Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Aug 1966, p. 4

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school Morrison had staff of At Victoria School Kenneth Machn nan had staff of 10 At King Edward School in Allandale William Bell had stall of seven Miss BCarruthers was principal and only teacher at King George School on Blake St Aluminum for war campaign was proceeding as citizens donated pans at post office One Spitfire fighter plane can be acquired for 7700 aluminum pans llirs Black Stroud won trophy at lnnisiil Flower Show While Police Chief Alexander Stewart is on vacation Sgt James Case isin charge Second Bat talion Grey and Slmcoe Foresters re turned from two weeks intensive train ing at Niagara Camp Drill continues two nights weekly at Barrie Armoury 0n final day at camp regiment had hon or oi providing piquet or in men com mandcd by Lt McGregor with Ser geants Ted llarwood and Strat Bake eorgc Large group at Canadian ournnlisis were given conducted tour of Camp Borden army and air force bases liirs Duncan McCuai oi Barrie wile ol Slmcoe Norths MP ad pleasure oi christening new Canadian Navy corveiie llltlgS Lg Pas Collingwoodhip Barrie Examiner Aug 28 1941 Bar rie school principals had everything ready for mopenlng next Tuesday Glrdwood of Barrie Collcgiate will have staff of 19 including two new egohegg Misuan Vandgrjlpjnd Miss But on Sundays between pm and pm or later if the volume warrants traffic on all four lanes moves only in one direction mm 5th to anssels All traffic moving toward Ostend In this period is diverted to other highways such as our own Highways 11 and 27 WAR DAYS 25 YEARS AGO teachers Miss Vera Vanderll and Miss AlligShee Prince 195 pgbllc nrd Barrle Collegian wénYVbrk imcoe senior soflball mic beating nich The highways department might study the system used on Belgiums 70 mile Autostrade running between Brus sels and the seaside city of Ostend where the summer trafljc mam is identical to that on the flame ighway At the beglnnlng 61 mi weekend as on normal weekdays traffic on the four iana divided hlghway flows in two dm 0115 In airy cage the Toronto Daily Starhar cameoul with an editorial headed For Faster Drive to Muskokafl It follows the usual pallerniof Taronqu neWSpapers Eveerody else getonto the way we are omeward houndl The editofialféys The volume of summer weekend lraf tie on Highway 400 is now so large that some drastic traffic control measures should be considered before paralysls sets in nghway No400 was not constructed to acéommodhte solely the convenience of the motorists of Metropolitan Toronto and envlmns50r wan it lvnlnmun Maul Mummy ol Winnlpu sum hu ml Walla Publish Sig1$¢¥¢ritqMotofisté Wants Higthfij400 gEXdlflsivelyl PubIIshed by Cnnndlah Niwipgpm Limited 16 Bayfluld Stmt Barrio Ontnrlo DOWN MEMORY LANE McPharlop Mnnnzlngidltor SATURDAY AUGUST 2mm 4mm ln mHmund lnnlvllnn Monlml In on Wlnnirm THATS IT mond Hill three straight games on great pitching oi Ha Couse Local batting stars were Steve nes Fred Norris Har old Laidng and the Miles brothers Rev Reginald Hawden of Peterbor ough named rector of Trinity Anglican Church Barrie Harry Partridge re enlisted as air mechanic in RCAF and was posted to Vaicariier Quebec While at Niagara Camp Barrie