Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Aug 1966, p. 4

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F0imula For Inflatidn In their eightcity strike against Can ada Packers lelted members of the Unlted Packlnghouse Workers Union in dlcate they are prepared tostayout long time In pursuit of awage settle mentthat would be the equivalent of whatrthe unloncalls the Pearson form ula The phrase refers to the govern mentapproved 30 per cent wage tn crease over two years that settled the strlhe against the St Lawrence Seaway Authority In the packinghnuse strike the company offereda wage increase of 20 cents an hour in each year of two year agreement The union claims that this would be only about half the Fear son formula settlement The Seaway dispute was not the gov ernments only excursion into thislield Earlier there was the settlement by cabinet teamoi the Quebec longshore mens strike with an 80eentsanhour in crease overtwo years about 33 per cent wa hike Ottawa also bears some responsi iIity for the fantastic wages be lng pald in the Montreal area $6 an hwr for plumbers for instance be cause of the urgency to build Expo 67 on time Walls Publisher 10 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Aug 15 1946 Lions Club Street Frolic at Post Olliee Square held two nights under chairmanship of Bill Garner Third Community Life Conierence sponsored by Simcoe County Federation of Agriculture opened at Camp Rawley Port Severn with Dr Ar thur Morgan theme speaker Craig Hunter Stroud won held crop compeii tion growing Ajax oats of Barrie Agri cultural Socicty Ralph Robertson Craigvale was second with Galore bar ley Samuel Stransman Barrie mer chant trolling with Cecil McKeown in Lake Simcoe off liawkestone launded 11 lb oz trout North Simcoe seed potato growers accompanied by Stewart Page toured New York State farms Rev Dr ll Cody chancellor Univer sity of Toronto and summer resident at Barrie on Shanty Bay Road preached in Trinity Church Sunday morning ilis Worship Peter Sinclair addressed Bar rio Kiwanis Club with impressions at Vancouver convention of ganadian may nrs Sterling Trusts Corporation oi Toronto bought 1er property at south easteorner Five Points will renovate and open branch in Barrie RCAF toned drive in Barrie office of Nation Employment Service Four Barrie hysiciarls and surgeons Dr Little Dr Harold Smith Dr Gray and Dr Taylor entered into partner ship known as Simeoe Medical Group with oiiices on Collier St at Owen Charles Alexander has contract or build ing renovations Barrie Womens in stliute held successiul tea and sale fancy goods at home of Mrs Corbett Duekworth St RGS voiced ad i1 1112marrirfixmnw Il will be surprising almost all con rnlnyn MUM pm Iy with unimu Mm llmula In Wt I1 Walt HmMnr mm undo Publlahgd by Cnnqdlan Nawupnpm Mind 16 Bnyfluld street Enrrle Ontgrlo DOWN MEMORY LANE McPheradnManaglng Edltar SAMMY ADI1151 16 ms mam 106 NEVER BEEN SICK Ina OM Innmvly mm mm Mr lAImlry nm In hm wn vlay Mk II doesnt drink but Im tract negotiations comlng up in the near future are not plagued by labors claim that it has every right to follow the wage guidelines set by these government dlctated settlements Negotiators for 95 000 railway workers were quick to tile miss conciliation board recommenda tion of an increase or 40 cents an hour over two years they have said they ex pect to settle for nothing less than the pementage increases given the long shoremen andAthe Spaway workers We could all applaud the determined drive by these particular unions for high er wages if it meant higher living stand ads for all comments Harris in his weekly pamphlet ClipSheet But that is not the case The wage hikes are far beyond the economys increased rate at graduativity The inevitable result is igher prices and higher living costs an other discount on the dollar Even for those who wilfully and without eon science use their monopoly power to en forcequite unreasonable demands the real gain will be largely illusory For salaried workers and others on fixed in comes particularly for pensioners it will bedihe equivalent of healthy pay cut The 5631M onnula