Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Aug 1966, p. 4

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The income tax takes so much more than in 1939 and inflation has so reduc ed the 1Slutchasing flower of the dollar that worker as to earn $13234 year to he as well oil as the $5000 earner of 1930 The escalation is even more pronounced In the higher income brackets In 1930 the $25000ayear man who was married and had two children paid $1727 income tax To have as much money to sfend today he has to have an income $76418 because out of that sum the income tax takes $22562 and the effects of lnflatlon will subtract another 53 581 Back before World War llvvoauvln come of $5000 year pay cheque of just under $100 week was vefyvmuch the exception In 19391nfnct the aver age factory worker put in 47 hours or wage oiSZO week Today in the manu facturing industry the avenge is 41 hours for awage 91090 we But study made by the National In dustrial Conference Board indicates that because of taxation and inflation the figures are quite misleading The board is private economic research group headquartered in New York and the study dealt with 115 statistics but no doubt would apply to Canada in prin dple Wall Publlsher GUTTER ENTERTAINMENT Brockville Recorder and Times Just as toleratlon of some crime en courages all crime so too does the toler ation of much of our literature movies and television encourage more at the same Dragging the mind through the gutter an ears to be favorite pastime and in the most literate age in his tory it is pity that we appear to be so bent on squandering the literacy on lewd literature or on television viewing that relies on the lewd sleazy side of lite for interest Garbage has become the food for thought of many people Victoria Times The difference in the economic predica ment of Britain and Canada today is one only oi degree and imminence This country basically faces the same threat to its solvency that is faced by the Unit ed Kin dom but the encroachment of the pro 1cm is siowennd more diffused wo have iiltie more time to act and we have the example of Bniains plight today to spur us to action So far we havent done much about it The IGobdrquldgflollqrWas Worth Moiéf Than Tédays Winnipeg Free Press Given the wage settlements now com rleied or pending in Canada the calcu ntions the Economic Council the lore casts of ihe federal budget and the plans oi business generally Will have to be re vised Inflation already serious pres sug has siqricd new and faster spiralz 112 Emfiéflamimfi notéiiificse are American figures Thin II Ihn mm mun nl mm PmkioM rmmn mun the rum rambelh Inlnnnllnnnl Park In llumwkk Mum Immm Judym ml The fiolilrtrldransr ind lhcli ekfiorts DIFFERENCE OF DEGREE MUST DROP PRETENCE WHERE JOHNSON AND PEARSON WILL VISIT OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Published by Canhdlpn Néwapnpequleltod 16 Bayllelq Streak Enrrle Ofiillrlor Mothon Mpnuglng Editor nun Audis 17 ms PAGE Omann Nmn Mlnlulnr IM Puma plan In mm knity 1h Whlll mu nld lhq wnl hrulvl mrnl alum9m ml ulna ml In In mm at lump him there is evidence that inflation and vtaxation have undermined workers in cometozahout the same extent in Can yadafl measurwof how muchless the dollar buyshecause of inflation there 15 the point that the consumerprice in dex has risentrom 635 ln1930 to 1438 tin June of this year which means that the cost of living hasgoneu day about 125 per cent in the period nthetax ation side the combined take of the three levels of government as arpropor tion of the countrys total out ut of wealth has risen from loss than per cent in 1939 to more than 32 per cent today To consider income tax only in 1939 the average amount remittedto Ottawa by those Canadians in the $4000 to $5000 taxable Income bracket who were relatively well off since their in comes were our to five times that of the average factory worker was only $71 Today the person with taxable income of $650 pays tax of $71 Those with taxable lncome four to live tlmes the average factory