Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Aug 1966, p. 5

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lATlnlYn TIMMI hm hm hm 71 AND mo IM llNIM TIMER ll 13 AND PM M1 mu llrmmlna lnmlly who had been 5pm he mm Mm hr wed mu VIIMM hy Um Inln ll Hrmmlnx lhu Famous IlaH man manager lnr Tomnla be lure ha lranmlndm mum llvlofiml 0n alrul Hwy N0 rrxulrllnml mm mmch In flu dmlx lb mdlan Ind lnr 1m delegate um roprmnl by the mremy ol the Into as well Um mm 01 association who clulm they represent owner at nrvpcrty nnnd ha Talboll holding Ind lhzir unrldinns an Audi that no In propcriy ran be madn or alhcr Hun mldtnflll purmm 11m Tnlbrll proprrly um oblninrd by the prmnl nw furl Immingr at UII lhe Icr numcllve enwnh um fgnuxh he property has born sale or our years the flu that ha been big enough to ho uonhy nl munidcrnunn Delezaflnm which had been Idmjulod lo can alter pm begun arriving before cnuncil Hallld Ihe mceLimz My want ed lo hear how um public bus mss wax mnduded Many at those prawn had come in cl lo lakeshore dmrlcl own as Sandy Cove and lha Flcnming Emu mounting the lake ol sevenacre portion Lhe shore an which are mp1 oi large building now used privnte summr homes The prmnl awner Mr Mn In In offer to purchase 1mm at ruligimu dc who led ma lhc locallon would make an Idea simmer camp and vncnllan propuly or them ndJ logic Rh wit whom they fly lnnislil council meellng Wed ncsday evening nve member chance lo earn their lull duh nllwnm own may met only In the evening It WM altzr lm when the final malufiun to adjourn was passed 2mm T0 HALE Council Time Taken Up With Delegations uwwuviuuu INNISFIL NOTES New reconshuclion In re storing For Ste Marie on he Wyn River near Georgian Bay be viewed by visit OLD CHURCH RESTORED HT FORT STE MARIE um um IMAM Another Sandy Cove dciozm llan from tho mocifllun hohind he lukelronl am who am pro luunz Um land sale came la nnmcnl mme zoo awnm who stated my are Minx mum ml of Um mull lnkmlda park And wall to mnko mo the duliulcd property on lhclr win divbinn lo ham building erm nd nm dulknlcrl prnprrly in cluch nix lain whidl In Already In property ol lhn township Tho unzmllon nch the mum wnl Hut may orzaniw Ilmkr the kmmmrity Cm Ito Ml which Hmld cnahiu them grant at any Incilillu that were hulll and m1th 159 enllllu INTI In ad help ham Um lownnhip quII In ho hum of hadxlnu ior hrir nrvmmlm 1m would mean Ihnl lwn mambo muntll would ha nn uwlr mmxniller nave Codmno promlscd he deltgnm hey wmld Mar Irnm helclgrk IN wenk cm villain discmslon toqu be given the matter while ha delegations pt wnx known that th council rc 1y 1031 qivica mi than wasthang In he womanly1 laws he lawrump um would curtail the Isle of the lands Council had More ii petition Elma by m9 flipan lo wtu nwncr Mr Kerr who had driven hnrd from Toronto Ln be the mating wanted ll mainland willl council that he hnd no part In ensuing mlicilm and had not been nppmnchnd to sign lhe objocflons He claimed lhnl at present he wan neutral ln he dbpm but WM not be in cluded In lhu legal entangle menu ll Ind developed In the owner claimed that un less some bylaw was in force to make the sale illegal he could see no cause far official reju Ion of the sale The delegates were Inld they would have 10 minutes la make their claims but council allwwcd other makers on prgpmy NOW PLAYING FEATURE AT IM4 lxfl IM Pilgrims 301122 to Ihe mmn Shrlne Labor Day weekend Phomgraph lhOWl one part on Including some the Deputy Reeve Sawyzr clt hat fur Lu the road are com tamed unloss they were brought ndard they could not be We do mi contribute ha school populalion one mm mm slated Ind ctl um the service we need should be al endcd In mumth by lhéluwnshm vaul Sproule And tho roads have nuvcr been taken over by Lha mtmicipalfly The dnlrgnkinn claimed that dusblnying was stoma on certain mads and that the condan are dwlnr able There break bclwecn Lha subdivuims WMd blocks mad equipment and in all them ralcpaym col they need some