Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Aug 1966, p. 1

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Franc Wont Allow US orces On Soil Um It Is in the process of moving out in mm and equipmentm Ilue th do Gaulle order dlvlnrclng France mm NAN integrand IN PEACETIME LBI Begins ThreeDay Tour Gauflc guvemmenl has told us dlplomaLs will no 31 law Americanmililary form hack an French sail in peace This in part of Mm Washing ton sources described today Is tough positinn taken by he French government in negmia uons lollawing its eviction m1 Llce against Nom Atlantic TOKYO Mum group 01 Amrrlczn pacfiuu today Ill nouncod plans to orgamzc wrldawide boycott vi USv product molest against lhe VM Nun wnr CHICAGO AP Negroes necking open housinfl in Chicago vnll place hm pmtrsls lndny Mare mo ml wmc llmu In minimle Including one when Mayor mdmrd Dnhvy lnu fieaty Organizafibn term on Frnghjcrrily SMGON tflcutrrsl Au Amuimn Hm munderdlic Tburb day mm down mnmunim Hi 17 lighlcr in nharl dog luzhl over North Virt Nnm the 116 military command courted WMllXNGmN IM lrwdml Johnson begin today threw dny umdimnklnn up um will lulu Mm lulu Ive narflmmlorn Ilalu and In Canada lnr MUM wllh ltlnw Mlninlrr Pearom 101m an No I93 PEBSONALITIES IN THE NEWS Emma NR enmlayecs gathered around CNR truck try to convince the driver not Pacifists Plan 18 Boycott Chicago Negroes Place Protests MjG let Downed In Dogfight lllnvl IJJIZMIIK nm Imwrw Ipmvrrl mminlrr lh mmr Libml gunrman valw uh Wanda HEM III IMlHnmn YAPPI Ind me bun Ulrt In lnlrflml Ilw Murllnaiinl nlvmlc plnnnvd or Qvldwc by UM luwnmlnl wAsnmeu Amm de Daily Newspaper For Earrie and District The Hometown LATE NEWS nun mvrmrmm 191 US Ambassador ar Bohicn was reported In have diseased the PM positivn They have another meeting scheduleq for next monlh Still pending are final ar rangumenu an sudl Items as lhe NATO inaullahons in Franck Including the pipcine which canics on 1mm lhe Bril Ish nhannd In US Korea in Germany overnight ring and radar warning systems The general US position is um some of ma NATO Milk lit in France shwld he kepk up or emergency use so that war flat they will be rreadyr iiunedulnly HELD MEETING tn enter the INKBonaventure yards Thursday in Montreal Some 1220 nonoperating railv way employee staged wild Thu Ody chvumslance under Canaan Hmk mum mm 7mm Hmk Exv IInu In Win It WIVMPIIW Inmiwl llw loan ll Hmrm own Mr umwuuw lml hm mm In or Inian Ill Illallrll Nmmmfl nmlrl lnwldlnn in mpwl In Hum An mum 45 lmum mm which lhe Americans could re lum wnuld be in the event French declaration of wan the French minislzr reporlod to have sald plpdine whloh lhe Unflcd Slqlcs would like to keep available pelrnleum supply mum It was understood lhnl lhe French wan to be In full charge of Including dispens ing wiIh the small number us lechldms who upervise the quality nl the oil entering the line The US sourcu said no dis mssioni have been held ycl about the French radar warn Xng system which rumalns Mugged mm the general NATO nciwwrk 0n overflighl righls Paris was Led tonUnuing to grant an monthbymnnlh ba sis pcrmilslnn for Allied plums In use Froch air spam PASADENA Calil AP Space Monty officials may the lunar urbflcr has run Into cn mzm roubles hid could de lay the US program In ind um nslrmmul landing lite on thn moon The problem showed up Thursday In pictures taken by In high rcsnlullon lrm ma 350 und snarrcrnll mum