Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Aug 1966, p. 10

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mm mly ImJM In um Imporlal mm Mnl uhrn Iark Hlurlnnnn wu uh rm nnanul lnml Hn April wny In Ihlnl nn Illmly eryl IINIIN lmnl le nmr Imml lmm Inlld tlnglr rlnlrr by Jim llmlu rmm um paw Vllmn Innw NI ulnwu nrry lmwrlIIJII nun halirr lnr ilw ml th Holh hrrlrr Iml Wlum vmr wry rllrcliw lhrlr rnmhlnrd rlfnrln mrmlflrd jml 121W mm mu wu rrllrrvl In nnlrr Inf nlnl murun lull lnnlnxl Iml Wilmn rnnu up IIIle II 12 llrlkmuu llu Instr hum ll mmnulhr nlfll In Vlwl or nrln 11 errn Hm mull nml mlth humI Th hrs of Mr nnw Ilrndlorknl Ill nnr vlrlnry udl IIHI llu mm nulan wl for Sunday nixhl 1m Quunu male ally in lht 1m hull Ihr mum anlng mu up lhr derlllrr In nighl ll Qurena Park in Hu Inlumut hlr slnlhnll schIlnll me Muml snmr airlxxht ulmmu flunka hull nnisl Inum thlrr nullmlrrl TM 1me llm1xmllhmmn mm Nlwry mrr mmhnr SMVNIHID ohvmgmn Luna nnp Don Dykslrn ho had occas lonnl tonlrnl pmhlcmx warktd the complelc nine innings lm Plnzn Lhcckinx Ibo lloltlmon on jusl Mr hll Dykslrn clnim ed strikcwls but also walk Ed man and slruck we batten wilh ilthbs Elmvale manngcd BarriePlau bundled lwu Ial lies in UK lhlrd and clghlh in ning lul mm at Queens Park Ind held or L1 dedslun over delcndlna playoll champion Elmvale Palace Ilolel Their bestolmen senlur xollball semifinal munrl is now all even at an Viclnry cam Nexl llama la lomnrrnw night nclock ll Quenn Wheeler Wins Pitching Duel The Oakvillu Yacht SquadA mn took home the Canad snipe sailing championship the John Leckit Trophy for the lillh consecutive year yum day afternoon Skipper Ted Rains at helm and crewman Larry Newell nicer their craft Plaza Pulls Even In Senior Playoff HINES DELIVEBS OAKVILLE ENTRY WINS AGAIN Kmmnn Guflm Marvin wlml Inf your mum at It lll mmd Ian ham ll MM you Mo Dull wuh muulul lmlnlmm lmn Bo Swinger Thh You School 0p mnmml hull lllllll Ml Vhrclrr Shnnnlun mlr drd Innlhrr Ilnuln nml WHnn tlmlmfll Larry Ind MIIII lllm Ilnilnl Cums rm momn Imuv ulmnn ml Mn rm Wum Ind Numb Vlmlrr Inll llmh hllllx or Cnnml Mnloney lnuIrd ml and MIIII draw lly hull In Ml Hth Thr llml rmlrd an llumnllc mule Smllh nun up in In rflvfl Io Illum Yr nmre llnunrr xnml Ihruw mun him II he plnlr falrhrr llurke wu knorknl lul If hm hrld onlu lh hull pump Th loser gm up nne nhtr Inl urnml lnnln law Mr by Brian mu John Mc Cann wlm hid walknl wax cul dawn ll lho pIAlc who rll llelllsr Jnrk Shnnlhan firr n1 mike In ntchrr Ralph nmh In 0p Innmud Wlmlrrn min of null vllh llvlnrrl llnn nlly in thu lnn lrnmr Smith hummmd 5an Ind Shnnnlun WII on chm prr hlrk In shnrlnlrvp Ram Llcry Ihrn ulww huu on MI 1011 llw lurks wilh mule llArrncrlllnrgmn pmrh Gary Hum also came lhmuzh in rlulrh as hi lun mum plalod three mnx George Chap pol Mnred pair mm walk and single hi1 Ted Fmrm single score in the nurlh and eighth innings Losing hurler Leo Belcnuri was rapped or eight has blows over he mule nhiie managing sirlkwils Corby Adams 1966 balling chnmpinn had an oihcr simnz night unlitdim hailUm Pinzn oHcMiu and KMan iwim including the win ner He had palm game with iwn ainalu and two dau hlu in inur lrirs inlo lhe Barrie Yauhl Club haflwr alle posting strong vlclmy in me Mr race on Kunpenfelt Bay The youth topped the overall standings adding two seconds and filth to nose nut alrong Maritime challenge Second overall was KEENHNS MVMC Hlllfl IlIIlll Dave Campbell sinxlrd in he mmh hm It Belem went anI on