official mislnnce especially as their taxes are very high They Also protested Due higher tan and wanted mad brought up to slangan Their subdivln Mr Duhl uh llul bull lulu m1 lum Mnlul Mm Ml lar rhnlrn Mill llmu Mr HuhIt run In HI II lhl llalldl MI III In hurl llu rum nr mnlIrlM II II In 1mm Mr Mollry muk lurmnly londou Tho Hoqu Boll II wru rd la lflnounrl my In under lhl mnnurmenl the reconslmcUon restora tion of wooden chum struc ture of the period Workman engaged in finishing touch as Examiner Photo THE HOLIDAY BOWL MINING 500 Mr Prlre wha ls rhilrmnn he Wlubaushtne Incorpor Illan cnmmmcc esllmnlcd that About so or can Wau lnushcnu rul enu arc In lav or live per cent Ire undecldcd Ind five per um no lnlcr cued An early meeting of the Wlnblushene Rilepiyen mhflon will be nllcd for dis cusslon and elucllan ficcrl 7M Price llslod xevcnl vnnlngu la Incorpomlnn the mnln one balm Um residents WAUBAUSHENE Slam Bucked by pellllans which he said contnlnnd nboul 25 per can this communitys ms denln George Price ren tired mlrlne engineer is head Ing movement to have Wan blushene lpply lo the Dcplrt rant Munican Minn or Incorporation as vllllgm Notice of he appllcnlion ex peeled to he filed mmedia 150+ Lsfifiisou 150 Wllh the former Palace rink condemned and no replace ment zonslmclcd as yet he usual Igrlcullurll Indoor dlr plryr wlll be cancelled Reeve Enrl Bnndon has been tryan to gel new com munity centre or Goldwater nnd district And there was much enlhusllsm Consider able progress hu been nude Ind It hoped problems whlch hive nrlsen wlll be smoothed out and lhere will be good centre or the hlr and other um next yna which will mrrk Cu mom blrlhday THE IIIIE IIISIIIII SONS more wul be no school par ade this year since school grants am hnmd on mend anc and this would mean Jass If the pupils were given laaltcnd4 THE HHIIHTED £331Lsq MIKE and THE HPUSTLES The an no or the race me not yet known but the rue committee has been active and good mowing with keen competition cxpcclcgi suky rncmz will be the closing day feature good Invasch show Ilsa 15 undo lpaled well num oumoor avents it was sated by Che1 tel Main serret3ry COLDWATEE SumHar ness horse ncing on the good Goldwater truck will ha ha Mum the annual 1511 hit he Human Agricultun SocMy which In be held an Thursdly Ffldny Ind Satur day Sepggmher In 10 Waubaushene Shows Interest In Seeking Village Status mnswxcx sum Gold awards were wan by our camp an at the second day camp held at Palmwlck recently It was ahawn by results Just announc ed by the Simcoe County com munly limeallqn Service Chris Leppnrd won gold award with bar and Clndy Mur phy Kathy Carlson and Debbie Patugold awards Blue awards went to Marlena Leppard and Susan Jensen Sulky Racing Will Feature Goldwater Fair TEENS TEENS TEENS TEENS Awards Are Presented To Painswick Campers Bob Mucudoreys Cunudiun Bandstand ut the BAAAIE ARENA SAI NIGHT AUG 27th 8150 Per Person Dress Casual Featuring AflUAS OI NonStop Entertainment By flANDS Deon Open PM Bo Early Don mlu III gm nlgM wllh Bob Mlcadoroy MC or flu houn Moml onbrilln Cnplhl cording playlng Nulr Inm M0 Annlc Doomo Lin Hm AM Man Snnmloml Elnm Ricordlna Arml onlol Vlllano playing Mr mm Burnt he usua pmzedurc II fol lowed lhe IppHCIUon will be nonsidcrcd by the Ontario Munlclnnl unard which prob ably would ml hearing In Wauhaushcne xlva any Ind Ill rcsldcnu chmce but Unqlr xgy haushcne mfownship It wauid mun Wauhlushcne wuld have ll uwn vllllge mumEl and munimpnl star which would be In chum of community ervlcu ll located wlthln Slmcoe Cuunly he uscssmcnl welme and health scniccs wuld be pro vidcdhy hccounly would have the opportunity guiding their owu lax money and knowing where It went 150 prcdlctcd there would be possibillty lower ms under Incarporatlon Ind good chance truth in dufitry Near the entrance In line park is the wellknnwn Glengarry Landing mnnumcnt Edenvale ball park adjulns the park but this due not belong lo the Not Bridge over the river