Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Aug 1966, p. 6

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ion on wedding 11W visit the Ws pmu In mm Baskets pink and whim giadmli dammed Hie altar the ohm or in steam wed ding at 23 oclodn Rev Weir animated The bride is 0210 tanner L471 Eikvm OHara niece Mr and Mrs Alex Damon of hummulha bridegan ImmlynfMMId DOWN 0F BROCADE Given In mmrgo by her uncle tho bride chose floor loam Ram of Italian brocade Wand on Dmnim lines with moped neckline and lilypaint alcoves caUxxhl Lraén of mnldflng manm an £11m the mm gown data with bonded va La and mm pom1 held the bndnyl shoulder kmmh bvuflanc veil of nylon tulle She carried bmlqya pink roses md who nn mumde was Sandra Dunlap of Mihuml Eflum Hughes Tannin Miss cam Comma burst the hddamida TIrIq hv lmhd UM gn rum um Mum pol nzmrst iJnin mum Mid blush ism mm In IQ mi wmfgi ma sgeegmg Couple Leave For Ireland After Wedding At Midhurst AND MRS FRED STEENSON SMOCKED SHIFTS Mrs Clysdale lha mcnlly appointed chlel commhsiuncr CnMdII 242505 membu Glrl Gulch ol Cnnndn by the hide aunt Mm Cam Wu Hughes of Town at mm the bddoymm The ush er wen Jury Dunbp MM 5r MARYSpOnL GP good word or the young and or their rebelliousnesx come from Mrs Keilh Clysdnle 01 SL Mnryl wamn whn known lugcl ygung 900F105 tulle illusier TI bridal gown and the 02 mm wen Wand Dmrlengmslcevcmdressol hiypajglwntashimedmsim fluhslaflwatofflmbfldal gown The tatidem wm M110 IU 71k rutUM hunch awnMed dunluv mum Mm ml lunhl bait Mil In 17 do Mun UP WM Chief Praises Youth Of Today Themawflmtdxomn the ll ho HIV Meloh Innm Mn on mum mm In mm 911 ml mam mm mm an an cm Mm mil Mme II My rummm 4mm an MA lm hope In dlscuu lha mah kIn uith nodal mica nmum In MMMCI lhn Emalblluy of rainan wrlnl war rrl In suldu nrk all worklnlAuilh rnlnlnu nagging backache The reception was held Rim Gmdm mam mm the brides aunt Mn 0mm redeved guests Wm an ternmn fins 01 inc pink ash finned with high waistline Her accessories were white and she mnplmncMed her lamb with maze whim mum Leaving or lheér ler to land the bride dwnned me am 01 candy pink 11h white CH Lhdr mintq in Canada the mwlywuis will Inside an Indian Thai in Tm Mu flysrlnle my Iho Alud mncrrmd about llIo nlwrlnno ol good Icnllrra Mulch Ill roll rmml puny hy lho 1m mm mnny warmn wnrk In Me at hrr Mnrrnu Ihmmh Ihn any aha In Ihu Ilnmlnn wvyryln admin woman uhn mm In and wile um mner and mod cnrm Oman beam ll mull Inlm awry mmr Mr mmy Anxl wnumn ha IMHIH Imm wmk may in lwllrr molhrr ll ihl II an out human hrr Jun The govarnmenl fighting to avert wave of dhcnnlonl over than price increase flnce the recent devaluation of the piastre move which sent up the cast nl living 25 per cenL Just before the devaluation the government began selling American ald than 12 L3 dis mlored and slickler Ihnn local rice and Lhe peopla do not like it But It cheap now In supplying quarter need oSalgun Price Increases have been In iowed by widespread flanLands In Saigunjar pay Increases to match mam The government Itself starlch the movement 17y awarding raises ranging from 20 to 30 per cent to It own employees and to servicemen hi SouLhusl Am mm lavcn hour or him to produce kilogram ol rice against seven minutes highly mech anized countries hWandTunsweumdlb TodnyI youth may not be qukn so prune In tnkc what nomcbody say wllhnul quns Honing II but they an Just in Alert just as kmn just rensnnnhle You cant qulm my to them do his do lhal but thlnk MI good Mu Gynlnlo was nmoinwd chic cammlsslonrr In June nucmd Henrietta Ollcr of TM onto She has worked with the gulch Iince 1m whnn lhe lira Hulda company wns tormtd In mm near Slmllord She has lnkcn ovtr ll time 11 change lnr he uuldrs Thty ham updnlrd budge nunro qulrcmcnu rumpan progrnrm nml lhlllld nxo urmlnlnus la nppl more mllsllcnlly lo lm dny wnrld 100 MIDDLE CLASS MII Clyldnln ayl Iho cell lere ls mm or more change she aware that rrlllu my lho uuhlu II loo much mm clan nrunnluflan She wnuhl Mku lo no ropnm Nth IMI prlvflcntd rln uhn lcnrlm gmr Incamu Arm Park and