strike la 0nd the game mu Canmill doubled and PA Wanamaker maltd or the nth er Elmmle hits Cnflmilla lwolmucr Cnmn In the xrmnd Mlzr Healing third ban Cammfl cut of he plate from Gary Keelerl pomp hack Arcan ham Wulh two out In the lhlrd Adzum was 11 on in infield single Ummnl hrn wmm and max drlireml his first double or lead Adams Aparked Um 0th Mn Hm mlly In the mm mlh lurid dwble Jlnppbl mnulnl and Adam xrnr rd when Cnnmxlls Ihmw Mu high lnln lhe morn mm lhrn NIXMtd hll Iwohnu nhol la M0 gum Scan by lnniw Ilnln MIWWII Elmvnlr 0001M BIO11 ykIlm nnd manual Lu III1mm Ind Lou Belmurt llrxlmlrr HM Wing llchd annnln Maple Lenin nmn lawn Hm Inlmmllnnnl Mm lmhlrr th drhn Thun dny nluhl hul Ill couldnt manna In mln on the Mum ulumhln Jrlu uh Ihul out Tull1 MIIIHIHII 20 11m vm nnw Irll Ilochuirr unmu lvrMmI lnlumhul Mlh lnronln nmlhrr mu In pnrr um um nhurl Nullnln NAM Mm Ile Ivy Syrnruxn mm an much mu huh mmrll lhrconm Immrr In tho lllh Innlnl Trailing going inn the last hall ha ninth Elmvale laun ched hair biggest lhrcal Pinch hillcr Slnn nilchie Ind of with lane and scared from Dan Mcfluzhs sacrifice fly Mcllugh acmumcd for lho olhrr Elmvala run swrinl after he was much on he hand by Dyhstra pflrh in he lourlh and Him Lth in mar rounded out the offensive Mlh Ainzlg LATE TlmUST Leafs Tumble To Third Place THE CANADIAN PM Bra DOr Yacht Club Ba dock Cape Breton NS Ho plactd sixth yesterday allzr noon when he needed at leask fifth to take 112 i110 Ex aminer Photo Jamie MacDonald and crew mum llhnlln bum in VANGUARD INIIGN TRIUMPH TM llflMl CAM HAROLD JORY MOTORS llMl MA CM David Kmiedi oibue I0r yacht c134 Bad OM MUNICH fllflll Aux ammo Mann 09f nMjnnfryl Aul 2a aminnu nmlm Qunm Mrmnryl mm 0001 Imp All NIKMI 5m Innhuman Coop Fl ComA Imp Fume Glmn kindly Innmum ll Co up mm Aux Coop It mumE mn 700 flukmn Borden lnl hm Ohrkm Man Full Glnlu Monday llonlrn Tlmkmn ML Thlrd finnlo Suwml Newmnrkel Fnlnru Gnmu Sunday Slownnl nl Newmnr In 30 Aug 24 Nmmarktl at Slcw mu 10107 Aux mum at NM market 30 ll necessary ML ImpEndman 00 up 700 mumL Stewarts Newmnrkel 71m Monday Plata Quocnx um Aug Elmvale 100 Plaza Eerale The lnhr players who go into semifinal play today for the two playofl berths are Richard Slockmn of Garden Cfly NY Tanahe Doswarte and Roberta Chavez Mexicos first ranked player and second seed here who was expcdcd give Inp seed Hirai his loughesQ com pelilinn No guis from file East will meet lwo fmn the West Coast today in mmHina play In girls wandunder l9 decide finalists Xn that class But minor upsets have shown up thrnughout Ihe drive far the tournaments lop crown such as eliminauun of RoblnEllinl 17 of Vancouver lovdomesllc need And the Canadian closed emanation WINS SEMIFINAL BERT Carlo afle of Argentina that counbya first ranking junior buI fifth seeded hm de Mled Elliot hen downed Japans seqnnéranked playm Ken Him or he scmHinaI In Ms My semifinal lho our common come mm dit erem tmmtrie Argentina Jag Maxim and he Heavy Iavonle win ma ml is Shou Tanabt 17 Japan first ranked were and first seed In ha tournament um MTAWA OP Finnish were to be decidtd oday or the We major tixlea at the Canadinn one junior tennis champion shlps In preparation or the geeklong mmamemx climax All Canadinns hava been elim inated from the boys mand under singles champinnship but lha gifl Me in that age group assured with our Canadian Ln me mam THE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY AUGUFI 13 me Lnl lehll Rm anthem min hand you Nd oil