HQ Com pany oi Foresters had plenty of action Sgi Graniliiayor was est 5010 ist St Catharines liiemo a1 United Church Sunday morning Sgt Colt iribble was in charge 01 camp phys cal training Bill Dy meni Barrie and Smcoe Couniy goli champion took art in match at Niagara Falls on invitation Foresters also won camlp softball championship with Lt f1 uigher of Elmvaie as pitchpr lie had quite an may of stars behind him In Jack Portland and Eddie Bush of Col llngwnod Eddie Strnnsman Don Bow cn and Harold Dlnt Scott of Barrie Port Arthur NewsChronicle Rev John Keller Lutheran chaplaln of the Foundation for Human Emlo Park Rldgc llltV told the Internallona School of Alcohol Studles that theres nothlnx wron with cold beer on hot after noon If Mr Keller could get to other ovorgono who agree with him ho have the lggcst congregation in the world Torontonians may rush in the summer weekends to Muskoka and the cooling shores of Georgian Bay and Lake Slm toe So do the eopIe of Bmmls to the Belgian port of tend on the North Sea But there are no important place like Orillia and Barrie between Ostend and Brussels Traffic on the Barrie highway during the eakperlods has already reached 350 vehicles an hour in one dlrectlon The highway was not built to handle higher volume yet highways department planners predict that few years that volume will double Short of costly re construction to add additional lanes reversible Belgianstyle system of lanes might prove sensible way to head off traffic chaos on this vacationers Mgh wayy Highway No 400 serves more than 100000 permanent residents of the County of Simcoe lus the CLtlyvof Bar rie Why should ose who sh to or have to be on the road Sunday evenings get off to accommodate the impatient drivers of Toronto Ifthcy cant stand the crowding on 400 let them take No 11 or No 27 With mhdiflcauons to the main access std at the Toronto and northern end ng way 400 seems adaptable to the Bel gian stemql trafflq cghnrol Acqess roads to thé Autdstrade are block ed bxptzlé Other Editors Views LARGE CONGREGATION nulln my omylnyru mm mlnday Wilson Confirm Manhggr if an nkulnnA yl mamn Miami Weary run In Imam mlhl from Otlnwn and wllh only time or qulck dinner he mmmlfltc wns driven to mmmunlly hall when meet lnz had been arranged wlu lha local advbury council Fm hlshu Thu meellng WM pmld ed am by one of IM commun llyI most lnlcrcslinu penonnl mu Brlln Pouron wlry energetic Scnumlm It vuu ha In llmc ln hhtary that Com muns tommlltco had vhlled lhu mnh mug and Mr Pear lon ll nu nnn Ia wnxte Mb nlden porlunily Wllh the ucrplinn one I5mlnut mm In is the meellnz hummlnl mm 530 mum until 120 In unmasde The Exemlnerl plrlllmn my conupmdul Fernu Tlulnllon recently ICCDMPIn led the Cmmens enmmtttu on Nadllem Mleln on 1m 01 the Northwul Tenttorlee Ind lhe Ynlon III lmprn Ilflfll ere being publhhed In Iefln or mldn In this new FIW rAnnmumsmGNN FROBISHER BAY Twenty lwu members at the Northern Allah1 cvmmltlce lull Ottawa or Frobbhu Day on Beflln ll tend under considerable prw mm The dreaded nrltemzn Lery ward Junkel ung ever the gran because at the tux pomplcted trip the committee on Velemm um lo vhlt Canadian wnr wrevu tn Eurgpet Edltorlal mlterl across Cnn ada had been highly crltlcal of this need or lhlr