rice an staples the Vietnamese diet The price of park has duubled racmfly and puihing up In prlcé at fish meat and poultry he peopla seek alternative tn cook with their rice The price newspaper has more than doubled and Saigon hold my they win nlse thelr chums per cept may be rcntgndt but dont no great deal at dfllcr mm bclwaon the Ildludu of lodnyl youngsters and hnsu before them she says SMGON Reuters The Snnlh V10 Nam snvernmenl Lu beginning an emergency pnrk nirlifl to Saigon from tha south ernmost rovlnce nf An Xuyen aver the and at the Viet Cong guerrillas who cnntrbl lhmoads Airlift Staples To Vietnamese WQRK 1mm ran mes why ll nhnuld hnva been rlghl or Irlnm Allwl In Ipnmur unnlu hlnd wnlrh dull 1m Idennl Vll lo Immnr hamburg huh and lraum cunm fur Ihu Duh of Wlndxnr In uponmr MK Us hull and Ipruul collnrlnwl nol lnr lrlnru llnrlrI lo lnuch nmnhy Strut wlm llul ncrnlmlo mynl pnlmnnrzo ll 1n ntamm Immfl In Ma wannl COULD BE WORSE Dear Ann Landm Evar since Ihose husband wrote tn cvmplaln about their wives qu drcssing In he close have been wnwhlng the paper to wile would write In about her Wand daing the same thing Nn leucr mm has appeared so guess am the my woman in Lha who may who is married to such nut am not trying in be im perilnnnl but would you plans explain iww and why youlun give advice on legal medch and emotional prohiuu II it qutiicieni to quote mm in nu Ive never seen Waller will out Tahln although wa have been married yearn even swlml in his Tshlrt Wnl Icr healthy nnrmal man In wary mm except his one 110 msz pllch black mom or romance but men dont think there Anything unusual Tnllur nnd Cutltr duoin lurll Um nuthorllg on 1on and lulhlon ll ll lihly urndud by tho mum Sn vflo flaw Dm Ann London low nights Ago we were Altttng around with group of ex tremely intelligent pmtr and someone quoted you As ta re buttal and Im sun In last oneml the chap said They ought to at hot tor prucflxlnx without licence manna Dar Parker were pay Iible to gel me for Anything assure you would have been gm long ago wouldnot have been in this work or 11 years nor would mine he lhu most wide indicated calumn In he word rcpeaiediy rail my render that nilhmlgh consult with lg nulhoriuu in almost every lie imaginable am not inwyer or physician or psychin Every week send tim Iand at people go professionals and to wellnre agendawidth in its is an enormous urv ice And this is precisely what am trying to dodiar service to those who ask or it Why people write to nwwspaper for hdp with persanai problem L1 the 51111106 or book but the act in they doapproximltely 1000 of than every day Letme repeat do not mean to be albilmy am merdy in quisitivequ Fuku PS wax lgnmcan In me at lent um ovary pmon In the mom was reader of your column dn nn pretend to be what am ML desplsa the phoney and dishonest Legally cmdd use the line Dr but would not dmam of doing so since It was an hpngrarygchee No one needs licence to Listen No one need licence to pmvidu shoulder to cry on or direct troubled and the unlniormnd tn xervhcu agen clex or tn give word obtu couragement to the heavy hearted or wilt kick In the pustular lo the arrogant Than mm getting the job dune Ihan having licencHx any fisherman will tell you ROYAL YOUTH NOT STYLISH Cnnlnhy Street In Mmlnnl Well End turn an revnlu llnnnry clolhu or ho youmzrr It com plly that Al lean mm of the young members of lhe n1an Amlly Ihould be allowed tn ex prm lhcir lecnngo Individu nUllc In mmo of hu jollicr products winning London lhg muln csnyu 15 Inan inmlly only we are lecnaxm Charla l1 Ipd Imps 16 60an lo ha heart lho mulltr Tallor and Cutler Lulu LONDON AP Prlncu Charla and Prlncnsl Anni Ihould dress morn Ilylllhly nn tdilarlal In Taller and Cul ley funcm BNNJLANDERS 16$ Wolllnglan No Licénce Neédgd ToHBe Good Listener We Hlvo Thu AWARD WINNING HAIR STYLIST run In mm Ihll mu yrv ml MM nm ml mm rawmm VIII my mm mm filly mm mu The French luv delighuul phnse lolo da vlvre which translate Into zest or livhag Perhaps ths phrase come dnsest to describing the fucllng expeflenced