Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Aug 1966, p. 1

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Ran BarrieIndustries PRIME RUNNER Poalson Canadians but 5pcan rail qpckg wuflw na wax unipu leiAden shw Consider Shakeup Qiflrfiiylgcquls Are Urged l02nd Year No 191 m1 shnkcup of the secondary schnols was urged Tuesday at Ihe Ontario Scmdarl School Principal cantonnun lcCarlhy Onlnrlo depuly min ler nl unlvmxlty nflnlm Mr McCarthy asked the prin cipal consider the school Ihchup lncludlng apamggndud ufslcm no wheeling discus mu betwoen teachers nnd stu mu mare Independan sludnnl Iludy and an Increased emphth III on he humnnIUts you In nnt pnparod look at base mew ldmsL you Ill lncvilably ind ynurscll lm lemcnllng Idem which other no decldcd nru dtslrnble me me has come to review the worm purposzs of lhu chool can lhlnk no mom worthy enterprise or Ihl organlmuon man In devrlou Ila flow on his mu lhm pu 5h said xtudcn dcmnn mics that he mnnol do nne ubjccl brynnd mlnln grade he mlghl In all be able la Imp ullngnlhcr In mend mom llmu nn nlhcr arms In Mch ha luu lama Inlcrcst nnd ahlllly HIOICEH HLIM mid Um Onlmio nludrnlx Em Illnfiflfld to him npllans hul cn he Almlvnl cu Iown In making dmlcrs lury In nlmnsl nun cxlalrnL Ha Mm Iale mm mulls lhlx yrnrl rndu fxnmlnnllnnn may Ix Inonnlu Thv wally lnlrrcsllnu um mlld be lhu prnpmllnn un uuml nidlo VAniI tciéwsidu on aid cummn mm mesday night He asked all in flying to wide wage du PEBSONALITIES IN THE NEWS Gunnml mum erl Immllnn lhmumm um Haw mimqu Unllul Elma HP Ml mm mm Mrm Hwth pm Irvu new In mm mm Ilm malt ml Hum hr at ulKI Mammy mlnu pom Annum CPIIL The fiometown Dally Newspaper For Barrie and District EN KL llllllNfl dans succeeding In relation Ia Ihe number ho enlercd Grade In 1961 and thu number who might hnvo been allowed lo cum linun in he fiveyear pmgrnm ha threat adverse Gradu mulls could have been rc waged 1mm teachers and prin cp no caulinnrd the nrlnclpals ugnlnst manning nny obstnrlc lo Into Grade 13 db m1 mcnu exnmlmflom slut or nbollUnn in 1966 IDNDON menu ILrilish olfldah denied today prcu porln HIM deco Secretary Dad Honky rdnnnlnz mm Inahmcn Ind landed In Unitld sum ml hid lakm room In Imslde Md To Mr surprise lhcy wm attack ed by Muiwcs nn mm nm to lhrm 11m nldfl my tunml out the Hut nnd crmkd under tho Am hm MUN MIN In the wlmw Vll1 no me one manna lo the ham Inyw mm back with nnflrm looHn it British Officials Deny Report 01 Planned NATO Shortcuts lmniw Mu IL avarIl Mk nigh In nmwnmmt 1de In damn an Ilhml lluufimtl vaxl way Ihiln remn In mnle lmn Al um mam my mun Mnun pmflnn ml mimi Illrulllill IL Mllllli ruwcm to NM Fthrml HERES ONE 1152 flarrir have in mind possibiliiic such as citywide or system wida so examinations 511963515 rmxmlmv Ha nlsn suggcslcd more flex Ible sludy courses lo meet in dlvidnnl hlgh school student qgrengcnu Teaching methods shnuId be modified In Mar in greater ex change of vlewu to allow slu dcnl In stud lndL ndcnlly and lo allow lm sub fill that Interest Ihcm mosh ho uld nluflunary urnlozy on hr tnn vimion that nu war in Euwpo would last morn nun live dnyl belmn emeritus the nuclear Ilnue Tho reports Iald lhn ovum mm wax to spring mu Men on HI NATO Allin mud ml in he alto and cost ol lhc 9100 man Brim lotto now based In Wm Germany The lbnnllnn Mantle nlll anm now work on he prin clpnu that nun mwlcnr wm In Europe mllzhl be long or III long as dayl 11mm nmclnl denlnl the Nu mm nrilnln Inn mndo rlur lhnt It does no Mm wilh ha general nunmpflm mm Mr In Hump miuhl hm lm wvcml munuu Villa which muld lead chmMed national ranggm 6P wimplmi knmn kwml me IiIl llidldly Imnil llr Hill aunimmy mmumg 11 I9 National Whom Gull In Nam Ml lMumallmal nthHUA mu mm lh Win rlunnfl 11 wk Il 80M IHJ Ian Minmrr lwnm mu lluv small In the MO mmm GOV GENERAL VANIER BERLIN Reuters Police laday pressed their search tor tour earold Canadian girl who had arely landed in West Ber lin with her malher Mora she was kidnap ed pain anur of Man Regina Klewcr 23 of Hon real sald her daughmr Audrey was kidnapped Monday morn lng by masked man Mn K11ch said she was held funpoinl tied up and chlam armed The nbducllon look ylac in the hum of