Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Aug 1966, p. 2

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IL nn liyslnzn pm dinm mid Kumluy he MIL 1mm gm nmvmlnllnn or nnmhl Hymn Mn on lnnd mmnh Tm uvlmnl rnnm lrmn lb Indhn ame nl yum um will no Imuuny at Madam Mun nullnulnl In MumII WASWA IIIZACII Onl lll Omrlilli llw Jnhuln 10010 ml lmk lwr rlunlng their unhlmu rlrvhmvl yard or UH mwml anlvni loo 11 nmnlhuhh M1 pmlmlrr mm In 1hr hmaII hplum wl Iln lnul Mk has lwrn IIrr mm hnmhay uth imxmgmnnu nrn mu mdnr dun ln MI Smuln nlnnx very Alronxly Mlh 11 Men or Inle our lurul yuhlk lurk Iolnz Hm mrk rulhrr than ltlllnx ll ml or nulAldv Irmlu snlrl lho nnl Fnur rvprrwnlmlvn Inns gunn nllm Mlh Hu mllcnninl park and II rec II Lan be mu Hung tur my mum ml aluv nlw unuld llkr lo Ira olhrr rrntrlmlul mjrtu mnnldunl To he In the Inrclronl Slmcnc fuunly munklpallflcx nnrrlc nmll modtm alr or nml such project at no em prnlcll my end of Lnku Sim me shnuld mud uruulnfl nerd ClllIlllT Tl nMIIlIE Turnlnu In nnrrlu cenlcnnlnl pnrk lvrujrcl AM Parker InM mmklrru his great cm Iht In Hm my The mumH hml mmlr lhh lotMun bdnrt hrr elunrm lull Iho Iuppnrltd lhn mmc The Ilciuhhnrinx town of Orll also Inoklnn Into the mill lrr nhuunlnu clvlc air ulllu 1H in Un mm he mm near Lnku Simeon hav ing born suflucslcd In my opimun vu would be dnim he rlnhl 111anv Dy prepar lng now she sai comment in nnciiy councfls ncllon 2n Asking IhL Department Trans vnrl lu unnsldcr posslble the lhr mm The dcpnrlmenl pays mm of bcwccn as and 100 per cm nr municipal nlr ports hue In shown nctd exists and lhl avenue also being explored This llnnt only lm mm In American subskllnrlc so to many Canadian manufac lurcrs Mrs Parker suggested In rclcrcnce In numerous Cam dinn lirnu which have wnd ll advisable to dcccnlrnlize In Hus munlry like Cnnndn nir Irnvcl 13 Impnrlnm to business and It is ccrlnin lu become more no In Um Iulurc GHNEHOUS GRANTS Wasaga To Get Young Elephant Since last air travel cum in for many industrial execu livcs municipa airport with ullsizLd airstrip could make the difference between favor able or n1ch dcclsion when Incaliun new industry bcmg consldcred aha nld It would be wonderful thing or Bnrrle and xranl ald rard Iurthering our consider able development said Md Dorian Parker anl£ wamnn member of nnrrles ily Coun4 oil when asde her oplnlon day Abnul the move to oblaln municipnlnirpurt or Darrlc mum wll Home For Agéd Airport Needed Alderman Says Wérm sunny wealhcr brought 300 children to ans Pool Sat uniay during we Simcoe Coun MIDHUBSTMINESING TEAM WINS COUNTY SWIMMEET who or MUM mpva WONT MXHT nlWHUH KAMIAM Ulnmln IMI Unmhl Allfillnm nml llnmnn Cnlhullc thunhu uhl Manny Chrullnm do hm Impl dlwm Id mild manna tnnml dluolvnl an rhunhn qul jalnl momnnwlum on llndlnl UIHMI lov mvmnl rummlsnhm uhlrh 0erth ml 1me munnum mnmu In mulnmd Ir VA liyplnqa Inlll In punk ll hnu nut hem 1mm he Inmlln mm mm tkpnmnrnl crmcnnlnl In My ml lho km Thllllml mrr In purdnu ol null T1u plwlunl hhlrh aim we am Iflcr It urlvnl In rink milrl nnflh Tornnm km been hm mnml phnnl vmuld In ml 1mm Thnl Ilnd mldcn 1mm IHKB 1937 and Wunl IIM 1970 Mu