Indl Slmmom 155w Churth In And Nnndll OToole YIIMIchun Du II Nalllhmt IN Ivhllrh lmr ChlWlllllml anan In Iv shun ny Alllnll 102 01 It lul xumm Joh rm Cmnll IHI ID 10 Gibnu in mm and Mr lrvm Ill AllTun ll Culy 1m Jonu 1m lu hmduo Pltubunh II Anlelu II Phflldalpm 71 Clnrlnnlu 60 All 67 Minn Hounlnn 61 33882EEEI ey mum 11c numbers droppld quelktr Mannu Aloueuu with Uimzr emu two Islnxlu In Iain nus nm hi 4x Io ï¬ve be Slskltchewm Ilauxhrider fllnkeg who Ind Wtsum am mix pounu lead over Edmu on Jim Trmas WM Md ï¬rst pine mm the beaming the noon Billy Jung Doss Montml Emu emu his baptism in Audin loom pmmced on Wumc lumbla It 1h Wmni Pol IMAM line The recmry allowed Karol who had In mu or shah on aw ï¬eld Roal try early in lWflh qumer bu collect all Manama pedal or he lec nd menu match He did int week in up past Humillnn TilerCats who now hm Almue beside them In phu In an Eastern wzmm chbm 1mm allowed 11 ILL man palnh Vedmday mm but it make much at an immu an Hugh Cunpbell And the IL LC 1113 min in the West crn Football Conlmnce mortal Im Nu Yuk Mulzhll 1M And Muller Thhu llfl Ind Guile MOI 00m III lllll llHDlIO no Brucn 11 CArpln l7 Sem beu And ï¬llemln Short Ind Dllrym 1r mu 2111 my All Lu Alum commaam Pllullll WI UH Dryldll HS Mlllrr Re In and noubom Blnl 01 Ind Pullmvd mu LAW Dull III 000 WM II inwn Mam min 30 Evuuhen WINNIPEG CPLThird km 14 Lit tum Lucia log Win Ilm 31m Bomber Wednesday light In Clnldhn Football 1mm lnltrlockinx me they Ian to Mumu Alwellu Dkk Womey lust mound In injury tumbler 1hr hlrd punt he at his hands on nndhriel moment km with monds lealo plly Fem gap the urge wlth Ill No Changes In WFC Race hllimvn Dolroil Mlnmol In flculIM Kémpfs Kicking Trips Bombers CANADIAN PRESS By THE CANADIAN PRESS NIWIIII 14511 laden wet Add lumpy Yaw EIGHT SCORING CORREBTION In Imlc Clblc TV Id width nn In 001 pap Aw 1M flu Fombuwgh TV mm mu llmd hlng 1an should luv ml CHANNIL Wad HEM BASEBALL obommtu mmmnl on Jazmin or ll mm Pd GIL all MI 53 ll IO III II 12 mi IN an hymnn uncéfln Mug Kcmy Plum managed on cam Pm 15 1332 Grant was mind in both club produced mlus ynds on allence Winnipeg had 159 rush in and 95 pasting 1m dwm Montreal 41 min Ind 154 nuhlnl on 13 downs There um the odd exciting mommh at 20510 InsDave Emmy ground naming or Winnipeg yudl Bah Putnamy and Don Urban chiming on and Mymi for Mannedbut nation wu primarily ï¬n pthIndxlido uriety coth mated bemoan the Syald 15m put am It lan 01ml Hmmon Mmlxu Toronto wannay nun Manual Winnlm Mndlyl Glam Mannall Sulmchewn Toronto Cdury Ottawa ll Hamilton wuun Commune Clulomll El Wllhlnmn NIW York so Boston 60 Kim City In Wrdnnl Thu ddence had Ihl adult nu uld Bumba hud conch Bud Grant So much In am the Bomber Ind to with or 14 load medal tin Hull 10 mlnum on two boominl punt 51nth by Ed Ulmer Thelr nf em new on closer than thl Mmml ynds SIX M15521 Ibsen through injury 11x Winnipeg regular PM Minnid Cornell Piper Flmn hmllon Nm Rauhm Billy Cowper and Bull Pm km hid methhx to da wll whitman mooxméx Clly moooMo Wuhme iooooéoooo 11 Run my women4 71 Moon Cu Humph ny 171 Ind Cmnou Llnd blnd 1H Nun Ind 1190 NII Yul IIIOWNIl K1 Clmmll Will 00 mick HI and Clu Bhncn 10 Sand Hindu Stock Ind oolnml WuhHownrd 1m Down IAN nenm IV mol ll And Hnwud Chance 1015 Ind noun mu Ill Clrdlnll III Adrnck lulu Mllltflll MI 101 Illll Sun le Shun 10 sm mnn 11 And Tmmm Km tilI and Nixon um Bo Canllllnro MlnnAllcn Ii Dllnfl OHM Chlup IHOIflmHH Montreal delch guided by Rom Lllonde Georg Klnnay Ind JImWllur were the In mumenu of