on High way 16 being lengthened by 10 act nnd improved with new surfacing plannedi The Amen Construction Company oi Ar thur is carrying out the con Iract or the Department Highways While construction is proceeding tram is being can fined in one lane Special Ira Itic fights have been erected at scene as saier precau inn Work Ll nearing completion on Ihe exlenslon one lane the bridge and soon rattle may be directed on this section whfla other part mm construe EDENVALE Stall Sign hava been ended at the en trance and parking areas and other spat marked at the new Edenvgle Camervntian Park by file Nottmvasaga Riva hem THE BAnlllE EXAMINER FRIDAY MJGUST 10 1966 Canaéiig awards went to threa beginner panama Ralph Cnnnan Bob Black and Lin Ten ph yllcal fitness red awards want In Don Robertson andBill mm will burn and also to Steven Neely Chris Matthews Janna Richardson Gala Webb Heather Kenning ton Steve Jensen Janice Lev pard uqd KennyCansom More Improvements Made Rt Popular Edenvale Park DISTRICT NEWS resent lime WIU mmmunlly In Ovnr 1000 Expomd flrfllll Irom Tor Mm Mr Bun From Monlrul II no lholr Imu hll his VICTORIA HARBOUR Frin cipal of St Mary Separate School here or Ihn past three years Sister Teresa of tho Cross leaving next Monday August 22 or Ihe Bahamas The member of the Grey Sis ter ma Immaculala Cancel Hon to become principal of SL Annes Grade School and Superior the mission at tha village Rock Sound on Elm hen Island The Iaucr is one the out Island the Baha mas and about 65 mJIu djr ecfly cast Nassau The In is not er tom Ihe hlzhway which mean the park can be seen by all moloring through the area Local rub denu report many stop to View Illa Glcngnrry cairn and devel opment of the Park expected Lo bring numerous more vultars ere Plcnlc tables and chairs have been placed near the rlver and parklng area laid out and fenced Mara work planned Ihe park lncluding ma plant quagn Conservallan Author W4 Sistér Teresa Leaves Monday For Bahamas LONofi en Inspcwan wlnnen were Danny Brecdon Bobby Turnhull Slaven Neely Kenny Carlson Bill mbbs Slavcn Johnson Sle ven Jensen Stephen Bitch and £9115 ngple SW award went to 15 ginneu They Included Susan lekala arid archery winners were Kathy Callson and Ralph DCannur SHHNTY BAY mmmu ofMlL £st PRESLMFRANKIEMJOHNWWW °n¢ fmmmmflflflmm Mo ummmrmuixficwmok AIM cnvrrmt OM MM Nle Elly Ira NHWNTI THAN mvv Hr Murfllfllll INIIIHXGICKQWWA DIle EJjwfl TICIINICOWR UNHED M11818 III und cumflw Svmnuumm onR on 055 Tadpole awards wont tn Mike Chalmers Dehble Ann Mums and Jalm Held whlle guppr were Jeffrey Mnnlgnmery J2 lrey Johnson Darlene lrwln Corry Small LlndaVlcklum Karen Reid Jaequolhle Ream Brlan Pope Laurie Semple Lee Sample Dnuzlo Brewster Klm Galbrallh Jlm Taylor and Steve Neely Fir rixsJI Sh9winu Mo mm IMPERIAL Barrie Huroniu THEATRE DRIVEIN Ra Lsnn ale rwm Jennifer Galbraith Cathy Carlsqn Jan nclte Richardson Mike Murphy Wendy Nrnbull Heather Ken ninglon Gajla Webb Bob Black SteveJensen Pal chpard rand Karen Montgomery 2nd FEATURE A0 DRIVEIN ONLY mono BIGBEATIS am mums mum uswmmmw 220 magma Few ammo ITSJh RICK HERGHAMMER IS TRUE CANADIAN COWBOY WITH HORSE CALLED TONKA TOGETHER THEY ARE SYMBOL 0F DEDICA TION lick over till Fri SHQWING AT BOTH THEATRES man Gulhrh aircnmwmi Most modern DriveIn North of iomhto Bax Ollln Open pm Show sum Dutk DANCING Mailnu Snurda pm lmpcrlnl EVERY FRIDAY SATURDAY NIGHT this Saturday Faatqrihg aoooooooofibooooonmoood 55mm PEGGYS 1867 7mm BRITI5H MOD BEATS SlrouH Beach Auom CANADA luau Wm MM NEW TOWNSHIP CLERK ALLISTON 5mm Naw clerko Tossoronuo Township GordonMcCracken was low ship treasurer pdsl he still retains He succeed lhé late George Jackson whose death was deeply mourned throughout thhareo Mlnnaw award were prmn ed to Bali nlrnbull Slum Brown Cathy Pope and Janet DeNike and fish award to Ken Elm1mm 11m HibbsnElnlne Bar Her and Dan Breedon DRIVEIN THEATRE Belween Barfl ud Drill 967

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