Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Aug 1966, p. 3

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Barrio DHM 0110ng Md said they wuld be up mud to legislation caning In high drool mum who ehde Ivy um km being op gniniod by Mom 001m nl maul 11110 In dam 015m um himlpkxdflw nfypmlfiim mman lo lake wmpl no mu mud he Emmi1 Schools mi bank lkhmfikm ML co ptwide um menbun DEW High Sdcm Bomb tx NM those mint lry Counly ml Sammie Sdml llmnll be Ilcdod by him 11 death mom was waged ed Imt wmkl 0mm Munio pal Assountim Clmmm held lLmlILm 3mm boom 757 lie had mygm mu 9c in mmlln mu mi We hum 1m able to mun goal dmkn wall WWII WARDEN nmmm Mona was but mm do Men than pooph attend ed the Umversal Mar plant Wei26 mmvmhcldlor dwymngsam Saneloe wmr Provinch PM 1mm Mayor Opposes Move To Elect Trustees we and UNIVERSAL COOLER EMPLOYEES HOLD PICNIC vow to urge ho Likcland Tourist Rmvbm Centre Barrie mm 24 lm quinrg mgmipg L111 mic ava um vookém Acumlirrz In mm lbw wum mom hquirim or IM our mmdku hst my bu uwy Wed hm mm Mm cl Um inquiries Ulu chk md mm or tvurm milmm In Musknkahvkc Simon mu Mum hall he maple um mum nmkosnnn mld my Am Nimn mum who 1qu in Una mum phnlml lo mum to Hudan md Sum Slr Marie stem pm my pgvmtugu from mo public mm ho 5m la rmllmn mama awaom éméiy canZ ring and band Bednrd 5mm lg lg right Luxurd latk Mr than Mn MM Wnlulmnl Ian prim wimm were TOP Id réghtmt Snort Tourist Centre Busy 0n Weekend hgkhuiufiuérgx on mm wreath sitting on Uri hi year ML 9066 laid mmmralm Io Wines was mflixiblo and me mine was firmly mm mm Mantra unless tho findith had In uxtonsive lumkxlgo ti amigth affnimhhlr swam micron the nu wuld Iimply mo or the mm Timid lwlmip Milo mm comma or high school dil lrlct lmnll mquhitxm 11 much pa ornt Um loud Lu levy nwnicimlily It was palm out lint dcmov Nut pnrxivkn haul Hut ho ppka slmldjnw Ihe Huh la the bum would mhly be mm nymm mm thin lo Mr swam 11 1mm method mm the menu best he um nle wim clcddm Mn m4 uKr 1waan mlmu and and arm mm It limit urnh 1d Lyle RoberLsm Jack vmficm nan large and Ray mm 5pm good part of the arm prcpming the dimx sened to the hungry crvwd of 11mm Aim or cam punvi rIi Inn Baum Hm wave Mu Mnlum mm MU ml Anhmfivm The wnwnfion rm to 1mm Gonmal mm Sunday aflu he was shut in the undfighg lcg wiu 301 rifle Saturday night Midlmd Provincial Police said Donald Mania 16 of Park Man or hive mmm son Mr and Mn WiKrod Martin was wounded by rifle held by James 14mg 17 Ava Road Sling far wok at he Mmm cottage a1 Whims Landfill oll Six MM Lake owl miles north PM Suvvm 011 SW lhe two you mu the mm by Lewis unfly cottage which wm WIM The mmu1im look place nL 530pm is still under 1114 Ve um xrnfilied ovcr Ihu large lumoul nnd worn man than plum wllh the woven cur plcnlc mid Warden Gram Methane mm Mlimn Ila wm asked about the annual war drn pirnlc nl Allislnnn liver ann lnrk ymcnlny Mlcrnmn More than 1000 mph vlsiud UH park during tho allcrnmn um most 01 lllcm nflrmlnl I0 plrnxc Sam vhilnd South film we llomr Mlumm nn lho grounds about 200 mw Mllxlun Conucks no duwn lo la Cm mnro after winning um 50th sumac plnyafll opener Cm mun Snumlny mm In 34 um 0mm wnmml Fannan nlny MUM in Mflllmu thhllllh muxnhén am Inc Any nml we mnlnyrd mm Anhur Evnm MPIE or Slmcoo my no wlm alumni hmun Inn vmk mm flip lu NW Mcxlw Ho Inl mm In llmnklnu lhc wnr xlrn vy llreve Mu McAulcy HunMo Ilrrvn lrflmrl mam Wm