reallya1form ulafar inflation verse opinions of Innistii citizens on new parking meters in Barrie Manager ohn Sliver signed eight new mem bers for Barrie Chamber of Commerce this week George Fine operator of billiard academy also bowling alleys purchased recently from Archie Hudson will open mens wear store having bought Charlie Lowers stock He oper atedstores in Montreal before coming to Barrie in 1041 Hon Earl Rowe of Newton Robinsonentered and drove his chestnut stallion Van Riddeil in Ham bletonian Stakes at Goshen New York worlds greatest harness horse race Van Illddeli failed to place but Mr Rowe was well pleased with performance and re ceived $25000 bid for him Ernest Burton appointed assistant to town clerktreasurcr Arthur Smith Slnging 15 hard on the throat says singer In some cases it ls also hard on the carsof the lisleners Doesnt seem bit impiausiblc to you that water can completely erode stone but stone cant wear water out Query by anonymous post card Do you believe women are people Some times you belleve women are people Slomctlmcs we believe they are some tmcs sociologist says future generations will spend more time playing him work lng There are times when it seems the current generation is spending more time goofing of lhan vorklngl Paragraphically Speaking HV Wilsppr General Manager mom firm flm he wn It llu murdy lnr nrlm wl palm mnwnllnr mhhh ho Inn at Ilnimuu cl Wlu phvlo TM lemon of ed flaflnh on current Iaplu lnnsllled lrom lhu Franch llnguay pun ol Cnnlda hnlyklvleres Nouvel lhle The rejection by five other prwinces of the system 01 health insurance proposed by Ottawa constitutes happy development tor Quebec will force the central govern ment to dclny It Luming Into 01m Bccause Ihu Quebec will have the lime lo wnrk out in owu adjustment in such way that Iho advan tagm of hcaflh insurance will bend Quobmrs he samn time as all other Canadians The serlvus muse sul lered by he cheral proposals at he premlers conhrcnco shows that it is not easy to put lnlo shape social mens urc ul suth Importance Con sidering lho changes 01 now crnmcm that have Iaktn place In the lust cw mums and the disagreement lhzl reigns over comin mhuds ol the Moral system It nu nstonlshlnu um ihercp nsenlntivcs of he provinces suggcslcd rcstpHon dis cusslmfl rum lhe surfing poinL Gilt flunk Exnmimr rm new ledcral pmvlncial conlcrcncc on the subij would probably perml MW mm In principle au thorizing the provinm to hen cfll mm lulcml asslslnnw while he nmeyimo ap yan gymm different in method Six 01 ha ulghl provlnm prmul nl the mullM re Joclcd um systcm based on crllerin mmmm by lho lcdcrnI auvernmcm Quchrc wxu nmnnu lhi number and Ms Anw khn In then no tlcrnbly rtinlomc he pnsnm he now mm minblor JunPaul Cloullcr whn Aald Mendy that henllh inulrnnra Mum non be Immulrl in our prmlmo at the crawl dale Proph lhouum hm th QurbKfll would nunln allow mm Cnnndlnm Evnln mp pox lhn comlualnn that Mr Cluullcr mvlsngcd 1m xl Aulhnrlml mud Inn mnlL Im Olllro Drmrl mtnl MIAMI nml or mymrnl ul pnslnn In cash Ilnlly fiumlnyu Am Slnmlhry llmlxlm urnllul Sulmlpllnn mm daily by rnmrr Im rtHy $1140 yearly mm In 109 Dr mall Munro mm yury nlann llfl yrnr nwlnr lhnnvnlt 35 mm Mull mluulp Unlu NIL N1 yran lmuhln 11 Mill Hrllldu msmxlnnl mull Hrllldl mssrixlnnl anll lnrrlzn year Wk 13 Uulvmily Mr rnnmln at ml Munlmt mo VNl aucmmr llm uanan Dally anmwr rumm Asuflnlhm Hm auh mllnn Im ml Alum lluvrau Vrruu rm TM Canadlnn Put In urlmlvcly mUHId In 1th mo or mllhllrntlml all nun Ilirpnlrhr In Ill 133w urdllul In II Manchud PIN or nmlru and um InnII um puhlhlml Ihmln THINK WERE RUNNING OUT OF NAMES QUEBEC OPINIONS lion with much realism PlulEmlle Plonfle Aug By DONAL OIIEAHN TORONTO Whlln pollllu slumixr qmuon party lcndcn are busy Qucbcc be swellSome 10 year ago the editorlnchlel of Ottawa Lo Dmll concluded alter lung Inquiry The Ca nadlan policy on lmmgralion in no play ngalnst he anclwnnudlau you mm be bllnd not to realize ll or the anchCauudlam he has not done all he should have done and should dn In prevent immlgrallnn playlng agulnslhlm ur In lukr the lug p0slhle pencil Irom ll The federal