vhlt to tha cemelulcs but the Northern Mlulra eommlttca was mnvln red that only personal vhlt to tho Mrth could Elva morn bm ha proper background and peripecllva Any thoughts that tho mlny Lowmlla tour was xalnfl to be plcnmnt tourist taunt umnnz the Elklmm nnd lndlanx wu qulcldy dispelled lha very Ilrat nlght ngnv moul 311 Bum Emmmrr THE NORTH TODAY AuUwrhul Irman class mail lnal Olllu Drpm mnnl 011m Ind lnr pnymcnl cl palm In tub ully SuMlyl And Slllulary llollduyl excepted Submlvllun um daily by umlcr 45c Melly tmo ycnrl Shula mix 10 ll mull mm mm yraJy 0mm ynr mnlnr Ihwww HI year MAI mulde Unla rln yur OulIMo Cn nn mum muon um yrnr ISA mi mun In no yur mum 13 lrnimllly Mr Tulnnm Mn cm can SI Mnnlnul 501 um r=l lrmhf Vnnrmvvrr nnmllun lrm II udmmly rnllllml In me Im lumhlluuvm All new dltpnlchu In III mp rndilud In nr 11 Aumlnlnl Ilm nr llrnlm and flu Un nral mu mulvllllwl Ivuln Mrmlwr Hm nnmnm Daily Nrwsxmpcr lanIb Ill Aumlnlltm lhI Can mmm Im ml Alum menu lrrumlhnu NeWSmcm Visits Arctic With Commons Committee WHATDID IDO WITH THAT PEACE PRIZE We are not in rind that this L1 the lint It at thl nonunlltee here We have come to acctpt the attitude the absentee landlord The north hu been used lar Ian llmo al polltlul lootbnll Mr Pearson charxai lot of money was und bulld new llqunr xtnre here It on nl the nlccst bulldlnxl ln cam munlty that derlvu little benefit lmm lt Th money could havc been used to belt advnnlaza on hlzh we radio trnmmll lar to cover the whole ol the Eastern Arcllc lladlu could be used or educnllnnal count In the home at lhu pcupleJ tr Inlrly lyplcnl ha cnllre ex hmmlnl lour mot AWN plum local cummunlly coun cl and OHItl mum wtra Indy and wnlllnz or the com mluco wllh tnmplnlnu mom mendntlons and luuullnm to how plrllnmrnl nnd xuvtm men can lmmova lho Illa mrlhcm mldmll Cum rckul up math don bnunln ll Irnblsher my when ll wrchnul lhn mlln Idmlnlnunllvu nml lclnmmmlr livn hulldlnu then In mu mm ml Unllnl blllu Tho llmduru mu mch In low can name In mllun la um Al Hum1 Alr Command lucllinl um Canada ncqulml ll lur II and ll now mod hy thu Deparlmrnl at Northern following morning native and while discumd wide variety oi problem with MEIlWhIE lined Oluwnuoqp Partn he reason or the length of tho meetan wu lhe nerd to translate everylhlnl that was said mm English to End mn or vice Vern Two young and lntclllgenl Fmblshtr Ew qu hangiget this dgmmxdmx task In mgth Emma mln nor In apenhag stalement calson spoko lanky succm Mr P2 belle educa Ian ho Elklmo Ihu kuy lo the succwlul devclnpmnn of lha nnrlh Ha nolnu out lhnt young Eskimo cannot turn Io lhelr own plumb or zuxdnncu nnd erucflan because lhrlr parents themselvcl know my lhlnz plg ouuldp world Formu newnpnpcr columnll nml now Mrmbcr of Pnrllnmtnl lnr New Wulmlmltr Harry Mnlhcr Ilium ha mmmluca In taming lmnbnll mm medlnu lrcsh local Ium each nIKhL REAL BARGAIN ewvm my mm slnrrll um llluvln In lhu llnnla Elnmlnrf pardr with mu hnpo mu Ill mullmw um Mm anve uhrll Um nml rim Many Hmnlu Drnr My lunKMlulnunnl In 11n Im II humlnlr lnr HIMIIMHE rlvlum Hw dun and rwlniw lnl uurmy Imm hlml lvar lumva lmlml hvr WI IHIV Urnlmvl lllhlnllnwl In lulwmw NI valcrlul II Inrnly mm Id mlnn 1110 pm mllmlrr Hum Ihl levhl vmllrulnlly Mum Ihn mm male nnmrml Mn LETTERS