Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Aug 1966, p. 7

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West Berlin Ifikhsclothoa de tectives yesterday arrested anddrnllenedsclllleftaod hisnsotherAlrrirlightInoon Dedionwtfllthekidnzppingd BERLIN KIDNAPPINGV Atahoy i0eueriofldatreal Canada iheoldldwasfmmd Imharrnalmday Pelieabc iievcthoomainslupectJutx genHmchol22ondisersorl ofAnmimrod00W5tGet marry discerning the eyes of niaincloihu is standmld practice in We Ger many to prevent facial ideali iiination AP illimphtio by Cable from Berlin Lubes Elements Seize The Pearson Formula OTTAWA CPIThe phrase Pearson Formula has been ed happily by some labor cementsincluding the striking rsii unionsas justification for wage increases of around 80 per cent is there Pearson Formula and Is it at work Examination indicates It is more of call to arms than Any kind at standard chiefly because the Canadian mosaic of pay and rings benefits Is for too variegated to aeconunodaie tire to single rallying point Since the federal government got Imelf tangled in two key ago settlements around the 30 Eerceot level in June there as been considerable clamor ing In public about this estab lishing base In the back room though demands and set tlements in molar disputes have shown no relationship except coincidentally There have been some hcftlcr Ah some smaller settlemean In major disputes in general thr show that unions are just implying the customary degree of arm iwrding that finances and other circumstances indi cate for each employer RAILS AN EXCEPTION The rail light is an exception but the direct political factor is employed here The unions started out with ndscellany of Individual demands Only when it becomes apparent that Pan lament will try to send them back to work for less have they dedded to hang their hate on the formula peg The formula Itself developed almost simultaneously In two settlementsSt Lawrence Seas way workers and Quebec long shoremenin which the federal government Intervened directly It was Prime Minister Pear sons political herd luck in the light of his subsequent call for wage restraint that his name was tied to them through per sonal intervention in the long sboremens row But the fact both settle ments evolved under duress and apparently by coincidence The longshoremen particu larly at Montrealhad gun to tire govcmments head In that vital materials for deadline pressed Expo 67 were lying aboard idle ships and wheat ex ports were piling up Wheat ships also would have been choked off with seawsy tieup Tha Iongshorcmcns settle ment consisted of increases of 40 25 and 15 cents an hour on previous average wage of 253 strung out over two years This actually worked out to slightly over 31 per cent 601 30 PER CENI Next day the Seaway workers got the straight 30 per cent 20 immediately and to next yearon their average hourly pay of $236 In this case it was Labor Minister Nicholson and Transport Minister Pickersglll who were in on the final deal but again Mr Pearson lent his home to It by announcing it In Parliament However well bolore he and the formula came along Cana dinn labor had been given con siderably higher targets to shoot for In April livedsy strike of 50000 construction workers on Montreal island wrcslcd ln crcnscl averaging $150 an hour for vaner of tradesmen and other workersone of the high est settleman in Canadian his tory The percentage of this one Is hard to calculate because of the variety of scales involved but it would appear to run around 50 per cent It is strung over three years in the same month 8000 Teamster union members on overvtheroad haulage In On tarlo got varying series of in creases and fringe beneiits that ran as high as 96 cents an hotrr or about 42 per centplus shortened work week that will boost hourly pay This was on threeyear agreement 0n the other hand govern mcntconnectcd corporation tho CBCsettled with the 2100 member Association of Radio and Television Employees of Canada for six per cent spread over two years DEATHS ily THE CANADIAN PRESS Sydney Australia Prof James Macdonald Holmes 70 geogrftpher and one of founders of Australias famous flying doc tors service Nordhorg Denmark Mods lsustm or an industrialist who became Denmarks second larK est employer spmializing in prcclalon automatic equipment