted lo con um 10 not can In aralnllallnn 10 per cant ho IQ Ind live prr ten lo muhnnln Thru judic Ill In In NI lo Ivlhmu anlrlu nu mll mldlo our club Mr llnktlh Inl 11w mm Munld Dom hu mm Inn um that um mm mm un tawnl ml and I1 mum mu um lmhfln will mm In Illa1 Jul 1001 MN lo mm In mo mm mmMp m1 ll wul tooth The mutual will rule lmml kn In moo mm mm an MAN IN bnllml at 44 llama mlny In punt ly r117 nun 5h nah ml would In walla nn mm an Inn1mm CMB Approves Annexation For Orillia 51le nmfwirllyvfimlfx mommy last meeting concem that senior unit at that location land needed in Am mmwm Mwed the parks and mafia corn mlltee lat study mm of he boudn wbdivmm mnmee am he was mnoemed that yuidmd wmdd be needed in he Sophia 5me Lane area 17mm adjacent and zoned hr mm bond adopted rm madman nsklnz mnemdm vacant land mm of the med and or Estouncilfieels Mlémafifigfiitgs F6 IIimsingPlém 2m FWIW ha minuxty Mr 05 Ha messed Hm mod lor for when housing but said aimld 1m berbuilt lho ex ch Mm plan on Welling un 32 posible alterna DAME EXAMINER FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 1965 haiku Mm comprised BL most may of mm was completely won by the artistry IN mmldm The recital cun Imed of mm by finch an tehude Schumann and tha can emporuy composer Daveluy lanl finding ovation was 1m to eriella lame young Cundlln omnm from Mon trell last night at Comer SL finned Chugrh large qlaqung One oi the most ouuinndlng works on the program was the Firri Trio Sonata by Bush it seemed inspired ram beginning in and Madame Lagacen tech niqna is rpnrkling Her pedal work in ecincuiar And it wnr warlh so ng to Collier Slrcol United 3m to hear he Magnu icgg by Buyehudl Madam Lenca then We he Interpreuflon of two wnrk by Schumann The Canon In Minor allowed by lhu hum 0n nun Both of these work mmed to weave spell upon an Mac The reiteration of the them In the Bach Fugue wnl music In It highen arm The mm brought thll Ihome nleldlly to magnificent cLImnx Her lnkrprelnflon brought Iorlh mfladerou applause Organist Thrills Large Audience ntemporary Choral Pre lude by Dnvcluy were the llml work on the program Tho first the mac Prelude had haunllnl mulodlc llnn Lhnl wnx mos Ippulinl The artist phy ad IN mlunlly rho did an Bach and Schumann the conclunian ollha Preludel Mn Mail in Just Wow the demllm or ndms nm to Madagm Ann Mqu WWW Mm wrvxém pub 00 MM um oc mniinu to minds mulalimu my child who five in 1966 eligible tor km mm Enid Umo in daadlkw ll £de but 31 10W Ha 905nm ml Im lhh made ht an up to nwruh mm In Lbs um 44 dxildm and llml ummy the chum wom dirikd mom mum at me ywnruun Hmm In lad NIL rhmt mummy nwm that oldtr mm In Inme In mu tax rm 1M hu only lmr mm the tilmin murm lrly and 7m nanny Imn Iryinu luv um manual In ll bmum rfly lb umlm mwmm will mlva Ayu IM Mld lb mmMp hm IM I4 lb mum ha 18 day to mm the Ming helm he dlvwm mm and lLthllrtku ll wk No Exceptions For Children Too Young To Start School CITY NEWS By MUEIEL DEEPER LONDON CREAM mmmm iagace was bmusfin back five 11110 as her audience rose to its feet in Iribme an minding perfmmancc AFTERNOON HECHAL SOME the ofllccm and sorch present at the am nun training program meet in of the Grgy and Slmcoo Foxmen last night the Barrie Amwuxy wcro from Han Vlzeland bnlllnm crgnnA ls ram Buflnlo gave the Thurs day allernoon recital for me member nllcndlng the Iloynl College at Orgnnlsls ConvcnllorL Thu program selected by Mr Vlgelund showed lhe urgan St Presbyterian Church to lull ndvnntagc The Handel Andante from cancer to No for example dlsplny ed many special organ enact Tho lhcmo allownd by vnrinllons ls similar at times to he llar munluus Dlncksmllh Mr Vlgclnnds brilliant lech nlque never lnlrudcd upun the mm the plus Ramcaus mmurncllu was most char mlng and gracclul compnsitlan hlxhly ornamenml and dellghl lul lo Ihc lislencrl Thu opcning ork Bruhns Prelude and Fugue in Min or was wdldmn The begin ning was brilliant and UN Fugue always hoping slendy tempo was suisfyinn The muslcinnship of the nrllsl was apparent throughout the mun program Mr Vigolund nnvcr used spectacular ctlocls purely far he purpose or bril lluncu Thu cnlirn concept ul each piece canfully Camill crud mm the mme am It mm flint My um unnclimr IIWNLVI nemnllnu la lhmr err at the claim The program was In dmlncl pleasure far all Iurlunnm cnuuuh lo mend mom is no firminc mzu limit or nanmm lo the 1m snubs ho nnhl boom the sysmn used by IVle mun mo chiidmn alarm numlm Mn milky l4 he mk He paLm um um our um lIwyczxrolds wm mum at kiniupmm mnl this mulml 1n quku kw hVuymrobh Hth lxu Inuk um Mr McKay mud llwm vuw Im pman mwmvml wlh ur mla child dwhl he mhmwd