Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Aug 1966, p. 5

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in Mufunyd 1M1 In Hm Junlnr MUM mu lllulhum In In Mum If lnp ml he llmhlvum mlnuwr In and Mn Dun mulhm rumors and lb mu lmhy III Mn Hrml Dont wn Um pmrnl llmo rullnl In Jawfled lmm lhu Connullm Uvo mmmlllro Slmcau unly Conndh which ll hud hy Rum Albert Calvul nl Iprl Mercoll nilcr Illllnz cvldcncu ulvcn Um lelu Ilon hourlnl In Alllunn Ill ugly not be melvni or IV ll lm yd 11 JIAXTEH SKll Dlnalu Inn of Mn Allhwn Unlan Pub Hcv School Am In 15qu which brand Ahlrp dlvhlam oplnlan ll ml mm In Me burn for wmu llma It lml In llcuvo mom DIVII uni 31m hunl hccn renewed lnlcrjorltd Mr Pync stating the club hu bulk going Ilmnur Hun cvnr We had shut per cull of incmse in mm hersh in our zone Dmg Matthew urzu Irma Ind upon officer of club In remmu la lhe cur nnl club mtmbmhlp 151 In Iddlllcn hm In Iche wmnnl nuxllllry hudcd by Mm VI MchlIIn with Shlrley Krdlgzl lecnljuy1 Horticultural Show Trophy ls Awarded Ht Creemore HIGHEST INCREASE Modarn nil healing hu bun Installud fluoremnt UKhLInI ml 11 poflnble xugm Then alaln lull hnmment when rccruuon hull wul bu com plclcdi Inter The lmo new addition 60 by 64 feet in nelriy twice the aim cd 1h uriginal buildinz which jwu purchlnd by the Angus Leghn in ma Work Ind improvement inve con tinued since the dedicluon August 14 when in pmvincini ho presidcni Golden Wakeucxd brought muting along with Elwood Mldiil MP dislriru commander Robert Juiioidel zone commlnder Ross LDuigarna and oihm ANGus sumaux mmn hers very proud an new In Had we ballevn it will encourage more duh 11v lly id Willa Flynn lec mary unrer of he Anmu Branch 499 of file Royal Cann dlqn Legion Ind hnlinen mun Ige org the ban Doubts Early Dissolution CJf Union School Area crummy 1mm Amu pl ml wlnll mm mm rmnl flu or show ul Ihc 0mm nuber uillnfivfiélhu won lhu kromnu llmllmlluul Roomy Park or IBM lnruhkhrlho ArMmuIml ruulll rum um Mn vuIIm wu Immm nl mmm um um Inn fin to Mm lmm TI 1er ulllle Mrl Him will Ulmmim mm in Wk mm mm mqu 11 MMva Cadel Brian Shanghnessy of Barrie make ready HM CS Sukaidmwan prepares to come lemme Cadet Shaun Ljurge Hall Addition erlps Angus Legion nun 30 mm whlll fzfi nnunlullflnul ulna wma rrlwl MM Fhllluy Wlhmrl thou ha Sunnnm 1an II II Ihnw ml Krnmlh 5NII vlrmd Ilnl Iluvr Umlon Wnlum who unwnk lb ween ml Nun In mm memnny mhlul HI cmmlunum and 1m Ildv 51mmer mm um km NI on rmlnl law In In he nlmmvhm nl IM muslun CommHum hm wllh nhllxlu In Ihn unlnr mum and In In junior vllvlulnn In ad Hull In small nm Mu Irnn lllmlhum ml nmnlm hr ullvn mmmlllu we rum turmlnl lur 1M nulMrvllnl ulmw nhhh unfurnan ivy Em repreunhllvu nuv pupll gum ury In Ihlnl vlnrn wu 111an My boy wllh II mlnln ml Drblrlc Alnold flnlml lmlrlh wllh II Minn AIllnlon maln mnlcnllon ln mkln d5 nlullnn lbn 22 mam unlon uth Wlll ml ll wu pnylnz 8159M prr upll pcr yur lnr Mllllnn chldml unlml Fan 81067 llclly Immld MI runnrmm with palm We Inudpale It will mm In flu arm rccnmmrmll Hon nm yurn cnunly mull said Rum Davin who pointed out um mm In hurlnu hmuahl out Allislnn would hm wme $10000 prr you In urlnll lhh pm dlb mnl mmplexlnn on lhn Ill uulon In tho cm of mm llchonld president has In ICUVE executive which 1150 Include Rwy min and John Duckwonh vlcu pres dLnu Ind llve dlrcclou Folder than Kul wr nu Roblmon Ind