By JOSEPH MOLNER MD Dur Dr Molnar am over weight dont eat much but it could be heredity as my grand mother mothers mom ls nv erwcighl too My dad said it could be ghmds It is glands what could be done to loss weight am 31 years old Olga The reasons why some people get In and others dont are very cumpllcnled but they ail came down to single basic tact If you eat mum lhnn you usvup 19 energy cl Why morn Why d0 sumo use up less energy Those an the qqqsllans lo cons um You say my young friend that you dont eat much Are you snrc Altar all you 0va ously do eat more than yau need or you wouldnt be over wggghLm Hemlty may play slight part In eailng habits But most doctors including me believe that it is very slight when com pami to the cullng habits we acquire while youngl Maybe your grandmother being heiiy herself subtly taught you to like tho things that make pew pin intswch stuff of all kinds plus and this is even most imporlunt those containing at more calories than sugar Thats why pastry is so follow ing contains both sugar and Int piece of iruit or some gelatin or dessert is much be or you TO GOOD HEALTH Do you cal bclwnen meals What about candy bars and pop Dn you raid the icebvx My advice Is to en three solld mcaLs day but to lnku hard look desscru and between menls nibbling NEED EXERCISE Now how abnul burning up he energy In your food Usu ally lhe overweight person per haps Jusr because he is loo heavy doesnt get much excr ciscr Hed rather sit And same llmcs he sits and eats An hour or twn or good brisk exercise every day can make In nf dinercnce Your father menlloned glands It ls true that glandular ailments sometimes are Import ant Samclimes An cxpcn encrs cndocrhmlagisl glandu lar expert old me not long ago Ihnl he see lot hnavy thlldrcn whose parents thlnk he cundiliun may be the rnsull Kllndl zMm Douuu tlelun Thu bnn sum 510m Lou mu umuul Thulu Tm World Béasons For Fatness Lré Very Cdmplicated yum Mn Show ITanuy nun mo 11mm wmm ITodu Mu Mo IllAlum Am 30 31414 mum 5mm pm um um 110 tIvru mun Il5¢hnlnl mm mm mm anlnl lllunuynnnnu FllIIlH HIP ITMI INw 5P vll In mm Llnvmmnun mu IUnlnnuy Alt 041mm mun um mu nu ma 1m rm 14m LI Im wnn Ir In llw In Lu Iv Mm nman no Ihnw mum 01 um nmuumm lhlmn nullI Hm nl mMn mn MI um mum zBUFFALO SBAIHUE lBUFFALO STORONTO llIMMILION ï¬7n€n mm mum xrmlv TELEVISION PROGRAMS In blur Spam THURSDAY SEPTEMBER EVENING PHIIM awi véur um mill MORNING In 1unrQMnllun lNIIC Nun Iml om TM my xGmn Arm Lromt Illflllll DTmlndly Mm NEH Hhmm Dulhm 710 in mom mum 4mm lDnnhl mm JLrll lo nu rum tThu Munskn Imfld cmm 642ml Illhd DcrL rnalmn 11 mm mm at Juni In mm 41mm me Inl Mun and Mr Am xmul ILW II hnudnun ILW 14mm um hum ml 44 L5 um Imfll TmIIY 1140 lvlinlvulu mm rmc hu aNuliy all um rm Mum fn mm Ll Rumm MIIIM lguv Iknum llu nuny mlnlhy mm pm hum mun mu munm kwmy wm nunmm ll Wlld Wu mum mullml mm rmnnI Nu nmur Ivm an llpyml Nhnll III KHAN GMI II mu Mm wuh 76 Mn In umnn MM fl UIW mum Mirnmnuzn um um nm mm Aclunliy he said ll almost never Is It hécnn gel lha youngsters lo change lhelr eat lng habiu and get lhem going on vigorous daily exorcise he hardly ever ï¬nds that ha metabolism nsi should come preiiy close Io stilling the question of whether glands an involved