b1 of auvxcenrï¬nï¬inc charlie has restored Ihernamu Cnnachcr to anantn Mlple Deals roster Tlie recruit is BrJaIVCona char or he last two yearn member or Canadasnauonal hnckcy team and before lhal promising Iufl winger wilh Tor onto Mnrlboms lhe mau 0m aria Hockey Association junior affiliale The helpful uncle Is Charlie Cunachcr the National lInckey Leagues allslar rigm winger year ago and one deadliest marksman ever to wear Lea uniform SUCCESSFUL IIUNIERS 1mm Angus pose proudly be fore weir heavy bull maqse Bxian ztyearnld son ol the halo Lnnel Conachcr whn was In outstanding dchnccman wilh Chicago Black Hawk and Ihe old Monkcal Maroon aml New York Amerlcam had lumed hl back on profouinnal huekey 10 days ago 111 Mar lanim undies at McMasler Unlvenlly Kn llamlllom Brian Condcher Back With Lede By THE CANADIAN FRI155 Alter talk with Uncle Char lie Brian thanng his mind and signed conlract with ha beak Tuesday While he Lem were balslcr lnx Iheir ranks Iheir live NHL opnunenu were quarinz on In preseason exhibmon games EANADIENS Mammal Canadians reached he hallway pain In grullling cighlnighl slanl against van nus arm club by cnminx mm behind to sum their ounh con secullve vlclnry 31 dtcisian ADULTS SIRS IIx included SIUDENTS CHILDREN 50 HOCKEY Chiragn Black Hawks and Dc run Red Wings played to 33 He at Memphis Tami and New Yurk Ranger downed Boslnn Brui 53 at London Ont chldl mé large carcass domed wiih solid Hayley traded much amnum DickDull pulled an the Ca nadinns victory early In lhc third period zncr they had drnppcd behind 20 In lhe soc nnJ or goals by Hnnslnnl Gerry Kell and Bill Inglis Claude Provost got nne back In are he period ended and Dave Baton lied ll shortly alter the mILrmission The Wings beaten 54 In their ï¬rst meeting wilh the Hawks Sunday were xobhcd chance lo square lhc series when Dennis Hull scored 012 Iy ng goal late in the lhlrd purind Gordie Howe scored lwice or Drtrclk and Ron Murphy or mcr Hawk supplin he lhird jinn Shin Mikita and Dick Icissncr were he nunr CM cagn scornrs Jean Ralelle and Earl Ingar Hed gut lwa nplcce or me nnnA gem in lhcir ï¬rst viclbry in lime tries against NHL oppo silion Johnny McKenzie com plucd hoir scaring whlle Donn Prcnlice ullh two and Murray Olivu replied or the Bruins FEWEII HUNTERS SUCCEED Moose hunlcrs in Onlnrio In 19H killed ILHIB animals com pared with 13574 um year be FATTRACTION SPRINGFIELD BUFFALO SPECIAL AMERICAN HOCKEY lEAGUE FRIDAY SEE THE PROS IN ACTION 1965 CHAMPIONS OCTOBER 330 pm INDIANS lhreesame ofhunlcrs from Angus named bring down possible record sizemoose or 2132511 Marling min Jim Ellioll Don Mid Karum Guergis came llama yu lcrday with lampognd bull mouse after thrcoday urney mo lhe NakinaRgt Rapids dis downlownBarrie ycslcrdéy as it was displayed on lnp of hunters truck Examiner Phnln Angus Hunters Bag Big MOose IricL The Dcparlrncnt Lands and ForcsLs game warden noted that this was one the biggest moose caught there in many years Angus hunters came mm family at moése in this case In bagging me bull they mmplclcly missed the cow and talk similar aituation prom vaich when they sighted num her black bears While link ing or he she bear the cub cut in rout of their ï¬ne ï¬re 50 Hwy brought home the small as lhrce burg travelled in the Nnkjna dis lricl or several hunhng sca ms and has always com home with carqass he prescn lime abm no others mm the Angus area are hunting in the same area Northern Ontario and at lasl word were slill skunkcd ANOTHER ARGO EDMONTON CPI Grunt McKee was placed on waivers Tunsday and picked up by Tn onlo Arnmmuls Edmonlnn Es kimos the Western lebnll Cunlcrencc nnnounccd The 25 year old ddonsivc halfback mm In Edmomon from HamilA Inn Tiger Cals of he Easltm Football Cnnfercnco in mm Middlzwelght Champion Joey Giardellu Cherry Iliil NJ Dick Tiger Nigeria JosevGonuies New Yark Joey NChErNEWYflflL Junior middlmtigm Cham pion Nina Etnvenuflilaiy Jorge Fernandez Argentina Eddie Pace lionuluin Sam the Mazzinghi ilaiy alh anniversary dinner here Saturday Mr Wardrope at one lime was un Inc execu tive or the Thunder Bay branch of lhe an adlan Amateur Hockey Assnciallnn HOLD 01M DINNER TORONTO CF George Wardmpe Ontario minister at mines will be guest speaker at 177 Bradford 5L Barrie If youve seen the wisdom of compact car go one stop further coma and sea the value you not in FIAT 1100 You expect body tour wheels seats and dashboaid even