Klan ton In addition lo Mr Pnynu Ind Ml Mmhcwl Mn MIC Donsld II in vlrwmidtnt ol the Wmcnl luxllluy and WM the fin new hulldlm addillon um trend should run Llnuc There hcm gm deal at lnleresl shuwn he Iddcd Amy zxccunvu nessy was one of 60 Sea Ca deL from across Canada who underwent training at Esqui malt during the summer The radon looked forward to al WALTER PAYNE nlh lhu lnwn Alllvlnn and lawnJqu Run luvs null mum no Htmlrn Winnan anl In Muir um am ml nr lam ln hm munlrlpamlu run In Tonnmnuo In HI uch nulvu unl In MI uIlur llun at film4 inn tmm lb lklmlnlnn uv trmnrul rm lnml ullw IIV lummlnlr mm to pull um Ilnrdrn Inlrd uul Unnl Irvlu It IINI rm In aqunllml Ilrnmrnl hull and ml rm par Impll hull Nth wnuld mum clung In Irzhlnllun ank um mlo ul ml plmuhl In on Human Iml Mum IN my lur nro ulculnlcd uhl Hm lmln Alllslnn lull born dluuulnu 5n Irpllullon for mnenllnn Ind Hill Inclule ho lulr urlmn lrhonl lhu all would no rluhl hnk In MUM inn Ilrrvr DIV conlrndrd Nn dnln or hurlnx at Hull mphullun by Onlllh Mimicle Donn lu hrrn ln munrnl Ind Mn Dvln Id In conIdem ll lnnxlvlnhh to commrnl nn whom mu would mqu II Ihln Hum 11 mnllrr will in xlrrn Ihkly Iml nlInnllnn whon lml nllunllnn Sum Iw Ilnltwl Fumlrrmnro Recvu Inle nld the arm mlhrily Eu pupil wm llvlnu In the Alliflnn vlclnlly wllh not morn Inn 10 per cent ellnwhm In lowmhlp W4 Mm 4mm mnlldmbly mm year to you Ind wm not pmper ynrd flick The ratio menu In bmd on he relIve Iumcnu ll wu Irnutd on Hml Mull Improvemenu made It Ihe Anxux canola were menIIon ed by Mr yne who com mended ch rmm Mervyn and the Angus bond oI Inu Ices Ihe IIorIIeuIlurnI Soelcly Ind other who helped In IhI wnrlhy cIIurt inner president U1 AnI gun begInn Ill Johnson manget Hurry Smllhl gentHI Iora II Angus 0r gnnIxcd In ms the club re rercd Ill charter In 1949 Plus will be started won or the annunl Poppy Day drive Ind Remembrancn Day observnnce Merv Milsonl He and drum band usually IM part In this panda IL wait other legion events CENOTAPII IMPROVED The Legion Hall already 15 the centre of much activity In dudan Tuesday night bingo sponsored by theLadics Aux tlllry Frldly night dances Ind slmcoe Counly mmmunity ha bles clinic every second Fr dny earh month The Lonlon also spcnmmi minor blscbl nd three turn showed um stdenble young talent coming Along in August The first vlcepmident the Legion Mr Martin ccntly was translmed to CW and Mr Payne said the vuancy wnl be filled unlll the annunl elettlon in Novem her due is now Inle in the term 11 branch padre Rev IL Hopkinx moon emism in HMC Ships where they saw first hand the skills and principles leam ed durlng Iheir course Can adlan Forces Photob Beautification project are to get action soon Among the most urgent are hose which are wilhin the are which will be the gateway to lhe Interna Iionai Plowing Match next year Some two thousand dollars has been oliocaiai to be spent on arm properiim entrance and roadway which win he passed or seen by vullora lo the site on tho Cochrane arm This must be spent this oil to quni ity for he County grants With the cool wind aiming one can ieel the winter coming and any work that nerds doing has only short time to gei started Councillor Burton hm many other thinus hat come undrr the bmuhiwouon program and ho hm somewhat in than 31th to mom on lhll whigh lntudca corner clearing old The account or the water tank