lloslon Peter Carroll 56 an Associated Im reporter for more than 25 years and Second World War correspon dent Tomnlod ll Mchadly 67 cellknown Canadian writer and broadcaster reevesan human rrenosr recess nu Noted Journalist McGegchy Dies TORONN OPTJ Ham ishl McGeactry 07 noted jour ntsllst and broadcaster dled In hospital Saturday night from complications arising from an sttackof noumnola During SecondWorId War Mr McGeaehy was chief enr respondcnt for the BBC Ove seas Service and became well known for his daily talks to North America Latin America Australia and the Middle East He returned to Canada at the end of the war and joined the Toronto Globe sndMali as member of the editorial board He later became associate edi tor of the newspaper In moire joined The Finan cial Post where he served Prfedici Thcrnt associate editor until 1004 when he went Into semiretirement ile continued to write weekly column for the publication native oi KiimaicolenScot land Mr McGeadry moved to Saskatoon with his parents in 1013 He graduated from the University of Saskatchewan at the ago of 10 with the Governor Genernls Gold Model as lead ing student from all faculties He was named Rhoder Scholar but decided not in tend Oxford University Hulead he earned his master of arts degree from the University oi Toronto in ms and spent the iotlowing year at Princeton lini vorsity where ho was Proctor Fellow In modern history May Leave UN UNITED NATIONS ADIRU Tlrsnt is to disclose Thursday decision that can influence for years the course of events in the United Nations and much of the world The unassuming Burmese will send letter to the 117 member nations saying whether he willtake second term as UN secretarytgencrai His cur rent fiveyear term ends Nov Some among the diplomats officials and correspondents at this headquarters are predicting May Produce Supplementary Budgei In Fall OTTAWA CPI Federal of ficials have talked about pro ducing supplementary budget in the fall but no final decision has been made department oi finance spokesman said Sen day night other alternatives have also been considered to meet irdla Iionnry threats In any event the baby budget discussions have not reached serious state The spokesman said Finance Minister Sharp who brought down his first budget last spring and otherolllcials have been tied up too much with the rail strike to give new bed get any recent attention However the Idea Is certainly alloat in government circles in his earlier budget speech Mr sharp made it clear the gov ernmcnt was prepared to take further measures to deal with changing economy later If they were wsrrontcd The government has budget alternatives to deal with inils tion These include monetary policy changes and expenditure cutbacks Conservative Leader chfern baker has called on the liberal government to produce sup plementary budget at the cur rent emergency sitting of the Commons called to deal with the rail strike AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY CAALEY in Mill ARMSTRONG Mr and Mrs Leonard booth were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs lAtliO Booth at their collage on the Magnctawnn Rim Miss lrnn itcnntxly oi Ilamll ton Is visiting Mr and Mrs 0r vlllo at on Hi John dim Mrs Annstmng and son Jemle and Min Kennedy wrro recent visitors with Mr srxl Mrs Tillman Exrll Uiop Mrmbcrs of Cnriny Womens Institute hold an enjoyable bowl lng party last Vtdnmday oven Ilv after which they enjoyed draw at the lolliflr Dragon GRENFEI II Mill POLY it and Mrs Itolmrr san II Ion were in Thailand llIIrIrI recently to attend the wedding ri the farmers niece Miss Mn me irilrll from Hull Ilsrrlt ind Mor llyn Iloimcs spent wok vw rnlionlng It Bundridge ltmgrlltllnllum to rim on being Ilkrrlyilll In her Gr ruins Allrilyn will attending lnkrrllnre Truth College In Illsl lnll lllr and Mrs Cole nuni IIth Holmes strut Monday In Toronto prommirn was IWIII In Ilul hall Saturday evening tor re rrnhhvlds and sworn 1pm and isl IlIwolrr They were presen INI with roller tolrlr stoprnd run herrnrk srvl pair inHKlr KNOCK Hg MILE Tu SWAPEM The August meeting ti llln illlnunlty tint war held In the cruise Aug II with to nlrmtuys and two most Mu mu Whatno shva mm interesting local pictures The meeting was followed by lunch Mrs Paul Pom has returned home from homltol