Mite iiiirntt Eniains Beatles line up tor tiiNeivflorkvnews conierorrce non second horn tight in formed reporters that There are more people in America so there are more bigots also BEATLES autumnal Yth press constitutes The pop singing group has berm subject to controversy use of Marion irriegnats on religion stairc llis ca than in which Johh mi sou Ships Wheat AllHudsonqu Portl MOSCOW tCPiThree Soviet Aristimring question trorn ships are to enter Hudson Bay tidyinth to load wheat at mumblil Dian John McFarlanc of Nipawin director or United Grain Growers said he was given this inlormatiorr by De lousov vicepresident oi the So viet graintrading agency Ex Sash portlob of Soviet agricultural loom lVEATiiElt disturbance that brought rain to Onlario yesterdny is moving east leiarlane is member oi vivi Canadian iann del egatioa now visiting the Soviet Union The tour was organized by Canadian National Railways The group met with party oiiicials led by Deputy Minister Ivan Volovchrmko and including De MeFarlane Belousov said three Soviet vessels would take on 30000000 to 35000000 bushels of wheat at Churchill Ihey are said to be iirst So vict ships ever to load grain at lludson Bay port Manitoba ofï¬cials hayc been prmsing hard to have Churchill given slice of Mness resulting horn the Soviet Unions massive pur chases oi Canadian wheat in re cent years iiianrlane said he is certain that once the USSR begins using thumhill it will so on doing so although three Soviet ships are all that can be ex pected this year irmriious through Quebec ruui tho liiari timu loe iorccrut tor 0n tarlo is sunny but remaining cool lligher temperatures will iDiSTiiICT WEATHER the delegation returned here Monday aitcr trip to the lin ban one at the Soviet Unions richest arming regions McFar lane said the Canadians visited large collective tartn near the north Caucasian city of Krasno dar vhere the Russians gave I3 Mail good time He said the tarrri had good crop oi corn and sunflowers Theyve got good land down thereweve got nothing like it in Canada he commuted The deiogatlon which iri cludes 10 women came here irorn Denmark last Wednesday and leaves today tor Vienna Austria hIcFarlane said the collective rutitut prevail in the West Figmrcs 0n the map indicate expected high temperatures today tCP Vitvphotoi ZBemaining Cool Sunny Wednesday The weatherman ll prcdlcliml that Vcducsdny trill be sunny and ininmainrrs will remain on tho cool rlrlr Cloudy inter vals should rimr try into it niitht low HKtititti trt Tin lixnmv lnrr oiiicc last night will it it srcrs llm irlttptmititi at 010 mm was in rlrgrcrs TORONTO lCii iutttvt at 510 nrrt ï¬fnopsll ttulrtcrrlrly mil nta nly sunn tmi mntinnlng cool ticnr the ourr tiruni Intro in control nrnl northern rrulunt Cltitiltliilll rlniullririrt nrnl will tcinprratnrrn will runilnue inirn 5i iinir inhr lirlc Vrslcrn lniylmr Lake Ontario wrm ilsmlllon Turnni irnrty with tow riourly Inlrrinlr lrulny Wrrlnruiay runny tutrltriii tr fl Haliiax Man ill Quebec inquest ItUNTiilCM luiirll Dliti Milittlh lininitri illllnnr at iialtnl trill ntviwnr lo day or rnairrlnl ultnru at roroncrs Inrttlrll Ittlrr tin rirathl at two ymrirf nurnrn In Ilrv Mirrtlrrnl arm or nrrt Ililiflitt an nirurrnlnnt was mini in Ilautrsiniry int lsltttrtoy nilar lln Mimi Illiitl third in he linked nutty or niillo tun tintlllit urir til Naitlnrau rt Mnnlrrnl IM ilntildtn ih av tout site who wills Inn is tilt rool Winds trstttly to north tirstrriy In to 20 llnlittrrrton Southern Grot rtlnn liar Eastern lJiito Un turio Courlfv inconrlnf sunny with tlourly ntrrvnis th mm In any Wrtlnrsrlny and cool timlr westerly is lit 20 Alumna Northern Georgian tiny North titty Hittitrllry Ntisli rlnuiiy loviny rtsitlfl tiny inrlaliis flutlllinrnl Contin ttan root Winds west to north Wrst ill in 20 While ltivrr Cochrnnn iltnn nninl Western Jntnrl ltrry intuiy with ocrnrlunnl min or unity rlnudy ttrvnilnulnii tool Wind light Mrmlng north to lturtitttrsl iii to 13 Oilnu Inirrrnltirru rain riulinit toriny rrrirteuilly mainly Llilllliy rind tillliiliuinil cool iiiult Ilshl Fourti Trmprrniurn Vinrltuf limrnnr ui lnirrlun tit Kitiimwr Ni Mmmi hunt in tviuutmm llamilinn 70 iii alhititwl Ni ironuin 7o lrtrrimrunsh in Kingston to Nillliitfl ml Murth i=1 MARINE roarcrisr erlri lnnrlll Lair Fritwtlur irwll twill to nntihursl III hints tic rrnnxlnl III Willilfltki in in Iln oi iiriutunr nit mar iiltiittni titre Iiulitrtla also ind limiteri ltiiiilill trim intilrhl lirwllv rimrriy iiituitctl rrvlltig till hllcrtrmn Lalo iiIitun tiwrrlon iiav intro lIrlc tlndr west to north west 20 to 27 knots decreasing in northwest it to 20 tools to night lnlr intro Ontario Winds wortorly liruls incrcosiiiit to rust to northwest to It hurts this morning lnlrt wlmr new baby Irrlm Vow ernm In Hutu II tslflllluhidlilndï¬l trinity nutim iron riour rim and bottom roam let ho cimtiu lawand ihrm not mm ml miMruroraumnd Mawfl to rum in or run lbsII Munnu DHIINNWVIM lieu41rde rm mm mi It not llll untr aiwi starsimm leit are Ringo Starr Paul McCartney land Georgollarrison right AP Wirephotoi farm laid on special eight course manor tor its Canadian guests and the tami gave them concert lhe litmton Russian motor Vessel