by lrlnmphlnt dIeIer your woman com menu uud In unwum um mm qum mum Iluv mm rm myNuns hm mud an To the former xiunzo whn nnw Is lhrllled In wenrIiw 15 um doubt ll ha word lhrflled or any other word can hilly express how she eats envy her llnginz talent or oh what wonderful way to express lrue joy um sure that reaching her goal hna bol atercd her confidence In much has having been done many dared dmp Bra nnw belng flung wide open About that and would never try to than it But pleaselsll ma what you think mm bus band who wfll nm aka his Tlhlrt In front bl We Wlldertd Den Wallerl ll pinb INN linked whil saw child hood and may be that even ha doesnt know why or when started dccldcd lha dld wan lo llvo lung and now do mare lhnn ever My pmen wclahl poundl Am llva let lwa lnrlws and him mall lrnme My tires the now 10 and 11 lrom ormtr Ilu 21 look unlll Ivrln Md lo lccampllsh lhe re uclng Thrlllcd Well at polnlcd out llelllc ls nu word la mam 115 CE anyone who burdaned with conlldlrnblo cxcul weight olltr lhl ohnllcnu Open tho window In tho morn lnx and lake good look at Godl benulllul world Bo hnn out with yamloll up you this In get out and enjoy and bu pm ol Ihnl Wurld out how ll not you umt know who you or juinll sum Succm brlnzn mou luc ms mouhnllt In an wonderlul In bu ann In lrcl proud yourn11 In Ilka tIlmhlnx Hm lallul mounlnln There are wane things than man whose hnngnp In waxing Taluu all lmes For ax mole The moron who drives to mi from the bench wearing only nwimmlnz trunks COMPLETE VOYAGE ARDROSSANScoflund Rau lerslA Smtmh mecmnlc and an English boalhulldcr lulled their trimaran yacht Into mu tiny purl Iodly liter May Atlantic crossing from Labra dor Glnsnw born George Cooper to and Philip Patter son 32 re last month in lhelr34lool lhrcehulled trait bum In Labrador iasiropcraiiva care ltd to my dncior ininrminx me that had untied hudcnlng oi the arteries duo to my overweight Al 21 year age the question Do you want live ionzi is staggering blow WANT 10 LIVE mum mu Inc hurdcal part II 11¢an gelling tinned ofler my experience to any who would wish to lhnre what wa have Iannd On March 1065 my run was born that time weighed 21 munch Blame not ha pregnancy tha flan weighed 71m pounds For some gem had gall bladder trou Ie That Iprtnz It really flared up On doctors order went on Int1m dIct and reduced In 190 poundr In May was Iurcod In have tho all bladdu removed HAIR STYLISTS KEEP IN THE TRIM IEkmm THUM AND nu 1111 Dunlap mun YOUR BACK TO SCHOOL HEADQUARTERS Dieters Triumph Extends Her Life 3va WALKWKL SHOES MVMXH no 053 NATURALIZHII llkl CAMP HUS IUI 77H En mute to Orillin Mu Rich dun mud In mo ham Dmry 0mm Hill where Mr Drury Moanwheel my 1m mm publication Farmer Premier Thu back had been blrtbdly or Mn nichmmn who bu known the author for many yem Among those filming the birthday party wen the cele branla daughter ML Maxgum Blacksle uhNaw York 1nd Mmflnrue Mchen and dril dren of Barrie and her grand son Pam Price And his children Mrs William men Richard Aun wlte at the Me Dr Blob unison wax gum honor lamily dinner party Sunday on labs caution other 96m birth ay Thu blmmax celebrIUan was held lb home at Mn may nrdsonl dlughter Mn Price on Lake cmhlehlng 0r Tho birthday celohnne the ormer Ethel Syme was born and raised In Dalmn near the uny flmily any Mu Richardmn Who we of the senior resident Barrie was born on August 29 1371 NEW YORK Am0n her last day In lhe Whlte Hausa Mrs John Kennedy wrote latter In Xonghard Io lella Kruushchev than Soviet pre mler expressing as mother of two children her hope for page II Ylu reported Sunday Onca up there you cm deep breath and shout lve can queredl And everyuna can He that you have Good luck to all mountain climbers When you reach your gun you try to find the right war In ducrlbe yaur now happlnea the Icapdudes The Incident wu excerpted by Newsweek mlzadne from the book The Dealh 01 Prrsl dent written by WilUIm Man chester The book will be pub Hshcd by Harper and now In Em He In It Newéwéek uned one two In laying about my mum mntger Man ester Inrmcr