Pnrkzr Mu askcd bout her In lcrm nu tlly coun cillor It my nlcmllnx and rowanan cxmrlenca Aha Inld mum lhu welcomnl lho uppormnuy mm In rcnler conlrlbullnn lawn city mo rrxl Pnrkzr ll lhc Hrll WW mun member tauncll Ilnta former mayor Marjorie llnmll an tnnw Inmlly cnurl Judxa rcllml from tho munlclpnl Held leml no In Addldon In mvlnfl on llmmco conunillu AI Pub er tmmrll renrmnlnllvo lo the Ilnrrln klllzcnx and Ind Kcmponlm Drum and xcnlor riiinnx home In Barrie wn id nrva warm whil plug and given unim cllimu wished the uvpur lunin oi continuing to live in limIr home riiy tha there are exlcnsha ex pamlan plans for Royal Victor Hulfilul chmnlc pallenls hnsplm ur ently needed and mi would can tome at the hospital beds lnr olherl she pointed out Darrin um woman touncH lor 3th lbs community he cum city In 1933mm laid than wan anor mm cluzlm home Elduly Barrio mldanll who can quality may 1le on Simcoe County homes Ilnco Imrrlu cnntxlbulcs In lhzIr upkeep but sumo do nnl Hko ma Idea nmvinx In my on or Puncunzulshena hm hue homu In located recmllon xerviccs annual swim meet mdhurstMlnming swimmers look tap honors In events and war awarded the ALD DOIUAN PARKER Barrie Minister Defends Youth mnny yum pwpln nl linn maullty nod count Inlelllxrnce um how ulm went belnrc mm II wmmmullnf lhq mm or Dunl urll hm nl chrlwwuh Mum he wn pnlnr or II yrm Morn comlnl cly lwn yum um Mr lmclvr vm 1an ll Mle hm mu 1er HI lmn lolmnu Ihuwn IndK mm In um pm and When In Inn promptly mm In nu nrlmmllvn mmlp nu peanl Inln Iho nme tllll lrw Ind omlrmn mn um became Immnumy very Imlll xwrrenlnn ha They no lwlmi hruuahl up In nu are mom rnnlmeu and upon dlcunlan hul ml mu nucunrllr wrun ll lnohd up on uh rclvely ultl rm pluulx hln convlcllon lhll lo dnyl NUI ltnernlly matured up In wmparlnon ln pull ltnSflfilIunlyl IflAIfllZl llAlllllE VDUTII all In the church and Al enumellar hmo HIM many llmcs that think lodlyl ymm pecan If my mornlur an n1 humu III pull Inlrl pnslor 01 1100 con clmlu Iomu moo conllrmtd mnmbm Too many older criucl today are mom ludze young prle by he mlnm low mxllums nvcrcnlhuslnsllc ad lollowtu like lho than Henlle ndmlrm nr other en lo unsallonnllnrn uhlch cnn minuon church vhldl In vuyl wrong lmprcnlun cull ly the majority mom rmmm By WILLIAM CURRAN Often crillclzcd Indlllorcnl Ind loom morally modern younl M10 were umntly do fended bit the 1mm of no 11min um churcth In an Interview Sunday Rev David Proctor oi Colo llcr Slrcel United Church aid this is trying two with per han mun 10mm on and cu lninl wlih more outspoken irnn nus than evcr bnforc lie all young people generally are lncinf lheir problems with more lnlcli genus and with but mth upomlbilily poll on crnliunn lefleroth ABOVE Mary Ann laanlusvlefl coach al the victors received the trophy from Mnkue Boudreau mm Tourists PerkY And Rex Get Homes After Pictures Published Roy Lem RllTAuMNT nuts 7mm Bob M1011 mLmal mum ofticgr or city hid there mm emuvr dog go mund response 10 me number 91 can received alter photumu at two lhefiw were pubfishod in lho Examimr Mr Ham melvod more than 15 mm Satmday and Sunday lfihhhorminqniflngabmnthedogs PM the callers went to flag