Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Aug 1966, p. 2

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ler mnmmmlnllnm um Inmle In ha Holland anley lulrl nny mu Thnl pmlnrlnl pw ornmnl rounder nun ulanlr lmnl nllrlln1 lulu In am an muunlu mum mm In Iulhmllln whm Hm ml Idwml In ad umly alumd by IrleInln mmnpolllnn rrnim 1mm lwynnd uvhdlcllan Di Iln nullefl Ha MI Mrnmmnlnl Ir um rum Smith and Nullhlh urrnllva rnmmluu mum4 ml by In MIcKm III Mll leh Yolk Thu lhw lnvrmlmnl vaI III Cnnmnlim Millwr In mule pmvlllcm mm 01 in pa renl oi lhq ml ml minimum of mm mug film vmwllu hr Ilnllltk anlny Aulhnrlly Smlrlmln or In llnllnnd anlry null mu Lam but wmon mumn mu nulhoxlly Thlifllh Invrnmrnl nuke mm of rent nluglinl mm mm mm wnn nlml In Mr uan mm to flu Onlulo Inlnlurnl Sal Cummlllu on IAmnvnflm gunk1 Ivy Sir Emnl Mch lhrm honorary maiden of Ike 0an Canmflnn College at Unwth and olhrrl are llenlry IHMI Ind nll Tur nnlo fluulll My hunch will In nnunml lullII Uniled Yhmch lullnnl my Mum 0mm essna mud nle he CCO war prescnlcd Lawrenco mum Port Arthur and Dunn Driscnll I7 llnmillom oath of whom we hmrtilynpplnud bus mid Malina she Han behave the rnllway llcup nthdud Mltml nncc Duhgnu 1mm Winner Lrnvnllrd to Burll by motor ELECTED T0 COUNCIL Mrs Slnltard Toron In buildan tund trustee rcpur led pmlrcu helm mnda In the car back and Mrs June Mcltn nchcr ntd there were 115 do natcs reunch by thl marn tn with more comlnz In ad dilton than Wm many vtsttln IllMK The past year has seen lur lher mm In our member and Xnflutncc said Mr Mc Aree Mm Rezixmld Green Oshawa rcporlm new chapter at Chnlham and encouraging Sn quirlqs from klhbriqge Alla We could Ikl no better canth projm than effect higher standlng onion play ing and better singing by our choirs sold Mame Mus Bo FCCO at Toronto prey idcnt at the Royal Canadian Col lege at Organists He addzmd the dclcgmcs at Central United comm ax Lloyd Tuiiard organist ni Collier Street United Churth presenied recital lriniiy Anglican Church his nilernnon and Praicssor Frank Thamllmn McMnstcr Univznily music deparlmenl in address ban quct meeting at in ConLinenui Inn hit evening FURTHER GROWTH Four Recommendations Made By Conservation Authority HOLLRN VALLEY GROUP New and practical ideas cncourngc higher standard organ playing and organ music composition in Canada are being sludlcd by nearly 200 delegates who are nuondinz lhe Onmlo Regional Convention Barrie and Collflngwood The conven lion opened yesuarday and con cl Thyflay GRETCHEN WAKEFORD Owen Sound mgislar or the organisLs eanwntim held in Seek Higher Standard Organists Are Asked firlnrlpnlu the anal day in lhncmy clshlh un nunl lummor rnnlrrrncr voted An annual crush mulls In which jobItcklnz when nntl nludrnls 1mm lcnchm collcg on dunnd on the Park llnm llolrl In Toronln whcre lhey an lnlcrvlewrd by principals nnd lmslru Crlllcixm of lhe cnlllenuc Hun nlmmphcre lho lwo or hm day ol ma mnh hu ln crumcd rrcgnlly culnlnly mm mid Mr Slumn who rahrm In the prlnclpall lcclflan II good ldm uhlnh wu lung By narrnw mnrxln princI pals dccldcd In nor year round lcnchrr hlrlng an op std In current practice In wh ch dala annually gbncrnlly In March belerc whlch no In lenlewlng or hIrInx hlxh school lunchcrl supposed la Aka plan Ontario accundary school prin clpnls decislon lo endorsu tho Idea ol yearround lenchcr hir lug was today praised by swam uhainnan ol the Barrie Diurlcl lllxh School Baird Thnl Aulhovlly develop mm at allu inr hlxlolkll Imnl In olllllrle or pro vlmlnl MM Ma 50 Mr tnul ml un IIN ll mume Milw Hlel Arl jhn Inlnl ml floodcon lro mu uncc an nnnlym nhnwl lho hand at lhu Ichcmc ucmll nr equal lhl Iolll IIMIIM ML Anderson mnipeg Black London Brawn Windsor Jerome Burchill and Dnuglas Hamil ton Mrs Rush Vancnu er Clarke and Dr Genrga Mnybee Kingston Mrs those elected to general council egfian as allows Stoddard Backs Plan or Hiring School Teachers Barrie this week vm her from left to right are Mm Jean Dobson Mrs Elizabcm Unlvmtl Rug Co wit mm All Wu nu My TELEPHONE IMHII 00H HWEMNU Olin IINLY IIUHNTAII TIIE BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY AUGUST 30 156 CITY NEWS mm IM II Flu Innllmm III The