$25 llvn mnuu mum In lnnmhlp mar mldmh min mrl mulvla lhe Imm lm mu ul unuM apply M97 hml vlm in mun mml nuller mm llvo MIN The mull hr why Ill nrnmlml hy anlrmhrr bul In um hnl lwn my upwar tm In Mllnl Wllh Ilnlfl hunlnl on am Ive unnwa Full lulvlrt vaN um wil II Wghl he flu 1h ruml tn mommy lo mllm mil 4m M4 3li mm THAI MW inilm VinIF Inwmhlp tun munlhl In In wmm In Iv rimlmwnlwl In hm um um um balm Coumil lhll you haw prnlulcml cull ymxr inmrnnru Aunt nr lhl uncut member your vnlunA mr llrclizmlng unll muqx mun Whtn lhu Innixlll In crew Il lemplcd lo nnwrr lhe In Mr all lhry mind he lrutk wnuld um mm The kry hnd been Ml on And he hnllcry An al umm wn mm In will 0M walrr lnut hm he in rurk rnllrd lnln lhn lrmk Iruck And about um damage wu dour Thnllmm LMHE Inld Coun cil Ihnl he damage wlll he ra pllml mu He mum not It wunl nr Imlh lhr Murry luv In lawn nml lhn hrnku helnl oul nrdrr Al llw mm Ilnw punhm III nvmllinnal ï¬lm of llm rquipmrnl nI DH Inn uummrr whan Hm Hro Mluhnll mum rrpmrnlu In mkul In Hmr nmkn Gunny nuvl mlvlu hr lwll fnnihml gm IIAu nr nxldluz Tho ml Mum mmmHle IHI In HI In doqu II he bylaw which will lha uu Electric pluxl should ha checked Ind dlstnrdcd ll om landed even ll Intans havan In cktlï¬vinn lmlnll more cir eulls use p1qu over 15 nnw Ihould be nde and urn ml Inmeclivn made 01 all pin Hunt are lxre Mund N0 llEllHIT Places which have been al Inwed lo arcumulale rubbiih Ihuuld be cleaned up 10 there In na chance he being Ilnrled Flues and chlmneya Ihnuld have lhcir all clcnnoul Ind be pm lnlo good service In eke wintr healing Space hunt would be none aver by oil lmire mtn and oil burner re thccked In make me they will Ignlle ntnpcrly mm In fuel pipes Ihnuldbo rnrclully ï¬xed Ind all nully kllrlc cord re palmd or removed mu MWAumu mw Vn Manda nlght addressed aca ééHLLeadersvtReactv EWarmly To Proposal THE CANADIAN rims Universuy la reacted warmly Tuesday to Prime Min Baal Camel leader of abycs agaiugo Pagty on CHOUETTE ADDRESSES MEETING INNISFII NOTES Fire Prevention Iobs Include Fire Truck The his 53 can shro nnnll mllcllnrownn and CoA wan wmla Council In ndvin that her will an her prapcrly la ha lawnshlp 1n ha usrd or rommunlly pm on or he pwple ol Tolluuln Mr Conn mlvllcd lhu munirlpnlfly Ihal Includrll ho 101mm home and It IMIIll whlch com name no rem Including tho mok ah Tnllrmlnl rnml mulhm mmII nrnpllnl the nu null lunlrudlunn um ulvm lhnl Um ï¬nk hnve lnxurnnu rnvrrnm placed on the hulklm In lhrre mud In he no One In Illank ur the gill ll wan mud lhnl ollcr My Web mm tdcrcd HemWI nmn Alwlnllnn urnmy mul mmrll lhnnl In Ilmn lnr mow Irman um lhrlr prlvulu nwl ml wlnlnr and mm lhnl ll would Huh Ilmml Ill your many lh nIMrnll rrmu up durln Hm mnlnr Thry nlw unl nulm II uwnm In Ihrlr AIM In um 1h mliro ur VIIInll mm hum it mrrunry 1n rnn lad mu An ledul annph Adm in may he Inlmmnl if any nmmrldll Hrunm um Irmmhrl In lhnlr dlllvhl Ihnl My mum mnru mm maul Mhuwlu Ulla did nol have In he an Imml ll Inllh la Ippmulq 1h mu ml revertma Ith lnul whn hnl lvrukm Ihe lmml an nl lhn VIII and mm Hm Miniphoto Mm war Wu le IH Jnln Illh hlm In his umm lhnl p1 Anrl In niun In our Imld Vlllle Ihix discussion was be lng heard Clnmnca Kell came in accompanied by Russell 01de Mm sells trailers and mtblle homu Mr Kill had purdmcd 11 by 55 out trnllor mmplcltly lurnlshcd Whldl was on displny Dnnle lnir He null 10 locale ll 01 the nxlu on arm on lhe 2nd line to use or ham nnd would llvc Ilwre all the lime Mr Church lnld loundl hnl the home would he lulun 01 IM wheel and Wu In lncl prefab humc whlrh could be plncml Im luundnllnn Councll dtbnlcd Iho mnller and llnnlly docldcd that lie whnle Issue would be pluccd In In hands ht Commluco Adluxlmenu wlm may rac