pound 9way at 130 pm the lm set by Mr mm to prck up the dogs Three war Iway wing qulflq and hm mjduappom Whld flaw they mid check bmhtarmmawawmifflwymdmindoumpm or Lhe In U1 poop were to pay 99 4035 Go ynn For China Food Ccll Mu bf pooplevm after the dogs were gone he said and um appeal was very 5mm Rex and Perky two dogs slated to be demand by Wednesday wen picked up by low minim at the Barrie tom momma IO nl Odl And Andrew Dunn ol an Bor den wm Injuml nmmpwn wu ln lllr mndltlon In hmpllll hm yelurdly Bum wn lxujled qrgd rglcmd Cannllblrl Gemn Marnnn And Wood In Orlllln vol omuu soldier home on can wm killed urly Monday when Ms cm len 11 mud and cureened unauzh gunm ram lrccs hydra pole and tan alter polloe chm rpccdl up lo 309 mum In hour Palm laid IM mun Freder lck Ian Clmpbull 21 For Osbome Bunch Wlnnlpcl wm vmlm My mother Mn Audrey Cumpbcu of Drillln gm Ilrlku Inward mare lo arlnce and Chrlxunn unlly ln room mm he uld calling nucnllon tn magazine nrtlclu on tho IubjecL Unlike tome who have clnlm ed there Is morn dishonest and Ihnm today Mr Procm cum vlnced people now In just honest and wnlflwumm they aver were Aunln he cau tioned Judlmcnl buodon he ncllom few up In bu bully Tb err in human course but he average person lodn honul and rust war In pm unemlhm he malntalncd Orjllia Crash Kills Soldier Base Borden Man Is Injured ant dlxéctor ml the come re creaklon services as team members Mr their approval Examiner Photo ONTARIO NO EXfiufims 19c 109 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK LEAN TENDER BARRII NO CREAMERV Slrloln BUEHLERS Tuesday Only im lnld My lllnnllvxi Camp boll to flop whm ho was drlvlnu errnucully Illa Sllumly mm The MIX cm med all fol low by affirm in pallca crulser road map lull hydro knocked We mm Ilud Hm and Ian up to col ol dulMlnk one armband Io toncrm mu TM ur mum to ml an ll loll ML Humen worked mlnulu muinx Thuan from milo curve on thrley Rand the car Lhtmd 0U llvn pom auud mil on Ute norlh um Awervui A130 eel mm GENEVA PARK 0m CF Andrew Thompson Ontario Ln eral pun lender called on Ca nadlnns alurday to show wnrld leadership in at least law Held Canada Is In mviva nun Ioleralgn nfillup Mr Thompson told lhe 0n arlo Younl Liberal Alsoclnllon annual mccllnl that we an no make vim oulnnlng Ken ulna canlrlbuflon to lha wurld in nation lhcn we might as ngLLglveu The choice In homer we Ihould like lhe trouble In re man mva ml or All bracelully lnlo arm me nllcd 5mm threegar pileup last nlght on Highway 400 Just south nl Hlahway 12 mulled In 32000 damaqe Vchlcle Involved were operated by Peter Maclean Rob erlabn Wlllvwdale Karlis Ed wln Unsun Toromo ml Garry Charles Galloway Sueelsvllle Snmiamun was charged wllh careless drlvlng Iollgwlnz zwwarmlllslon Sunday at 510pm on Highway 92 one and hall miles east ol Wasa gaBeach Chlrged L1 James Kenneth Slubbs who sustained mJnor forehead lucerallom other car Invalvcd In the mishap which ro lulted In $900 damage was driv en by Barn Lesley GenIon 134 Maple SL ColUngwood Samuel James thul Downy vlow was rented and released from hospital aflcr suflerinz Inle Insurlel In twocar col lklon the lame locailon Ontario Provincial Police