Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Aug 1966, p. 3

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Confidence in the youngcr generalian is as low as any educator wants be or Im sorry to say iower he said Its time you doc ed to do cwmclhing about giving them due responsibilily hcy are asking 04 Frccdam and cumprise he held went hand in hand The higher person wanted lo in saciciy he mare responsibil ity he would have to accept Every time your busincss sacs sour and you ask the gov cmmcnl for subsid you are not being rcspomibl you am heading for colleen imlion Industry he said And if you keep looking to government you can cxped our kids Io do the wxnv We shouldnt want his dcpcndcuce on the government Young people mm become rc spamiblc iAchievement Tests Better Than Grade 13 Exams Ramsay He said he wm in Mar of having it abollshtd provided re qulrcmcnls could be Inn to nahguard graduation Alandnrd In lhe provincc Mr Rummy said he had no rcsennuun about the nbolitlnn he dopurlmmm clamina llons He polntnd on that achicvcmvnt lost Hm and used in lhe Uniml Slates fur many ymrn were good indict Ion of students ability In nchlme hlgnu uiucmlnm These mu Me hellrr mm the Gnu 13 MI bruan thoy nre Mdmllvc mthrr Hum whkcllvc mm We LII1h arc mm 11 said Will the murc uthdivc Achiovtmrnl lulu we can cnm pain he Mhlovuncnl nl lhc xlu dan helm Hum win lho pm PM hunk hr mhluly By the end We decade he fiaid hall Canadas pomla tion wnuld be 25 years at age less wns favorably lmprrswd by HM Barrio wdans rmclkm fl hm lzsls whrn lhty were nkcn In the spring he nld Ink Hwy ml 11 Drum slnryfl You say you are leaders you by you are interested in youth move it James Mac Knighl Turonlo stock broker loId Kiquians lal night Should Encourage Independence In Young Kiwanis SpeakerSays lie addressed the weakly dm mr meeting of the club at me Hyman Mogorflgtcl 6511114 can at any ume Ramsay barrio Secondary School superinlcn dun nld in an interview Ioday MYMOND ALLEN Iiemen antgovernor of ihe Ontariw QuebucMartime district 31 Ki wanls International held can n3 MM il nu pr mm and nun do an mum la HONOR LIQUOR BOARD EMPLOYEE 0N RETIREMENT We are out to create sud socicly in he ran world ma those people in communist and fascist cmmlries will say That is what we want Mr Stor mnnl said camm of Ihe mockingwas the introduction two young men ram he cast of the musi cal Up with People England 31nd AI Magnus 1mm Norway Mngnus old Kiwan Lmfi that Our generation doesnt want be represemcd by the beatnik nfinorily The musical with cast of 140 young People ram 19 coun tries will present Shaws Friday and Saturday nigth at Ccnlral Collegiate on caucus held before the dinner meeting Gor don McKillcxick of lnronlo was nominated for lieutenant gnvcmnr of the omarionbcc Maritime region for 1967 The division caucus was pre sided over by Raymond Allen 1966 lieuicnanixgmomuri More than 20 directnrs and past direc tors from Kiwanis clubs in Oniario were on handi on for the position 01 licutcnanlgovcrmr will he held at the region convcnlian at am iIlon in Scplumber ul pc will be Milton All Grade sludcnls wll wruc nww set at achlcvcmcnt test in lhe spring lilrmlre Sept lmllic In any mm in 35min an hour or mc weed limit 1mm Mm In ball dirmkm for humped who Inn when rd shim llgbu um lindxinn il was nnnmmccd lildnn Greer mm GHH Trimxxlmlmlnn In Ilnrrle mlzl lhu mnjur Cnmlm Hrs wllh hil lml rrnulnu llm rand lnfely Cluhlnn have In lw lmmhl In mm snfrly be mild Aflrr cu at 01m Bayshore Motor Hotel in Barrie Monday aller noon Delegates included from Jolt Eric Thomsnn president The thnnge In the Mlmnl hug lnw Win rcIrrml In hy lho Schnol Hus mllma ssocln on Onlnr Cars Must Stop Both Directions For School Buses Tim Department of Educmlvn la scrap Grade finals yonn MW IM lwlvl II Vmmanhl Inn Inul mm FN hw mnlrnuu magnum um an band lo pay Ngxt June only TIIE BARRIE EXMIINERTUFDAY AUGUST 21 1965 After looking dismal some imc ago prospects for good second hay crop lhrmmhwl Simeoe County am now bright as result of recent rains in cluding