um mm vlnln nn lhr lnr riuhl edge of he lunnr dim The boss CleM In wry good humor rum lunch nml cnll ed whnlo nnfl In Ilsltn to cuuplu 04 ink In In plck up IZvrrybody bul arm xlrl In lhc rnrmr Inuahul uprnnn lnully Whnll Iho mullcr1 xmmhlpd he boss Mn An mm nl human xlénl hm ln villilflh Inld he am Im lrnvlmz Irl uluy nnyho Camera Problems Bug Lunar Craft cat walkout in three Montreal yard to protest the slowness contract negotiations ICP Wircphotol It hm horn mmlwl Uul Ill 22M mm mum flu Uninvl lmuh Auada may luuk dundu muwlml null nwnlh Ivy MNHM Ill Hrv IBM In nwrlrrnluv fur Imvayvnv 1mm INr ll no dundl law pvnwnln nvjrlvulnv hun Mm club nr IN ll HERES ONE Handling of Mahmud olhc railway service hm in the Ban rie area ate operating mmally today MONTREAL CP More Lhan 2000 nonoperating railway workers are expected to remain of their jobs today at three Montreal yards and two Ontario centres but ONE and CPR offi cial reported no interruption in service At Ille CNRs Palnle St Charles yards here 1900 loa 3000 employees continued II wildcat slrike The yards serv lcg andrepmr passengqr trains members of to Canadian BmLhcrhnod ol Rail Transpan and General Workers walked all the job Thursday Toronto the CNR said about soday shin employees walked or and 50 nightshin employees did not port for work WINDSORv OnL ChPick cLs palrvlltd the canadlan National nauways main dcpot inday maintaining their vim alter Transdnys walkuuL me 0ch rail employees members Local 155 the Canadian Brmhcrhood ol Railway Transport and Gen eral Wnrkurs slnlck ha CN here demanding increased wnau MUwum the local embraced oihnr mnlhwcsmn Ontarln ctn trual 011mm Wallncoburg and Lemminmnnhe Windsor drikm mclvod no Immediate suppon fur lhuir wnikoul which CN management describmi as ocnlizcd KINGSTON Jumnlca AP Polico today Increased lhcir pn lmll In lhe Alum lccllnn nl Klnuxlnn hm vlolenca emplcd In ll vwck Xnlilltnl lLmlm churnrd Knnfllcrl with arms lmm nbrond Mu lmhlnd ha oulhnnk Slrcnglhcnnl hy rulnlmce mm mm rural nuns pollen maria nix rnld In lhc arm Wulcrn Klngnnn mne nl clash hdwun llvnl mlillcal unnusunrchlnl or mum and wnnlnl mm Ono Wm WM Imuer 71mm day Imullwr llmlmnlml mxl mm by lhm mm dlml In Iflh pllnL nnnrl rum lhrse mills nix was upurlnl qum In In MM whlch mum he lml uwrn wrckn hnl hrrn lho we Aparch IhmllHKl Ind mum by nnxx erlhrr lh ruling lnmnlrn mm mm mr he tummfllfin Ienplul nllnnnl lnrly Imus 2000 MontrealMen Stage Rail Walkout lu nprnlxm day Nu aumllnn Nullunnl Elhlblllnn III mum rnlnpmu nl Hm unlu In lw IF Ilnl tmlnmrrmul IIVLMIH Mlll In nllrpiln TM an AIM Jnlmmn ml Lulu Mmldrn IZyrmvuM an nnln lmn plldml lhrlr Irnl Tlmmlny nmr lvlmu Mp hr in nrrmllhl All In um uwrnhm IIHIN Um unvldl Inlurcl Inmlnl nthHmv NII III lmmally nwmvl Ivlny hy ma munrm Hm an lllnnlmm mum of Imlmlml nana rmrho Irmwrul Mammy Lam urll l1 REM nlmlng nu mm un erI whk mm lmlll Lobnr Day II II mug nuvyl in Hush minty AIIrnvr mark mmlnl unly In IMI Jamaican Police Bolster Patrols Lord Thomson To Open CNE Blrrlo Onnrla Clnl Frldfi Angus 19 I966 mlumm crule ummlnl Wildcat Railway Strikes Hit Southwestern Ontario QUEBECFUGITIVE ARRESTEDBY FBI STRIKE SPREADS In Montreal the slrikn spread Thursday lo lhe Canadian Pa cific Railway when 100 tech nicians at the railway Angus era lejthcir Jabsfolloylng the lunch break spokes man said the depot which cm ploy 4000 men was not al tegmg by thost Strikers at Montreal yard belong