at Elmvale and Wasnza Beach re porlcd nine accldenls over he weekend in which damage II lmaled It K000 No mm In Juriu were reported The car collhon occurred on Bayflald 5L one tenth mile south of city llmllsr lolal damn was estimated at 3725 dc Involved were opera ed by Wflllam Jr Cherlngmn 55 of 13 Bayflls Ave Tomnlor Anton Baglmki 16 of 18 Mar land Rd Toronto Ignace Puch aln 24 Bl Brunswick Toronto Branmnw Turknwskl 49 015 Candlewoad Ora Dlzwmview Funk Brawn 57 of 85 Gamble Aver Toronto and John Forflenfl of RR Figuring Ont While no serious lnlurluwere iustnincd he mishaps reported over the weekend resulted in angina estimatch 13 mm Eight Barrie accidents Includ lnz sixcar pileup were re orled by lice Sunday as mu mm ma their way back rolm the collage country to Tor nn Show Leaderéhip Liberals Urged SixCar CraslifAmong 14 ACCidéntS III 7Bdrrie Elmvale And Wasaga Police Kept Busy Checking Mishaps lhmwn chm No injuries were sustained ac CITY NEWS THE unnan EXAMINER MONDAY AUGUST 22 1966 rcfifliid In exunélve dam nag The cyclist Brynn Mcnxclel Ikl mlth hrulm The molomycla was opcrnled by Erlc Neal Roderhum Smflville 0M éhrl Involved were driven Unruly Cnln 100le1 and GH pc caninn escaped urlmu Injury alter bclng hit by car on Mosley SL oulede um Dy conin Hotel Sntumlay II 340 enn er carcehmmnw wn charged with ailing 10 slop lol lowlng twnar noddem on Joan Avenue Wasaga Bench Saturday 1030 molomycie hxcyclc colllp ion wn rcporttd Wasaza Provincial Park Sunday It 130 twour lth on lllghway 02 the beach Smdnyrnt 220 TRY EXAMINFR WANT ADS PHONE mzm other vehiclo involved was opaland by John Koran Dr mil Mluhlinn Damage wax esllmnledA mo car driven by Phylm Mir dita Tomma lost control an slippery road conditions and en tered dllch on Illghwny 92 Just east of County Road 29 Sunday 525 pm Damage was estimated at $150 Donna Pawelck 20 Toronto sullenrd back and head bruises but was Mleused mm hnspltal Ann treatment The car waé driven by Jolcyh Jame K112 Bradford No char flywqe LAM other car Involved 11 he mLh hap whlch mulled ln m1 dam lie was driven by wnm Rlch nrd Kownk from bar Dmad Pcéf 05617 013mm Frederick Hill RR Wunza was charged with m1 ing to Hana while maklng turn following another twovcar smash on flirtAway 96 seven tenths of mile east od Wasa znklkach Splluyday a74 pm olher am 1mva wu oper afld by Robert Vaughan Toron to Damage was estimated at 3350 The mlshap occurred Sun dag Suzanne Cayle15was treated at Royal Moria Hos pital suflerlng minor abrasions tn ace Bndforehead whfla an other menger Clara Parkey 38 trad whiplath Cansz am Walla whn mm ligated estimated total damage ut5820 Léi charged thh allowing too carding to Investigating omcen Consl John Benn Banl 011le in Provincial Police and Con Bob Green Bnrrle City Policy Bnyflcld 51 at unney Acm was the scene or omveer smfsh at 5715 pm Cflll Involved were driven by Em Bycflm 27 or 67 Nanwood Dr Brampton Louis George OConnor 37 Slrnbane Ave Harrie Stanley Dndzlak 53 Ma Ma Falls 0nL and Hugh mm Cnyiey 28 39 Renown Rd Iallnglan MlWINfl Zzyearnld1ggntq man Please call The Bell Business Office 7281401 as early as you possibly can and glvc us your new