wage that ls something like $20000 year pay an income tax to Ottawa of $0400 Perhaps 1t pointless to mourn the passing of the good old days but the workingman might reasonably yearn for the good old dollar they are honest must abandon the feeble pretence that the national economy is working under some sort of plan that the slluann mough difficult is under control It cannot be under control of course when the cost of reduction is drastically raised by wage ncreases far ln excess of any possible growth in pro ductivily Vancouver Sun Its shock to be told that Canada for all its statistical affluence ranks only 20th among the nations in the world in the ratio of doctors per capita We have only one doctor for everyrfl79 Canadians proportion that puts us far down the list among peoples who are still working on that first car in the garage Even more shameful is the fact that we have to steal from other countries to keep from sinking even lower Just to main tain the present ratio we need 1300 new doctors every year Our 12 medical schools produce only 850 and we have to rely on immigrationmainly from Bri taintosuPpiy the rest Oltawa Journal Some chlldren ll seems need help lo discover that life Is not just serles ol organlzcd cnlertalnmcnt Mommy and daddy may blame soclcly ll junlor has lhl lm rcsslon bul they can blame only lhcmsc vcs for not lryln change it And heaven he Junior 1f mommy and daddy are Mr wllh It all loo MANY BORED CHILDREN Wilson General Manager DOCTOR SHORTAGE Wm lor vbflm pawl llon II lhl ulr which Ml Chum In Thl phdn vm made In when flu hum WI rlzunl la the mele Whlphom OTTAWAWhen one review the lung rccnrd of Canadas control of tho pnrsn string one cannot help but be pleased la nnln that xinca Conlcdemllon Canada has not had on major Icandnl In robbing the Quecnl yum Grnntnd here have been cases of money spent in non productivn way and may harm bum nflsamwrinlcd but never have we had major cul nght case of naming This weak well not nnly or the system cunlrol of moneys but pnrfimflw of tho auditor gcncmls whose responsibility It has been tn keep control of lhe puns firings chubmun of the pubuc accounu mmmmce In lhl sca llnn Pullmmnt nnd as on who has an on mu commutes undcr two nxxhwrgmxnlsuo late Wnunn Scllnr nnd ha prcs an mimme Maxwell madmanl have no htsllnllon invlpcnklnx most highly ol tho wvrk and mum these lwn gqgemcn v1 IL When one cansklm lhn lha nuMarxcnernl Ll rtspmsibln or undilan he cxpcndiluru 01 man than billion ym arm can nan what lremtndoul lab and he rrspomlhmly lhal goo wllh ESTABLISHED IN 1511 In 1051 lhu lth prlmn mlnlx er lha on John Did enbller up lhu pubIlc ac mnu commlllm nlur lhn pul om cl the llrithh Imklmcnt whereby mrmhcr llm Oppo Illion pnfly chnlrmnn The mmmlllco nonpnrllsnn In all In denllnxa and tho Mm lhrnusfh mm mo mnhmrqzen Irnl wmkl LI ofllco and rlghlly Indopundtnl no all flurrlt Exmnhm Government Funds Well Controlled By Auditor OTTAWA REPORT 1M Clnmllnn lnn II urlutlvrly rnllfla In me In rmxhlknllm new duvnlrhn In um we will In or Aumlnlwl Im win and Aim Inul RN puhlldml lhndn lwww pawn Allied Hales Come In from Guclph Ind chnlrmn of In Important puhllc Iccnunu commlflee uh Who cnnlmll ha puma minm In Mum Guest Cnlumm MIMIqu Imml tlm mull PM cho Deparl mrnI Ohm and Inr pnymm smug In an Dully finndnyl and Smulmy Ilnlldnyl rxrmlrvl Mhlfilmlnn mu dnlly by rumr vmHy um yearly Slnlln In 1m KY mall Ilmn 91140 nm Onlnrln WI yur mum llvran 11 war Mull milslxlu 0m vln yrnr Nllml fu llmla lrHlsh mruhm mm yam HM Am hmllln HIM yrnn Hr IL InIVrHHY Arr Turnnln M0 21 Ml El melvrnl rmllr Bl erouyer Hie nnlvllm Dally Nourpnprr lannlv umlnnrm lhq link PIN and AII1 Dunnu Clrunlnflmu THOSE LAZY HAZY CRAZY DAYS QFSUMMER responslb no one olhu than Parliament luelL He reports ta Parliament through what is known an swimgeneral Report to the Hausa of Com mons nr each llscnl yunr end lng March Once his report is tabled Parllument then db net that ha public accounts cammlucu study thts report In its entirely and report back to um Manse The public HEW cummiir