In either the CERT or lhe seven union dimmed with the shop craft bargalning unit at Canadas 93000 nun operating railway employees COMMITTEE MEET Meanwhile spednl cabinet commillce met in Ottawa Thunv day or three hours to discuss lalnsl developments ll was lolXawup lo lnIormal talks held Hallway omcials said traffic Ls expected to cnnlinun to mow an usualu Issunl slnlcmrnls following hoaxka by Edward Songs Jnmnlcna minlslrr denim mm and membernl Pnrllu mcnl for Western Kingston The nlhcr cenlm uner locals jurisdicuan vmed Thurs day however to hide their time and members there conlinued worklng TORONTO CF Canadian National Railway ochlan nid Thursday 50 daysh umplw no nl the Toronto yards walked off their 1th and 50 nightshin cmployccs did not report or work company spokesman xald he yard was npcrnlinz In nor mal manner He said ht walk out wouldnt hamper operation ax lam as other employee con nucd lo work In ha charm orclgn guns not of Hrilhh ur Amcrhnn mnkn had been hrouxhl hm nml himk mmkul mm mm mm In the um T1 udlrvphmn Immilrrml In Tnhyn ypllmlny wu um Ivy Ihn lhlnn llmlu Sarr Iu In Im ullh upllnn llllrl lhll ll Ihmu pally NUMBER ONE AND TWO PEKING SAYS between Prime Minister Pear san railway union leaders Transport Ministu Pickersxill Labor Min er Nlcholsan was scheduled to fly to Vancouver or speaklng engagement thls weekend and his ouice said ha did nnl expect to return in Illa capital until Mondny Mr Pearson who heads lha eightmember strike commitlea in th cabinet Is scheduled lo leave law Saturday for ASun day meeting will President Johnson in New Brunswick MONTREAL CF The RCMP Invmigaling nary of Jnscph Wm 31 lh Hun gnrhn born Canadian who clailm lo have crosst the Lmlk in an atomic powered homemade submarine Appellflnfl Ind Ind wmb WM Hunky Mr Puma arrivrd ln Monlrtnl Thursday night aboard an Air France mm Park In was whlxktd away In an nirporl nflire lot qunllnnlnu by RCMP and Monlrcnl ddw The lnlcrvhw lbilld DO mlnulcs Lurnen ho mu nnky mnn wulkrd dawn Ihe passin gnr ramp from the Jet Mn DUBLIN Reutcrsi he land Thursday banned the an nl place of ninlhccn luxy monastery to Americans air 55 stone The monastery on tiny St Patricks Island um milu out in hclrish Sea was bought recently for 5210000 pounds 560000 by English rfal estate agent Herbert Hur He planned sell lhe stones lo lrishAmcrlmm and hoped In bufld an orphanage in Nurthnmpton England wml EP°€¢$5 The Irish gohrnmcnl dc clarcd the mnnaslcry nu llonal monument and warned Harrie would be illegal lo alter demnllsll remove the rulns RCMP Investigates Story Of Papps Ocean Voyage IRELAND BANS STONE SALES Ihnlnnnn Mun TIEIHIIK loll In Mum Mlnhltr Mntlllnl lvln Ilnn IIKM tally In lanu Th Nw 1mm Nun Aiemy In brumlml nwm LAS VEGAS Ne APch eral agents rcarrcstzd Gnarch Lemay sought Internationally In connection with spectacular Mantrca bank burglary as he emerged from the mens room at downtown gambling casinn todnyt The Montrealer had been the objed an international man hunt since his dming escape from supposedly escapwroof Jail in Miami 1113 last year Thme mm of the Federal Bureau of Investigatinn walked into Um Golden Nugget leno at 120 Inn to make the arrest while eight nr 10 other agan wisre dayloycd in the area out Repelm wcm told the two would be arraignm Later in the booking 9mmv wiuwul being 189 she Lemay ll oflercd no resi lance and was nut armed agentundcr the Las Vegas FE chlgl Deanv E159 