Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Aug 1966, p. 5

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11ml first Jersey Futur uz The Simcoe Jun ill be hdd in conjuncllun with the purkh shuw Ruym French II prcsltlcnl In Charge llh Mm Jenn Sandman oi Shanty Buy uglmary The chairman of he Gummy Ihow lvnn ershl and hlx com mllce of John Fannrll nob win and Wall have been busy wlh nrrnnxcmcnlx The Slum Mn unrrlu Mom oriul lrophy wfl awnnlul lhe urnnd rhnmplon cmnlz Ihnwn In class and the unbcrl Sim sun Company Chnl lug cup or Ihe mm chum plon hull LII LUIXS vremlcr breeder Iwml ill be made In the breeder of the clflhl hlghcst scoring Inim als and he premier exhlbitar awrd lo the lending exhibimr To finalin the Iaucr must mow Alnnlmum nl nlgh nyimals Thcre are some 19 classes tnmpclillom In he Jersey Club pnnsh show which is ex acted towdrmy largeqnlr isl Cookstdwn 4H dnlry mu cluh IN MI club lulna club lhrtp and mm duh Ill will TOIIONN CmEmu Nav nml Wain Onl mm the York Dhlrln Ilakeeper Au mum Twphy or lho high uying hamy nmnlo al In Cr mulmn Nn0nnl delbillon Onl kroperl Council Trophy for lhl qu mn rnlmmi in Canadian Iwknepm Cnunrfl rgnhy In llle maulalm honey Tr vm cl Lnrm Thuuhm Dmutwrd 0111 wnn lirnl prlm lnr MIth mul ulrlcn llqukl lmnry und hnrlu Hum 11 Dreden Dnl an in or Hm bell hnnoy nmh Imlnn John Yrmhmt Tnnmln um um mm lnr hran and lhr Onlnlln may Imhwu cmwmu luv hul why In Ihn rmmnrrflnl hnnry lam 1va MM Mlmm mnhmtlonr lllmtnn rpurl vml nva mm an 114 Ihilr hwnnn ann lhu final MM T1 AIlp llwsmllu Imn mum mm mm mm WM mlled no Fumln ml llnalod In MrNAlr Inllru mum lhh Hills Imlfllwll nylonlulu lor an INNCMIM dlmll Guamcy Club will be In chum flucrnscy show lcf caulc cummilm in Iloblnsnn Filde Wrrs and IL Shch hie vammfllcc has Cmu Ross and MOHIIISTOWN Ml Anmlim mun nhip lhnl run mnmul nl Mrllon Inland In er muw CATTLE Dary mule classu luve been arrangui for Holslehls Guernsey and Ayrshire with compelifinns and six ed If mm hc Thc Slmcoc Cnunty Jersey Cluh parish show also will bu grown for the livestock shaw Beef call classes have been arranged for Herelorda Short horns Aberdeen Anuu with 12 com ellllons for each Th best ha of mu will be sgledcd or COOKSTOWN Staff York Simcoe Guernsey Club show will agaln be held at the Cookslnwn Fair whlch has been arranged lnr Scplnmbcr Is and 11 was announced by John Shear dugn pggsidenl Weston Beekeeper Wins Honey Prize Cargo Ship Freud From River Island The guian thy Lord Stramconnl Ears Royal Canadians paraded by mounted escurt wearing his toric regimental unilorms duf Plan Guernsey Show At Cookstown Fair COMMAND CHANGE IN WEST GERMANY wlnnm In Du Illmum ummvry butler rnlnptlmnn Nnnh 5m Imp Cremnrry Alxmilllon Mimi Mm Wlnkler CMp Crrnmrry Wlnk 111 Man VIIII Nov lrod udl Com Wnlcrinrd OnL TORONTO CPD Wulun Cnnndinn enlrlu daminalod award in the bullet compclh Inn at he Canadian NaMnnal Exhibllian bu the Now Dundee Onlnrla Creamery won the film trophy for mu hlghut lcoran Indlvldunl entry mull In In Mpound ol mmmmlnl butter thcm Albcrll Dnlry Pool Hnnhcnd Man Ctnunl Alberta Uniry lool lllmbcy Ml Nnrh ml Albuln Dakry Pool Holden Mu In lhn IOpouml Imnllwl crumrry bull rnmpflfllnn New Dundre Culvmry toT Now Huntlrc Out Ilnnlld Slncwy Minhr ML TOLL RIMIN filZOUI TI xlrnvll lnll In hum Korea rnrqvhnllll 91an an 17 mm mum lllrd mnu flu mun ry lmhh mumrlllu mmm Sumlny The numb KHan Mfllflfil lnmnml In The arm was purchaséd by Douglas Drew of Toronln and Ac deal