The Barrie my junior some club made its debut wmsm one ml night deraaLing Auxm AllStars at the Barrie Fair Gmunds The newly armed learn for boys belwoen 11m age 11 and 15 won inrpmssivcly Mr summon oldxough play mg logclher for longer time was much smaller in sizet The locals drew mblnod Lwhcn insideIan charlie Mills laund Lhe marge ahar Iust lo minute of play Nine minqu later misidmlelt Cvlin Sum in xcreased the Barrie lead tn pair The visilqra came within iagoglflmi wthesec Rorrrlrhave played soccer at school pmviwsly will have so Anhm ilérmlial phy 011w ï¬ve minute later WINMPM OP Canadas top Amateur soccer phyen will meet 1n nlluar tournament hm darting Sunday as ï¬m xlop toward aenllon of thmal tum lo campeh In my lnlemlï¬mal aunts 10 3mm EXAMINER FRIDAY AUGUST um be public In Invited to eta tend the ï¬nal go matches at Barrie Ommlry Club on Satur day The Icahn event 15 me ms club dimpimip or the WW My betwom lot mqwinner Jim Small and new Ah4 wax mu Mmm In addiï¬nn to lhe other limb published yubrday Saturday ll see the womans club amm pmrsnip game between Mu John Gram Ouxh and Mn Roy Baxbaa Smith both Janna winners Also there will between Mrs oyce Betty Midï¬e or the Rees km the womma handmp event Surï¬ng aim is 115 1130 Email ï¬nal for the and as son stand Barrie solidified their in by sharing the Alvingoal gap just Lhree minutes later when Ron Knight hit the mark Busy Day For Local Golfers um during tho wetkhmg tournament will be the Cana dian enlor mch dumplon mp 1nd than or 32 phy to try an or in when In hm group tournament In Gmup British Coiumbll will go against Mullah and On um while Saskatchewan Al hem and Quebec meet in Gmup Soccer Juniors Post First Win Each am will play two game agnlnxl oath the oflm two learn In Ha group on In day of the tournament slhe winner Graup will mm the winner Group In the final malch 0n the same day the mnner up loam In each group will mum In dnlde MM Ind lounh wow Following Hu Iournnment Canadian 30cm nmcinh wm mm 32 player to lry am or nntlnnal loam lhnl WI be en mad at the 1967 PM Ameri Games him Jul Aug George Anderson cl Winnipeg neran of he Cnnadlnn Soc ur Ponlhau Ansmlnllnn any Canada has enough Incrcr lnl en lo mnkr good mowing on lnltrnmlnnal level Provincial Soccer Tournament Is Proving Ground For Nationals dim Lb ulm zroup ll re dumi lo 1a playm mm le Join Cnnndn nntlnnnl tum IMPROVES WITH AGE By AlanMaver Sn wovince will face of Sn or more necessary do the mm Firs 1a will be played in moming slartinz nina ochzck The secondln will dart at 130 pm Tn junior boya diampionshlp hr the Unadle Kearsey Mcm axial My will start It L15 pm whh me ï¬nalist being Wayne Hawk and Glen M11 lei So in all there an eight linal maldw on Saturday and every one hm ban declared welcome by the clubdirectms to attend and 01an the players ï¬rst flight secmd flight Bank Cam Ferguson WY mpkie uha adiedxfle award ing to tho dub captain Stam Hines eral more exhz on gang ml and may enm junim league 101967 IMy have to turn contest with Aurma next Thursday Sept at Amm Centennial Park Harrie City seniors are in ac tion twice this weekmd To mmww awning they have an vmpwtant league mum on home grounds wiu that plgice lak wmarkel 01d er provide he opposition or the 11m kide at Dame Fair Gmunds Sunday Barrie travels to Owen Sound to take pan in knockwut mumamcm for we Owen Smmd Qumran The compellllml will be held on three suin Sundays with eight entries Team en lared are Owen Sound Bame City NewmanRel Old Timers Mon Lama Midland Ozillia Ridlmnnd Hill arm Elobl le pl now employed In and skiinfl We plan enler Ihe Illml team in the Pan Am Games next year and th Sum mer Olympic Game in Mexico Games in Mtxico City the fol waffljtqderson gays lurehe 1971 World Cup com petition slalcd or Mexico Cfly Were optimlsu but am conti dent um Iha team we ml will pm on good show Ia mens ï¬nal is for 363101 