lac has met lwice week linca March meetinl In the mum ing aiinrnoun and occasiunally in Lha eveninga iolal ai in meetings The commiltea ha the authority to tail or per sons pa era and whatever other inlormn on lhey may require in their investigations And study oi ha atlarneygcncrnll upon 11w amiilormerai L9 duct wiincs and aim at iha right hand oi tho chairman This my lion we have had the dcpuiy mlnisicfl and other necessary oiiidals chit witnesses from the department oi post oiiica public works Iransport north crn aiialu nalinnai dciencc ngricullurc iinancc and aa Iianai revenue along wiih Ihe oiilclall oi iha Canada Council and tho Si Lawrenm Seaway Auihnrily HNTERIIOGATF WITNESSES lhu study of lhe rcporl and nhcn lulcrrognllnz he wih ncms lho commutes uncover many lnlmsunu mu anurv ally the cammlllco all lmcl comcluus how the paycrn money qu htrn went and seeks mm the civil 5ch nnu lnvolvtd hclr assurance Ihnl luch crmrl nr mlslnku wlll not happen Again The mo of tho IlCAF mm In 7500 distress lxnn flnm or MOIknwlnxl And lpflfl Icnllom ohtnlmd mm lho Us Nnvy proved obxnlelo and xlulxn chnnw wm mnda by the tonlrnclar In May In tho cunlrnrl was lrrmlnnled wllh tho governmcm pnyInK tum mum Ihnn lho mm pvlca nml ohlnlnnl only 1710 ms1501 lm lhnn ordrml Ind pulll The lrpuly mlnlllrl lnlvl lho MOSCOW Al 11m lecl Unlnnl vnunled hlua MI drlmm II lenl lrnml In In nmnl power uhlrh Ivy he 1wa nvnllnhln ynnllllrkl lnchulu lhn mums lnrml In at ulr Inmlnn Mlh lncrrmlmt Immlwr nr Ihrm wwml Ivy nurlm runny Russias Vaunted Blue Belt Traced To Naval Power nm qu pnIumnhly can humh mlullrl mulrr Mam Ilmlflplylmj lhu Wetll dtfrnm Wuhlrnu In llm ulna My HM Amrrllnn Inlnrll Iulm mum cnln 5mm xlelrnrrl InInnMHrm mm Mullah on Ilm myllrvlnul Mun MU tlhnlu lh ll Indwlrl nlhrr rman hmth nuhumlnrn um manly 1h ulmmllnl lerl Mm nlr In lur limb mum drfmm unlml Vulrm mum erMrfillnhipr Mauhul Ilru Illnn Mnlhmvuky MINI HI Mun MI myurry In ch Awll TM MIMI 11 IM Mm Ml lnr IIINIYB mlf Ilnln II 1mm numvlrinl III MM ummul mvlnnnllnn cummiuee the governmanl had mistakenly been glvm obsolete npeciflwllons or flare which hndvnever been produced firm naval architect made 5500000 design error in gnvnrnment ship but the cam rnittec was told they were still getting aome government Job because naval archltccu wera law and in between liaweier the director ship building or tin dcpartment of transport promised the commitlu ulura tontracta with naval architect will require them to lake out insuranta In cover extra work or mistakes MISS BOAT The committee learned ha dc nrimenl oi nurthcrn Iiinirl sad the boat and he lax pnynr ykked up he lickel for $44000 plus in bill ior £10000 Io ship goods that missed he ahip ping companys bout Oiilcinll Admitted la the commitica flint lhey had no penalty clause In their contract with tho supplier it he inlind ham his good an in dock by ccriain limo as the ship was sailing to he Far North and had dcndiiuo to meet in order to avoid lhc ircmup Would you like In aiilx Ipcclnl Chrislmus slump with 1964 minim thereon on your 1963 Chrislmns mulll Past oi lco ulllclals rlghlly declle that the public wouldnt buy lhoso yeawlli slumps dc nlmyzd sumo woth ol lho over calimnled number slump lhcy hnd purchuscdi They made one minus misinku by prinllnz mu lhu Ilumpn nlherwlsu lhc could have mid lhcm ihu inlowinx Chrlximul Ind lhmby luvcd you and mu 0000 LUST mm In Hm In lhu mm $21000 11m laxpacrl month but lnwnrd lho on lhe name yrar 1m mm Involving GI mo your Imller Alond In wnrrmum In tho pvancn oI QunInc nmnunlul In nnnlhrr 3000 II wnn learned upon quullun lnx lIy mrmbm nI lhn cnmmIl ro IhnI lhu Inn by mm mm hnvn barn lho rtsponxlbllfly nl Iho wmrhnuxo nwnrr II lho do nnxlmrnl nllldnl hml thltkld with lhu Ilnpnrlmtnl uxllro nmI Irnmnl lImI IIm lmvl In Qurlwu Mm dlIImnl hum my In hfr pmIng No1 only dld bullet nlarcd by the mbnlmlon bonnl lbs cpnrllfncnl ngrlcyflfira mnll The ranurn pm Ilc nrcnunlu rommlllm mulcllum hem mllclml on Hm urnumll ll mlnmu ml nmvlrm lunrllnn Thl may be lml am nulln mnvlnml ml the