the past uucc days Paslums we look the greenest since last June before he 40 day suxnmcf drought Late crops also have lccn helped and the rains have filled wells and raised water levels lm lakes rivals and streams They also have helped in he clforls to preseer good water supply since rain provides the punsk waler MUCH IMPROVED Things our way are much hnpmvcd said 011mm Pagan wellknown Callsm farmer whu made min comment of number questioned lhc hay amp is better pasture an im pmvcd and so am vegetables and mgr Mr Pagan reminded that cw weeks ago when crop um dilion won in from bright he had cautioned against pcssim ism said than hat lhinu could diam and ymx um nev IcLl unlil he mwinn season is aver he poimmi ml as hu conunch on the salislnclory turn of Haiti Well Ihings did ammo um lo the Milan The raw have done womkflul of the North York club Mr Allen James MacKnighL din ner speaker Gordon McKiucr ick nominee for lleulenam Sunular comma were made hy farmers ln the Flu my and other arming areas of lllc wunlx The rain cnmc Ina ale save early polalo vari dies on some arms and rer min vcgclahle and other crops were Minded Bul mmlocs have me along fine lhc ram qualil ls annually mod and grains and vegetables are much In mm arms of tho mumy armors look on rccord hny nll lhl ls Mme mnsl nccidcnls mm from nnilo nvnr 7000 ur dnnla Mo school buses om flip mUe my school day Molnrlsu must now slnp in bolh llrccllom or school Mm Mun ml signal llxhla nm Insh Ing ml remnln Mappr Inlll dune mrc sloppfll nnd Hm bus mule nunln llECOlll FIRST CHOP IN SIMCOE COUNTY 15m mm flmlina hum Ml fight NKli rlh mm Mn mu mm Am CITY NEWS Crop Prospects Boosted By Rain In Mr ml Mrl Mal mmma hum crop in lalc June and early July The early dry spell aided his harvcsfing but when it com tinned and retarded gmwh ar mors were much mnccmcd particularly Guise without irri afion Even hose wllh inlricalc ir rigation systems ere hopeful ol rain as water levels in streams were gelling lower and Nell wa in supply curbed In some 112 025 including llcclonxslnyncr and Base Borden res ciions were imposed on lawn watering The result was that the men rainy spcl ms gonemlly ul named in uflmn as well as rural 1mm grass is greener momr Emlens look relrcshcd and he garden situation generally great ly impmvcd It should my encourage more displays or larm pmqlgcc al our fair governor in 1967 and Tany Decarie president of the Bid rie Kiwanis Club Examiner Smddart at SlxmLy Bay men secretarylrcamror he Um Fall Fair which will be held on September 13 and 14 Midhum Mlnusmn sim mm wk lnp hlmnm Saturday during hr Sinwoo mnuy Cum mumly Iluronhm Smuofla sccand nnmml swim metI hrld nl Lions Poul Hurrlc The M11 ursl mosh umlp mm minu awarded lhc mun lmphy donn lcd by In Cabin Spun in Hunks IlunncrAup mm point Wm Annus lmy nmp xwimlncrs II Icikinshcld plum lhinl ilh 31 plvinls Mmrnximulcly 3m rMItInn ranging mm lhrcc In 15 mm prml lnr nblmm nml Ilw lKnm lwphy Th mccl was muumwl ll Wan or mmunm rum Phoio TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7mm mvlmlmv rm my lmwJ um vw ml awry mex llixmuinrr Nu RECREATION SERVICE 300 Children Take Part In Swim Meet Wlfll appruxlmatcly so am ployecs with 01 express freight and stulionscrvlccs In Ihiscity and more than 100 ulher lacal resident railroadcrs working from Toranlo Barrie would feel an hnmcdinle im pact of atianal railway strike rythlng appeared normal at the Barrlc statinnthis mom lng with night express and nlher services procculinli nnr mally and there vasnn ndica tlon at any lmpcndmg major mnvc lnqulrlcs to railway and local union representatives ol the Canadian Brotherhnod or Hallway Transport and Gennral Warkcrs conccrning possrhlc ac tlan whlch mlght be expected only brought answ watch the news ram Ollaw EYES 0N omwg It was ewdenl that railway mcn here as elsewhere had their eyes on Ottawa and the naliunal situation but or obvious reasons it was cansidcrcd inad Dillicullies laced In trying to find solution to overcome con fusion over Barrie store closing hours were outlian yesterday by Aid