Ill be completed on Ihe am always 3p pcalcd me but have reach ed the age where have In lake It easlcr said Mr Done and Ms Mile Gladys agrch Their sun Dannld operates neigh borlnl am an the lllh has vastly changed nlnen he was ynung mun ll still requlms lnn or work day lhnn most other 10 Mr Bone palnled null To laxm right now yuu need lha proper machinery and lhl They also hnve daughtnr Mrs Ross Lucille Emmi wh glilglly THORNTON Si Mler llvlng an farm ln this are all 111 Elwood Bone 65 has sold his mm on the llth Concesxlon of Em and inland to more Into MIL pnllce vlllnge he can find suitable place hold achievement days In con jurlclionuwilh Ihe fair ls rnclmz secretary and Walla Benny and Apperley are anger members Cancellcd year ago due rack candilinm after heavy rainfall sulky horse racing is expected to be big leature the comlglglair Western Butter Dominates CNE Essa Farmer Is Retiring After 85 Years On Fann Xng change cammand core mony at For Eeausejaur West Germany this month thCal Brown of Cal gary handed over command ma regimam la LL COL RA Canadlln Trolling Association HERTZ 7266474 CAR 43 Em Road RENTA Phono THINIII fiTflUCK VUKOVML Yuzmluvln AP Thrzo mm were klllrd lightning mnt this indunrlnl lawn Salmlny nlghl MIN FATAL llTISLAVA Cinch IlflWlkLI MWTmmltlnl ruin qu Crnlnll Slovnkln Sammy floodan many dhlricll and HH lnilive perm ha Smhum rumI mwa CIK mmrlul AGENM KILLED SEOUL lllruku Snulh hnmm wunler mollluenre nun huler hm Nunh Kanan nzrnu mm lmulr mllu rum Hm rnlvllnl Snlunlny Hm army rcpmlul INQUHM lllllilllil ANNE Onl KimAn ln mml will led horn ML Inlo lhr xlrmh ul iuvnzln Inwlng ¥cprcscnlnilons maae at In special meeting Mulom cayncil by Mrs llobgrl Arghcr ocal rcs ltnl who usu the rand reg ularly lo Ink children In swim Mn Archer Frolcslcd ngninsl lho crccllng No parking any llme alum She referrrd spcciflcally lo sldcrnad nl Lola as Ind Concession mm uhlch nlm hnd brought our Us fomplnlnjs rules govern with two onemi heals in each elm Purses £150 have been arranged for he 223 and 2122 glasses ORR LAKE 1511 ghcgk up salcly rgqgircngcqu ln he dock am nf On Luke and also Mchrklng is In be huge by lg official fal requkes quilo an investment nid Mr Bpne Classes 10 heavy and light horses in addition In ponies ah so hava been arranged with Herman Cnrrlgnn Cnuns Chlpchase Olnsk and Draper member of cummil Ice In charge The wcllAknown Essa farmer nid he Intended ln complele his years harvesllng berm re llrlna am busy doing 0m right now he said H10 HIM noxvvw Nealby of Regina Brig AJ Tedlle commander of the GUI Canadian Brigade Group In Germany takes the aaluge CP Wirepholo mm National Defence Check Safety Needs At Orr Lake Area Iltmnvnl Hunt mm lhu DORIS DAY THE SPY WHO CAME OUT OF THE HATE Mqu WHW mwnw ImamMI lmlmlmnmwmm IMIII WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF Another mm dep utation Emma Malone re commcndvd that he HosME dunle lounlhm mnd shuuld be orch lo the lake and lhls aka bclng checked Mr Malchcll menunnul It would he an ndvnn Inc In local rcudcnu and also open lhu Ink or mulnrlsu and lruckdrlvm who wunlcd lo ab In waxer EADY Stall Work 15 near lng completion on long over head bridge over the CPR main llne on Highway 11 mm near thl Mcdonle Township cam munILv SldcrcndNn at Lat 10 Concexslon nmr Vnrmlnslrr Jntkmn he Zaricnrald Aylmrr wnilms whnsc ody was ound Mmh In nearby womb 2n day allot Ihe dlmppcnred while walklng hnma mm wnrk Im aumuy nhuwrd me had been mped nml nlmnxlul