wry lnrl ul he elm mm or lhu tnmmlura drlrmnl lo lm In wr prncllru In low th hnu llIr nhnm Ilnn Illy MIIIM lhnl lhn MIMIC mmlu mmmllm Hm lwll Mkhdn ml Fulln Inrnl Hill nun with null lvllnl Mm hm Iml hum nhl hnM Um hnmhlo ll Iphl Thu Huh lhlmi lnl rm ml Imlnl nu llhln gm lvIun full Wm my lhnl II uiH humbly ml Abnl ho puny BIBLE THOUGHT Dleppe llmllea obledlvu carefully plannedMorena raid wok pllw Canadian eoldlern and Brlllah Connnendaa were Hie ground howl Almost equally lmportant were the part played by me RA and the MAP and the Royal New They were tremendously warm file navy had to gel hundreds of small ships out the harbor along fine lwflroonst England durlng the night essenblerem ln blue Enzllm Channel and sweep them Waugh he mlnelleld joleepve During use mm the sum of he destroyer emu menu the German forrlflcallonr and drove all German plnnel will their antlnlrcrntl fire One he bl lessons learned wan mat the guns owe destroyers were up powerful ennuxh to troy shore batteries Ind when DDny came balll ships were In mung gnayzonnowmm AM it hemmed Only yam ago ha Battle ql Dieppo the maladdlna eveu In Canadian hlslnry or AM In It magllwm 901g the potlth Few event have been more mhnnderstaodem by lacunai writers and emulators The raid on Diem his clan been described Ilium tad too costly Some 5000 Canudlm soldier dual Second DMJIW took part and ms were 350 casualtlm including pruonan It wu huvy price to ply but pred the my or the opening cum second mu we years Men law was learned at Dleppn saved Hm when the time one to 11de the mudmum onvtheNcpumdyubegghe CANADAS STORY It was ebo learned that bombs dropped by 31mm com not penetraleihe cam In the cum where the pleppe guns were hid den there had been hauleshlps at Diem those consul gun mold have been dewa They dld the worst damage especially when Cangdhn tanks were lunged Booksfinva been mum about the Mmlsm or the Canadian Dluppe me cumming omcer ol Ute South Saskaunvwm mglment NeutenmtCnlonel Menrm and Emmy Capuln Foote chaplain of the Royal Hamilhm um Infantry Wm awarded Lhe Vimflq gross ARMugh the 590111 was an the ground tramps the great sup lwrfiiqg Mu pluyjcd the air once and the navy should nnt bu Kongolien By DONALD OHEABN TORONTO11w build hm slatted Omaflol show at EXPO s1 wifll be 11W this yea Canadian NM Exhi hiflolL And 0mm Me bomg Wed at Md rpg expibll which in mm QUEENS PARK Out 1H dicta an Mm happy now to report veilrfmfim army 01 Araby n5 SI its seemed Eady models and sketches of the Expo mung mum um 29° 9° °€ Bare while and blankand mm In identily with Ontario In my way Now then are trees PLANT NO mm Ono hundred and arty red pine mph and white birch mu to 60 ea have been unduly ouluvam by amend and inside Embed héwidixéiviiefi 15$ bid Bot lost In wind mm ha pnmlfS mm and my day malm all the dimream You ui most celalhomouhcnym look coon mm Second him may good meal or dollnr the Ontario building Such pm ke of Nurse cant he believed until the meal hm hem um gate and mm It hardly crodblc can be lmc Food was hava been the Mg gcst mum of public mmpiuhl at the NM Ink and Ith Lkms on his confluent our 0mm Expo peepin wilh rm MhMu Rm Ivy Randall in the vmndunny have mnvlncod mum that he can Me road mm to dallnr than they mist hm bun mm broom the cm to flu olhrr world with Houdini HG GAMBLE Bang 0f Dieppe WasCOmbinédAttack MWWWWM bomldm ha lime tlemml Buildup Is Started For Expo Building 01119 Marvin Exztlttiitmj LETTERHEADS BROCHURES INVOICES CENVELOPES PRIZE LISTS lb BAYFIELD ST PROGRAMS POSTERS OFFICE STATIONERY TAGS CATALOGUES CHEQUES HAND BILLS DRAW TICKETS BILLHEADS WEDDING STATIONERY PRINTING BLACK AND WHITE AND COLOR COMMERCIAL PRINIING 0an six month to make bad the ovuhuadand the mm you Milena see hm mom MLPNVIdG good meal tar atExpo1et grace be laid by allflweatlquNimd Brant It will be mmbemd that tha young mom member madouieainthahmalhnl nhnfilyflnmbaiblotoen the air Without having wad dthuhmlor 31 Ms ybal qha mg £21 We tum um GUMMED ABELS BUSINESS CARDS 7266537

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