Junk Garner is problem which afloat many municipalities and in Barrie the cooperation is perhaps butler than most lncns since there is géegrcc uniiurnuly here he Sal We have In consider the buying public the merchants and clerks and the Barrie ecnn said Md Gan Uniform closmg be ideal for some and also or the buying public who would know when slorcs would be open But there is need or exceptinns Mr Garner hold era are rcslauranls or ex ample and lhc need to have emergency dnlgs available at all times Some people cc ser vim stations shauld be allowed longer hours since lhuy are competing with place open In lh cning olglsnjcjhe city es sary or dillcrnm trade In over come legal obstacles suitable regulations are not nlwnys easy to provide General speaking Barrie closing rcgu atinns re quire stores in close at pm Monday thraugh to Thursday niih pm closing on Fridaysl Closing an Salurdny is at again Gasoline slallnns are 1114 Inwcd to remain upcn to pm BARBERS CLOSING Barber shops are closed Wod ncsdnys with the regulations adminislcrnd by ll Industrial Standards Act corcrlng barber shops Certain ulhcr siorcs al lIsh buys Irawl hri mill nmmm lllmru Iver liohl Illchnnl Forurl and Hen Mnrrthm Irrktnillrld Dnn llmunmno and John Crnnxv Hrmlllmt Nth ulrls lrnml DdIMI mm Gnu Unvnlum mum ny mum Ann mum lull ng lllutnmn Midlmm Mmmlnu Mary Im nml 51mm Zlma nrmlfunl Icy Mm Ll don munmm me Gums DAmm flay nw Qurmtllc Icrklmflrld lmblnnu Jerry In rkinsllcfl Mm 111 mu LtJlianmll Dnvlv nl INklwhrlul llrzlunrrn lmll rtlny MMA hum 5an DAmml Hay nynrr lunhus Iriny Mid mimic lo honinr lcvfls who were nmllNI 1n the countys hwimminx clams during Aug usL DAmNs Hay rulkficd 1min lnyncr lJ points C01 limme and Hrmllorxl 17 puinls 0n Inkv 1n points Mmlnl SL Innis minis nnll Drxhvhin min mnfls ul flu various cvcnls all am am Murlzmnu IDAousls Hay Hrnd DAnmla llny Mike Wakcly Stuyncr rlifest Case IsAwaited On Closing OfAStores BarrieSCNR Await StrikefActiéfiilfé Flavoured Vllno ll I0 Ill III II mmm In typical answer lo newsmena questions was that of one rail way spokesman whn said We are as anxious for word on th lalcslvhnppenln you are You will prohaby get it as soon as we over your newspaper wiresf There are 25 employees with the local express and ireight ser vice and the stutinn warehouse was abusy placa this morning Other employees at the ONE statinn brunght the total to about 51 There is no uptown railway ticket allies in Barrie vlsable to make any lucal com menu on deflate siluallon Frclght and passenger trains proceeded as usual Waugh the Barrie station bolh north and snutlr As an industrial city Barrio has an important interest ln regular lrci hi and express de livc If glhrealcncd slrike INTERESTS livcrics If Ihrcalcncd strike materialize it means business MIL Garners father ormcr aldcrman William Garner said state closing has lam been problem not only in Barrie bu ny pcnlns ea ave an obliga tion to our customers In be npcn when lhc expect us to be open he sai stating or this mum the Gamnr store was upon MIL each day but Friday when and of rgc It is glos Sunday snbsvelhcir 5N4 qlosinq lime good customers km siandmg who live at Smy ner Ncw 0er and Calling wood and If they drive In Bar Mumon boy rnrc Greg Giflcn Midhuul Mlnuinl Wflllnr Irlcsl Midhum Mlnc nlnx David Inrenl crklnxflold Mlnnawn girl rum IMMI Cnrmnn Imam Day Camp Su um Cnllixu Anna Day Cnmp Hmlhcr Hum Colllnxuml lsh bcxlnncr pyjama Midhum Minuzin Mld hrsl Mintulna DAwata unlnr llrln me Im Trom lxkvy Annuv Day Camp uln Vnn Nlrkrrk Alum llny Can Ian Canr Ann Illny hum 1n DAousl nay Slayncr Inlcrnmliulc boy race Paul Ialchcll Orr Lake Advan ced mu Torry Midhurst err cslng Paul Skvflon Colllng Trumblcy Sau 55 Lump um CHM Calllngwmd Man King Angus Day Camp Seniors gold ball relay Orr Lnku Mum Midhum Mln ulnx Tournlmm Innlslll Adv and Aqu Day Camp nay mlur bun rm lhll Tmy Mlvlhum Mintslug lmmlnlr lerfilmlldtl Illnkbly Sl nor lllllrnnfilmill rhinidcu dlvin Mirlhum Mined mmr All no Mhlhurul Mumlnn Maul my Camp In Lnkr Advnmwl Intcgnodlglu girls JOHNSON AVIS