Komrnunarsk docked last Monday at Churchill to take on cargo oi whcat Shipping oilii ials in Churchill said second ttounced Monday Soviet ship is expected shortly todays Natural Gas is While other wotor hoatln Auto UniOn Indicates DETROIT The United Aldo Workers Union give every indication it is not taking as it not the automakers roiectlonot contract reopening to give wage boosts to skilled writers And General Motors Ford your News it our KILL DEAR MOUNTAIN VIE Alta CPiA grizzly bear that hit and clawed severe carolrl boy at Little Beavnt La Aug it was shot and killed near the lake late Monty sleeping between his parents Mr and Mrs Cecil ilelgersoa in tent was scooped up in the beors jaws when it clawed its way through the tent and bedding to geHo theibo lie is now home andtn it can ditionr CONFIRM DEATH WASHINGTON CF The US deience department on that Marina PFC LCpli tic Barrow in of 855 McBride Blvd New Westminster BC was killed in action in Viot Nam Previously the Marine son of Eric ar row at New Westminster ad gem listed as missing in ac 0n LIVES OFF SALAIIY NEW YORK AP Dealt Rusk said that when he runs out of money hell have to quit his job as 115 secretary of state Look magazine reports lm living at my salary Rusk is quoted as saying dont have anything else Whoa the balance gets zerozcro have to quit its as simple as thatI lie didnt give any indie OWNED SHOWS iHAiifESVlLLE Ont tCti Funeral services will be held Thursday in Toronto for How ard Jones 48 owner at Kings Shows who died here Sunday oia heart attack TRACK CREATUBE FORT AUGUSTUS Scotland Routers Scottish yacht crew said Monday they saw and radartrucked totoot creature in Loch Nus that tollowed their vessel ior1halt anhour The siglrting was reported by Ceorgeilialph 62 head loch keeper ol the Caledonian Canal whichtnctudes Loch Ness humo otan ottenslgbted but novasnared mystery monster ANNOUNCE DELEGATION OHAWA CHPrime Minis terr Pearson today announced remember delegation will rep resent Canada at the list ses sion at the United Nations Gen eral Assembly opening Sept iii The delegation will be under the chairmanship at External At tairs Minister Martin SHOT IN ARM ViilOltlA Ont CPiDon aid Haskett 12 oi Vittoria was shot in the arm Monday as ho played in iront at his grand mothers house 22calihro bullet was removed from his right torcarm Provincial police cation when that might be turol G05 co and truly For lust it $270 monthly tint yo area it and your iomil lost value in hm Natural Gas Water Heater most oconoml iuols mflY 0i you both can onloy unil water luxurvl say they have not determined trom where the shot came out fuel or write or EMOCOVO chillili roto Natural G0 Aman mitod hoi and forgot your hotWotor worriosl 500 your Heating Contractor Plumber Appliance Dooior or your Natural Gas Company and Chrysler apprehensive as they titltt into high gear on 1967 models risotto labor Nib tracts whidi run until Septtrm her oi next year Unrea within iny motor seg ment oi their rodooomn labor tome holds the threat of work stoppages or slowdowns None wants thisin boom market such as has existed last year and this GM Ford and Chrysler Mon day separately turned doom UAW demand tor immediate contract reopening tovgive skilled workers an immediate wage increase at at least 50 tents an hour POINT T0 RAISES The big three said reopening wasnt justiï¬ed pointed to an tomatlc raises next Monday un der current contract and said at least in effect the union simuld abide by the threeyear putts signed in 1961 The UAW contends lls trades rnen working in auto plants are underpaid when compared with those of similar skills working elsewhere particularly in the building trades Douglas Fraser co director of tho tniions skilled trades de partrnent said the question oi reopening now would be ad vaian ot the top at the agenda tor meeting here Sept at tho UAWs lntcrnational cxecu tlve board Asked ii he anticipated stop pages or other incidents by skilled tradesmen because oi rejection its relied No but Ive been wrong beior nominal it oturos tstonding hot water onsumersGias 67 TORONTO ST BARRIE PHONE 7266551 ran ammo Wu swanky svousr 1m mountains By THE CANADIAN PRESS CREDITS ur Credit accounts llporEent higher at the end at May than at the some time year ago wore reported Monday on the books of sales finance small loan companies major stores and chartered banks tor sonal loans An overall tota Ioi 56434000000 compared with 35340000000 last year was es timated by the bureau oi statis tics tor the accounts covered in the survey Loses IN STRIKE United Air Lines lost $77 two in July during the US line strike compared with praiit 0t$7000w in the some months year ago President George Keck said Monday aura BROKER Bacho and Co inc major Wall Street investment and bro keragohouse which has oiilces in Canada will acquire the bro kerageilrm of Richard Buck and Co oi New York City ACQUIRES PAPER Acquisition of the Cary Fost Tribune by Northwest Publttm tlons inoï¬was announced by it Snyder president oi the newspaper in Gary lad North west hiblications is subsidi ary oi Ridder Publications inc oi New York City DEATHS lly THE CANADIAN PRESS Klaus City Harold Stiles 62 on Associattd Puss editor tor almost to years