pmllc Chm chairman erl he caulrl lnmra whitm Ml yenrmuml hlrlnu win on dnrml numdlng pulvlic uth lenrlwrn llnvmrr Inn nhl nuumu that Im mundnry Ichch rndnmmrnl MII nnl be mhnnlnzmul ll upwnvnl In mldnl TLH FIND HUMP TON NS CllA 31 pnuml unnpplnu lntllr one In lnrfiexl lmlnd In Nnvn Sw Hn MI quill hnmu In rnlennlnl IMk Fuuml on In hluhuny nnll lrllvrml ll nmynr by moltth 1w lurlll II II lnrhu hnm now In lull huemill mnnrr lnltl Mr Norman ha been ulllcd In In muor mum at weelu ml han pmvtd exuumcb ML Ngfiwffi Th disaer Inld ha currrnl syllem had been avar mm an Lhnl oftch loadi and bonrdl wide choke mus givrn llmo and place lubllc lchml lcnchcn nro AL 50 hind before Cl dale Mhlch FA Norman rhnlrmnn lhe Harrlo Publlc Schml Hoard hats found Iallslflmry gm cnmn ngmu mm wllh dmdllnc belurc WMEPI no ndverlmnz Inlcrvlcw Inn or lilting can be done he uphllnnl Those hn luvorcd ma mnrkcl snld ll would Increuo the prnfeulnnulism and dignlty lhe hlrlmz procedure by giv Inx lumber and board more onpanunny lo chock each nlhcrn background bcfnm mnb In dchnns 5550 or market The vote will he used guide by the council cxecullve when hold talks with rcprcsenlallm oi lhv lrusiecs hosecoopera tion unuid be needed In abolish the hiring titaniline Drymnn Oshawa William France and Hewill Ollmva Holman Geoghegan Rasevear and Sidgwick Toronto Gee Saskatoon Sash anklrk Mubar ough Morrison Frederiv Inn and Wheeler Mohtrcéi Famr and Mrs June Melon paghuu111mm 3mm Mu Melmliadmr tubal convum at the mnvvnli HANS VIGELAND FWCC BUFFALO NY 30 PM COLLIER STREET UNITED CHURCH MME MIRIELLI LAGACE MONTREAL OFFERING RECEIVED PU 200 PMJ ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERMN CHURCH ROYAL CANADIAN COLLEGE ORGANISTS THURSDAY SEPIEMBER I966 PRESENTS TWO ORGAN RECITALS podfd nur mu nlrol bonl In ha 20 Chlrn nvu 55 mile Imnhwul ol Snlgvm lml lho plminn rmlml no damage or cunniliu Then VM onl zurrrmu on lhn phan opened up wllh about 100 rnumll nummnlk llru llul lhu ml wu nM Ml and ill mw nan Illa Inn plan pounch North VHK Nam In more hravy mhh Mnnllny flyan I31 Inlulmu nnlnu oil dqu Inwk con vm ml Mhrr hum SMGON ANThu Vltl Com made In milqu mark on Us Navy rlvcr pllrol bun Manxle Salim lodny mo us Command lllanlmld Mur gmduaflnfl mm mm Collczinbe in Danie Mr Mc Emy mulled In Tomma Team cam Kn Ibo all 1m and upon hL gmdumhn began lmffmr Danie nadwlor A115 11qu mm he cxumim momn ol the Pnnm or Wales Sohool wax Mr McEwyl its wading post Uan He taught Kmdm six and sevqn 61th mar six 01 hi sewn you teacher won spcnl vim crpal ill Oaklcy Park nnd mot Mendy podyurusm School He considm leaching pub school very satisfying work be cause he monal contact comm with childmn in db mcnlary school is much dam than in minty school when It scum that suijdn are Wl notA the Achildr lnrne McEvoy 21 newly np4 pointed prindpal of Prince Wales deol expect his work win be my much dial enze and cxuuncly dummi Eight per com definitely loo mile he said If they would have allered II or 19 per cent as temporary wage in terim Increase the boys may have gone for but eight per cent is far mm reafisfic figure he added strike meeting held every morning at 10 am to keep strik Ing employee pasted on latest developments The general rencllan to he pmposcd hill at yesterdays emergency meeting parlia ment was similar to that re Term Viet Cong Attack As Fruitless today striker were out In full force carrying placards reading Inflation Alibi Non 0p and Donaid gets it why tant we rclcrring In Donald Gordon The hall ln plckcumz wxll allow striking railwaymen to pick up lhelr pay cheques Lllelr con science allows them In walk on property Mn Marshall Ngnn mantles The pay to be received cov the first two week in Aug ust Asked if hue would be similar Eelup to collect the next cheque bringing the man up to dale Mn Marshall replied we will nrry about that when came The picketen will take rest between and pm be muse member at the Railway Brotherhood of Firemen and Enginemcn are not on mike and according ta Mar lhail ganerni chairman of tho strike committee this will ai iow nonsinking workem in pick up their pay cheques with out tha ombanassmmi crying iii niche lin Meanwhile plckclera