Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Oct 1965, p. 3

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£21 mellmfi MYInIi JH Hrrlunn mquunlc lllmul Inir In sz Royal Canadian beginn hran Ath mm c0351 lo Lunsl will Jnin Dnminlon nnd Provincial cammunds In anniversary cola hraliuns Nov 25 The occaslon Iadlcs Auxillary the local branch will hold Christmas lea Ibnmar and bake sale Nov 19 from pm to pm la the chion Banquet Hall dislricl sports meal win be held at he Lemon Hall Oct 21 fDIstrid which represent Jogion hrunchcs will participale ln mms Vunlhur pcrmifllng he Orillla branch and me Barrie branch wlll hold Fall Gall Tournmcnl RI Shnnly Buy Call Club in tho near Iulurc Registrallon or minor league huckey players will take place at the Legion HalL Oct mm am to noon and Oct 11 from pm toa pm Barrie Branch 1410 ha Royal Canadian Legion rcpnrk snvcral activilics In he held within the next lwu monlhs The awards i3 soap box derby winners will be held at the rcgv gar mneling ol Ihc branch Ocl Barrie Legion Plans Activities Mal Shuib smallpan omcer cadcl at military training school at Camp Borden wu UNITED APPEAL Lucky Draw Wlmml GUEST AT HOMESCHOOL ASSOCIATION m1 Ontario New Democrnllc Par Icndcr Donald MacDonald will speak In nan1e lonlghl at tho Sinuch Norlh NDI namin nling cumcnlinn Ahmic rcémcm nu arm Inacth hlgh schnol Elm The funeral scrvlcc was held at Trinlly Anglican Church and the Legion service the new sidc Mr Blakes son Bob Jr album with he RCAF In France was flown lime or the luncral marks the 40m anniycrsary of he Legion armed in Win aneg in ma Location nr he even has nnl been established Past presidents the Darrin branch acted as honorary pal bcarers the funeral of Rub crl Blah1 past president the branch who was hurled yes lerday NDP Meeting Set Tonight guest speaker at Mbnduys meeting of Johnson Street Home and Schnnl Assmlalinn vnle has declared he will allow lllinnme to Hand The nbmlxlalwn mccliru ls thdulcd lnr St Josephs Hall Mulmstcr Slrcel al 530 pm scrim nigh club onguge manls was climaxcd by nn liannl concert tour In 1962 is max men IcIcvision appear nncc In the United Stans was on Ed Sullivan Show Born In New York Mr Evans began sludying piano at the 2513 five performing career was In he his ultimnle aimin mcnl Following brief mill my career grid perlnd as leachcr music and social shut lea he made his first big sums in the entertainment world Ity Concerts ssocmtlon Fea tured in Lhc mutt will be the worldunmmcd Lee Evans Mo who will appear at narrie leral Collngialz lonlghl I30 oclock Pianist Acyllrans is aéeom pnnied by Ken Frickcrbass and DUI Smith drums in ym gram or modern jazz Tickcls have been sold out or the first concert 01 the season fingqrby lhe Baxlg Commun Lee Evans Trio Performs Tonight Rt Collegiate Abovt Mr small chats with Bill Vis president and Alan Kaspersky Thu Onlnrllrwldu cwnl Ix 01ml to any owner hnhxlna vnIId drlrcrl llrrntc Hnrll cnr wlll have drlvrr mu nnvluulnr In lnckle the lwmllu mur nut to will mm Al 30 mm In urula or un lourJvar drlw Imrally lvrlcllnz wlll Min Ill 10 um wllh hm hm rnr ll Ml Mm Hun 100 mu have hem Irflllcred um um and will be will lhrmllh Hm mnmlnlury may cm lvllrc pufnlni LA Thu Scuthlrmluh YMCA Mrnl Club will mld In ourlh Annun Teen Auh llnlly 15 mm ing and Inlshlnl at he Valh wngm nnndn