ommrnd that the byan he bro kcn or Ipcclll mnonl lmlld cnlvn wllh I4 nlIrl bur Inn Ilvr num of Ike dnmlr Iho rumrr Iv Tallcnrlnl llnml Mm lh unruly in Incnlrd AllflmMTH ILOWING In GIFT OF PROPERTY week Mr and MM Wcsdakc whahave camped ln one of thu best trailers ln lhe park cnmp have purchaxcd lot and want to move lhcir trailer there They will nnl be mlng ll during the winlcr but lulu la have he Hydro lnslallndl thn they an plied or this they luund lhal il was nnl permlllcd in the trailer use bylnwl They mm In Cann cil ln cxplnln lhelr lnlenllann to move up here when Mr Wesl lnku rclirc in law years and hen would build home They wlshcd In use the lrailcr an heir lnl llll lhcn the Regina campus nl the Univer sity of Snskalthewan What really appeals to me is Ihal the schularshlps may be continued lhrouzh lhe ouryear course Tim where many scholar year lorench of Ihe our years 5tu at ml $10000000 nyear In lhe lcderal treasury In Monmal hau thre sled dhhlldrdaï¬emptloaeata mnuusuenpe 95P°r5°iÂ¥ While come he plan Dr Corry principal Queena University Kingston 0nL expressed reserva lions about the net that it dncsnt appear to cover siudenls who are not scholarship male rial Drr Carry is nine president ni lhe Association of UnivcrrL lie and College 01 Canada IL McCallu lhn Alberta unlvcrsllya dcun graduate studies said Im disappointed Ita nlmnd nnly lhc under gradunle level which Im que Ilx cxrcllcnl or However would iko to no some will nnca at our end well SCRAPPING LINER LIVERPOOL HumanTh llmr Mnurclanln will in mm In map when she mum lo Enzlnml from Mcdilmnncnn muse Nov ma Cunard Line Announced Mnndny Sim lhe Huston lintr wm caluplth in um ha bun nn Imporlnnl dullnr nxncr far llrlln mainly on the leh M11an mutt is good In know that the leaders our national pnlllical panlies 95c slump threr nch Wï¬NTS WIDE PLAN The program pruvidcs or rcducdon 1n lhe value he schnlnrship ll tho parent cm nt Iord In pay pan of the col ol his child univmlly educaflon That seems bcllar lhnn muk lng flat 51000 scholarshlp wlllch tome pennn dont rcnlly need commented Bl Wlth art ndmlnlslmnr of sludcnl award at the Unlvmily of Al berta welcome iucll plan nspcclally an admlnlslercd at the local level so It can be co ordlnnled wllh plans already In existence must Wnslctn Can mla unlvmillu David Dualonhprgsidcnm Carmen bmvermyruuawaj described the federal plan as In Interesting development which should help meet the urgent nxend or much greater lludenl Claude Himll president 01 the University of Toronto wel cnmed the plan in pfovidé lmancléi aid or those who can proï¬t by higher education he said zhlps ail today in that they are anly for 12 ï¬rst year orth MP miMmkenlIlr land my wirephmpx Lloyd mus 493 04 Dunlop 7164 Wflklfldi 1nd Evnnlngl Call Nam Bvluow 7131475 PLUMBING AND HEATING N0 DOWN PAYMENT UP TO 10 YEARS TO PAY SENTINEL FURNACE 200 GAL OF OIL for flu ml lwulu lmllllfllon wllh cuh While on this hash the mess rure Di improvement seems hmaller than the grnwth InIthe yoss national producr DBS re ported Tuesday the gain still nsubstnnflalr Fiuuflheiflnihi names 10 he latest lhrecmnnlh per iod lhe Increase in grass dam ch product was 282 per cenL 3Ths most marked gains were made In durable goods munu teaming up 483 yer centand in 21mm power and gas nun lies up 426 per cent Other malar nulput advances were In oreslry up 398 per cent and In wholesaie trade up 3791 cenh II RESIGNS POST VANCOUVER OPPJ Coo per oi Edmnnion has resigned as presidan the Federated Associalion oi Loner Carrier in Canada becaus ol hcniih reasons Ducien Mariin ï¬rst vimmidcnl will be acting pruidcnt until tho nalinnai con vention hiny 10 in Mgnirgnl LAUDS MARTIN QUEBEC CPi Ll Gen Sergio Fanaii commanderin chie of