TO THE EDITOR MUD EXAMI Ir ll nuke mm Bu than concern About the that um lam hulldlnl Id nlmon II own witth town and lends lo umxm tha southern Canadian lrom d1 rec conlact with the Eskimo Govemmlnl wurkeu tend to hole up In the building and the Eskimo keep to their own Am scntmcd nd the rocky shgru of pm BayL But nlnccra ellnrt male to integrate lho communlly It the top levcl Hall of the mem hm of he local advlury mun all an Eskimo anrdnlr upartu twice weelrly fllght from Montreal to lroblshtr but relldrnu dapend or most of hair heavy sup plluvon Ihc annual scullfL The first Illlp the acaxan thn Department Transport lea breaker Labrador arrived in the Day July Nth and nupply shlp were expected rum lhen until midOctober It not unr usual or mldenu In rmlva thclr Christmal mm In Au ust pamls or the prccedlnu filming that Is Th high cos lrnmporll on by nlr reflch ln food prlcts Froblshcr housewives WHO paying 125 or qum flesh milk the mm or Affairs as ofllca mace llvhlx and eating quarten Time will In mm lino Illlmhlm II on can luvln Ixy WING In th mlnlmrl puqu lum Mmlnl Andy mm Whll mtllury pwplu mlmi or not comldrr Int lmporlmco ll no In mlan lhll nu mmmmenl cm man while Illll mnlnulnlxu In mlmunlv Wrnre Iyx Im blunt mum lllllc la lhrm lluwevfl Mr 11er not exactly Ill ovlnlnn And has Ihnwn ll Inr 10ml yum In punuln llc lnlvh mlon And unl 1ran flu mm mm whkh do Ml Al lllmnlhml€h In In rvmm rlh rflnllvrnm at Milan Mran 11w wnrnll why an Ml mmy 11m tlnlly mlmlrlll AM III mum lhn mlnlmr II Ih llnl ml lhl th In me on nlvlm mnIvnAncc mm Mleth mm nm will no net lo Imvrmod by lhulr AlMompnu lulnr Ihl wllumanury wmmllr The milk r4 lb Atlvuluh PM In Irvn In lunytLflolnd Hum Mu Thll Itkdlon Idl lumll turrtnl lopltl tunmm 1mm Funrhn Inn prru n4 Cumin Grlnby Volx do IElt Ddtnce Mlnllnr llcflyer how that legldlllon on the lnumllm Ind unlllcntlon the armed form will be lub mlllcd lo Ihu parfllmflllflr commluce on ddzncc Won adoptlnm by the Command Thm lhe tcllrcd navy alli rm will be IN lo prmnl thelr pclnll View pwlchy Thu mlnlucr of deform la not mm In hark down Morn criticism mad he ll ready lo conlmnl than uho do mm mm hII nplnlnn QUEBEC OPINIONS By 10 BOWMAN Manitoba is ldenllljed with the prairie provinces so much that in dhflzull lo think of Manudn as one of tha maritime provincu Yet Manitob hu long lullwale molding aq Hudson Bay and was discovered mm un warn August 27 1610Lhnl Captain Thqu Buuon enchant hLI ship Resohmm and mummy Blithe moughql wha£ ngw the my on nnx 7w an Inn ma momma Captain 3J1 mg for them Strait that was wpposed to make it possible fm ships to la thlwzh the mum at North America mm the Atlantic to the Pacific Sailing down Hudson Buy all he had mwas shoreline mtchtnl mm north to south Captain Hutton decldcd to stop in he utuary the great river um flvwed mm 1h bay mm the mmhwest in order to repair his ship and live hi men snmueat suddenly mid AM Nu Ile um mmII any It mi hudwn rMApy oHhe men died from scurvy among thannun Nelson ailmg master at the Rmfuuan 3mm math rim slur hlm There wen onlygmulh men men to hand one $111 the Resolullm had to be abandoned whenf boom podlbw ml back ca Enznnd The Discovery or hadbeen mum by Henry Hudson who had been put oveflxzud lofii nu mum unicu mm mm was mm In IE7 