govern not the only one mpunsxbln or the suns of thing It 15 correct be immigration mlnislcr sald that French speaking immigrant in French Canada are often War FEW QUEENS PARK Nut yrnr mum be In milk1 am or bolh lerrnll and NDIE xcncml tlrcllnn mild nnlnl and could hnvu My lnrlcnl Ilnnmumcn lnr lho lwn nmmslllun anu 111 NDI hum nhnwn IIKM Hammer In Mr pmvinclnl Ilnmllfl whlla lhn Lllwrnl lrml Item Injus wnnlnm a1 mquiry that Joan Mnrdmnd Intends In have conduclcd will probably again show that the ulmude he Frcndmnnndlnm tr wards migration is inlcd wilh hosfilily Indillcrmcc or lake nallonalism Survival by Isolation has 14 in 1mm nm drnrul hnve lhn NDP In rrplnco lho IIlwrnll n1 lht nlllclnl Ummlllnn rwhn Ihrv ham hrlzl lllll The FMth Confedera llun hoped lhal lhn errllory now called Muniwa culd be mum la great cxlcnl hy cmsz the French lau NDP Hopes To Become The Opposition Party TWIN 1th have hrlzl lllll pollllnnumlrr Io nhl Toaper nllm nmmnnwnllh Ynlrrn llnu NJL1 10M 51 Anul mm mm lo ennuih lwhlml Ihrm lhry lnlflhl In lhw Nth main nul yearl rlNIItvn and HM mantlu pm nlllm ll rrudnl me hm hm mu ml or In um nmmmr mu Iav my lrrl Irmly ngnln In qurl Um MIL Thu lmn they Inluhl lnka rr 0m lotand pnrly In lho rruvlnrn Immu IHIIIINH hlfilll Hnlh lylhrrnl TIMI Andnw Hmmpum ml an lelrr le MMDIIIIAH mllhu lhbl mil Ihlmrml In dull mm In tounul Am mm llmlrl mlulmy will IMINV mm mm mm Ivlluk rlumly Illuh Hm nul llvll llw unlv Hung lhal ll ha plenum In hlm BIBLE THOUGHT Wth nlhm haw been lmk f3 guagn AA anidfmbie grallon Imm Gmnlrflritnln made It ugEngflsq nguvjncc French Canada then close in again on Itself We came to cansider lmmlgmlon as plague and all Immigrant as intrude Canndal inter fionnl relations have until now played against us 02 tnwa has or long Ilme hm diplomatic rclaflons wilh an the Camomrenllh coumrics while took unlil mm In con dude the its agreoments wilh the Fth speaking InnIn nun wnler whom nr Shubnd 40hcyl haw bfgn hnnl nl bmhrs Mr Marchand lnlanllon to favor Frenchspeaking immi ylllm lo Cllflda prnlu worthy but ll will be new sary to do more than annnge HIE departmcnls ol liccs at Paul and lncreaso he stall ol the olllccs Mar sclllc and Bordeaux Quebec er wlll also have lo anew lho lnlpgrallgp ol the newctnm Tllry haw lwcn lrmcllinx lhrnugh lho prnvlncu fulfilling lha IM roan penning up local maunllnlluns nml kcrnlnu nu eye out lnr prospecllvo tnn dlrlMu céuAu of mm MISVTMIHNMII wade unrk has hem punlwlnrly Interm IEMIM It would mom be nor mal at he gwornmen of Quebec Io partlclpae actively in rcoricntnllon Canadian immlgmlnn pollciu mnccrn In men speaklng coun mcs Thnre no mad or Il lusions Frcnchipnaklnz per xons It umy whh lo rcmaln will have to live In Que bee AM 0n hln Irhululu It In note vurlhy llml In IpffllnnK good drnl limo Itan lhrnuzh hnmllnh nnll plum mu flur ulnhllthcnu has he can mm In Noplr In In doing Hun Illwnl Irmlrr my ho lnklnz Ital lmm Ihu hunk of mnslrr poll llrlmIIMIIIa Frml Inrlirulurly In Hm yum In nlnrn Mr lrml MIN MI lumlhy lcnurn In llm hazin lnlurr unknnun III dam malon out In lnnko hlnucn llrn Hr nnrllml ruryuhrrr nan mm mm Imul hn mulvl rnh Il unxhnl Ho lwnlm lnrmn Am unlvralulvlo lk mumr In ammo and lnlmhldnu mva In pmnlrr flu WIHIIII Mr Myriam MI 111 nlhor hm Mn Im Amiy 111mm my rvnl Irmlrr IZIJIMMHJ REUNION TUHONTO Tl The Ih lldflnmhll fund mulny lmlml luwxmn ol 717 ll Tnvnnln and run Shlllnlal RH lwl lha Wnlum I7 var rmk llw lamullnn Imlunal ICIMIINmn ml ml IPMI lrlrlunllnn HI 75m nunhm mm um Jml dMsul hm lhn mmn puml MIR Vlwéllnru in usual 20 1591 lira mla arrived at Pflc oBpmJRb on daisday 1382Y and lite its unlon of the Northwest Territories Coumllwaa held at Rosina on Augm 1m Sui katdewan Unlvmily was founded Saskatoon on Mum $0 firfiofl 3me Students pmemlwgy should have laminallna examlane pmdylng certaindale In Canadhg hlstury mmkrmrunoe 09 1th wfimuduewun an example Henry Kelsey is be Ueved to hm been the lirstyvgflka mm Saskatchewan an Baum wwhe uplal of the Northwest Tarrlwdu unJt March 1883whenll WI decided to change Io Regina because the CPR lrgmnflnental would pass through than In those dAysI Reglna was Just