purchasmi by the ire committee to axonmany the unit or additional lire fighting equipment has been passed or payment pump be pur chnscd along with the suction hose and equipment needed to ill or use the water for lire lighting especially grass firm at cost at $150 Painting to match the other equipment will also be covered in the costs making on mdiiiouat $1550 to the price of the truck which cost $1100 This will he ready iur use before the new piece at equipth is available which is likely to be on hand More the fire slalan rile has been pur chased 500d night by mm who are new old men Some of Ihe hockey games played there were by lads whn are now grandfathers and once they were champlons of tho prm vim oi onlnrla Thwgh the rlnk was not he rlghl size or regulnllon hackey ms dld not prevent lhe lads then in their prime ram being as skaters and glvlng the crowds ran exhible of their skill They even had fighk nl heir games and once we on Thornton man Strand jumpln from the spec alors gallery lo the floor be low lo collar player leaving the lea wha he thought had been rough wllh his slde However the banding which latterly was used as storage or bulldan supplies is nnw vacant and may be donmed as soon as the chan nela ran be cleared lo excrdse demolition ruminant AUTHORIZE wmzn TANK Th rink which has been xtana ding or over llfly years Ll claimed in be hazard once was winter mmn for the population for skating and hock ey well cuders and Ice was always available in winter of thglg enjaymgnt film uni when necessary quwrity iuu been unwound to enable the ordering of removal or to June it brought up in standard This follows the motion Coun clion the instruction of Move Comam thnl tho buiidklg in speclar and firechief urn in report on the building which would allow demolition proceed lngs to commence By The new demoliLIan byla will get its that tryout on Spam INNISFIL NOTES white satin To TryrBquw On Old Rink thats how gin should be with smooth new bottle and celebrated Thats how Mfltn Snfln In Slill mado to Sir Nobel Dumuun nviuinnl1770London my iovmuln slill oxacllv dry and munmonth Ioday It nvor wamAnor nllwlmn amal 11210 can knon nin muons wr annotations on both skin of tho aconnwn woulan dream changing It Whnlwo hnvn donn though Is channu Um Whhn finlln hnnlo lls Um bum way wn know In 51mm cclahmied in Have lonk ana buy Whiln thul Thats how um should be Tho Promium Gin BLOOD DONORS ALLISTON It new record sought by Mliston Red Crass or blood donations at this clin ic to be held next Monday Aug usl 19 at St Johns United Church under the sponsorship the Stevenson Memorial Hospital Auxlllary The previous record Is 209 pints made at the last clinic revenue 135 sun of MOM is shown in um op eralan mourn for Tonenham village during 1965 was slwwn by the auditors mum figure just released for wbllcallnn Revenue from taxation Mailed $5459295u 315 Bay Paint wharf will let an examination by the Depart ment of Work Canada to see if any at the approaches aslwd In be brought up to standard are their responsibility Perhaps hay will also see it some means can be made or people to get on the water on to the dock The rescue mm at this dock recently were bummed when there was no quick way an get ALLISION Stall Former accountant at the Alliston Branch of the Bank Montreal Dave Kane has been appointed branch manager at Elliot Lake ear