llwllllnimry Minty lmm Jllul Immm Milk Mrvvn WHNMII Man Slnymr mm column Wm mm Inn null nllurrn mu mlva r1 Harm INo 2mm mmHy nunnm wbn lm mull Irvr lhc pod Mm rn Ifmxnly llmrmlnnnl vlnrc 1m mmhlrlnl Hm rmlxlun mm and mmwllllnm lullwml rllh Inlnm Iry In rural Mm firm will MI M6241 Krn NcUlmwr Tiuny Cwl Nufilver mud and Janka Ram NAM Turk and MM In llId ran mm In Ihc lowly onmtal Wynn duh In mum drunk May fur mall My mm mm Hum ml hawyrnrvohl um at Her mwmlwr Hue wlrmlml Ali MI lmo Ilnm ml ij1an MW mllnm 11M 71m mum Mr Wnuun NEW IWJIU Islington Boy Shot In Leg An mmglon ywfll was Imps Awx had W1 bog5 Viy HT ALLISTON PARK More Than 1000 Attend County Wardens Picnic win beme TO VISIT BARRIE President and 26mm man age of five Film mam Com pany ai Orangeville lla wmd will visit Barrie next month He is sdwdulcd to speak at the Georgian Bay commie developmmt mferanbe on its closing day Sept 20 Next Incefing the Rotary Club of Barrie will be held at Qunnrgxfix Hows my Thurs day Speaker will be Bob Chny lie who win dazl win his exper iences in Macedonia Mr Chris dn span year in an cmmlTy With pamlnfm at 74010 the cilyolnmfiemdatmllimd debenture ddfi at 37117335 ac mm ma 311m The igums Me or 1965 shvwn 5665000 us sum as other mumm in 7323166110 53100 and $466 217 for ntflifim and other emer prises The per min tax mm was among the 1mm levels bl OnLmn aim but no the 1mm 11m Imm mnl in Hastvlcw with 57993 per capila Owen Sound figune was $11710 and th Day $11713 Win 1mm pamlalim cl 14 wmw ie my rt aid 11 and undw while Sharon flcld Delblc Bayer mud Marilyn Hulmu llnlshrd In that order or nine yonrylds John Manrdie Barrie ln hospital with minus Nudes Five other persons passengen in the Bromby station wggon were also injured Their names were nut gmedmgelx nvaijable extensive police could not Iden tity the year or llcence plate 01 the swim wagon écbemurodcbt mum $5025700 uhidl056m was or The accident also claimed the life of Paula Brumhy nln months of Tomnto The babys mother Mrs Harry Hmmby 33 was admmed lo Collingwnod Hos 5mm with undetermined lnjun es LOCAL GENERAL gaplu Vlevy 91 $1 hoof Em wumo mm 11 guy Ugh and M15 Gum order or nine car olds In the mar alllvw uvrm llnmy Swnn provtd lhu wlnnrr with Janet Evans mend Jean MCKMII lhlnl and Vrnrly Jerry and Allan lth alloyInn Mrs Ann McLardIe Collier St Banla died today re sult of injuries received in two vehlcle smash near Waanga Reich Supgax nlghL ligation by provincnal pnhce at Slayner named at Sand Hill Bridge Cmmty Road 10 on and half miles south Oak view Beach FOUR AMHULANCEE Four nmbnlancu were used In lying thy igiuredntg hospital Membrn nl lhn balloon shulUn rncu winnm or lhe older Kraup wm Mnumn Mrlivay Karen Jrnun Wnnldl Hush lloo wt and Donna Myrr ALLIHTON WINNHILI uun Mm ml nlanur doll both Allbvton warn nmonu lho wlnntn In 1hr 11 mruld rlnu ml My Mull mm lhu lilr mvm race Mur lyn dnml lhlrd In lllo mm Iuslvflng Mr Uavill In Imi lnu err lhe mu Mr 511 Mlle Mnnmh ul lam Ilonlon 1W0 Wyllr Jim MrKnMur Um nld Nnnh ml lhuxham film cno County Ilmullnn 5min In rhnrxe Ammu Three persons Including Bar rlé woman were klllcd over the weekend result 01 dlslrict lrgllic mlshaps Per Capita Debt Law In Barrie In Um lilo mm mm or Him year uMn anllyn Ilolmu and Cindy lidfinal 150 nl Alli unhwno he an19 mm Three Persons Killed In District AcCidents WEBBS JEWELLERY ROTARY MEETING TWO HWATIONI TH IKIVI YOU