Mrs Carroll Ottawa spent couple of days last week with Mrs ochranc Mrs Herb Shannon has re turned home after renting low days with her daughter In Ancestor Congratulations to Linda Mar row and John achaly who were married Aug NEW PICS Ily Mill WANLESS Mr and Mrs Vsllcr Hall worn gunll st the wedding of the Irlters slrtor Miss llorccn Reynolds and liars Irvine In Midland llnilrd Chutrll Aug 12 Mlsres Linda Judy and DI Ina llsii sprnt the weekend In Ilsrrin at the homo of their uncir aunt Mr and Mrs Itny IIIII HImvsio ill llrlry Csll rluh met Wednesday evening at llll term of John Do llortrr Mrs Alfred Lynn Suholdnio and Mr and Mrs Eric Gon nrsu st CIIIIannII were visitors with Mr Inrl eu llswn Illr and Ilirs Cline Itswn Invl family vIIllrlI Sunday It the harm of Matt IIIrriI Isrry firurrul Mr and Mrs IIsrnld rIuIIII and lint silrndrd the Snrllh Isrnlly rcunlnu Sunday In Illa Agrlrulluul llsll Flmvsle at which 52 were present Mr and Mn Arrldo Wan Irrl hurt and Prior and Mr and Mrs Crrnvlllr Dosh ml Nurrll Mrs Dunn and Mrs Martin of Klmvsle rnjnynl picnic and host rrulse Suns day from Midland in the 30 00 Hands Mr and Mn Iuiln Vinry llnnle VIIIllil lurulsy wIIIl Mr Ile Mil Furl Inny Mrs AIIII Flnlsy and IsmIIV vlkllrrl ll ih IluturI III II Mrs II ilumu lilnle DAISTON Ry MILK BIONAGLE Mr and Mrs Francis Wil iiams and Morris attended the Old Time FIddlcrs contest hold were trimmed particularly with the skill shown by the younger contestants Several fmrn the community alienan the down ochooi rio slng Ind reunion held Aug and mm good limo Itmnt gurus of Mr and Mrs lisp Lowe and llmll ll lawa nr work and lords the MVIOII week were Mr and Mrs Murray Ilrown And itmlly leksvlllc Murray had lust re turned from twoweek conlcr rnrs in Great ltrltnin NEW IIlliilZIYI Tho ill titrll Ildr Will it oprn this full with the prolect Amnt on Arrcsmrlcs Any young ime heiwrrrr ages I174 yrals wishing to lake the mild It mkul to phone either loader Mn than anron or Mrs Twn Coward bdurs Sari Miss anlcc Cough has been lnmllonln with iIIcnIII rang lug at Sat lls Iirsrlr nlso mimi iug lmv Inyl with her grand parrnls Mr and Mrs Ilou lrn Slnlluu llmcl Imlch Ir Iiirfltlifl tho Llli hsvlng arr IINI Illi lion In the water mtlon Mr and itll llnuglr wrrc hurls Ilvolr inrlrlIIN on sarlr if last we itlludsys Mrs Min Kluln we ludy Alllltllrhll ll Tumulo VII llnr In Ilu community you day recrntly Cor WIIHIIII tires Ilmwn and nine IlnyItM have been nllowllng Crimp Slmgrmcs Mid lend tor link Flilltl Autumn Tr opening lruilllld oi lluir lrll llurrlr erulrn luv the run out he hold lh hrwun Mrs Franle llInulI Sept Monitor are requested to bring Dblm Roll call wrll be Why give to and Congratulations to Gene Handy who was nrtcccselul In Cr la exams especially In the history paper Geno will be en tcring university this September ST PAULS in MM PRATT lnck Kell and Mrs Jlmcl Lawrence are home from llsr rls hospital Mrs Lawrence sd been It patient Ior lhrcs monlhr due to fractured hip Ed Illa guns Is now patient In Harrie hospital undergoing tests Mr and Mrs Ward Godfrey Michael and Crlll are visiting In npe od and points In southern USA ME AND Thnnt will bow out Many be lieve he finally will agree to stay or two years Thant Is 57 and is eligible to retire on pension at $13750a year As secretarygeneral he gets car and $65000 year In salary and allowances CONTINUE EFFORTS If Thant stays he will keep trying to bring pressure for settlement In Viet Nam and to find solid financial basis for UN peacekeeng work and for more money from the rich coun tries to build up the poor coun tries If he leaves there will fol low first period at negotiation among the big powers and others to settle upon succee sor and alter that pause In the activity of the secretary general while the new man gets his feet on the pound and de velops his own style The charter makes the secre tarygeneral the UNs chief ad mirristrolive officer He can lay before the Security Council any matter which in his opinion may threaten international peace Sometimes the secretarygen eral has acted on his own or at the request of interested gov ernments to help settle con fllcts Thant won points in the Cuban missile crisis and the West lrlon dispute He failed in the Yemen fighting and on the confrontation of Indonesia against Malaysia now