the woman Iather an andque dealer in the ash lnnnble Wannsce district of West Berlin lhc childs mother was re rorlcd to be In hnspflll rub nring from shock She and her Ottawa horn daughlcr wen nionr in the house when the kid napping occurrcd nnly hour after they arrived Wu Ber figourcu said Um kldnapper asked for 35000 math $0500 In ransom note he Ion behind rips sum mm Felice snid was the flu mnmfrklxiJIapping In rnnmm dudulthestlJerfinMo Ibo Second World War Audrey grandlaUIer nnd Wu and oneun returned from Vacation Manda Inr what was to have been Amin hiatus MOSCOW AWThe Soviel Unlon has unitmed nix mcm born 01 Baptist 5ch lo prison lumu ol unspccmtd length on thnrgu of nullsocial ncllvll In and Influencing thildrcm ind wilh books rnnmnln scmlcnl notion an rcn Tho newspaper Uchilclxknya aneun toatherl xazcua nuld Tumlay that lho lrlnl look plan In Hmlnwnllan Ioulhtm nus Ilfhl hul dld no Iaylvhqn The nempapcr uh lhvl url nrunnlml mm drmqmlm on In May and dlsruplul publlc nrdcr not nnly by tho dmmtmllm but b1 bumaim fill younu mm In lhu Dan vcr mt llmltll nl up nn ll lrnl Sunilny uhonl In hlch llthrrMa nml Annlknl Imchm ought Godl wonl Io chlldren Inhl la ll ycnrl nld nnd pcnlx tmlly nml Iyntmnllcnllr mxlomrd llwm In In nlglm nullmk lho pnptr InId manna nnmmmn fiwhmhu 3M1 Camrh planl hue hm ml nrmpt Imm nl mntrnd Ifikh llmnlllon mumm lumen down an Nada pmulm Local in lhiml Nam Anmiu MM law NEW 11 cult The mum llkvfm 0Nle My lm mm MMl In MIMI In New INMI Ian Ivllkvl mull WNNI will aim IIIKUMIM AMIIMMHE Mll Andi lawn WNVWI XIII ND mhl IHMI mly May In MAI It Mania Damnllk mm mum lnr gumm thh 70 WNW In mu mum Kny rmlul mount men mm Ivy About 000 mm TN MIN In fill lII 1136 qtKroumnd mlmam lva fivmalm MmnlL and IganAr mm am pg 5mg 7am Yofithdnqdidn Girl Kidnapped In Europe Six Baptists Are Sentenced In Russia IMMKA 7M IMD Wflhdrnwd mm hvwlgq rm al Zumlm W1 egg ho Jnvwlm mm al Ibo ZumHm WW b0 hw In In imam mm and Ilia Mn ml Banla Onlarlo Canada WodnmllyLAungI 24319 Stelco Workers Accept Contract Mar 171 Wevtvwnll Wrailhhfififldm Mm III MMm F114 Indias Congress Party Prevails Well Inlnrmcd sources said Alaskans Approve Gov Egan RM Withdraws Planes From Zambia LABOR MINISTER MEETSRAIL MEN LATE NEWS mum Lxrupwl by ha Willi hu Dan nn IL uhlch ulcherl rlllldml pcnlx II Icnglm balmIO Dhlrkll mumH Hymnlo lV mumu mum4 WmmIl WMIhIrl mmwm he molhcr and daughter ar rived in Berlin Sunday morn mgjnd the kldnapping took place at am Monday Sourcu laid pollen lhouglll several persans were lnvolved In the kldnnpping which they ald could have been plotted only samcqne wgll Mqualnled wi ha urcumslance the lam Sources 521d the family re mind phane call zinc the kidnapping ram somcimc who demanded the ransom pad Police mid ha mother re ained mnsclousncs anu ha dnapplng and found Audrey and some of her clothes gnne She then informed an uncle who lived across lhu lllEEL He called ha police us srunam fly mum at Cnnnda larg est 51ch plan looms Ixaln alter H000 Steelworkers 1mm re jected what uprated lo be Him rallficnlnn com lmtt that would have made them lhe Mxhcsbpnld noelmcn In the world Tho rejection on 91 3937 vow by Steel Ca 01 Can mln Ltd wnrkern surprim both unlon and company nezallnlarn who reach the nulcmnnl Aux mm 15 days of burgnlnlnz Walkout At Sfeel Vclemn mcdiMor Judie Wil lMMIquN or Ami mmwaxum Ann Lindenl My Nun4 CllllmMll 17 ll Commfl The Examiner TODAY child had been living in Mun real when she was an evening student in languages at Sir George Williams University Icr Linle 01 Parry Sound Ont who lcrmcd he selllemcnl lhc lines he had ever wen cx pressed bllter disappoinle at ha membershlp volt The contract would have given Slclco workers paypcnslun deal estimated 667 cents an hour over hm yum and coal this company $22000000 keyrtnclar In lhe Injection nEpLnrcd to be union mambm content will lhu gmlmcnt puny mm mom vlulcnl Iivc dny wildcat walkout The walk out In protest flue Ilnwncs ol scumd lhe Some of tho men wm lircd lInrllcr his Mk lcnb It was clrculnlul nmnn Slclco wmkm myan that new cnnlrncl was nccrplcd It would bu Mfume or lho livdl hood lho 51 mm cqulcr negollnllons sunM lhe ulllnmrnl oHcr put on the worker or