Jam the Team nou also mm winning international learnt Because mml ol lhe soccer player are of European bank ground player selmled or the nulional learn must be lyuble or Canadian cilizmhip by nrxl sprinx TORONTO 1Cl The linl dayl pluy ln lhe nnHonnl vmm rnn sullmll championship wnl Wslpontd Thumluy because 01 min Six teams are compoflng In lhe double knockaul tourna mrnl The Mamr ol lha Ivcnl um npmznl Canada lha PanAmmran Cam In Winal ml qaxl aummrr fnnlizni Townmmecu smu loon nml Edmunlon play Fall rlt Onl Rain Delays Girls Tourney VANCOUVER CP 13 yearvold South Mrican ï¬r was une or lhree swlmmers lo shal ter world record Thursday at the British Coiumhla centennial xwlm meet Karen Muir n1 Kimberley South Mrica holder or the world no yard and 200 metre backstroke marks added the myard backstroke lille wilh lime 27 in ins event CHURNING TOWARDS lin ish ï¬ne and new mid re cold Vancouvers Univer sity of Baiï¬sh Colunbia all door pool is lHeargld Kmm Muir of KInbefley Smith Africél Yam Karen who is pm of rams mmï¬mal ï¬eld competing at the 80 The other world marks were set by Americans Sue Jones 18 of Pain Alto Calif was timed at 113 in INyard brenslstrokelhca and Zac Zorn 19 ol Los Angeles at 536 In thermen yuan freestyle Miss Jones swimming head or the powerful Santa Clara Call duh clipped nine tenths at serum ram the rec md shared by Karen Ecyer of East Germany and Diana flur rls England Mss Mun cu half second all the 1285 mark held by Sa tako Tanakaol Japan and Linda Ludgrave England Thrieé Records Topple At BCSwim Meet LONDON Onl Cl Ex anlo In Hurry Wnlwn nmndny tumul down ha Job tnnrhlnu Hm lnndun ankmr All lhl Onlnrlo Junior MONTREAL CmIt has been thtomary for assistant coaches In their freshman year in the Canadian anlhall League to dnn cloak of an onymin and runlcnt thum selves with allowing nrdm Th nrmrr Nullunnl lloclxry lknfllu Ilnyrr unld lhc Lomlun 0er good nnoud wan we lnlerrslul In II but mm job mrnnl Muhl hm In mMe my lnmlly Irom Tomnlm Als Ralph qudston Faces New Challenges As Coach Staying in the background and idling lhc hcad coach have all the publicity is sup poscd in be the way io 11on your job But an such assistant Ralph Goldsan olMnnlrnnl Aloucllcs has broken lhn pal lrm and apparently ha done with me blessing nl mnn nggannl pxuldrnl Ebhlv Ilhhnp lfllvl hr Mnllll lnlll In lha AMI Tumlly In lhry Imv wummo In Inhul but mm quallllrntlnnl up 11m only way can and he way learan la play Imrd lays the mynxnold velurnn of 15 yearn in lhn Na unnnl nnd Canadian anball Lenxm him he mm played wflh wtro succenlul no guess cbrlnln amount cl louuhnm pay all Watson Rejects Coaching Oiier Goldsiom whu hula bach elor ol nclcnca Irma rom Youngth Unlvenily In Ohlo and teaches school In llnmlllon whrn nnl Involved wilh football Ihe um Nokrn coach In Canadinn pro loot ba Mi Zorn Dayton Ohlo niynuu AMCM lumlul nulu Iu HAROLD JORY MOIORS vwhimmi mmm mumn nu mm mm HIM SERVICE HIM Centennial meet shalwfw Ihe world maxi juijhe 220de 1mm event She cam Ammo in mm to clip three tentsolaaecandaflmlm ed md Mil Muir also hold mounds or 1mm and 2109th magma up Whom sliced tenth second trim the standard set last September In Berlin by Frank Vlegand East Germany Zorn was swim mlng ln Illa ï¬nal The re records are Subject to ratiï¬cation by Finn the in lernaiiomxl nmalcur swimming adoration who so her record ln heat was two seconds ahead of her nearest rival Canadian champion Elaine Tan ner Vancouver ln the final of the backstroke selling her ï¬rst wurlrl mark was 57 seconds ahead Shirley Van Der Pad Johannesburg In time slipped to 1114 in the Iinai slx tenths ahead nl Miss Van Der Poe The best Canadian ï¬nish wns by national chnmuion Ralph Hullon at Ocean Falls ML who won Ihe myanl hack stmke in 21183 same 43 sec nnds behind his record and 63 Zorn was 16 seconds ahead 01 G13 qhagllgn L05 Mgclns oi the world pace