ended by other means He Is the third man to be see retarygenerol alter Trygve Lie oi Norway and Dog Hammarsk lold of Sweden He had been ilurmas UN ambassador for four years when Hnmmnrskjoid died in plane crash Sept 1061 on peace mission in Al rica 0R0 STATION Hy runs II CRAWFORD Miss Ruby Sholswdl George town was weekend guest of hcpfilmother Mrs George shale Mrs Ioddbon Slnyncr spent few days with her son Invlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Arrears Gitmy Mr and Illrt Crawford spent few days at Go Home Lake Kucsts Mr nod Mrs lmcrihg Miss Shirley Hutchinson and liloyd Hutchinson Moonlone spent few days visiting drelr brother and sirlerIniow Mr and Mrs Orville Hutchinson morally fill1 T0 COUPLE community shower was hold Saturday nlght at the hall for Mr and Mrs Iloy Levin me Joan Crawford Mrs trim and Mrs Guillrrlon gun monologue Geri llurton brought greetings from the com munity and Mrs Billmore road pom to Mr and Mrs IAthlI llxvy um picaMed with an electric sewing machine and other gifts dollclolu lunch brought the evening to close Mr and Mrs Nelson lolrn slun Orillln spent the wrrk rnd with Mr and Mrs Crltwirml MY SHADOW Find the very ilth In nscklotrhool fashions at The lnlwlc shop at truly realistic prlres And llant loud our 10 dlu cnunl for all Irhod or group prnlwts The Jailul Slror If COLLIN IT laws nonunup Rhodesidsfil Actions Invalid Wilson savsi umnoir CPIPrimsl inn isler Wilson arriving home fromm vacation retreat Sunday describedhreakavey Rho dosth detest Internal Iitlesl moves as Invalid and egaI His return from two weeks in the Scllly lslu was accompa nied by much speculation about the forthcoming conterence here of Commonwealth prime ministers Thespeculation re volved mostly around ways that the conference might be asked hhd£éiui°d on siomly resisted by Britain Some African strategists however believe they could evolve an acceptable proposed limited measurefor prevent ing the flow of oil by rail from South Aillea to Rhodesia Tour Arctic OTTAWA aplA illmember economic mission headed by Northern Afialrr Minister Lsing came out of the Canadian Arc tic Sunday after weekdong 645mlle tour convinced that solution of transportation prob lems and education for the ln dish and Eskimo are the keys to the Norths future develop ment The group including Chair man John Deutodr and mem bers of the Econtmic Council of Canada also found that rapid provision of television needed to attract workers from South ern Canada into isolated north era outposts Floats Over Alps MU HREN Switzerland CF young Canadian floated high over the Swiss Alps Saturday In balloon decked with Canadian flags The sixhour flight was nthbirthday present for David Powell of St Adele One from family friend veteran Swiss balloooist Fred Dolder 65 The hydrogenme balloon piloted by Doldet and carrying David and another passengerin its wicker basket flew the Ca nadlan flag and the blue and wIdIe Expo 67 flag bolder and Davids lather George Powell manager of the Canadian government travel office in London visited West crn Canada this year and hope to arrange series of balloon ascents in Winnipeg Calgary and Region for Canadas cen tcnnlal year Find Stone Relics TIMMINS GillStone relics which an Ontario government archeologist estimates are about 3000 years old were found last week In the possession of Shillingloo tint ares woman who claims to have dug them up on her property Paul Swmtrnan 50 Toronto was searching for sites of old Hudsons Bay Co trading posts in the area when he met Mrs Mary Fists who owntd the rti icr Mr Sweetman raid Mrs Fielr told him she had dug up the relics during the last 30 years on her roperly at Moose Lake near Shtlbrgton 15 miles cast of here Mr Sweotmnn said the woman had apparently not real ized tho Ingrortance of her dis covery sud never had notified anyone of It Assessing Market MELBOURNE llttulcrslAn olyhlmnn Canadian government mnlon Is assessing the pold bIIIty of selling Csnsdlsn power gencrnllnn equipment Including MINISTERWIHION nuclear power plants in AID trails member of the minim atomic engineer Norma Wil liams of Peterborough 0nt sold today he bellevas nuclear power would be competitive in cost with power from brown coal and recently discovered supplies of natural gas Nuclear power could be intro duced economically