mm lhmuzh Hwy wrm mm Mo we mimic post the hadflm ml Wmuwllm ml mmrmumu Muu pmullnxfl um um mm 1m my inulna KEMPVIEW BOWL 376 BLAKE ST OPENING FRIDAY NlflflT DOWLERS WANTED NOW WITH AUTOMMI musmgu MENS LADIES MIXED Phono Ar Lovl 71976 or 7209919 men modnn mlulpmnul nvnllnhlo Grey and Slmcou Forester held lhcir nnnunl raining pro gram meeting lust night al the Armourlcs and decided that grcnlcr emphasis will be piuccd on prncligalulrnining lpiyqar Inlannnl discussions held dur ing the course at the meetan helped 3an out lralnlng prob lvms from pmviaus years and to establish the type program lhlsycprl Carnalrlrlinrri Slade commanding lh Burrle Ian Mike Van Dmhossvne Harris Oapt Graham Dixon Capt Officer ron said he first 15 Foresters Make Plans For Training Program Banla llmUcuflural has named thn winners classes of he suciclys beautif on conlcsl Each of the Ward in lhc city had winner in lhc different classes of the cnmpcmlon Orcmll winner or Um best lawn hns horn announccd um nll winners In the alhcr classes will be namcd curly next week Best lawn ln Harrie ms jpdg ed In be wt if Vl szic 133 Shanty Bay lload Vnnl nnc Winners in that rlass In the indiridual mrds are Vnnl ma Mrs Wule Ter csn 5L Iln lhrcv say 07 Shirhy Sl man 11 Cumhcxlnnd Hnmcs the bust horlicuL lural display as 5cm mm the slrcol NY In ascending order wards Wilson 206 Kcmpmhl Urhc Mrs Wattle 40 Ton3 ll Johnsun 197 annnlo Mm lrmnn 113 Cumlxrlund Vlnnm ln umh mm In the 11081 planlrr cmry are In onlcr Mrs sou Vicn 232 Kumponlbll Drh Mrs II man Eunrnlu Humplmyi 211 Sunnicla Road Hulnllllll Glumlllu 5L um ulnduw bum ln bath Hm luur mnls an Rohcrlaun HI Duunsvlmv hm Hrll JG ltullmcll Cram llomh 71min Dr Noh lfll mnlwxlmtl SI LOCI GENERAL Garden Contest Winners Named CLUII in 1mm Hub Individual Inmn Iur lhu 1w mw NHIIIIIKT wit 1mm un aluminumL They are mxkr Mike Nmmn SH Mfllnhnn Gun IINUHL lhll Jnurl 2qu Mn M1 Mum mum in Dupli Human cum mwrimrmlml Um Ihryal IM 1mm In Hulmllml MI Un ner nwnm Ihx Lnrrhl llrnlluml fly mu Wmme dwy Im 11 mlle th ull lm Hnl In Plant or Hulumml Ilm lulk vull 1w thdrnml Thaw hmumg mm PIN LEAGUES officer Sqund pcaplc Society In five annual HAVE BALL who apply as rccruils will be the first 15 ucccplcd by the ngadynn Features at the practical mm In will be use tank which he squadron has reccnlly nc guier and number of fluid cxnrcisus to allow um men to apply the knowledge lhcy have absorbed In lhu clnssroam My uns mi he squudmn will go to Mumford mnch or weekend exercise Ricrufllfig will augmented by Um presence of the tank Bl uuch ward were Peter Mills 155 Codrinmon Dayd 88 Eugenia ll Spence 156 Town Thcrc was no winner named in the hanging basket compell tlun in mm our because judges ruled none were warlhy pm Thcro vm micron judges 11 an mnlc Irlm phics will be presented at lhu end of lhodlurflculluml Saw lyl Aulumn show at the chmn all Thursday October 11 Irs Jean Gable secretary at the society said all persuns 1m punlcipnled 1n beautifica linn ullorl were to be com mnnllcd fur Job well done HARRIS 6mm HEALTH CENTRE cxpurlly cmflcd by Hulova la your budget ft Webbs curry lame illlCA Inn unckToSrhoo pen and pmril mu that mnkv mung pleasurc Girl Thu must wluUun cl lnll jewellery LE nn sale now Webbs Hurry dun7E JEWELLERY which was In In held on Tuesday Supt 01 1000 In lhc Canadian Legion Hall will 1m cancelled due lcnovnllunx at he mlcrlnr of he building Steele aamnmdmg don and Sgt Mad Sgt Morru Pauon Exams TWO LOCATIONS T0 HERVE YOU SSA Ill Ind DOWNTOWN VUOMYDIITHS SIMCOE COUNTY HEALTH UNIT THE CLINIC WILL BE RESUMED 2ND TUESDAY IN OCTOBER I966 mm hardy lnnglasting valch cxpurlly cmflcd by Hulova lo fit yuur budget 71 Webbs curry lam 100 llon ul lmkToSrhoo pen and pmril ma that mnkv mung nlyasuw Girl Thu must wluUun lnll Jewellery nn sale now Webbs Hurry drum TIME TO THINK OF BACKTOSCHOOL the Barrio Full Falr slung with other vehicles and dis plays Men will be an hand tn answer qucsllons ab out the squadron Helen next years lummr camp Captain Steele want make sun rccrulls and olhar Innks are qualified to do most jobs We want to produce one ar muurcd squadron th and the your made up of two liclcnt tron he said First parade of the year wiu bu this Tuesday la pm All persun inlcrcslcd In 101nm the Gray und Slmccc Forcs Courses armed by thn Forcs lcrs am wireless driving and maintenance gunnery recruit training and the trained mil Ilamnn course Pnrndcs an scheduled for Tunsday and Thursday nIghu through thc vlnlcr at pm are rcfihcglcd mm arm the beginning of the parade MEETS 300K STORE Used Books Buy Sell Tradg ESSA ROAD

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