er that reason alone want In do good Job wilh this club he says Goldswn who plade with Phflfldflphla of In NFL he lore cumin In Canada to juin llamillon TigcrACau in 1956 has had ample ommnunhy to act beyond flue scnpe 01 de unsivn backï¬eld mach Darrell Mudra and his other two uxsislanls Orris Kaye Dallnn nnd Hob Wtbor cnma hm direct mm 115 collage ranks with no experience in he Canadian game cw tin holdmlcr Mayan Ind personnd cl um olhcr EFL dubL Goldslan an ho other hand was member of the Tim until alter the ISM scam and ylnycd or lho Al In like coaching and Joy It Just much did phylum he nyl Ive had good chance hm beenqu Ive been ablo to help with muman contract negoll Ian and the ddcnsive ondary ThL jab ll mar Mimi menlally and you haw more vtqlonmilllln Hun whrn phï¬nx mind In pun of 1m mum to omnin phym maclanan mud with hln uwiirh lo flu mlnllrmrm I160 Goldflan Id ha object cl th plnym Mglnlnlim hnd bun brllcr pny Ind pm IIon benrflu flul lhll nnt he drcided mm levrl Ind lhn thin III concernul th pinyn not my con Thm hnverlmvn de hat Comm hm taken om lhl role bl club lePplInuv PM ha muln mount xrulmmullnn an OFFICE um lutrm Addlnl Muhln Il Culrnlnlm Ipmml mum lumnyuhl IIInanny MIINFM MACH SIMCOE IIHIII The ch when said will allow maven sitting out major penalties to be replaced Hwever teams will continue to play shnrlhanded duran minor pgpnlies TORONTO cmam Mor rison relereeinchid of the Na lional Hockey Dengue an nounced only ane major ruin changralter he and his oili clal me learn coaches and gelcral manazersTh sd We want to avoid repell uon nlwhnt happened mm game last season when three playus on each loam drew don b1 mnlm Morrison said doubla major course also meanlan aulomnllc misconduvn penlloy so the team phyed two men short or mlnlmurn 10 nuinqmg Iï¬nifz business today 5am P0302152 Kent one NHL Rule Change For Major QPenalties Ken Morten 21 Dana swimming nut of Las Angeles brake his awn Canadian open record with 109 in the 110 brensulroke final He the open mark at 110 about five hours earlier Pnkey Watson 17 of Santa Clara won the womens my yard lreeslyle In 1011 and teammate Sharon Finneran 20 holder at the world BWmeue freestyle mnrk the 440 Individ ualmedley in 53 Charlton led Phil Houscr of Los Angelo by 42 seconds to win the mens 440 medley In 4565 American champiun Shlr ley Tceplcs ol Monrovia CaliL won the three metre spring board evcnl with 4581 point Jane Hughes Vancouver managed second phce with 5381 in Miss Finnernn Hutton In the medley Carolyn Ken Mnnlreal in the freestyle and Kalhy McDonald of Van cnuvcr in diving each placed lhird succcsslu football club and this makes me dxsciplinar lag Hm guess 3mane conwncr Ted Vnrkmnn speak highly of lhc work done by hcAgreygng agldsmn lIDs been lhc mm impur Ian man in nextan us started wilh pm contacls Mudra said His knawlcdge the league and the player in has helped us solv mm ml dlmcun pgnblc aid Golislon had made great contribulion In the club and hat he will be Always grateful fur the backï¬eld ranch lakan gm The meet ends Saturday 1m ennunh know um coach camr mmMimu nnl Ihe but In um world Goldslm WEIGHTS uh rm at man 1mm maul mmhmmdwinnndth mmMmymenmthnvomM dam Jul null ul 7285531 Montreal Canadian win Intro dune almnula or dun pm udm to lid the nwnm 01 six new NHL Iranchisex in stocking their teams Owners oi the six new club heated In San Francisco Los Angela Phfludelphln Pitu burzh 9L Louis and Minneap olishave such paid $2000000 or franchise The price hr eludes thyrighl to player dulled from the raster the Wu iokey phym lfl toning the coaches for our Western Football eminence team to Juggle their lineup or weekend game Calgary Stampedm play 1h Elmvale Plaza Stewarta Newmarket Key Player Injuries Strike WQStern Clubs Fnlure Game Tonight Stewarts at Newmar kel BM By THE CANADIAN PRESS Barrie Comp mpEastman Fnlure Games Sunday