when ou dont pay much for car What about iully reclining bucket seats ï¬nding roar seat that combines with tho trunk to provide luggage spaco long tinned aluminium bmkn drums our spaod gearbox under conting and oven outsido mirtots Theso am all standard on tho FIAT 1100 And of caursa all tho other things Iiko windshield washers mmwsts and so on Instoud oi just jack and wheel wrench you got comploto tool kit with tho 1100 is uroomy nor am that will crulso quietly and ulfonlessly all day on superhluhwny with pnoplo and their luggage or make you lunl younnnunln gull lvglfllng counlry rond ngmo 1hnl how ls mal vnluo for monay Buy It and youll havo thousands and thousands of enjoyable conflonublo and voqy economical mgplinu miles nhuad you come and have fun BYRON GRAHAM MOTORS An you can 500 FIATvï¬iéliusuhcks loobut Ihnls anolhcr story So come and have fun in FIAT FIAT 00 Iunaulcd mrlnnu $156500 F0 Munlrul Ind Imam Junior ilghlwelghi Cham plan Flash Elnrde Philippine Sim Kang South Km Johnny Bizzami Eric Pa Love Ailntey Ghana FenthcrweithChnmpionJ Vi cente Saldivar Mexico sunnri Sedi Javan Antonio Hena Coiombia Hnwnrd inslone Wales mlmunc mun unnumwelght Champloï¬ Fighting Harnda Japan Eder JotreBraih JoseMr del Mexico Jesus Pimeme Maxim ï¬elghcChampinn Snlva lnr Eurmni my Hiroyuki Eblhara Haradq AcaValln Argentina Kanuy oshi Takayamu Japan InnuaFï¬Ã©ruï¬iï¬ the Nova Scogla divisivn the Canadian Corps of Cmmnissiom aim as usual this year In oldest man in the corps AGE N0MRR1ER HALIFAX 101 scat Sor lawis umcd In one at the nrhclals sai You can see them and have them serviced at For manyanrrie area hockey ans whn followed lhe lortuncs of Ihe Junior Flyrr before they depdrted or Niagara Falls Fnd lghl will hg llke oldn hom BarrieyArlena At MI Eddie Shorea Springï¬eld Indians take to the led against Bullaln Biron in an American Hockey League axhlbitlon game Indians have in theirjlineup large complement ol lace am lliar to 5min ans Perhaps the for Hap Emma here with the Flyera Two nlherl ln thelm dlanlmllarm had Lhelr Junior apprenticeship locally Howie Menard and forward RandyMil ler who spent two season In Flyer cnlm will return home Friday AHL Players Return Home The biggest swring threat In ge Springï¬eld lineup ls Bill pomls champmn junior days In the Ranger sys em will Lhe old Guelph Bill mons Another néa product In the Springfield training camp ls Jlrn EDDIE snow colyuumwngr mics oi poutsea for minor hockey coaches In this area have been scheduled by the Simone County Conunme new rauon Service In cooperation with the federal gnvemments pepanment at Heallh and Wel EIveevenlngs have been set lde or thls purpose at Stay ar Ind Orillla Anna Cong duelan thg smlons arc Mall licd instructors g1 gye Wilcox of Midland who skated wilh Tnmnlu Max11mm Joining Rolls on tha blue llne hre pair of laugh hockey players who carried heavyhltttngf rcpu tatton in lhelr JunlorA careers Barday Plager was lower of strength with the Pelerbnrnugh TM and farmer Marlhom Rag cr Cote hardly heads bunch ï¬on to the local hockei allow EFL Two lhe lalest addiUons la lhe Springfield raster ans de lencpman Larry Johnslangand lclk winger Bill Smith who Just thenlhcr day were dealt in Shures charge by he Toronto Maple Leaf organimtion he In ea mg he dlansthls year new caach who should be In stranger to Barrie us Murray who arhlrcdvtn replace I7l BurIon Ava 6ï¬i1fv Preps AND BRAKE SERVICE m4 VIV Isiuxe Lqmonrwwx WINNER NEva IIME numor TIRES AND BRAKE SERVICE Telephone 7281061 7152124 7184245 MM Amakaur Hockey Associaliun ulnic mission and Comin Cenue floard are jalnlly warldng on this prnject MLH the county or ganization Fee or candldatcs who must be over me BEGIN 19 15 $150 for the lull course lEaéh centre can handle max lmum participation 40 wllh anzlslrallon deadline at Tuesday October 12 for orlllla lan 11¢er 19 at stqynerllp pllcalions or both Centresmal bewblalnorl by conlncllng lhg Slmcoe Coynly recreation ofï¬ce lln Battle at Candldales must bring skales slick notebook and pencil her Information Iorv all inter ested minor hockey coachea may be ubtalned from recrca lion dircdor Jim fluid at the County but House in Barrie Following are the dale and times DRILLIA Sun Oct 1111mm pm Mon Oct 1340090 pm Wed Oct maimm pm Sah Oct 236 nm00 Sun Oct STAYNER Mnn0ct 573Mom pm Wed Oct mvmnm pm Oct 297maoo Sal Oct 30130 30 pm Sum 03 31730 ramsm hm The Orian Ramgallon Conr uvmmm pm