it that the problem the pills will hclp The real answer usually is to nvold the gooey desscrlsand candy and to lnam haw much lun physlcnl acllvlty can bel Dear Dr Molnar misplaced your mflcle on hydrodflaric acid and wwld like tnknow how much lo dilute IL Does it make any dilfcrcncc if buy it from drug slow at hardware slumL First all dont consider it at all unless your dacm linds ghnl gu need If he dgcs he vul prescribe the proper amount lo the druggisl It has to be extremely dilule lull strength this is dangerous Mid and dnnl want you lo risk being hurned by lrying any dunyourself mixing Note lo Nn brun chlal asthma is not the same as emphysema Emphysema means the lungs have lost some cl their elasticity making breathing diflicull Bronchial asthma mans spasm and con gestinn In the bronchial tubes also making brcnthing diflicult but or different reason Asthma however can make emphysema wnrsm Service In Daisinn Uniicd Chmh Sept will be at 1030 am Anniversary survlccs are schcdulcd far Scpi 11 at ll am and 130 pm Rev Allison Ha speaker and Ed envale Mac Quaricuer Sept 13 service will be cancelled due to Crown Hills anniversary August 28 gucsi of Mr and Mrs Mark Sponngic ncre Mr and Myron Sponaglc By MRS SPONAGLE Mr and Mrs Norman Max well micflamed many their rclaflvcs at cum roast Aug CHURCH SERVICES Hrockviillé DALSTON Nl AFTERNOON 930 zMlckev rlnnv sTelmom DLlll 5m Out mm Luann Mnln 3nnflcr Mm bThun mm Mm Dnoun mm Gnllln nAdunlun nmm ll 00 Mum Luncheon um AMm mum JPNHI m1 nu rm In 1511 Muv munn 110 iinm an Iqu llllwnld 31mm 11 65pm Mn mg ny IlvuxII In Chnfllcl mm um snu Hm Inm rqu 011 mu IXII mu um 14mm mvml In Mr nTn Ammr Wand 110 IJII IlllI IM mu mu 00 IANch Wmwr 11mm um mm llnlm Lm nubu Luvmm 1mm II nwm JunInn MMI 1m In am In an Mva 140 munmid Aunl an India nmu mlmn alum urnn Inkn ILL1 MM HIvlinwlhl onlm nm um slndy nmm umy mint Nuu 64mm mm pulm Mm mu Opening leadklng of dubs Swme cndplay situations are dealt ready mnde for dcclnm to execute All Ihat declarer has to do In mm casu recognize $9305le and take advantage Miler hands however the endplny ls hnl immediately dis cernible because ll dues not yet exist and has to be created to be dfmuve Those hands usually rcqulre looking many lrlcks head in visuallze he ulllmale end posiflon but this hype of foresight is certainly nul unl urnman at the brldge tabled By MISS MdlASTEfl Rev and Mrs Kellogg and Iamily of Cornwall who have been spending the mm or August in Port Carling culled nn friends In low and commun ily Mr and Mrs Racbum and Donald 5pm the past weekend with Iheir sonMaw and daugh ter ML and Mrs Kodcflc Orangevine Rev and Mrs Harold Davies at Palkcnham were in lawn ccnlly Sympathy ls extendngl to man d01ph Jenneu in the dealh ot his sister Mrs Willwghby also lo Archie Currie In the loss or his brother John Currie WA hold social aflcrnonn at the home 01 Mrs Alkinsonl They had as gucsh Mrs Mired Sunny and daughters Susan and Linda who along with Mr Sparry Brighlun England are on thromweck visit wllh ï¬ends in lawn GUESTS FROM ENGliA Visitors In own have included Mrs Cammnck Lee and Gar ry oi Colborne wilh Mrsi Cam macks parents ML and Mrs Maycs Mrs Jnhn RDLl ins and daughier Angela Bcii ville with Ihcir uncle