in Austra ilgmin about seven years he New Command MONTREAL CF Mobile Commend pivot of the proposed unifled Canadian armed forces Is to move into new headquar ters today in suburban St Hun ert The Canadian Air Defence Command being amalgamated with the northern regions of North American Air Defence Conunand will move from St Hubert to North llsy NORAD regional headquarters Mobile Command is to con sist of 10000 of Canadas most skilled fighting men with headquarters staff of 500 Vote In Contract HAMILTON CPD The United Steelworkers of America will vote hrcsday on ratification of new conlract for the 11000 menlbrrs at the Steel Co of Canada Ltd Hamilton plant Negotiators for the union and the company readied an agree ment In Toronto Friday but ii the members vote against ace ceptiag the contract It will CIIEFMASTER MAIIEAIIINE LEAN HAMBURG PATTIES l50 Collier 5t HEALING ARTS ram NOTICE meanauthorlrstion to call strike The new agreement as nolmced Friday night by the On tario lather department follows rejection last Monday of the first agreement by negotiators Terms of the new agreement were not announced Steicos Hamilton operations were closed down for Ive days by violent wildcat walkout prior to the first agreement whidr came Aug 17 The wild cat strikers were protesting the slowness of earlier negotiations Change Needed FREDERICION CPI NEW forms of worship and concepts of the minth may be required ll church teaching is to be rele vant to the scientific space age an Anglican official said Sunday night Rt Rev Ralph Dean ex ecutive olllcer of the Anglican communion around the world spoke at service In Christ Chard Cathedral held in con junction with closed meetings of the house of bishops and na tional executive council of the Anflican Church of Canada He was bisth of Caribou before his appointment as executive officer Bishop Dean described the God is dead rdtool of thought as sheer nonsense because he said God is life and the source of all life SCHOOL Your BackTo School Items Cleaned serly NUSERVICE CLEANERS IA High St Clappsrton $6 it $225 5000 LBS CHOICE SIRLOIN WING TBONE ROUND STEAK Ii STEAK IIIIASTS 69° Muri Be Sold In Two Weeks FOOD MARKET 7285339 COMMITTEE ON THE The Commith on the Healing Am has been ap Inlcd rmdcv an Otticfvlnmetfll approval by IIII Honour the Lieutenant iovcmor oi pursuant Io IM luhlic Inquiries Act It will Inquire Info to the education and Nfiilsilon relevant to the fields occurlions In the hesil ntsrio dated July Hill I900 and report upon Ill msllen relm pmlim oi the Healing Arts professions In in Inquiries the Committee will mnlldes ltsch mum at entrance requimncntt Healing Arts In Ontario body hsvi Iimh ii limitkm nlur slontn re es ngltrta hulls for the supervision control oonstilruion mum wwopdsts met allocation Imiruction and training for the pncilco of II me any mallard lioervdng or disciplinary midst and ampu oi III um practicing or solariumcore any of ths Healing Arts Ontario eriuing or mums out of ersmlnlog lioerulng or otherwise sutiwwiring the conr ing on by Imilviduslr ol the practice of any methods relring to the Healing Arts the standnit mulled and followed or lIle nwrttsoi disservice and Arts the elicit any rell lnstfefl Ilts Commit hiivltlusls who have for written saloonhow i1 mumtmhmouW wishes to bench from the knowledge and forts and opinions to contribute to ths field of this harlly given to all who feel they our assist the and who mlidhlrthell vimto be known Submissions should he forwarded by below the marrow oi Public lierings thereon The Committee will hold at It atIJSSIC1inAnnuc West at this Meeting but the terms of tolerance mum at Committee outlined It would he unwedled if you mtnnluim or to slim the lnsugur The anlsry will he Hdt submissions IiquM be mm it uwrnmeism Secretory Itlh Hers It Douche in an Inaugural mth min ropes to ho ntahfithoti and infiowrd reaction oi oil undisciplian misled with the lasting end their mortal openlknr on perkmuri nomination and Inquiry An invitation more In Its wort I906 hmiuthetthoymsyhestrsrlui no Mmtsy scum I9th Toronto Iilh Flow No urinalatom will be has urnmlumhwwrhW MilliI notify the Gmmltm oi your Irritation to em sl hmllrrg as oooons militia Muriglmmywmsmmwmuhhmh um morequ cur Am loft lomts NM MI

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