Stcanmilxlp oCnIIm and Tours Inmk now for Ihrinlmnn QAIrllno gun ALD JACK GARNER TRAVIL SERVICE 7266525 but mt Ml karma SERVICE gnd 1nduslry MILan $0 pm which wu be nulnlyfluanspott 3W RW 99ch also were reticent abbul discus sing the strike but warehouses visited appeared lo be busier than normal possibly 1mm cl ian in clear present deliveries as fast posstheJn order to 1b rcadyiar any flddfllullal de mands whichimay develop Ii there is railway giriku it Is bound to make much mnre work or n5 said alransimri man General emphasis was Elven Policy Io scelhai nnrmnl cur llgrriterqAnauld be looked nflcr irs ALLANDALE In uirics lo local rniiwoy or Iiclas most were referred on in tin uhlc relationsdepart monl the CNEIi Toronto Inquiries hen wareso numer nus that conskani attempts in reach the office by long distance He and expect us win open think wa shpuldpcfi he said Mr Garner Sraddcd he was not append to uniform holiday it all chemtndr Shortly after he came to Barrie 36 year ago from Sudbury he headed an er fort to get Wednesday after nmm cIosing bylaw through councrl and was successful But later two at the leader at the Petition vlolqlcd it themselves just 911 hon this to show the cultle said ersonally he saxd up pracialcd he Wednesday half day closing as It was wel come midweek break nut it on havnnl unilarmity 1n clos mgujl yery coming lo the purlullcVEndbur cm mm are our pnmary cnnccm AWMT COURT ULING AWLnun garner 110 is and the dwision Mai ed with interest Evidence was heard in the case which concerned start remaining open Thursday CVETHHEL The subject at closing likely will come up belore cuuncll lurlhcr alter ruling l5 given on the last case Falls have been held at varlous limes lhrough lhe Chunkch Commune and majvriIYIonlniun rpcnrd But min of coimcil rc icsenlnlivcx for Ward Onc ml than Settlement of thc cunlusian could man eat deal to businessin Barr it was sup gcslcd as on tsldo shoppe would know exactly what lo met It was pointed out the grant majority are cooperating with present rtgulalwns Io be ermine such rcgu Mons have to be binding on nil or else hose mnpcmting would be placed at business age For mrior delivery to your homo or offico CI our circulation dept 7266539 l1xounnd of bullnluu Iluaulmut Cumin lmvo um IDII loan to upoan or modunlu Ihclx mumm you lum plan for your human ml nquin nnnntlnz all in diIcuu your mull with ul HOME DELIVERY lelcphonc lhis murn provgd unsuccessful Because at its locfitlnn In tfie lnnner town tutMandala mer ged withBarrie years ago the gem Barrie station was once nwn as the Allandalgstatlvan and Allandale wps wldcly kntwm us rallvayrzentrpMnslful these oppattan are1nnwhand led from annntu but Apart from lnéal raitwny employees lhem are numerous trainmcn and their amines tstill residing in Barrie both in the rmandalc sccti and elsewhere Iongunge rgikoadcrvwhgn asked how manrlsairl film would béIrnm 10M Ifinnnd he cu lhc mlngbcrcwpul closer the Larger figure The scaway wage settlement was monlipncd scvérnl times during uno clqudiswsslmfi With slrikq Acallcd 4erth Friday Pfima Minislcr PM suns recall qiJarllamen next Monday appears late and no one seemed willing lo hazqrd gunssp who qr slnkp Elven it Paxlimcnl acted rinhl away it wnuld lake 10 days to dplivcr the palch to all the lncals and gut em back or decision suggwlcd 0nd id main oquea to awan Parfiamcalaly Vaclinn Sixlccn ycarg ago on August 150 runway strike in up deliveries nationnfly and con tinucd for aninedny Mod Rail worker wan recngnilionmi 11 40hqur wchonihal ocpém on The appoinlmem omrry Hamill to Salas Prommlon Supmisar has bccn annnunccd by chvgn Munro ViccPmidem Max kcxing suns Ercwéry Ofllario Tcny Hamill jolncd Molsunx in 1959 and his excellent record as Sales chmcnmivc ln Kcnom nnd Sudhuxy will at benefit to Molsun Mnrkcling DcparlmcnlinTorunlollcisan 1ch curler and member 01 Ill Lions Club and will xcside in Townw Th3 Barrie Examiner only 45 weekly MOLSONS APPOINTMEN El HAMILL REM ALI THE NEWS DAILY IN THE EXAMINER

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