Baum knewm he would hm to to tha wintarmd had his men mum dykel to pave hulkqfih ships an ms mini my 03 Bay had bemi explored by Gibbon Bylot mid Min um Wu kmn or certain um then wuuolwtela whammthebay ludflutflnpmage would havolobelmademfiu 11 nowiManitoha Ha called the area New smmh moom qu mu pm by General wuuam Haviland lamst AnfirawlIBg mlyed 1009 Wundsfly lira in olra mi b0110 pmmda pmmued by 1351 Bhnahard appointed Im gavelnor oi Vancouvtf TORONTODuring the cabll nell trip to Northern 0mm In September Framin nobm might hive the unmunl expo flence of bglnx told Ga Home rankeelLar lulubla equiva Int We wed lb hear talk at warm Northern Ontario prov lnca qultarexullrly an lbs 11 back ML come It mm Iha poop of Nanhern Onllrlo havenl chanxegt They Are nun lhm spirited defiant and Independent folk Ind an must cordlll and kind mp1 In the world Frobhher an mmcm com munlly In that It does mt hi runurce bane Ind depend on the mtmmm or R3 mama Some 17 Exklmo haw ull Iima employment bu Another 70 Im lllu melve WEUI Iulmnca costlnz Around month While must IM Enklma haul in is very sub Ihndmi by mutth compullana not mnny yam In they wzre llvlnl In llloos In winter Ind tent in lummer And not mm lhm elm ytm In Elklmol um Ilnrvlnx In In Euttm Arctic The is Iecudon an In times like an old Mend cam Inz blck N91 PRACTICAL Thin Um number of mm nenl mayor luv decl ed would be good Idu Jack flu posalbilllles of uccdinz doun eul Tnmaloes Wm 95 mm pound head lulu um ll WI puma hundredwelth Ind humans 70 ccgu paupd TRY EXAMINER WANT AD IHOM 7204204 CANADAS STORY QUEENS MRK 01112 Marriv Exmuium COMMERCIAL PRINIING II can In taken Hamid were ixk hilly men to sggnd 16 BAYFIELD 5T Discqver Manitoba Hem Hudsdn Bay HAND BILLS North Still Talks INVOICES ENVELOPES PRIZE LISTS BILLHEADS PROGRAMS POSTERS TAGS CATALOGUES CH EQU ES OWEDDING STATIONERY About Secéding By DONALD OKEARN OLETTERHEADS PRINTING BLACK AND WHITE AND COLOR OFFICE STATIONERY Why ro uhey doing have wc heard the secession cry longgver uh yum they are doing this with Inngua In cheek Thuy know wnuldnl be practical or Northern Om larlu to separate The Ann In too big and mi loo apanely rammed to my pen luau an maintain no Itandard living It theP€0ple were lo maim llln welt present smite Ihey would probably pay mch heavy tun they wouldnt have any money Id In eat with 591m mum onIJ ay Menus we lha south are lncllntd In my aka the north Illlug IWIII UIU norm Few of us know It Few 911p Ippreclale ha bln mnlribvncn make lo the rent 014 province And low us up jog much about IL And ruslrmlon they lhruw Itcesslnn at us They try ln wnko up bit Unfortunately It doesnt mark The cry Ix naver taken Itrlously ha ha Ioulh Perhaps ll samcbody Iritd mad lhe cabincl packing back lo Toronto It might mm mm 017m lmprculmL In lncl let Adm lo loud hupo um same nrdrnl local dignnnry will say In In an nel Dont try and con us Go back to mlnndf Th mum Md uur dr lo ncknwlrduc God mlnMy and In San In lho nulllclcnl Snvoun 1m mum be Ann It mlm mock us Into npprtcl Illng thml of much up lhcre the In ql lhe nrd All the prop loll on um um and M4 ht Lord Ila ll tho God Klnll ll BUSINESS CARDS OGUMMED LABELS BIBLE THOUGHT DRAW TICKETS BROCHURES 7266537

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