fled agents identified them mlves to Lemay and he said he was Robert Palmer the FBI said Ila than was taken Into custody and hustled In Clark Counly jail Lcmay and his wiIe armtcd later at their rented home here were held In the maximumse curin secthm ha jail fed eral hulding section but wlU no special guards said sheriffs Liam Hill Willa Llsnn said the FBI gut won lhat Lemay was in town and tipped number of persons in4 cludlng security guards at the Golden Nugget The latter nou limj the FBI this morning that they had seen umay in he ca rsino and the nmst followed widely puhiicucd by pnlice agen cies Intludinz an Internallonal lona Papp broke through line 50 reporkrs or du malic tearful reunion with her husband trulh remAim be sun one he RCMP am caru mld Javime alter the Ike lnltrvimv ac lbn polirr waumi mm Mr lflmv the nlliudr said Youre rmrlcr Ynu rind to ask hlm lhu mm qncslinn Ila docllnui in my whclhcr Mr Paw gave the polka this same story In he did Um pnflrrx lhnl hr hm rmer Iho Allanllc and lhal hLI xubma rlne tank Imle Um luml In Tokyo ymmlny In mme llml IIn haul Imam numlvr In Innn In llw pmly Iuwuuh mum only In Man hmurll IM Huphlu dm hum Tokyo Canadas Most Wanted Man Georges Lemay Isv Captured No Mm Than 10 Fur Copy 14 Page Sunny and coda Saturday Law might 50 degrees High Saundny 75 degrees For corn yleh summary tum In past flags ha picture in May hccn sought since Sept 21 1965 when he made daring escape tom the Dada County Jail in Miami He had been caplumi there In May When arrested he was not only clenushaven but had had his head shavcd He was wear lng yellnw xpofls shirt and light hyawfiouscm Lenny told agents hm when he was living and mey wen lo renth Muse Ind masqu his wile Lxs 29 BM were sought by ho FBI on chamcs unlawhd Inter nals flight ta nvald prosecution Iar conspiracy In bribe based on several warrant Issued Sept 24 and Sept II 1965 at Miami HAVE 5100 HMS Lemay and hls wife had nearly $10000 In US and Cl nndlan currency when arresled mgsz of It In 1100 bills the FBI Lemay became an internu llonnl wnrld celebrity when publicizcd hy the Early Bird saicllfln n3 Canndal most wnnlul luxilivc He was Ion gough or gharfl clinkle plug Mum an nIcly deposit boxes were loom Jewelry xlnckx bonds and rash with value bclvmcn $111000 Ind ammo 0w nu ma Imrrconunrnlnl lrlccusl ol Itmays phumurn op May 106 Ilor vleucr anlnllrd that of MI Individual llvlnx an an ex mive saillinnl dotknl For udrnlnle Flu Amity wns uh rum nml lmlgnl In he Dado County Jail hue ha rscnpui 1mm he mmlh Hour on Sept ms hy IHIHIII down ca lmmy and his wife wrre mm 1an In Me Tlmk Cmme Jnll me lull will In rnlunml lnlrr Imlny bclmr 11$ Cnmmlssioncr Anku Hind errpl ur vnuuo mun llml mun null wnmnn llnl the drxrrlpllnu nl Immay nrul III llny MumHe Mile hml ham urn nl Oprhkn Aln nol dun haul lwn portal Ihrlr Hurrrnlmuu unlll lhrlr Ir ml In La Vmu In lhu Tlulry le hhrglifi oi the Monlrcnl branch of lhu Bank Nova Scum hlé Wnrrnnl hm bun mm In Canada or Innny on Mum hrrnklnu nml lnlrrlnu Mu lhrfl rmumllrm wllh lhn Mnnllrnl rnery mm at art may tlrlmll lmm nl lhe hrnnrh MM hmkm nln lml lhn Marl Ammml um um Mlanllml Imcnu In relmlnmr 11 lm 09mm to all um nmwrnfly unlnnl rnlry lo 1hr Innnrh hy lnnnrl Nnu mulrr lhu Inllllllnm AMI Landrnol Nuki lnulflMll nmlvhl MIMIJ thkIS FflllnlIflI Irmau Allin4 unlitI Wuunl The Examiner GEORGES LEMAY TODAY

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