rérnovni and tree planting well mail box improve ments and may include getting some the street signs ercct ed Hie big worry is that it win mean lot of personal super vision and he is not nnxinus to have it appear on his monthiy account to bring on criticism mm the ratepayers when the amount in published in the pa per SUGGEST WALK AT CREEK The creek back of Huron school might have footbridge placed there ll 001de and the School Board amid agree to sharing the oasis Counciiior Gibbiru suggested that this be given comiderntinn to save CM dren walking some distance to get acmw the creek when the water in high DISTRICT BRIEFS Imlfl urn11 cmumansoc truncaten ANY TIME SATURDAY AT 12 115 tan 555 940 pm SUNDAY AT 130 855 415 AND 555 17m VILLAGE 11A SURPLUS mm sum with You Are Urlemly Ilequestzd To TM Immmmc The Mlllneu Ilcld Dilly L00 pln LEAVES ALLISTON JULIEANDHEWB The office at the Stayncr Col legian will be open from am to pm mm August In Seplcmbcr or the purpm Students ram Grade Eight In excepted Tcxtbnolu 1n Grades nine to 12 are Issued on loan and will be available at the school dur lng the week August 30 to Sep tember Lockers also will be nllnlcd at his time HAYNER Stall Students who will be attending Stnyncr Collegiake when the new term begin on Tuesday September are required In rcgislcr In ad vance haudlubor ml was was Wyn fly 545 the Our first purpose in caning this In was was hmed granddaughter Dela Butchart who lives In Vancouver She was coming this far 6n vacallon and suggested we meet her hm This has proved to he very humming rip and the dflvo up the TrarLsCanadn Highway from Sudhury was one he most beautiful we have own an joyed The rock cuts were un timing especially when one sees alongside the early rail line nearly century aid which was put hmugh by horse and hand laborhas run was was pioneers We could write abook on the things we saw along um way this is being written we are staying with relatives Winnipeg and making the ac quatnthnce of many member at the branch of the family that came west from unlit ovu hall century ago Brother Ho ward whose game is on the In4 um war memorial 1m raised big Iamily mostly boys who are thqmelm heads of any flies and many them hive not been east the victim an to the dock and allaw um rescuers loalnrl on musclmlnn ladder would have meant the saving ol prec Ious seconds WINNIPEG VISIT Will Register Stayner Pupils Future II 830 Int Mlllneu DJ 100 p111 NOW SHOWING DICK VAN DVHI mu mum SHANT BAY Addillanll Foaluvo THE BARR EXAMINER HUME AUGUST 16 1966 NEVER ANYTHING llKE IT BEFORE NEVER Scono the Public Has Navor Soon Before Only DriveIn Showing In Amal cAhvanAm SAMANIHAEEEEE mg BACK STREET Lust Times Today Bond Is Back hunhmm Mulhnmlflmn nlwrmmwwvflmx Mama mu kunmswmm vwmummm Amwmmmmw last Can 80 Released to Iho Public llllhwly 11 It Gulhrlo Must mmlnrn DIlv In North of Imtmlo It aIlmppens at the Tokyo Ulympics youll never guess tze winning eventl DANCING EVERY FRIDAY SATURDAY NIGHT this Saturday Featuring THE ARDELLS NOW PLAYING AT BOTH IHEATRES Saiuiday Mallnu Imperial pm STARTS TOMOHROW Dont Miss It PEGGYS IIIIA tliliAli JIM HlflTflN 9m 205 2nd Feature DriveIn Only DEVIL SHIP PIRATES Sunan 5mm Haywud Bax 0m 0pm Al pun Show Slnll Dunk Strand Beach Between Barrio Ind Drlllh mm MUM MEIR my mums m=I=mmfifix DRIVEIN THEATRE

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