IIUIllIII IN 30M TORONTO ICI Ivan HM Tnmnm milnr on Hm cnal Ihlp Onlnrlo Pmur WM lulled Salunlny nigh uhrn was hurhwl Mu ml alldlnl run In he nhlpl huh Crew member hm uurvvrml hem AM we nwlylnfl mnulh ln mnulh rmurllnlinn wlwn Iecnnd Ilkln lmlul Mm 1le MMllMflliT ll LONlmN Illmnm Irln cru Mnrnnm bmumv 5un dny SM ml 1le Snnwvlnn on vmMInn In Snnlmlu meals Hm Ail Khan mth 12 link with County Run 12 at Prices Corners Th latter is the bonicr line marl betwecn Dro and Mndonle and then Flo and Vespra and has been reconstructed rum Coul Ian to Oralghum this past sum mer dock area Ind holler placing or direcllanul slgm inr haul were men other ungcstim being look inio 4st lump or The girls Wende Eabando Patricia Paradls Many Ann Crawford Cecile Belle ummu and Helen Gignac will start their paddling from the mnrlne ramxay mursdaysepgambcr VLond Lemmy Cnidwater MP lorSumcoe East has read received considerable ta vnra 12 comment about the worthwhile Improvement Done as an Ontario Depart menl of Highways contract the hridga will eliminate danger nus crossing which has been the lune ol alalitles and serious accidents The bndge itself is nearly 300 feet long and change in highway routs provides an ex Iendcd causeway lo the bridge which will provide good Im provement Oumned as manions iv young Penuanguishcne glrls plan canoe trip from the Severn River at the Big Chute to Fart Pcnctangulshene Mu seum centennial promolion They will pracced Waugh Gloucester Pool southward through Limo Lake and across the Georgian Bay In Pcnelang Harbour and than to tha mu scum On the way Vthey plan mm as mnny collagen as possibe and will alter centen nlhl pins windshield stickers and other materials promullng Penetangs Old Home Week Blamed or July to 1n cele rnuon nl Canadas centennial year The schedule calls or them to arrive September at Fort Penelnnlulshcne in Mme or powwow slated for pm Lo Bridge At Early Nearly Completed THE BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAY AUGUST 22 1366 Five Girls As Huron Maidens To Paddle Across Georgian Bay PgNaTAqusHENa sum NOW PlAYING FEATURE AT 11 IM III IM DISTRM NEWS SHHNTY BAY will be nnmod Cahhguo Road and the Dcparlmnnl High way will erect lullable lllm The road lends lo the tile here archaeological excava aHon5 huvu been carried out by unlvcrilty student under supchLIon nl Prnlcssor Nar man Emerson Mm reporu lhcra have been sulflclcnl Hndlngl Iu dcflnlicly rslabllsh Ihls place the onelime xiln or lhu Huron Indian camml by hnt name with the Unlvcnily of Toron lol Dtparlmcnl of Anthro pology Prnfemr Emerson my lhe ru of lnnghome lound II he descrl llnn Icll by Snmucl da Champ am In hll Journal plaque erected hy he On lurin Arthannln lrnl and Ill lurlc Allu lmar mark the lo cnllnm which has alluded numnwul mum and tonsldtr nbln lnlcml lhls ml lummcr llmvn Dnllnn Jcrmcf PINN al nl lhu mctllnx nm Iowan Iluhlnson clerk and he cor rmmndrnce 11m new have lnxrnm Am An Ilohlnsnn rro unmarked mnkn nn nmr In purthmu Irlnlpfrly lurl mu vll In nnlu or he ml mulnr mull Mu lnr Septembtr III run BRADFORD stun Two Bradford students Sarah Pur sans and Donna Slewml wm recclve nt arln scholarship awards worth $400 each or high marks in examination mum or grade graduallon All told 28 Bradford sludenla were sumsslul Ilohlnsnn rro unmarked mnkn nn nmr In purthmu Irnpmy lur urnul II In Md granl mm It In barn Inuml lo be null nrlnry Omar munrmnrl lnrludc no Mllltr Mullny Ilnll and lrlndon Sarah was he leading sludent