will cm arms to operate outside the Essa Road am Gowan Sim en unncgl lle skid he cammluce was nut nulling anyone down be cause we realize some men need their cheque to feed heir famine Striking rallwaymen will walk all lhe pickcl llnes at Ihe Erad ford Street enlmnc of theCNE SMle ln Barrie for four hours later today ln order to allow nonalrlklng workers lo collect their salarles New Principal Sees Position Rs Demanding Big Challenge Halt Pickets SoRailwaymen Can Gét Paid My Mgrsz mvm hl Na mm haw Im aria InnI primpnl Innn WnVM and Ken Hartman he prhxvpnl ho uuknl uudnt or flu um mu um cm by Mr Mrll ry Hum who undo ll iambic 1m Mm In Imupsuli Mr and Mer MC llrw lu ymruld dml tr Wm dy lwu tn Ira qum Um rm min rl Harrie Ilal Mine in Inf mm and midan during nd WT 9°l Pm Until David ml cm Ihmk phydm hmflm mva Int mhik Idiom Mn Mllo mu rm llmm rumAM IN all immodml Mmrlltfl va rnrollcd In Hm Mash Am pmgrm at me Unlvmil Toronto hu dam lo mm mule lhoru uwkly with ohm Jnmum printma Kim anl School who will aka Hm me warm Mr Mcl uy has kctn In mm An mink II much mom rntMainnK any 9911 NIH spec Min Im Unlvursily Vcslmn Orfiada 13 wins Work is nearlng completion on new bridge over Wilan Creek on Highway about two mile northwest ol narrle The bridge located near the Wonder Valley motel During constructinn of lhe Department at Highways project traffic has been muted around tho brldga on temporary structure Ca VanEysingu cumm oi the Ontario Zoological Park Dt Wauga Beach will lead an ex pedilinn an island on north ern Lake Superinr early in Sep tember lo capture cariboo ior his 00 Deparlmeni oi Lands and For csLs personnel will nccompany him to assist in aliens to cap ture spucimcns oi the dwindling cariboo herds Mr VnnEysinga will attempt tn raise hard of the anlmals in warm to keep the race rum extinction Work On Bridge Near Completion To Seek Cariboo For Wasaga Zoo PUBLIC INVITED LDRNE MrEVOY GERRY RICE LEFT AND JOE FOSSEY ABOARD CHRYSLERS NEW SPEEDBOAT The Impressive speedboal de signed by Chrysler Canada Oui board le at Barrie was built ior mafalhan rating which no cording to ethical Adviser Jae Fassey is on the upswing in populurity across Canadni RAN SHORT RR Bermuda operatedone nl lh smallest rmlwayl II he warld lcss than 70 miles longb lwenn 1531 and 1917 The speedbaat new on the market thin year plnccd elshth overall at the Canadian Nathan 11 Exhibition maralhnn race held in L1 Ontario last week with 47 entries in the race dri vers Guny Rice and Bus Mounstcvcn were elated that their craft placed sixth tn th outboard dvishm The Weapon has been cnler ed to race in the Toronto lo Oshawa marathon Sept 10 and mm Chrysler Weslporl powered wlth lwo loiharse power engines graced he wa tors at Kempenlclt Bay last night touching speed up In 45 miles per hour Places 8th In Marathon Rude No wonderbecause its such good 010 No wonder Iha IPA has more loyal friends Ihan any olhor Onlario 010 Mon who know what good all should be cant be fooled lhoy always come back to Labans IPAits such good ole NIo available on draugll your favorilo ollnblilhmonl Ever notice that satisfied face and sound goes with every taste of Labatts IPA the loomile marathon along the St Lawrence River in Montreal 5th ng test run last nlghl Mrl Rice who sales district manager and Mr Fas sey were dlsnppolnlcd Kempm loll Bay Water were calm and presented no challenge This emu parlorms best in rough water stressed llr Illce who said 21 gallons of fuel are used per engine for every loo miles travelled at open lhrnllle ynnr curler nu not arrived by pm plule who THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS And Copy will Be Dellvend To Your llama by pm CARRIER MISS YOU 7282433 Egn Average weflghled price wholesale to retail In an dnzen cartons extralarge 7L5 Alnrge 583 medium 671 Asmall 41 Flax opened Mghcr un changed Oct 102 rapeseed lower to lower Nov 282 oak unchanged Oct 93 barley 1i higher Oct 135 rye In Mghcr Oct 132 WINNIPEG CF Libera hedging sales kept rapesegd prices down In light opening trading on the Winnipeg Grain Exchango today MONTREAL CF Agricul lure departman quotations FARM PRICES

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