new paper nun span lwo yam compulng mmml for the book valwcck nym Oh whim Vawxléd song aha shngs We rejoice with her Barrie Woman Marks Birthday At Dinner Party TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE mIlll On Her Last Day In White House fiéfipr page ope my Its Back To School and Enllfllfiqninu Time IN BY and our av Jam convanlon DRIVEIIN SERVICE or CALL 7260259 lor FREE PICKUP and DELIVERYI Cnnlom Bhlfl Bmlu ODrpery Ind nu Mlnnr ntpnlrl Ind Service luvlllbll Mending lllh Cluncd mocha Quillly Gennan mm In flame of ll1 Dunlap It 12W HAIRDRESSING OFFERS Opportunities lllllleWl LONDON UH IlllINl MALI Vllt cur modem lrhool phanrjr llll vul lhln upon or comper lnnlmflonl NAME MJDIIYM FILL IN THIS COUPON Mull Thll Tn khool Nnrnl lou cfiaztc9 Jaéa DAY AUOUSI mm mm numrfim huday mummy tbs couple Wended mm 11 oclock at the Chum AsuimpUm Bell Evml where may have been devoted members for ytars dinner lolluwed the Nroy Inn or members of ma family and Hands WED 1N KIRKme F011 TOMORROW it tomorrow is your birthday your chart for tho comingyear promises possibln occupa tional promotion Iome mone tnry gnlu under nu interesting nvncationai opportunity in late December Despite these indi cations however dont in spirit at optimism go over board manually in the mam while lince enmervetiam will be must until Dec 20 when you will enter an excei lent cycle Eflvcmlnl monctn interests that will iut uni midFebruary by which time most oi your material concern thnuld be well IIablfiud Your next really good periods for tiscal gains will comprise the entire month at June line one or moral expansion and the man oi August and Set tember Where occupational nleresll are concerned while your pm gru may have been rnlhzr 3an in recent months tho lama Dec wmldFebrua cr clc mentioned above anud bring some fine advances with slill luxlher 51an from past dloru accrmng during um mm half at Apr nut June Auxml and Scpumber Jnnu ML and Mn Edmund Glhbons of Ahoy were at homr friends and nalzhbm on Sat urdny analnoon on the occasion chair 40th wedding anniver nary Mr and Mrs Gibbon were married LnVlctorta Road Glurdz Wield Ontario on August 26 1916 The bride ha former Mary Theresa Walsh daughter the late Mr and Mn Jim Walsh 47mm The brldegmmn Juli son lhaale Mr and Mrs Thomas Gibbons The lull moon on Tuesday will have lremendnus Influence on the emodnu no it would be advisable not only to keep your awn leellngs under control but to be extremely mum will nlh wllo will be Ilmlllrly aflilrkcd Be 59003111 oardul not lo induige in temperamental outlgursu with superior or business assumes ML Leme FBWVefsiglents Mark AnniVersary Foilbwiifi their marriage the LOCATIONS ll lANDMTE NINDMM IIIOI WHAT THE STARS SAY W0 By mun Thu new year in our 1110 should be an extremey ha py one ram personal slnndpo With the exceptinn brie pe riods in enrly March and early June dommtin lnlmd maul Iun mneolhly and romance will be governed by generous lnllIb enccs In late December an all nraund good perlod or all Vlrzoans next April May and August six months 1951 him vizl3 a319 coupla mhied In Gluord ingup mldence in Lelmy ln mo Mun they have resided evamhlqeL pm Mr osedl cowuzs FAMILY The couples only daughter Sister Mary Edmund Medical leruriln St Joseph Hm pxul Toronto was with her par mtg 1m ha occaslon The celebrants look forward In long quiet ml with per haps little travelling in 1h mural Ifiyl Influences wlll be uped helpful tuwurd he uccom pllshment unusual wlm menu and could brlng ln creased prenlge Creauvg workers Vshauld ind lh first Mr Gibbmu wan postmaster De Grassi Pnlnl located two mkles mm Lelroy or 24 years untl retlreqent when tpe Attending the celebration were the brides brotherMaw anl vista Mr and Mn Frank Lynch of Mount Farm Mr Gibbona sisters Mu Bertha Gibbons Tammo nnd Mn MI 591 Cronnnyf Gilfgrd Brflel Hum Dzllnlw Ion We Ipccllllxe In Eul opun melll and III Indie All Punin Inldn on pro mlm by Jun GullIn For TakeOut fluvch Cull 12MB 65 Dunlop 12506 LORRIES DELICAIESSEN

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