mulicnUon Tucs workcil dny Immmilnlcly niitr ihu voting rcsull Mn mnde vublic ihn Im inn Mle Onlnrin Labor Mini tr Rownirec In initncnc and in clmr lhu mad or Ilrikn nc ion by makan pubilc Judxu Lib iiul rnncilinlign rgpgrl Tim un lnnrnn lrgnlly nlriko lav Inn nllcr Iha upon made rm ummmmmm at flaw Emily 31 mm mm wit Hum vmmm Ho flw mum4 all men UM mum manhunt Mum FIREMANS GUM PLUGS GAS TANK Fireman Nomi Brock gotra gall hasdnyjigfu not call Ncsdn night Gasoline was lea from the tank car find Ihe nwm slarigcd hi chewing gum over hole in he gasoline Iank and re Iurncd to lb slnuon LEWISTQN ydgga 3A Bmqk spewed cmgld Looms Plant 07mm cmm key rig urea in Canadal runway dis pute met see to ace coda in lasldilch allempt to hen all Wide mike About 50 representatives lb railan union and man agement Inc in HI 10111 floor boardroom of he labor de 3114 men omces under the alr manship thnr Minister 9150 All aide in the cflsls allus Hon wen uncomm unlcalive about selflemenl framed they mod lnlo he meeting room Hnwever olllcinls said lhe first jam session under ov ernmcnt mediation wax ely lafibe Vahon one The umon representatives nut numbend management by at least live to one They took up most of the room around the oblqng normcam gap The meeting whlch Mr Nich olson to used to railway and unlnn ea an at separala mccb lugs nxesday night opened with Ihe deadlme or cripplinl mike only my awny The ma mu opiimism however for uukmem be Iore the mike dudllne of noon reglouul suwamjjrpa Friday en Mr Nldmknn was arranging ha renewal at bar gaining ellaru Prim Minister Pearson told nation TV And radio audience Illa huh aldea must adopt moderation and commm rem lo wort what he warned could be dlsasuws blmv to lhe nationx ccnnmny genzral railway Ilrike OTTAWA CmPrime Mlnlsv lnr Parson Tund my night coughI an appeal fur comprnm so In the raimy crish with wurnknu um any huge lulla llonury wage lnuum will mane the country in world markm In an lluvhour bid aver Ir visiun and India In hold Ml he national ml mike hr noon rcxlonal MIHdIM limo Friday he prime mm mid Hum must be Mme lncrula In wnlzu He uld he Invrrnmcnl will Inltoducr lrxklnlinn rcvlmp Ihu railway nymm Ind enable the tompnnlu lo mm rear unable boom But we aim knww lhal In creases in war mun not be no law Hm My llnd ur rosin nnd price hlrh will Andy um IM wngl mum No Large Wage Increase Pearson Tells Railroaders Nicholson Seeks To Avert Countrywide Rail Strike No Mora Than Clear but remaining coo Low tonight 52dcgrecs High on Thursday 70 degrees For full weaUIer summary see page PM Copyy 18 P359 even at law dayswill se rlnusly allect he livelihood and wellbeing dmsands at our pcople Mr Pearson said in preIapcd I500 word addruu canin on he CBC and CW magma TV networks and CEO ta FEARS DISASTER The pmna minisler sald he hoped labor and managcmcm would be ready make conl sessions in order to reach Ialt settlement prolonged skike would be tar more serious and it cnuld be disasmnls er Tutsday nlght labar spakesmen said they were not prepared to back down from Mr demands or Want WE Fran naked lor mcfchin negotiator orma non operallng unlaru who is waving cmsulling role I111 lime said in UN interview lhaI railway workers will not mum 59 yark or kn Inn mclalr prw cut at the CPR told In interviewer on an CBGTV program Ncwlmaza zlne that wnga boast ol per cent could normseriously tonsldmd by the railwlyl or WWW realistic but ollcred no sugar llnn about mum level The railway have made no wage Mm in bargaining that ha bun going on in vnrimu sum over lho last eight munth On Monday Mn Pmnon rt rnllcd Parliament early mm in mmmer mm mcel Mum day An to dual with In mm mcdhullun ram lull and In den wilh bill In Him lhg mllwny nyslem and mlnusly Ihrcalen Canadll compcmlvc position In world markets go Incrcam 911 um lhnl M11 mu In serious mm lion will lend lnevimbly lost murkeu loss of Income Ind mum nluncmplvymenl Mr PIMan spoke on roun qrywmn hwkup mu cm and LTV lclcvision nclwarh ml lhe CnCn radln network About Ihc lamJlmt Labor Mlnbltr Nicholson mu nmnz in medialinn mrnlinu or In dny with nympany Ind unlan ixufin Vlhe madame Io van boom

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