Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Aug 1966, p. 3

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The driven some with two wagon In different races lo 1n crease their chance of victory charged around barrel on the Infield below dashing onto he rock and heading into the first turn Mar Ihe dust had lemed the winner the biz ham uhuckwagon race was Frank Dahlgren of Gndby Alberta Gordie War of Wm rcsc Alberta came out on top in the pony chuckwngcm evmt utter stiff mpgmlpn mm Achievement day or the Home Garden Club In South Slmcoc Wm held In Alllslon angl New Mwell Following Judzlng counly hon at tcrllllcnm were prcunlcd to Carol llnlbcrl Bond end Julia nowuon Lula Jonn New Slmud Mary Lou Dam Tnllcnhnm Durham Jebb Too itsSwill Ilth Wllkcr Clou mew Dchln Nathan Dunk 7L Mom than 900 pwple jammed he grandstand at the Barrie PM grounds Saturday In watch chuckwngou races Spectators cheered their la mm on to mm In ham and pony and chariot races Then we Ohm huh path in the wagon races Chuckwqgon Races Draw 900 People To Fairgrounds TWO ALBERTA Mays rrmx Dahlgren 1cm Gadslry and Guy Bomber Midmm Terry Wildham Tim Invonnay Sask won the dash Sixteen club pnrllcipnlcd In lhatvdslnsu Provincial human wen aim Iu Judi Lawrence Calnn Cor nm yndn Mann Holly and Eleanor Kidd tho 4H Clubs Hold Achievement Days Ilmlc urnhm ho My CumHm mm rt Oman kn who tannin lmnmlnl ml1 maven on In In Mr kl mu wk um frml It In IM Mn June MIhvlmdm tabla rhnlmxan art0M Mmdap 41h largmt rrnul company Lu lookan er comm In Banlc Pomona or Companm 1n lorrslod lhnuld have no lunlc Business know ledge and Average Hm dal Stability PLAN ORGANIS BUSINESS DPPOHTUNITY Budgnl RInlACur DII 116 Syndlulo Aw lTS CONVENTION arm Lhe track at victory In the pony chariot event First place zn the horse chariot race was taken by Slim Helmla alm hairtaking tum around the chvuil These dmkwagom whidx clude many me the Calgary Stampede an Mr throw Ontado 3nd Quebec 01V 0131 gett manager at the how has taken it on the who and Mr dtguit evjy you sfnce 1957 vlslHng munulnclum from New Orlwu Gfidwn Simon had high praise yum day or he Egan flew nmund HEM he scenic vlew nmund Barrie and North Slmcoeunrqn wonderful district and the VIEWI of your lnkes nre magnlflccnt ha uald stating ho wns not surprised thnl so many his counlrymcn Wi Inch high prnlu or thclr nun thern nelghbpx who represan mum board mnnulncludn Hrm IBM lhe rolling hill pm Simcoe were no loo unllke lha northern ma 01 mm He and III ch Jenn mndo tha lawmlln lrlp by mm mm alng the border at Detroit They 81 to return llama In New on Am 28 Wu ungrecinte the courtesy your nnndiun immigratinn oiiiccn nnLL the hospitality shown us in your country laid Mr Stanton While hlmcoa Cmmiy Wm dliimnt In mlllly fly from Inuisimm Mhich tun mltropical climate it hnd Mhinz in mmmon ninco hr Westme finished film and second respecthY in the mute chuclnwagm event Visitors From New Orleans Are Delighted With District Cflflml Unlml mm ml faQM mwmllm dmlunm MIMI Trially Unllnl flumil Gulllflrwml HACK now JJ INN mnvmilm 111nm Triully Anflkn lunln Harm Ind Mani Collin sum Unilul CIAvb Darrin sani Vlrum Moun 1cm nel Mama The re red v5 navaljfllgcr ol Westme rimshag Hm ulnvicw Arkansas and his trick pony Nuisance ddighted