address also the date you will require telephone service IVE HER llllill T0 TAKE THOSE TELEPHONE HOOK ALONG WITH TU YOUR NEW IIOIIJ lhnl way youll gol scrvlcu pmmplly your new dwelllng When youre just sellllng ln your telephone wlll be more lndlspensnblc than ever So please dont dclny and we mml cllhcrl Mwor LVE Cooke Ind Ald Robem chalrman ol fin mm represenfinz the my of Barrie convenflm of the Onurlo MunlcipalAsloclatlon gulillltms SherldmConnnuzht ate Delegates 1mm varlov part Ontario mud gatheran at the canvenuoo Riemannm yu terday Session tuned 1er morning mdmntlnug unlll Wed nesday avenlnu the 6611 annual meetinl II mmde assodnllvn Ald SmIdI Iain mayor during the mayoxa ab lance ConsL Green was nlerlud lo Owen and vaa Slreeu at 547 when can driven by Nell em star 43 as Newton SL and ma Ems Hooper gs 147 anleiAv edJn collision were InvoIv Juan Mary Pickering RE Barrie was charged wiih carelessr driving liter the auto she was driving drunk pafk 52d truck Buxlpn Aye ouu do lfizoiéér collhihn an Bay fleld 5L north 0111de Road reamed In $170 damage Valuch Knvolved were opera led by Jose Domlnlak 41 157 Indian Grave Toranlo and Michael Lauer 27 of 211 East Mull Iallngtom Const Bill Walt Invuflgnted 705 pm house number 61 Sunday am The truck was owned by Bob er Helmle Saskatchewan Dam age was uumllzdat 3100 Investigating officer Conn Hu Steaves twocar crash on Bradford clnsely following twmwr col lision at 113 pm yesterday CHARGED Charged IsJnhn Henry WU Hum 132 Gludstnne Ave Olher vehlcfe Invalvpd was apmlcd Turner Roordn 16 RR argon The nushap which res Md In mu damage occur red on Bnyfleld SL nutsldu hause number 335 Canal Bob Green investigated ms Hooper was charged fnmng tn atop at stop COLLISION Mayoxjyflflending Municipal Meet Wall Braised Windows are wearing draperier wilh DECORATOR FOLDS VIIIGHT Drapery Cleaning Services GUARANTEED goisunmmcss Inn lOJ Bnylllld Garage Rickeus 28 of 17 Flor ence 5L Barrie was charged with failing to ulluw hall lhe rond olluwln twtrcar collu Ion on Parksi Drlve near Du Salur ay at pm Vr other auto Involved was oper atcd by Fernand Simonenu 25 Thomson Street Barrie Com greoen estimated damage dame ilmi st and Vespra SL Saturday pm mulled in nu dam age Karrie woman was ch35 ed gdthllalllnng Ila ylg Charged ls Gladys Lllllan Bales of BB Albert St otlflr vchlclo Involved was drlvcn bx Jean Plcrre Caron 22 or 25 7t Street Toronto Constr Blll John rog Investlgatod Fin 59¢ 5i higher 306 Dec 4s higher 500 May In higher 5161 Rapuud Nov 96 lower 300 Jnn unchangedVa lwer 298 March lower 197 out Oct unchanged 91 Decufii lower 92w May um chgnged 9421 infilcfl 0E1 not open 1392c lower 135 May lower 138 Rye Oct MOMREAL CPh Eggs Average weighted price windie nie to retail in one dozen car ionsz exitMarge 734 large 701 medium 510 smaii 407 WINNIPEG CF Mimi Friges shuwcd an underlying irmness In light opening trade on the Winnipeg Grain Ex chanxeioday am an Bell Canada MUSIC ncconmou aumm LESSONS CANADIAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC FARM PRICES Inllnmlenll Supplled Far MomHan all bump stI 88 Dunlop 50

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