pnymmu only 031 many ml Am my mm mu Mm mmvmpflon He no um on 900th MM on today No Canadians In Net Finals Flnt Gum flewartn vamnrkl Fund Game Newmarkcl Newark 13 lnnlnas BUDGET PLAI Mm mm Lasl lehtl 5mm Plan ElmvaIe Flu Gum Elmvale 12 Plaza Fnlnre Gum Saturday EImvaIe at SENKOR SERIEIS EEILDIIIVHI nunlflnnll HIohth mlHID nmollln ulthuD HaulHm umtflnnl SOFTBALL MIR ll SERIES mo m1 Pls at Plaza Elmvale It Plaza SARJEANTS SHRJEHNT PIA Pix flnrrle led 2013 0111 lnla he lop nl lhe ninth Two in llwld rrmrx thined with double Iml lwo Ilnxlu The lylmz run wn the pill he an the 11m mu wu mned llmcruu mmmlrd 11h lIck mu uplmlm on elm nlrhmmul Illll mm Jenncll helped her own mm lhm IIHIIM Ind llve mm and Mn JIM Wm wII hlx Ihru It flu plan with hue um double ml lmr rum DIM Hum Ind slnwm cauldh ulnl double Ind Ilnulc um IMrlrlI WIH Ind AnnI Guy boll Ilnnlrd lwicr Kn In Nnmnu Idde alum Ind MrlInle Wul dmnhhd to round nul hII IllIck flirhmonll Mn Jumnll toned the full MM Innlnxn lnr nnrrln pick up the viclnry Sm hd lo work Inrd In flu mncludln um am Vllllml mpl dlggerguslyclo WILL mm OUT WHOM Olnldll nmnlrur lmrrn mun fill with hrlr Amwirnn minim mu mlly Nu innmllM NA Norm Emflllnn Intwnnfimnl lmfu filmmlmmkag ThC£ will lmvaruvn Ml NWT r4 Cnnntlnl flrlllah WM GAIN lram Illllmsu were Iced with must win muwnn lhuy had dropped the cner of the Mn 01 mm mun 1312 In Week and the Inn lnnlnx RIrh mnnd mu Before large Kluwllng ll Quecne Park Wednesday niizhl Blriie lllllcmu held on ior 2047 win over lUdI mnnd llill lo squire limir PWSU Juvenile sccnnd mund urine at one win each The third Ind deciding game will be played tonight Queene Perk Martin at Jank VnIr Atamd for Clark son but wu mIIevcd by Mc Fldden In the flulni with Box den holding lead Out IIeIdcr Larry Marker shot Fly eu In rant wIIh home run In the second lnme lha dnrnadc turn of event came with two out In the top of the ninth frame Ind Flycn cllnglng 32 lend What should have bun the Hull out and the series evtner upencd up the flood gum or Clarkson The first baseman dmpped the ball lrorn muflne pomp and the visitors proceeded to pour cmss seven bl scores nn hall dozen hils fnu hlg blow wu llmck by winning pitcher Dan McFadden who clubbed double with the bum Iondcd CFB BORDEN Cllrkson llolel cnme OK the brink of de eat in dram lashlon Ia grab 20 lead in lllclr Burl Inlermedlale softball seml linnl round against Borden Flynn The Holelmen rallled vnlh one out to spare in the final lnnlnz to crush their hosts 93 llld game in 1113 best of five an is nlnlcd for next Mnnday MEN pm ll Queens Park Nancy Gmn at Toronto at 18 playing hm Last yur unior meets 1yearold Janie Tlndle of Vancouver Min Green bccame first seed mar Andree Mnan Montreal dropped out ol 11w alter com plaining Illnesl mu Tindll isrfourlh seeded Hillcrests Tie Iuvenile Round The olher finall slot will be decided in with between Susan Eager 10 of Vanumer and Jane OHara lmonw Miss OHara LI only 14 yam qlg bu filthseeded In an Clarkson Posts Late Recovery CO LTD mun 011 mn 240 170 11 HI ll Alton1883 August 20 The day the stalwart crew from Cheltonham dug their heels In to pull against the rugged ropers of Inglewood Nobody won The rope broke Many laughs were had about It later at the Queens Hotel Many pints of smoothgclear Evading Ale were had too In those days Brading gave man full ale flavour without overfillihg It stitl does today lvmfing No On bmwod or IodHYI mm by Carflno mm

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