PAM Inn 154 DOWNTOWN wnnmnumn Illh hardy knuluh wMth uvmly crallul by nulavn In In your Imdnu mm my lam moc wllm nl nxnqu rm Ind pond lhn mnlm mun plum mm 1119 Hunt Mlurlhm MI Wynn In on In mm thhl lllmy dam TIME TO IHINK OF BACKTOSCHOOL The tractor apparently struck burpp khe boy Danie Gelsshurgnr of RR Sunderland died SaLulday benean the wheels of tram driven by his sister Charlotte HL the larynx lnr Fallen Hrechln said the hoyson of Mr and Mrs Edwin Geissburger was riding an the rear of the Irador as ligand his shun cwve Lo mlfivahe fidd ham mite mm house a1 mm Motor Hotel bump lime boy Ward and one Iraotws rear M591 passed over him Delcgaes to the Ontario re gional convention Ihe Rnyal Canadian College of Organist began legiswrlng Ioday Cen lrnlUnited butch at 54 Russ Slred Some 300 deiegnte are expected for the convention ses sions which will be held her and Al idlian lomorraw Wednesday and lhursdny EIgIItuther mlshaps result Ing In damage acceding $1000 were reported by mwlncial pol Ice detachments In Ihe dIsIrIcL family six sustained min or Injuries faIvainiz twocar crash Sunday an EHIghway 39 we ol Cookstown We Involved wen wat ed by Clyde CI Wiseman Mano Cam Ont and David Lawr oclock mnighL The dinner will be allowed by council meciing and get acquainted reception at Central United Church Barrie than at the RCCO will the Battles Lloyd Tuflord or gnnlfl nl Golller Street United Church will give recital at Trinity Angllcnnfihurdn at 130 pm Tuesday and Ms will be olluwed by lullawshlp hour and banquet at the Continental lnnl Pratt55m Frank 1010an he mlc dvpartmcnt cl Mc Mmer Unlvaulty llnmillon will be the speaker lrlnily Anwcan Church will he one of lhe convention on tres or Wednede when chalk composed chmMm mm vnrlw Barrio chums wlll slug James Bclclmr will be the chair dlrmor and Pclcr Coalu at Colllngwood chalrmnn of In conwnllnn tommiuee wlll be the urganlsl sum 11 continue Tuesday before the annual meet scheduled in start at 9230 mm at CeMral church llaw ard Jerome AROCO will glve the ms at satin n1 ru cimls at pm Some at he plmkkm why dlp lhv Notary awhnmlllfl pool Allislwn park MUMon Dopuly llwve flnlxh Hunter tlmk Whlluklo Ind omn council nprcscnmlvu will Wnrdm and Mn Mc Cnxur 1n welwmlnu vbllon Tha plrnk WM 1M nm In mum yum and replaced he lmmcr wnnlenn bnnquot am It prowl muinr innovation muinr inriovillou While rnln In at Tournhnm elm mile mum and linxlrr le mllu mmh ll mtual Al llflon durlna IM plrnic Visiting delegates will attend dime the Admiral Room MORE TOMORROW Delegates Start To Arrive For Organists Convention HIE DARIHE EXAMINER MONDAY AUGUST 29 1965 Tourists CITY NEWS Roy Lem mm mm Got you For Chinese Food Cl RESTAURANT enue Samia Lawmxoe who wwmswm éccoIdmg to Al Mrs Ivy Wiscman 61 Emb Icoke mother of the driver was admitlcd Io Sevenson Memorial asphal Alliston sunning con cussinn and laceraled scalp She was rcporlcd in fair con difiun INJURED An RR Coldwater maxT Dan iel Van Kesscll sustained brok en coflar bone after he 01 of his mommycle Sunday gflcrnwn Euflnlo usiclan Han Vigdand FWCC will play Andrews Presbyterian Church Thursday ammoonr Lat er the same afternoon Dr George Maybee of the Cam cdral mm St George Kingslnn wm conduct choral seminar at Trinity Arminm Churchpprish hallr new real artist Mlnclle Lngace win play at Collier Strch United Church Thursday evening Barrie Cen lre of the R000 will