Winnipexa mond ddut in 1x mum mum Ihom caholdm of flu place in flu Wumn conference with saxmduwnn Raumld Alulrn chkmhlm In Murry Im Ill Ind thnn lllulnn Hum 151 lelbc l7 Wilhelm m1 no m1 Mrhumey mu D0 ern Wall Ir MtAuMHI III Dflr 00 IN 006 Olun no no PM 14 Gladdinl Ill llonbouqmlll And Imhln Im mm Ind Romno Mo Mly Oil Win It Illllmn MMMJ ll CI WIINOOl It tumor Ill Mull II Kllh on Mchvull nm 110 dull ll Knlltk II and Cl d1 llrm TLml unblmnn up By THE CANADIAN FRI nun FOOTBALL IIOIOUGH Conhnncn 8100105 1ft Am 2mm hum RECORD 10 31 11 81 I01 413 Ml 16 Kempl GnnL ï¬cknr Sulhzfln Maine Scott mund Vflunu Fllaney Pullman Kunll Plum Wilkins Thelen Iylar Pmmore Biker End Peter Kemp Icond Ill Mantral Alman point or the mend mm in As many umu Wodnudly night to boon his poinlvlcorinu Ind 10 live In the 15mm Foalball Calder ence Kemp kicked lidd loll And ï¬nal as Manual edled Wlm nlpu Elna Bomber 41 In Cn mdlln Foothill but inm Iockhlz ï¬lm It Winnipeg now has 35 points Iva more than Tommy Grant Elmil un Tinamu Whiz Tucker 0an Rough Rider in third place with 13 points while Don Sulhcrin ol mfllon holds fourth spot with Phcekicker Moo Racine Ottawa lollowI with13 poms and Bo Scott and Jim Diflud both 0mm bath luv palm apiece 11 Juan Leland MMonlrnl Toronla HHlmlllon 001 uwn erun waiver pickup from Edmonton Eaklmol did bang up Job collecting 54 yards on seven urnqu and the gum longest mum mm 15 yards Weanulayl lluulu Syntun 500 MI 000 Titan 000100 010 Rnlnnd 4m Duml Ind Moon Clue UH Wen Huron Ind Mnnlxomery mu Tohmo qun or 15 Rocha 300 MI BIHAII 001000 16 Cl lhoebm IMI Knechllu 19 And Mnddrn Znnnl mm crix ll Bum I5 him 17 NM Ind mm mu MbDrdrin in Manon Mmd NI Toledo 0006001 erhmond MMIWOl ll bod Jam and Bmwmm Sum Ndurdm Hi 10 Nlufmu not him um and Goonm mu Col smm lHI Bequ Fulwa Ind Georg Bork hnd to cope with Ilmfllr restriction on tha Montreal 11d Th mnnmd our com ylcllam 10 attempt and ave up one interception Billy Martin roblhly hid the lumber Bum IsslznmenL Ho nyllced 11mm no unis who bid farewell to Win nipeg In prenme ceremony Indlnded Inlu retirement Iller can Iemnl Colnmhux nochum Tomnlo Richmond nulllla Toledo Juchumfll Syncuu Dwnl 01H HU 01 Pn lnï¬on um Ind Shrmdt Read 011v to And Cumum HR TelMoon Columan lMMMOl It MGIOMOl CI Kempf Boosts Scoring Lead By THE CANADIAN PRESS Parhienno Door ml Vs mm mm pour uttering Ind brakes my hhm Mlh light blue ln AJ 111 ludlord ll um Dangerfield MOTORS TD lGl Pll WM Ponilu Roughrlder flanker remned the pm re ceivlnl lead ram Edmonton Esklmu TommyJo Culley Campbcll leads In all our do pmmenls wilh 16 calchu or 490 yard ellht touchdown and an Ivenge gain at yard catch Comy hu clught on pm And mud ymh Terry Evlnshzn Cnlnry Sumpeden runnerup in IV The next mm In the Flying career um nyurod nlh 1m for Him yam med tha beat haltbnck in Canadian wt exe be comes next mm am yudau mus mznAnm smnanmumn am nculer hu annealed on 80 passes Kahld 1437 yards pm in has the but compiellon avarlgz 650 the best avenue mu 117 yardl And with 13 ha thrown the molt touchdown paï¬su pp has been the busiest throwarwith pm attempu In In second to muster In yards gained with 1150 Kenny Ploen of Winnipeg Blue Bomb erl II second to Lancaster In my Idlpfrlmgn MINNEAPOUS GPAP Jim Young halfback who or three year dined with Queenx Unlvmlty Kingston luwivad ween pllyer cul dwn In the camp nl Mlmesnu Viking ch Natlonnl Fnotbll Leanne ndagnyhlm mm REGINA CF Ron Lan casler veteran lleld general of Saskatchawanv Rouxhrlrlan hlgllesl Icorlnz team In the