ImpEastman at Co on 830 nude£3 cimkSan ppd grounds TORONTO CWBab Shaw much of Townlo Argonauxs lhe Easlcrn Fonlban Junior onrz Thursday annauncrd the rdqascyl our players Scan halfback rzccnlli cut by San Dirge Chnrgm paytd tar Ihc Argus In Hamilton 1m Silurdny Placed on waxvm were Im pom John Vamru and mu 5ch and non lmparls Ed Hulse and Walluang Fclxe masher VarnyzJll tome mm West Texm Slate and llulsa tom the East York Argonauts Argos Release Four Players SENIOR Serielï¬ Best Seven semiFinlll LPls Fulure Gnmu Saturday Plan at Elmvale mm 700 Series But 01 Sen SlmlFlnlh LPu Last lehll 5m Impanimzn Cow PM SHOP YOUR CLOSET FIRST FOR BACKTOSCHOOL CLOTHES ITS SO EASY TO DRIVEIN 103 BAYEIELD STREET INTERMEDIATE SERIES BaniIva umHInIl LPls FREE ï¬ns5531 DELIVERY Beslalivo iemLHnal Pls SOFTBALL La ngMl Score ERIES ll halahlished NHL earns The ex NHL res tdent said In In Interview than no more money will be allotted to amaze hockey pinym by the professional team as ï¬re lull nl last weeks Agreement with the Canadian Amateur Hofqu Asagiatiyn Prdessxonal hockey mom nuw will be channelled Into the OAHA treasury he aid mer mEdmm SauxdaY night And Saskatchewan Rough rideu meet an Brim 01m in Liam in Vancouver Sunday The Saturday game will be televised naï¬onally by the CBC with Edmonton blacked out Sundays game will be seen an the morn network The S€amp2dm who lost Ted Woods Imell coleman and Bill Gasï¬nn lhmuxh tam achilles tendons are in the worst shape In nddillon my generll man agerRoger Dohaw the club is tired mentally and physically 1mm learning new pasiflons and freparing in their filth game 13 dnyn Woods and Coleman were the shank twojop Lmners Punter Jim flung is also out with an Injury and qualm back Eagle Day the backup punter has been benched in vm Few Liske msxo ls uncznmn The him may linebacker Mickey BiLsko who Iniund axljnkle Larry will come at the Lions mury reserve 11 and start Whack or Bill leagues apparently have set ed the problem at paying the an nual $50000 mlary Marvin Miller new exccutlve dlrcclnr of the Major League Player lu mclallun The owners mad Thursday t9 rnliuve the players at day contribution to the pensan lund now totalling momma with the thought that this money cauld be divclted to paying Miller They Ilsfl voted to Increase the plnycri pension lund than by 55 per com or $4000000 nu nunlly mm Iclcvislon rcccplL mm In World Series and All Sm garpg in and 1968 cnnw 1e cub owners jointly mnxkcd time on chang im the collage signing nune mcnl whlchAcnpblc by league Boost Baseball Pension Fund lo sign colluglnlu nncr um ophnmore year They enla tivcly agreed an major league cxhihillnm in Inpnn every olher ycar wilh no lugue rcvre named mm than hm me in utctsliml and no club more lhnn unce naixy9an They rulzd that maJnr lcnxuo player can pnniclpale In winter baseball provided he hu not been In ha malm morn lhnn our yenra CHICAGO AW71h inajm CLEANERS 7285531 There le be no mare chol nrships no more free educa thus no more big bonuses no my 10 rid it the plan dacsnl work were prepand with backup plan warlan through the CAIIA of course We can never go bank Individual xponsmship because the 12 NHL learn wouldnt be able to agree lo mas comm and Iï¬unwrwiw has annnkla jug densiva haflback New Shaler went on Ike 30day in jury reserve list alter an uncr ation on torn knee cartilage Saskalchcwan halfback Eda Buchanan underwant similar operation Wednesday and will be out gtrlcargt six weeks Dick Schn veteran linu man dropped before the season opencd is expected to play mid dle guard shmnld Ron Akhiznna injury 1tch him mrlhe rough rider bench Tom Machan 260pound de ensive lackle cut by Edmonton will take the pressure of mm of he Saskatdwwan 11m Allan Fani will replace Buclr auan at Mt halt DEPENDABLE DELIVERIES 0F TEXACO FUEL CHIEF Hams Heating 0H Scu SIMIIDE PETROLEUM LTD 7282563 WE GUARANIEE 75 ANNE 51