Immmm hip to NW 011ml the mamiaxe Miss Vivien Elizabeth VLkun and Wdliam Ham Johnsxm Mount Pleasant United Chmch Moum Pleasant Rav Mac Sachem orfidatcd Thu bride chase an cleganf Victor Kasla ivory gown nun silk satin Styled on classic lincs Datum scmthcd bodirc and an llne skirt Alwm lam Icanbmldwcd with pczrls and crystals formed the sleeves and pancls lace rim Mj LIe WAN and lower skid 91 chapel Imin tell mm appliquus at the back neck rr gm was ample umculul by short umlar man ol lace held in place by Silk satin lmw She carded thlxia orchids Mr Wilson gun his duner ln marriazc mc bnidc is the only dauzhur ol Mr and Mrs Fletcher Wilson Mount Pleasant The bridogzwns parents Mr and Johnson mside in Trip To Nassau Follows JohnsonWilson Nuptials BRIDAL GOWN Blyflold Miss Linn Wilsnn was ma Clarks Home Furnishings 3777 Vvll Mado Inmo Asumlmcnt Snlo Ill MR AND MRS SWIVEL ROCKERS Gonorom 24Monlh Budge PllnFvu 90Dly Cmle WILLIAM JOHNSON with ed the 2m at Idylbmok home of he briden mums Gash wen mccivcd by tho brides mblhw who won mos yum ngn with hm of mumidcmd Moon 1300 IMth skirt ol silk organza mm mm and makh in silk bmmda hat Soloist Miss Anne Mathew of Innerkip was accompanch at the organ by Miss Jamie Stew at Cabarksm GARDEN RECEPTION 1mm with squam line and elbowlength purl Shev ca Veich bands at burgundy ribbon trimmed the bad waist line and the bow Madmcces won maï¬a men poau de soie The hidezmun was alfmdcd by Paul Mardsan Ushers were 1mm Wflsm hmlhcr ol the bride Alex Fum Allan hum and Ruben Tamancc cl hunt and the midesmflds wen Mist Mm 1mm and Miss mum meh All wane smflafly attired in gown nl anemia Ewen pcan de soie and earn 1am The lace bodice was The hidcmms mm was wflpfi Jim 30 Continental Beds 3998 You Eon Save llollursf ul Clarks Renovation Sale 6777 emu Lalmd mm tea on the lam at Idylbmok Msistinz Mrs IL Johmm moth ur the groom Pouring lea um Mrs Harry Omhnrd Mm Alba Mmmy Mi 1mm Malhe 5m and Mrs lacfladmm and Milne Taxman here she L1 mloyed Mm Cecil Lang mm and Mrs Mm Murray wm MW in Mount Plum kiuzhm shower MLS Jim Wilson MW at linen shaman norm was host at stag party or tho mam mxmmg nghe gaudy Hills mom or lawn mm mm mm For Welling lhe with diasa an Imhan wk escapade sheath in MM blue with ï¬n 5min Met inspimd by mluga dupes by Iran The muph will reside in 1b min Prior to the wedding the brim was honamd mlsoellrammu showu givm Iry markets at Pcmlgmon Rotman Medic MqulnHo Mllml hut mum 1qu Inn Id Only beau gie win all ytflgvdipuslwawmvmh or ups the mostenjoyed len cure the program was an un umnl rnvelngua contributed by trio Ray Goheen Ed Mor ton and Georgo Stuart of Tax onto They discussed heir peclive trip to Europe early lhls summer Raymond Gaheen of Newcastle then spoke briefly Takinzhl auihonty mm Exodus 206 he pointh out that ha prosper ity the Gohcen family was due largely to Christian pioneer ancestors pumm TRAVELOGUE Th5 Presldenh Dork Goheen Nelson at Cobourg with the as slstance at the Planan Com mittee had preparcd nn attrac uvn program that followed the plcnlc lunch brief devotlonal was introduced by duet mm the sisters Ethel Miller and Jun Shamtt or Hamlllon Mm Lhan 100 members of he Gohcen amlly met at the Fur vlnclal Park nwr Sultan or the annual family reunlun Relative travelled lrom Trenton Co bourg Port llnpe Bewdley Bowmanvllle Oshawa Torontn Hamilton Bolhnven Strand Barrie Dimde and one car load motored from Mlchlgan Granny nduud or quick ulo CHESTERFIELD more EulaIva dc BUY THAT NEW SUITE NOW Nnmn Brlndl Sklnr Bru m1 MIME EXAMINER munsmi SEPT ma ANNUAL REUNION Goheen Family Meets At Sutton RECLINING CHAIRS uwttjï¬gitigv Just the thing or that lu tawny nylm or vholla mm Prlrrd Mrs Salham Knmhaw ol Coukans Hill and Mn Ernest Hell swam Corners visllad Mm Ida Cook rocmlly Mr and Mn Kenneih Bath gale and iamin of Rexdale vls fled their mum and grandpar ans Mr and Mrs Amhle Bath gnle Sunday Misses Janice and Judi flalhgaie unlined or low days holiday Dy MRS BOWDEN Mr and Mrs Elmer Smith Nnrval are vIsillng their rela tive and Mend and Itaying at their collage hm Prize were awarded to the tollnwlng lha youngest family member Ms Karen Crowe daughter of Mr and Mn Gary Crown oldest member Mary Ann Ellis 01 Gravmhunt the family travefllng the greatest distance Mr and Mrs Jim Mm er and son Michael of Sund rldge um mos recent newly weds Mr and