the mlem with their camody routine Sagebrush Who has bccn elm clown or 15 yea Md ha ahd the my muld do 31 different acts misis mull 01 our years training for the fifyearqld poni Olher Dawns of the avenlng were do and horse new and displays mp2 handling and trick riding both had magnum caluunls lng areas raise purebrtd been and dairy cattle ton ha an Ills companys Iibrclile pro dud k3 mudu 1mm pressed sugar cane which ho Hid makes slurd wood or unlun qualities For manna he said It wont ex and or xhrink tom heat or cod descrndnnl cl Edward Slunlnn who was sccrelary of war or Abraham Llncoln Mr Stanton Inld he wnuld Ilka In see the prlnclplcs lur hlch Llncoln mod lnlr play In All regardless of race color nr creed bccnme ncccplnd every wherc Gran slrldcs had been mada but there L1 rflll 11 great deal to be nchleved he snld rcmnrklng um new Ilarlu be times shawrd In be vlrltnl Frank with two Maren wa gons won the evenL Exam inel Photo Mn Stanton expresle inter ul In On once haven or runaway mm from tho Unli cd sum mt somewhere that lha name Orn mean In ven the remarked mug Burden younu people In mecllnf onl Camp Dordnn DIIrlcl Huh School In dlmm plan In arm Hulr nwn can In Ireltnl an mm Pcopla musan ol lhcr awn Them In numnraul lnlcnlul munlrlnnl at lmu nnrl hm II much onlhuxlnlm or he ldtn Slcphnnla On Mar lmln ruldonl who In Hm Dull Telcrhuno In nnnlu wlll bu ho pin Mln In enr Inlrh 10 rulhuulum nl been ihawn ml we thnk wo um nrnanlm and nut Anywny an lnfl In It Thn mmm Will lnxphrd by lwml vrrInlnllrm nl mm 11 IMIMII by lnurlnu grnup Mnym Hm lmlwn 11mm Um Luv Wuhmuy uul nmndny night vimh mud mum Ml Mm Luge mlllm mm ml Ml nr llwl Illxkrlflc 11M but Frl Base Borden Young People To Organize Own Musical Spmnl you vl all puyvVnoMI only an many WM Add hach midwhm hull who Ml cauvmplton In high and odm upmm on mutually hmvlu Call In Muyl BUDGET PLAN Ipngdl MEAIINO Ollpaymomtvnllovmly mo IN SHRJEHNT SARJEANTS Chosen Canadlnn Potato Blob som Queen at nullanalpmln Industry conference In Nov Scolln 1m weekMln Efléen Smith WIldemm will be glvan warm magma from Slmcoe County rim who are elated over the Duflefln iinla mom MLSI Smith won the fight represent 0mm when the wu chosen queen at an Huston gn lherlng of potata We re Qutlyhmhgrlendlng may albei 1an contestants who wished her wr men gige Brenda Dorsey of Beaten Den ke Armstrong 01 Orton Jaylw Whlteside nl Egbert and Bran Mnrshall Ezblfl In Nova Smith the contest was held at WoKlee M15 Smith wore flu ribbons rgcalv ed at Amston mm last ywl Canadian palm blomm queen Jeanette Irwin Another beauty contest which is attract much current eullou mnch Lha selection ql the 1956 Simcoe County dairy primes hamlet 16 um 563T ammo and the RIM will be held at he OriflIa Fall Fair on September 10 The South Simcoe Flawmens Assoclauon which II making plans for their annual Iocnl match am planning Queen the 1mm context iurr or coaching day also has bepn discussed mtg have not yet Reglslraflm Saturday fur the soap bax derby spmuared by Branch 147 Roan Canadian Lez on Barrie was law but is ex pected plck up next weekend g2 time for the races on Labor ay said were were slx ml muons so far tut that till Wu normal because most of the youngsters wall untll lhe lulal Saturday to indicate