camping ground or Inan Mater Ind wan knqwn jflle Bonegbecgause of he grunge filled will In mun munw we Manama ynw mm was important 10 find boner name for the new capital and must offllhe settler walned la call it Victoria aller the Queenf HoWever that name had already been chosen far the Vcapnnl at British Columbia so another had In be round The problem was solved by Princess mum wile of GovemorGeneral the Marquess 01 Aimee She suggested the lam word Regina meaning den and i9 wai waned CANADAS STORY Regina and most at the prairies made great progress in who of m3de mucnyhfiu Imus ms Sir John Adeonalct said flat theme wuv oi nopresen vnlue In Canada Sir George Simpson Governor the Mums Bay Oompariy told Apeclal committee therflrillsh House Commons that the ma had no value ercep for fur special expedition under Caplnh John PollLser studied the prnlrles for two years and reported IhIE alarge area of rouJxom Saskatchewan and Alberta were none or set ere Fortunately dam were experts who disagreed with he Pilllur findings hey Included Dr Macmm Dominlan botanist and Dr Hlnd of we Unlverslly of Tomb They marked out ll million acre whldm would make first class land for laminz OTHER EVENTS 0N AUGUST 20 lMlMakonneuve mind Quubec on way In lound Monlml IssaDMllcbwst dc Coullmge succeeded Montmagny Governor lamH Kelsey was first while man to see what l3 new Saskatchewan lmmee ahiplond ol settlers lrom Britain arrived at Illnnd of John REJJ HisFrancis Bigot became Intendant oi Canada He turned out to be crook lasaCalonyu Brillah Columbia eslnbllshed on mainland and con lrol of Vancouver Island surrendered by Hudson Bay Com PZDY HalFirst trnln mlved at Regina ismFirst usslon of Northwest Terlrlorlu Council held at llezina lsooSaskaldlewnn University ionnied at Saskatoon 191$Slrika ol dock workers ran William Ontario lossGovernorGeneral Vincent Massey opened World Scout Jam boree ll NiagaraonmeLake THE LIGHT TOUCH 111 AL BOYLE NEW YORK AP Evcr ask young allow or lluht and then mde realize ywu Hg oi young Indy Wdldant brood nbau it the mislaka natural one slnce everylhhu else tn lha wrld today collused it perhaps only in be gxpedtd hat sex should get mm con uslnz loo However km studcnl ol the sublmt mu Mn not cer um key dlllucnce thil loll him whether new uqualn tame belong to the male or legxnle gender Here in low examples lug may pgovchelpm 0n aiufiiihitfipu per um cardul never to polnt gun lam other me lho parl gm 61 aded $9 v1 man ll gold Inaded shal znn between Ms 1mm while pawdcdng ll nose in bound to he yawn Auguétm ImEpitanta SaékaifcheWanDate fifplnyx licks would mlhcr loss rulr bcr ball nulmt lhe wall lms usually ail will ls Ina lucked undzr fll Call It gld Docs IL like In x1 with is legs watched out Inigo mm am you pull lhe bcard war malqumdo ham mm mllady But you tug at he bend And it ycll ouch lhntl mllnrd or millionmnnmnu hmnlo allmllon rum clr cm Ildrsmw bnl dmflflchendcr on vh an In man it 112 ifiarriv Examinvr COMMERCIAL PRINIING Male or Female Here Are Tips LEITERHEADS BROCHURES lNVOICES ENVELOPES PRIZE lISTS BILLHEADS OPOSTERS OOFFICE STATIONERY TAGS CATALOGUES CHEQUES PROGRAMS OHAND BILLS 16 BAYFIELD 5T WEDDING STATIONERY BLACK AND WHITE AND COLOR marking on how cuts on the pllchm L1 in womam At bar doc 1m in urn In buying round Yum can bet its guy Does it never buy round You cant be ll girlor the barten dcr Elma1 GUMMED LABELS BUSINESS CARDS The Funk Exlmlner nem knowlnxly publhhn mlnludlnl lnudnknt or In Idverllllnx All Id vcrflumenu In Acctpm lnr publiclion on In premlle lhll the pmdnd the Icrvlce or the all ll properly And honutly do Icrlhed Ind II not um ed or dulma to mhlud the mam In In to wed Murflllu Amplea or puhllcndou mull not to lulu In or annulled cm or unumm campnnun pflrel Ind ll In rudtr Encouner anyman kn 0m llanl campllnuco will tend lionl dtlrflbzd In Any ldnrfllcmrul It all lvprecllle kmqu It Jul Will or all Dmll Enmlnpr or flu Climber Commute which MI munpu II III In mtmhtr Murllurl who denim nlrly vlolfll the mud Irdl will nnl wmllled to me nur Idvtlllllnl purl DRAW TICKETS 7266537

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