th nnrkirw on Eullnlnn nml Warden Slx LION Bradshnw Is lhv Cun duclar of ml delightful and en chnnunx muslcal comedy mak lnz back on the no mncm he 12er narrlc 11 spring we expect high mnndmd or lnrmancc of hi elmml cam Ir opera in the English Innu nae II la plcmurv lo we lhnl Uwrc In be afternoon P0 onnnncc as well he ILiunl awning cancm 1m gins the rounncr people be nrrn MI mrlunlty to Intmu lion um um hm my Teen Auto Rally Set For Oct 16 Pelcr Long son of Dr finest amt Iormcr minister or 0711 ier Street Uniltd Church milcd as he took note or Ihe excellent proponions The splendid do 01 and wldlh mnde Ms pmduuon seem easy tn stage He lald us uner Iheir hour or Mark Iww he apprcclmcs our excellent nwusllcs and line stage propor 10M Lighumz nclliucs wcre 1ch Again the slagcpmduc crs Ihis nnhcoming opchln were amazed at the first ram ibfifpdiiéé K5151 Busy Lax Sawrday afiemwn Cen trnl Collaginll Auditorium named with activlly 0n hands and knees on ilEp ladders with lane measure and mien the stage was mentally envis ioned wiih chomscs and mloisls holding 191111 in the earning Mikado which will held Nov OTTAWA ICEPrime Min Ister Pearsnn appealed Tues day night on the CBC television ilEIWnrk iofeclear mandate for the Liberal party in the Nov general elections in his first appearance in this campaign on CBC ircertlme political telecast recorded in his oillce here before he left on swing through northern Ontario Mr Pearson saith liis party has good rLc ord or getting things done but admitted his gnvemment has had its setback and disappointmeniaz The Canada Pension Plan is his governments greatest achievement since the 1962 election £Folfi3hlraal rbport ed anothercounlerfeil $10111 gassed over the coualcryeslexf ay Th Ontario lIlosypilal Pene an atienl Fem Bryanlfpazz has tam misslng slnce 840 pm yesterday Miss Bryant tom Barrie car wh as rcporled sla en by Mm Stevenson shantyBny was found rammed Inh thee in King Township Huexprlnu found in Ihg ca mmwnu nineyenwld bn ward of the Childrens Ad Socigly um manly from St Murya 5001 hv youngster was on ed when heravpped 32an local firm in axk dhjectionl to Pene tnnzw Herwlll appear in Juveng IIe Courtnlogiay PM Appeals Fof Mandate Barrie Becoming Centre For Arts Severllndnonlnéidcnls lnthe Irea kept Barri City Pallce hug esterdny By MURIEL LEEPEII Only ma mun waded mm mummy no Im Md my ll aupar lhlnu ml of only pull lg Vnu pl 52 sum Wm an pulm And Nu mm mm mm mn umhmu nly yhm In Ina no mnlwcvv lvl lml lam llflImKIMll1ul¥M Ivle II rulflh Ilium ywl MMudnamh Ih ndiltluly MM pvmm IN lulhu mm mll Ev 51 Minn mu mm II Mom Ilrlullu nl Mr lvnuunn in my um um nvmmnrr Mm Minimal um Mhllhlkd In wrnk In lhurin lnllrmln lmlr lluynl Murm llnwflnl hul hr lIH um rnncrllrd It dny ulwn It Hu Icnrnml he llrlmn mum wmhl In In Or lln Plum lur Mlmlllkd VII la lhmlc nl lcnllh nml erlnrc Ilnilcr Jme Immu 0d hnvr lmn uncalled lxcmuc lrlrw Mlnlllrr Irnmln lw waking 0rth an llml IJLV Slnwly Barrie seems he he comimz mnlro or he perfor mlnu nrts It lumlly scorn pos sible Um durln the month ol chmlmr are nhlo pm mau lmxr mulor producllom drnmn 11w Impurlnnm nc lnx hush nn opmuu he lllhcrl nnd Sulllvnn Mikado lho lyrlllitml nrgunlfi Virgil lnx nlll lllr Nullnnnl llallbl All mm mforuumm ex Md lu lvmr mllwlmml no tlunlvl lllll will he nnlizrd will so thoroughly cujuy