Mews In the race Will Honor Potato QuEen At Reception been unwed Thirty more Area children are xpected to beentered Many ol the younzllerl have Ikeady so their wagons yeady an prath on the local hm Lnkelmd Tourist Reception Cume Barns reporll pretl good wnckend will 1556 the centre XiEmuy mm Alma by to pick up Informannn or yur the pravln lwo Germmfi vmung rela llvu In Toronto Ihppd In In glad 3m mm and rec Buikml mum Regulations canllnue above last year lave but an taper In on the 2nd the tour in union nppronchu Soap B6 Derby Registraiions nun VI Wulllm lllnnl of MI MINA BL Damn MIL Wflmfl smut minkM um mu kam flown on wand Mll d7 Gm Alma Ind Glh Ila Wuhan In 1m If nuun mun 7mm am In nunm 5L um In m0 mml Wmlm I1 mmmt nunum Union Eumuri dly and Ion musician dart ed lnlklnz About muman Ihclr own xwup ll 11 hopzd more wlll ha good turnout lo nImL TORONTO Cll erlnc lurrcml luurd 030 lm ltu dn ynllg unu ll him MIA flrrxrnr lnld than was mnxldcmlyle lnlonml dlmlulon Ym Ru nor Wlndx mumi mm lmn In north lunlflIL anudy wllh uln today llpflo Inn In Ihnwcrl to night 1555 Stop At Tourist Centre Lulu Iurnn Owrxlnn my ml 10 lo 20 km bommlnl nmhwul In 15 Illll lonllhl 71mm Mlh Mcnllonll rnln hr day liming all to My Ihw rrl lonllhl spokesmanm mu Leglon CO LTD MARINE FORECAST it DEATHS HI 71M George Stuart Tomato tamer constable on the Bar rie police force returned to the city Saturday and said Its like Wine city now He detect that most of the 01d landmark are still the sauna but that be didnt know that the ONE station and the post ice once at Fred Grant St had been torn down heullhleu sumspbm 1n the city It used to be so dannl Elan Dunlap when the railway momma In it ald lacatim he The shop Ar tor now and the be expanding as to he added ornuuh brl as tuTomn nostalgic looking or the old buildings that are gone now Very cw people rumm bcr Inc exuupc the older place on Saturday night with We mm the district mman mund ha Fm Point md Jung Dunlap SQ He remembered people 5W ping thelr can In the middle ol be mlflc lo talk with Mr Idmds We made them mave flora but we dldnt lock Lhun up he laid Mr sum and lo direct trnL Ha the Five PolnLl without bend 3M1 If an ab Mgm M04 day Barrie Is Like Sunshine City Them docsnl mm to be my me lrnlflc mm In 1ka Men we were top buy with tho lfflulflM lrnlflc ol bgck mma whm PUl IN WAGONFULL Use Examiner Advertlslng Dld nu lunar lhnl bulloIchool II II Ml lul ut ml avwrlunlly of flu um MIMI Ind dlIMrt hmlllu wlll upmfl flwmm Ill bnbtnclml Ihll you Tho fllnlc Eumlur Mmm Cnnlyl hum mappar II Hm In uln menu lo MM nl llmn lumllln II In Val nut nhm an bulllurth honnu Idlmlu II III mm mlml wm tonibln GEORGE STUART Eh flarriv Examinpr PHONE 7266587 ASK FOR DISPLAY ADVISOR mm to see Hue Dion quintuplets he said chfiy as Mr StuazHLku to he owed remembers ha 1ka Slewnxt used to be member of the town com In Tommi 6mm scouts with Scoutmal er Jack They went week It the Halibgmog smut reserve ml at ELM Troop mum name list week after attending ram me My Highlandem Canada Leaders Ml Jarvis Ind Bill Scott were In charge at WI who panitlpaled In week Iswimming boatan Ind test pm Some of the mom who pare Ildpalcd In the camp wen Dam ny and Shayne Fornnve Tim othy llolhrook Llnyd and Glenn Dabm Douala Russell and Eddie