Mn Dan Lee Janet Lea and Belly Cheesman were also awarded prlzus The new slate of ulflcen In cludes president Mm PM French Harrie secretaryIren urcr Miss Kay Lee Harrie Games and races Mr and Mn Gordon Crocktord Barrie The fourth annual Bowman lamlly reunion was held Md hum Park Provlndal Park with 55 members New members added to the Committee were DalL1 Stuart and Lols colleen Puke of Toronto Ralph Goheen of Port Hope Jack Galleon Bowman villc Evelyn lGoheenl Mills andyqlgh sparllng or lfexmglnn Michan Space Saver Dnvenporis Fr 19 awarded iarlhesl dis lance to Bill and Edilh Splrllng of Lexington Michigan boy and girl with birthdays nearest Aug 21 Kevin Gohocn For Hope and Lisa Gohcen oi Cooksvilio and youngest child present Sle phen Gnhecn at Toronto 4900 7900 The Secretary read exmcls Immkum or zreelinn from distant Gaheen families Musl cnl numbers inlersperslng tha program were duel by Paul ine Break and Beulah Goheenr nnolher duet by the sisters rem Hamilton and group son from Port Hope arranged by Ralph Gnhaen ngcmvr rmzas Bowman Kin Elect Slate HOLLOWS 7282843 mm 9155 Simeon County unit stall and forum staff members held In hum of My Gillespie Ibo Pkgnex at Mum was OIIMVK C15 ThereEre 9154 fzdcral civil servants mak lng $11000 you or more day in Common Mum There are 68 clvll servant in he mbm department making $11000 or more Annually Comty fluid Um 1c the nu me 12 yam service kg similar post inh the Noflh Yuk Health Unit lng $11000 em or more goverqment loscd Wednes Miss Jam Gfllesple orvoi the Slmme Dunlop St 14 Dunlap 59 MISS JEANEHE GlLLFSPIE Nursing Directors Leaving Barrie mamwwwasm PEARSON SHOES NBBMHN SHOES The tlghtchildrena slipper Mus ax Important the right childlcns Ihoc llippcr should hclp growing rel grow right Fonmlmd doJuxl mu They have xpeclal hecl counler hut caht be bmkcn down mauldcd foam lubbcr mm Ilml wont wcur um um lcalhcroulsolulhnlwonlmark floanAnnhcsolcs nm guaranmd not In Lepamla from the uppcrl lnnmlmd alippm come in varicly orllylcs nnd pancrmnncroAnFoamlrcadnlippcrlamand plcnsc youtdaild Klurmlnlomulr Kllchem Manual Shelblonh an um It mainwmvlmu unm andum Ihoe Ihnpm Foamtreads take care of your childrens feet when they take off their shoes complain flock nullbl So may of why Career and tlnanclol mallet wlll also be ï¬enornuslly lnflu enccd during most the year Ahead and you should be able to make oonsldcrublo progress along both llncs Look for ex cellent cyclns mm materlal stundpolnt between Dec 21 and Feb 15 duran lhe last two weak April and the entlre month at June August and September It will be Important however that you avold extra vagnnca and lake no chance with asset between now and Nov Be cspeclnlly conserva tivu In October Those engaged to creatlvo enterprise and many Vlrxouu areshould Had the llrst six months at 1067 hlzhly sllmulntlng both from the mndpolnt at lnsplratlnn and recognltlom ll lumurmw Is your blrthdny your horoscope Indicate thul youhnve cause for mat aptl mlsm now especially where personal lnlare are con cerncd Wlth the cxcepflon ol brlel perlod In early March and early June when you ypurnell may lnluele some lrlcllon there will be great em hash on plea and Imlly rel onshlps and In late December Aprll May and August senUmenlnl it should rave unusually lnler csllng youve yen lo travel whlle you may not have mm opportunillc durlng the balance of ma damn plannlng new for 1961 whcn the must pm plllau perlog wlll occur In early February and between May is And Sepl 10 tlellml Influence mm mm welcsmcsa ln bus inesx and ï¬nancial mailers Be especially carelul where delulls concerned In the lam pm hours aspects wlll be more gen erous wlll cspeclally favor 5m clal luncllons Ind group ICUV ers zenually FOR THE BIRTHDAY ny ESTRELLITA r93 rqmonnow THE STARS SAY Dabble 3398 7284671 71MB classtund NOMIOIMIMNM mehkhmhluw Mod llyk wool blend herringbone paucm enlunl puma purkcu llumumly Mack ollva 25 In it By Oil hm Inna Ileevn canon span hm Hwy button down collnr llyll Auomd coloun SML Dy Mylord lhln l1 Corduroy mun pnnll FM hunk slyllng or Illm upmd HI Elk ulivc charcoal 23 In 34 By Standard Overall Scmbbcd denim long sleeve Pandcmsa Ilon xport xhlrl Rawhide Inca nrck closure lidc lnls or my lil Blur SML XL By Dania Shirt Young Mens Fashions for on and off campus WALKERS IHOPPING IS CONVENIENT ON WALKERS CHARGE AGCOUNT