wilh an average 68 per cent on sevnn pnptrl Donna Stew arr average or men paper also was exceptional nmuunum lo per cent Otticlall welcomed to the city by Ald Havelle Mr and Mrs Hawker and children Michael 11 Elisabeth and James were taken on tour of the city were dinner guests and were given souvenirs and certificate to cammcmarnte their visit tn the Saskatchewan c1 BRADFORD Slam Brad ford friend were pleased to lenm that Peter Hawker and family of aradrurd warn hunnred at Saskalaon Sank whin hey were chosen visitor The Conventlan Bureau of the Saskatchewan Beard Trade arranged he tour and Ald Fla vclle made the presentation and altered congratulations it was announced ihai Chuck and his Chipper will pravide music and Ga Ga girl and other Aiiraciinns are being arranged Add corn mas and reiresh ments in this and everynna should have real cnolllme said Douglas Duheau chairman of the Pcncung centennial cum maicein charges The Huron mafdens win be an hand to hand nutsauvenhs to all whn wear cnslume pan eras cal teenage have been invit cdmln the enlertalnment Bradford Girls Are Awarded Scholarships Bradford Group Receives Honor At Saskatoon lllxhuy II II 0mm no Olllu Opom Al pm Show mm Dunk Most modern Drlveln Norm uf Tomnln Today To Wed Bond Is Back lllfl HARLEY YIELD NIMWORD Slum KIrI Samurn Ilrmllanl nrrn lamp lulrvnlrd hmhuln of bar Ivy ram nlno Iml hIX MT HIGH MARKS CnEEMORlI 1511 Crtcmoro sludcnl Colllmzuood Dmrlcl Collcuinlc Susan Ilcs 11R nthlcvrd hlgh marks and eck Ix bcan mndc lo Au ll Iho Aunlmcx luv xrholnrnhlp DnunLlcr Mr nml Mr llqu Miss tulip rccrlml lhe lullnwinx pcrccnlnfn Enn 83 lllxtnry Ill Ailbra 35 Ctomtlry 31 Latin BG and French as NEW MINISTER TIIORNIIURY Nnuly III Iluclwl mlnlslcr Grace Unllrd Church hrre REV Anh lan Inmme 5L illIr Av tnua hurrm Tnmnlo hns mm mcnccd hlx lml mlnhlry ASE BURDEN SCHOOLS BASE BURDEN No mgis lmUon required for pupils who mrc In uumdnncc at Camp Burden Publlc School the close of he last mm but new gun should be resultml on Inndny August 29 and Tucs duy Aufusl ram In 30 um um ram 110 lo 330 pm Camp DMan public sthnols open at am an Tuesday Scplcmbcr NEW CONSTRUCTION BRADFOHD Ismm Work proceedan on the construc Hon new front for Brad lnrds Public Ulllillcs Building in the downtown area Open deer season agnln came up at discussion when Richard Path the conservnllon officer lnr the area appealed to Coun cil lo reconslder allowing the season It had been de eded In mollon of Council lust meeting that lhe Clerk Write the Department Land and Farest In state that deer hunt ln Innlslll unnecessary this ear as due to luck at name wnr ens last year we experienc ed revere fireI etc end that The walk promised along the Bth line lrom ZS sideroad to the lake come up for questions as to when it might be expected Miss Clayton representing the Association asked how mud of the boulevard would be taken to widen ilfe pavedportion oi the road to make the proposed walk and it they could expect it this season Deuul Reeve Sawyer chairman of road told her that Ihe walk would not disturb the ironihge great deal as the ditch would be pub led over and an allowance ol iour net for walk would be made it would not encroach hack of where the previous stakes had been located by any means We do not want to shake hands with people walk in past our doarsteps Miss Clayton remarked To enquiries about having sheet lighi nln the 8th line Council advised at this would require petition signed by the owners in order