Then npporlnnilils are all loo rare hone Icrhups his just orcmnnrr at many olhcr anor nnon pnxluclxoru In be culuud In our cily PEARSON WIII VISIT ORILLIII Preliminary figures show he numbcr of Simcoe Nnnh electors has risen by shunt 700 since ha 196 electlnn Tm HARRIE EXAMINER WEI DAY OCTOBER mu More Than Voters Eligible Returning otflcer Ed Crown CITY NEWS LLOYD BRADSHAW Mamcf MODELOE PRESENT sIMéo COUNTY MUSEUM WITII PROPossb ADDITION Llsxs lnclndlng 111 name clccmr ln each polllng dlvlslon will be mailed one to person of the same last name ln every hnusehold Mr Crnweurged rcsldcnla In check lists for their own name or or the name of olhers who might have been lot of in EHUT In the last elecllon about an pcrcenl of the 26154 elector aclually cast ballots Anunusual lyhlgh total according In Mr He sald Simcocv North voting usually heavi bu lher number who voted lhe l96l election was particularly high anm 1m are now at he printers Mr Crow laid and residents may expect them In the mail by Oct 16 hald lod loin number of eigib1e vole on the riding Us In 23371 He said afler revisim the figure will probably go up an other 100 the total 17900 are urban voters living in either Barrie or Calllngwood with Urn reminder In rural areas BRADFORD i7 lrlp In Nassnll lhis luumlllul Indy room Ocl dnr from Nuxsnu will be In our uhow CC Merl lur Anlluuu ml 0111 How You WEDNESDAY OCTOBER I965 830 pm ST JOSEPHS AUDITORIUM MULCASTER ST BARRIE Watch For The Palms II lgun MyereroIors ml SIMCOE NORTH NEW DEMOCRATIC PARTY NOMINATING CONVENTION DONALD MucDONAlD FOR SOUTH SEAS TREAT RESERVE THURSDAY OCT PROVINCIAL LEADER NEW DEMOCRATIC PARTY 1nliad non ml me us more space for special exhibits and seasonal displays said ML The new wing which will be located east of he present bulldlug will cost $60000 Th5 lwoslorey splitlevel wing will be museum downstairs with access by slnlrwzy and ramp from the present museum An archives with an air mn dltiminx nlanl and also work shop wlm stparnle entrance will be MI Besides recording the history of the munly the must play nn impatient pm in encourag ng tourists to visi Huronin Lax ycar ulqnc mm of 21215 visllora was recorded model of Simeon Cqunlys ccnlnnnial prode new addi Iion lo the Simone Counly Mus eum was ondlsplny at the Bur riefall In last week VCanslmctian ls duh begin Nov with completion expected early next year 9M Im Kahuna Hum Sllualedon nghway as live mllm narlh of Barrie me addi llon will measure approximately 4000 square feet and will be separate unit The county museum originawd in Barrie in 1919 when it was 5111an by the VOmcnL 1n stilute Housed in the nrmcr registry building which was torn down in 1962 the museum was taken over by county dum cil andestablished IL new premisu Ross Channcn joined as dircdor ak his time ALL ARE WELCOM GUEST SPEAKER CountYfMuseum Bye Enldrged Ex BARRIE COLLIER 51 HARM INSURANCE AGENCY LTD lell ind lIo people all sar jnanl Insurance Agency good people know They know their business and their busi ness II security yourI Channcn More items will rcfiulred bulvlhere are gm many plm in storage due to Lhé present lama spam he addyd clnhvl lhmsduy Inca ll agaln The Succoss lhn 10G Iunllnrs Ilrauuumln am An ullnnn In nur show ITS EXPERIENCE THAT COUNTS SECURITY 71H 5m

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