and aunl Mr and Mrs Jncksnn Mrs William mo and Susan at Tren wn Mich vuiling Ihe nrmrra pmnls ML and Mrs Kidd Mrs ncaricc Plough Toronto vith hnl sister Mrs Walker South deaflfer Bum sides vulnerable NORTH 10 A7 if Gcorgc Moore longlime rcsldcnl of lhls lawn look South take the Eight view DAILY CROSSWORD mm mm erl Wnrk 121mm 11mm Inwly mm In nha 10 Fur unmylo mm 11 THU 21 mm 21 lmln 72L Mm mIllIIKI 201mm mu muï¬nnl mummy the trouble with worklng Into too often In that when you DO lcnvo on llmo tho boas thinks youm lonvlng curly vim 5Warry v4 Hlnm 31 Fm mu lhnnmr nrllnmfly 81rvalnu Murnhnm IL nmpn nuv Ia Calclnmx mu rm Teulmw lnnUxeon Amulun InVlIRM Humm Dhle nuWN ummllr WHOSE NEWS OF COOKSTOWN Exam WIEMW CONTRACT BRIDGE 350 North Eut MIan 1va mm Clutch Duluth of xmg ruinaz Inf zlnmmur wlnnnl tnrmy flJulul nbhmvln Hon Ilwu By JAY BECKER umflum Ii Tnlan nul wy Io yurkllv mn in this hand hejénlizfl trick me that the slum Is in me bag All he has lo do Is arrange bl play so that he winds up losing any qne hem Ile an v10 oes no heart innsse against the king which would have only an even chance 01 success Instead he shapes hls play overcome the wslbillly that West was dealt lhe king He does this by clearing the diamonds and clubs Mm lack llng hurls He takes he ace of clubs mfls club nnddraw 310ml of Hymns He next ens as ace of dish munds and mil diamond The declare trumps dummys las club alter whldl he runs his last diamondjndqmmy The stage by now set for the endplny whlch cannot mt Declare leads heart and ï¬lm csm the seven alter East plays low West wins with the on but whnlcvcr he returns 50th sure of Lhe rest ol hevlricks heart lead would be more than wclmnc and the same goes tor club or diamond mum which would yiulq nilfland discard pm The cndpflzy elimlnale n11 chance defy31 help the Muse Enst played the luck on he heart lend tom dummy In such case Somh wuulx ï¬ncSSe the queen lo pul West in the same helpless position Wu in Gr 13 exams Marilyn Ghss Jacqueline Mecall Mary Jag Sandra Simon also In Dianne Crawford who obtained her year in mhnerdal dcnly Aug 25 and was ad millcd to Alliston hospital where he passed awhy Aug 15 Mr Mnora was brother of Mrs Ernie Gilroy name Mr and Mrs Glass Marl lyn and Dixon attended the Hm lcyDvergnrd wedding in lum hnrslde Unilcd Church Isling Inn Aug 27 The groom the son 91 Mr and Mrs Nonnan Broley Toronlo Cnngralulallons the follww ng naming Memï¬rlal High Mrs Ken Hartley entertained low ladies per hgmelAugLZS hnnor nr Hal bcrt Vlcwda SL who aim with her husband and lamily will shortly leave wwn KAPUSKASING Ont CF Mme area Irucking contractors who have been employed alncn May by Trans0uubec Construc Ion Co of Monlmal on civic wnlzrwmks prnJccl stayed of flu Job Tuusday clnimlng they have not bycn paid The truck rs said tom $37000 at stake They said hey mccivcd nmqucs three week nun 1th were not hon oid hyï¬locul hunks Mine Truckers Stay 011 lob Inl ILHPKIn nxng amvmm m1 Mm mm Mum m0 mum 21 Mlmkn 29 1qutu Irumwr flu hm rulrru lnhnh Anlmnl uawmrm 31 Fur nhnmn 351mm mummy ammrnu mobmv pix THUNDER AND LIaMrNINd aoonnsss THUNDER AND LIaMrNINd WHArs Your IDEA OF THE Panucr DATE Q1615 LOOKS mamma Na BUY vouaaianoL uzwourrm Mr suoum MN Yaw VAWVV HALFN