that hey could be charged for the costs annual it would not be ossibie Association mem urn In sign zrvup The cost are asses sed on the owners hlong the roadway to be lighted 9111s 0N ROM Farmers and other residing on the nth line came in group to Council to protest the dump ing of tank at material irom the Barrie Sewage disposal Which is hauled to lields inlhat vicinity Keith Robertson came with same neighbors to ask Council to assist Ihem in pre ventin lhl smelly mnteriai from lug spread on the iields and causing such an obnoxious odour or days attcrwardsi He claimed that an appeal to the County Health Unit did not bring any help and that he iinally collared one oi the qiiiolaix and made him see the stufl and smell the odori Reeve Cochrane stated he had not been aware ter dumping was going on and that it it could he stopped legally this would he done and soon Theyneed it on their lavms in Barrie Coun nilior Gibhins remarked 11152055on DISTRICT BRIEFS INNISFIL NOTES llglvml rum Ind Oxlllll Dumping CE Sewage Waste Is Protested By DRIVEIN THEATRE When Councillor Burton pm settled the accounts for labor and materials used In Installa tion of the new water system In the park the amounts were questioned and felt to be exor bitant Councillor Burton was nsked to recheck the figures and materials and if necessary dispute lhe amounts of the ac counts of Fisher Bowman and min Other accounts were ac cepted as read making total or $318600 rprovcd or pay ment Cenlen al Park work for hulldollng by Watson Construc Man or $1457 and Realty Can struction or dragltne work was As all the municipalities sur rounding lnnisiil are allowing threeday deer hunt the deer opulntion here should get ost when the nnlmals seek cover from hunters Mr Fnlh told Council that there had been several accidents and deer killed by vehicles and it was the Departments de sire to keep Ihe animals from becoming too numerous and spreading lnlu ihe areas south of here Only by an open sea son could this control he estab lkhed Deputy Reeve Sawyer said that farmers sullcrcd con sidcrahle loss and damage lrom hunters climbing fences and us ing their property and Council lor Gibbimwhoisabreeder of Jersey cattle said that he has to keep hla animals in during the season There will be no open season in lnnislil this year they all an open season every three years would be quite suf ficient or the township Follow lnglhe pea of the official It was deci ed that the township would remain clnsed hu deer hunting this year Agcoums lAinUi1llnl nws PRISI varnANKIEmJOHNWJy Wm Wmnm surmrlmcnou mm mm MIC nun Efigfifls WWO HMI ITSJfi HIEELLW1 JasonRabifds 553 ol Max Tum ma mm mm cl SW1 mu mm In IaFunl AvaSfiIipTease AvaBoomBooml WT NOW SHOWING AT 700 900 um um Mm mum 0n NOW SHOWING fiarbara Hams wk Mj PWVISIDK film WWW appravcd making total $3107 for work at that park SHEPPARD PARK Anyaemunl was presented er the sum of 93 covering lhe survey or the SheppflidPark at Tollcmial itwas explained lhat many demlls of fire pmpeny were very vague and illhad been iaund difficult in establlsh the houndnriesv some oi which had been granled by right oc cupation for many years The Eropeny extends beyand lhe even Creek and is larger ln size lhen realized when it was accepted by Council park School loam Cllanad Havn Your BackTtr NUSERVICE CLEANERS Clapporlon 14 High SCHOOL OPENS SOON WllDlY CDMIGI YOU SHOULD CERTAIN SEE larly imii Emu Jinn Im

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