Ike NATO defense cnl iexe said Tuesday Externai airn Minister Paul Marlin is one of the most quaiiiicd men or lire NATO cnuncil presi dency iio nid Mr Mnrlinl an polnlmcnl lo lhe posi nn nounced last week has been wcii rcrcivnd lhmngiwul coun iriu oi the NATO aliinncc 5053 national product however becomes inflated whenever lho purchasing power the dollar deciines it also has niheriaulls in II eyes econnmic nnnlyisLs The index at real domesllc product 11m prirharily with chanxu 1mm lhgrbasa ycar 1M9 1And DBS reports on the ambunlaf change lnca recess XWX Unlike the gross nalional pm duct the Index due no cover agriculture Kn which seasonto mm and yearwear varim than swing wide The nannydeveloped index of real domutlc product Lendedlo be more murals reflection of Um lruc perform mac lb Canadian lndusrial economy than the broader all lncluxivg Bronnational mod ucl grass national product figure announced last weektor the second quarter of 1965 was an annual rage $50948DW000 an per cent increase over mmmmo the actual total valuelol all endprodum goods Ind serving produced in Can ada In 1364 EDQmésticEPrdauét shows Increase HTHAWA CEITh bureau of mmuu neasonallymdlusled index 01 nunagrlcnnuril real dognenicv product stood 1019 or thawech qunrlér thls yean gampged with 2054 ur the 1m quarler and 1009 or the lutqnartgr oftlaxt year TharIndex hlsed on 1549 out put equalling loo ï¬e only Industry in show WORLD BRIEFS 95° Jull Mrnllon 11 GEO SPEARIN I77 Bradford SPECIAL ON LUBRICATION 0NLY 726M M304 negative change Irfishlnz And trapping dnwn Amenwean lhough ithad beendnwn only 35 per can in Illa last qualet of mo year Pumpkin Pie Jun Prhr Lcmnn ur GRADE7AI JANE PARKER ORANGE HIFFON CAKE SllPikRIGIIL mam SHORT or CROSS CUT RIB ROAST SHANK HALF EANADAI FWIUI RN BRAND BEEF SWEETPOTATOES 31nx29° TOILET TISSUE r°2n27 mom35m SHANKPORIION 111T Save Money on AGPs Tasty Frelh Fruit and Vegetables Virginia Wuhod and Brmhod No Grade Wm Calawld READY in ml mm N1 OFF DIAL FAB DEIERGENI WHITE BREAD win Why Chaim Gull ALP PEAS IAVI PUHIX 240 loam 24 79c IFICIALI Priu in IAVI II WHOLI MAN Aap COFFEE SAL BOKAR 3455333 MQVES BED cmcu muggy IN AV 80tl0CK Ha12 IMoa17 JANE PARKER SUCED McINTOSH APPLES Priu nth Me IAV Wt TOKAY GRAPES BANANAS 2m29c mum N3 mm rim Clnlnl Amide 0mm Damla mm mm hr mu om AFARICIO TO OUT MAM vuzazuua APJShnrlslop Luis Aparicia of Baltimore Oriaies saidiodny he mnsideri quitting majorleague base Thain year American League veteran homa alien suikpar suuon wiih the Orinlca said hewouid like in set up sporting gonds business heré and confine his playing in the Venezuelan lemma MCINIUN APPLES thullalug Maria 1mm Wmlml and Waxed Ru Grade TURNIPS CANTELOUPE anmm Salim Plush lulnlm bus Nu MI FULI MALI BUTT PORTION 59 BUTTHALF 5422 1°69 ï¬ll01m 59c 449 OPICIALI bnangmg ILs historian review by sellmg bulfnloblmgenl Ed manholt has been commit sionedjo trace the municipal itys hlsmry up In Ihe present day mm mm whqn Lord Scl klxk hwy 116000 square miles for shillings $150 um mum mm warm25mm mm mi Burmmmxsas mosav WIPE CF The A5 HVIMIM FRESH KILLED Prluouhlï¬cMVlbc sAusms MEAT tipgébél WIENERS omk Funky annoy TOMATO JUICE EUPEILRIGHT BRAND of mg pkg 10 IAVI 4m mm noun 0Man or Hug pkg IAVI Io lAIN CAKE DONUTS 1mw49c PURE FORK CENTRE CUTS UK Ovmnlud thuuvh hluvdm 0mm 1m 39c 25 35 AH MEM SURYIYES SILOFALL 051mm om cmFrank DW 37 ofnearbyNorlhf wood ell 40 feet ram Ihe lap of silo with only minor In Juries While he was working on tile roof with neighbor A4 50 port buckied and DcCook tel lo the ground Its miracle was his only cum ment WHQLI HAM mum caulu luflumlu PANCAKE MIX 1133 ORANGE TANG IV Mm IPECIALI Ivamd GullIt IOflo nlm 15h him FILLIUUHV IFEOIALI mm 59 IPEOIAU pecan gm 33¢ 99c