be hm or the mcpdon MM will 014 101 at Ilium Also injured were mmi Wisc man cum and bmisu Dean Wiseman cuts and lwn nther young Wisemnn children whosa names were not availmb The mishap occurred on can cmion an Madame Township one quarter mlle north of Highway 12 at 119 The wellknown London mus Cian 13 Cabena will pre sent his recflal at Colknislrect qutcd Wednesday at 11 am AT COLLINGWOOD Collingwoods Trinity Unit ed Chunk Edward Mandclla noted organist of the Rnckcfcl ler Memorial dmpcl at the Uni varsity of Chicago will give rociLa Wednesday evening Mlid will be allowed by rccepfinn al the church Mr lllondelln is well known or his inmrpmlation Each le plays wldz range of music mm all period VKiugvtsnlor are cominl from far wcs1 us Wlnnipcg and eastward lo Maine fiddofi Faber Ogimwa was charged with careless dnvlng humunm yum1 um mnveulor umnun nunmu manM nunm but in nu mu See Culllu II um unl mun mnol mu 21 Canadas 4th largest car rental company 15 looking for licensee in Barrie Persons or Companies in terested should have some Basic Business know ledge and Avuragu Financial Stability lhrry Immm Dufilop Sim WollTnloplmno 7266734 um Mum All Mon my mung Mull kW Wonvnmumm mm LLJJCLL AUTO INSURANCE um rum Mulull Anlomnhllt Inmnnu Get an HFC Shoppers loan to cover those extra backtoschool expenses BUSINESS 0PPORTUNITY HOUSEHOLD FINANC IAIIII Budge RentAClr Dlllrlbulon Ontario on mm mm gunman Nb Syndlcm Avo For Wllnm OM erated by Thomas Alfred Ma ury 1m orillla who was treated at Snldiers Memqrial Hospital OriIlla suffering bruised back Police eslimaled Ionawing twnvcar Highway 12 just w1 cession two Oriflia Sunqay nt lslpm $350 damage accident was reported an concession seven Oriuia Township three miles was of Highway 11 Sunday nt 715 pap Can Involved were driven by Edwin Beverley Kingshofl RR Drillla and Clarence Jana4 ing RR Ormia No chargu were laid and no injuries rev ceivcd Ira Turpin Oshawa sutfered bruse after minor onecar mis ap an Highway 11 at West 51 9mm Sunday at RoberlAmher 38 RR Elm vale passenger in car driven hy Lawrence Devm 22 of 05 awa sustained cuts allowing single vehide accident Sunday aflernoon Police aid the vehicle hit bridge on concession our Flo Township in heavy log Thu mishap was rcpomd at 255 0NECAR CRASH Barrie Ontario Provincial Fol ce mpudeda quiet weekend will only lwa minor amidents inveslignled Iraclorlrailer driven by Chaflie Barr Brampton smash ed Into three guard rails on Highway 400 extension ramp Saturday at 415 pm Minor damage was reported and no injuries suflercd according ta lnvesfigaling oflicer Cousl Jim Shulu spefld sign was knocked down last night when struck by an amo driven by John Mc Kcowan Toronla The mishap which occurred on Highway 90 East at Brcnlwood Road wax Investigaled by Const Frank Wilkins at 740 pm BARBIE KIBDISKIIIII 35 Donald SI 7286330 7233097 clan nupmlua Indoor and Mlldnu Ion In wexhnol munlkn munmm intlndu nu yhllll mu wll mum to your mm Inlmn nlunma hll he unu lnlllul Awnulnuldy Tnmnmuflun up pXIII mu ulu mu Flnl slmt 112th We Modem dun mluuu will unnny chum mumy ulna lqnlpmul Wan ulna um Imam Mailman anll 6nan ann CHILD Now yum nunguml who llulngulm mulhlynunlmun mnuyplnnlll0 Shown bum ltHpmvhln ml wlth uh In my any nlnn llml my 1m mnveuimfly mppln fur End Pllu twnvcar crash on just west of con Oriflia Tawnshlp

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