Tracy The new reserve ls owned and operated by the renter Town region and comprises 34 differ ent campskes around Kennan Luke 12 milé out mum Four of the Grenlel scout are wishing to no they p11ch lhelr in class My Grenfel Stouls Camp Guests Them the nummipml Ion nl Expo wfll be min and friendshlp STRESS FRIENDSHIP Bonl BE Satisfied With Hundlul BuckToSchool Profits THE HARRIS EXAMINER MONDAY AUGUSI 22 1566 rush of motor vehléle mls ham kept Barrie OPP 0mm busy over the weekend There were Injuries to drivers or passenzen Nine néddenu resulted In dam at estimated at $4300 deer and do werejmed after be In IIIL Gary Franck Garrett Shanle Bond was charged wimcmles drlvln5alger he was InvoIved 1n queen accl dent on Shmce Cmnty Road 20 Just west of Thunder mm on Saturday at 820 pm Ganen was rented and re Mud ran Royal Victoria Kw pin 1me John Bean who Investigated esflmated damage at $1600 Cars driven by Oswald Elan 1515 VincentSL Harv rleflnnd Brenda LHall 49 Per lhlng St Buffalo NY collid ed on Highway L1 the 11th eoncessionpt Inntsfll mm Saturday 230 pm N0 INJUIIES High In Aficidents In District Nolnhlnea were reported by investigating omen Coast Terry Brown He estimaled dunage at Damage was esflmnled at $310 following annular Lwocar smash Saturday nlzht on Highway 400 at St Vlncenl St Vehicles involved were oper ated by Margaret Nellie Emilt Midland Ave Scarbora and Arnold Vlflor BIIHH 633 Mo wan Road Scayqu Cons Jim 5min investigated at 935 deer was killed on he 70 canoeulan of Essa Townfihflp north sldcmadSaLurday At 1015 pm The anlmnl Wu struck by car driven by Douglas Alex Magma 21 yaw awe onmr accident wan re ported Surday at am when an auto operand by Harem Franck Crwdord 3101 Balin hm AVE East Scalbormfll NU ed we at ghe 1mm High 1in 11 md 91 Labrador an omxd by Austln RR Shanty Bay wal smch midklllcq whgn hit DMMGE $300 Omsk MucDonnell esthrIxalcd dump AL mo vdflda Ide by Slam Dd Be Swinger This Year AI School mm musical Instrument tram Keenanl Gunm Baum all primi or your budget orflywnoarooordlan have the mud you ll MUSIC STORE Dunlap SI Investigating officer Canst Ivan iiodxe said the Vohlcie was damaged to the gxtcnz of $60 The mishap Scanred on High way 11 at Gmihe Alley waxd Blasdell Dnvlck Drlve Tormw Snxxlay at 1207 am Vehicles operaied by Elma Polsrpp 56 Ede Ava Tomato and Altrnd Leclarc 171 Glennie Ave Hamilton wllided on mm way 400 at St Vincent 5L Sun day at 956 pm No Inlurles and no charges were repofled by ConsL 3mm wbu estimated damage at 450 Another lwoicnr mlshap was reported at the same Malian at 315 pm Cars Involved were driven by Kurt lent 1A1 Com bcrmere RoadDon Mills and Grace Johnston Mir Shanty Bay Canstr Shultz estimated damage at 3100 Const Shun we aimed to Highway 400 just south 0f the Highway 11 junction Sunday at 41 pm Cars Involved Wm operated by Robert Lacasse 13M Talon $1 Sudlnuy and mane Dakln 386 Davisville Ava Tomia Damage was estimated at 3180 BRITDN RACES IN KARLSKOGA Sweden AP Britains Chris Erwin won the armula auto cm Inc Sun dny Erwin In meham Ford Casworlh covered lha lap 01 Lammiles In 29 minutes 45 seconds KEENHNS IS YOUR DRIVING YOU ADVANCE TV VACUUM SERVICE NEW USED TV SETS 1416 Mullflu mun Just call

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