Wenm Football Cnnlerence II the landlnz quarlerhlck ln al most every passing mallsllc Figumv released today by WFC chic statistician EU lerylak Eelhn not lndud in Wednudayl pm at Wln nlpem lhuw Lancmu loading In our of the live puslnx pmmenls Jon Kapp Hum Calumbxn Linn with 88 pan completion prevented Lancuter mm akin sweep throwing labuln ans Youni mm Hmflm Out In on ol the men km on the main roller human Mban axecullvn upechlly those Toronto Mount who hold his Can dlan pinyin rizhunre watch In ma Viking xllualion closely Ann In parted Io hm rpumed all do alter or You their lop draft chnm alltr lhe lmAcdlfla EMIINL experience krpl him on the Vlkings Ink player mmab Iqund last year umil Dmmber when injury In the Minnuou tnml top runner Tommy mn Hm hlmlo per cm ltmbomul deluled Bump Ion 1N Wednudny nlxhl la lulu 1nd In Onmlo Latmn AlsoclUon Senior null The bulMImn lulu uIImtIlyid lp nrl Cred hen nunn led lh winnm ullh our And my Wood and John Duh Added lwa Nth Toomhl Jim Ilnexl and Armour urh nellzd one Dun Arthuvl Juk Mtdnu nm Cmnlor ml Ken nlchnd lull at and am lnr flmiton Young Survives Minnesota Cuts Petes Take Sr Boxla Lead Ron Lancaster Top CPL Passer PETERBOROLGH Ch NOW $2095 71M JimThomnl the fleetholed Edmonton hniibnck retained hi position as top mim in the league He has picked up 570 yard in 77 average carry and iv touchdoWM He also hll lhe longesi individual run oi tin lawn 100 yards an uln with 130 Ind three touchdowns HERTZ 7265474 TRUCK RON LANCASTER Bl Producer 43 Em Road RENT Phone NJOV CANADIAN vno roomALL ON TV AND IN ALE INA ImNua rr to muuama so ALII iiiWVRXV MW Wet ï¬wï¬ zp 355 Fifty As in Em 35 Em cans Enjoy yourmalfTa Mlmw 01 05hnwa Green Gleh defeated MImIcn Mounues I55 Wednesday night In win the Eutem Canadian Junior Lacmue ï¬nals In four consecutive games Referee Ran Peuibane and Gerry navary halted the game at 1537 cl the ï¬nal punInd alter Fred Greenwood ol Oshawa Ind Bruce Ferguson Mlmkn en gaged lg thlal midfloor floss Jone sparksd the Gael to lhe will scoring six goak Andi Phil Claytonrand Brian Thump Oshqwcz Regains Minto Cup Finals vmu mums namonsmmn lIAU MOTORS LTD 7166488 RAMBLER CLASSIC 550 RAMBLER CLASSIC 770 MARLIN svoars FASVTBACK Connl Onnrlol Lugfl Rimblor Dnln son Idded three each Jim lexs N211 Armshong and Charlie Marlowe scored the olhcrr Oshawa all moot Naw West minster SIlmonbelllu fur the Earl McNeil acorud twice Inr Mlmlco and Jo Timpsnn Al Smith and Paul Parnell Added one each The onlyusually of the game was Oshawa coach Jim Bishun He dislocated hIs hnulder afler hk enlhuslullc players threw hlqunlo th shower Rambler Classic 550 door in ished in crescent green radio white side walls Lie No 735991 You pay only $2295 and SAVE $912 Rambler Classic 770 door hard top finished in Apollo yellow VB engine automatic trans Individual seats light package wheel discs head rests radio rear speaker solex windshield undercoating white side walls Lic No 72001E You pay only $2892 Maan Sports Fastback ï¬nished in frost white automatic trans individual seats light package un dercoating radio white side walls Lie No 621441 You pay only $3081 1mm Cup In beammen series for lhé Canadian chm planshlp which begin SepLlfl 51 the series his not been Announced TORONTO CPiFori Erllv Canadian womens softball champimu remained un deiuied in the Canadian iional Exhihliinn lnnmamenl with viciory over Toronto Carpelland Wednesday nigh 03de mu EWM Taronto Peoples with 31 Vic lam rt Erie Extende Winning String SAVE $58 SAVE $717 I7 Gown