EUDIIUIW ml Imnlrr Jun lmnxu Qmlxc mu Tuoldny hm hm nlmudy Ilnnrd ln mll anlhrm 0H Arin More Um Nov rlecuml wgl rnllcd MI OFF In IM mnm Ml lvllll maml In the hen flaw mart pounnl run at am cwl mnluu whim my Id mm Ming what Id at Ma much 111m are In nrwplulyle llthllrI On an Punch 11anan par rwlkm In Ilw Inleral gm mnl 1lw mum flmlnr HAN lnr qulxrr Mild wmhl anw Um ynw 10 dn mm mm makn wlhlrll unmvntn wlm ner munlrin Hm no mum mm mm mnllld wlm mun pour ml weak Ilmlzhl rum he 71th In lehnn Ontario In MI II an ma um nmkrslnmh Am up Wu live woman QM ya ï¬mulmm ad anunllnn an My Ia mo ho in MI Mervin Zn mlrnllnm In mum in mm lnr minim lwlo wan In Ml Lhe nlar Qurlw nlnry ml mpr has In no told rwrlnlly Ilnu llw pm ll mm of lip mm Speaking at nnminfllion mollnn where Cnnsrrr IHI ulcded Jmk lrunc as their candldnv for rulrchon In he London rldinx Mn Camp crusrd the Pmrmn mlmlnls Allan at hypoclsy and wrnk nan 1n lb 2w yen ol office um mrrly we are not 01 la in ulurc nnuallons in Ihc conviclhn that murin ls mm be prized than chul lunged Iva mid nml mun lly II mm to he nrlml Illnn UK pquHH ol exclHome He mid he go or cixn policy main min Idvica thoul making sacri llcea and the Liberal puny LI nai leaning Icfl itli rushing mtli To Visit North 11mm Ont CmDalton Cunp the Progressive Cnnm allves naunnal pmsidem ac cuud Liberal government Tuesday nlzhl or makin can Ida In lmernalinnfll bore Ahmad and lending ll rapidly curd IaclulLun 11 home TCrop Insurance The Moral government now yays per mm of the prom tums and Mr Hays said the ne per rent increas would depend on thlhcr lhc prov lncn would also pay the per ten hile slill syviuing admin lslmhva can wiih the Metal overnmenL Blast Liberals lie said Liberal government wnuid increase lhc level of cov erage make it more suitable to mixed iarmlng and pay 25 per cent he larmcrs premiums SIEINBACK Man CPY Agrlcullnre Minhler Hay In nounced plans Tuesday to broaden mp Insurance caverv age and reduce farmers prem lumx Liberal gnvemmenl reclctlcd Nuv One at the greatest problems today in Canada said Mr Douglas ha ecnnomln tn equality that exists between idIHemnt regions 1111 was why he NDF was snpreoccupted ith the question QUEBEC CHI Cl Doug las leader of the New Demo craUc Party said Tuesday the elecllun struggle the mom en 15 between Ihe leeralz ahd he NDP lnmosl purl of the elsnunlry Mr Douglas made the stale menl lnan lmcrvlaw an arxlval 811 from Halilax He ls la mm short campalgn tour not ya mull of said possible or the ND to lake power after the Nov eleclhm 40 per cent he declar is undeclded on how llwlll die He did not he said sonlï¬a uu or llsllng the scandal which have burst on the poll lical scene during Um Iasl year These scandals had already had their nlluence Liberal struggle cmpnmnimm mm BAY Ha he didnt know whether Mr Pearson wauld go campaign chairman said ha Liberal partys 25 nomin ations fur the election will be preliygvel cleaned up by the on Ma week hava tho Impression aronnt coming to grips the Issues Mr Gordon leoral federal campaign chairman held the regularw¢ekly briéflnk an the campaign Tuesday and said opposman leadm were mak Inga lo loose stalemenls They were making personal mack andthntsort thing wnacnmmentlng on pub Ilc opinian poll which how high perclntage voim Im declded about which party Io support In the Nov general eicclion OTTAWA OP Flnnnce Minister Gordon laid Tuesday he think the usually Jame number undecided valetI In Clnada partly due 10 he lnqucncyofglectlons In the last few yam Comments Polls 1966 Rambler Amercan Sod Rambler Rogue the wlldnow brand of an at your Amcdcan Motels Ramble Beale today RamblerAmerican owest priced Canadianbuilt car The Conservatives he said were making hullabaloo about unity with the return to he fold of such pas desert mf gs Davie Fulton George Heck Senator Wallace Mc Culcheon and Hugh John Flem mlng Thy myearmld sender In an jndduss tn the Lady Laurie Club criticized bath Constrvm llva Leader Didenbakerand New Democmuc Leader Daug laa calling the latter past maler In the presentation plausible lallnclea tnlo Northumbarland to cum paJKn wlUI candidate Paullno Jewelt who opposing farmer Cnnservallve tr mlnlxttr Gaolgo flees VANCOUVER VSenm tar deli Fayrlsyaleun uberalymember the uppg house said Tuesday hers nu more prospm cl unlly within the Prommm Conservative party than there Is between India and Pakistan JNo Uniiy Ptbspect But the prom wllh 1115 high estmonetary Value came tram Alvin Hamilton ï¬rmer Con lervative agriculture mlnister He said in Halflax Conserv In Halflax Labor Minister MucEachcn laid the gavcm men will assist In he opening of Va new coal mine und in mada tmlzallnngp auger plflv In Nov Senna Thu amounts mentioned tomng 525000000 In Sleinbach Man Mr Hayg said the government would pay 251m cenl of tha farmen pre mmms Earlioni Oniqihe prime mmisicr announced livestock Jecd misiance pm mm or the Northern Ontario dixirici oi Timiskaming Cach ra dandyMimi Island uuwuuuMuu umwu later at Timmlns he laid the gnvemmcnl is ready to pay up lo 20 per cent of arm erg fropflngurayce Ergmlgms mm uu um um muuur day of pramlm began in Ottawa when Mr Pearson pm femd increased federal grants lo funlvenlllas Ind Ieoffered scholarships mamm 310000 909 ynualy By THE CANADIAN PRESS Elecllnn promisesgonmed lrornthu millions Into ha b11 llonl of dollars Tuesdayn Tha Joint was reached when Axrlcu tura Minister Hays was nutpromising Prlma Mining Pearspn on the Ipme mallet From vMillibns°TO Billibns AMERICA MOIOM CANADA IMHED whom wn hollow lhnl uunllly la wlm you bulld In nol what you add on Tlmnuns Mn Pearsén rsaldr They can call me nor at 55 12 gov ernment has reluscd to disms Iha question of mommy In guv Emmcnl during lhe campaign He said Quebec Revenua Min Isier Eric Kieran has accused iha iederai jusUco department of negligence and lndlimn ence about the investigation ni bankruptcies and of consider ablyhinderingihc provincal wax ngnlqsiihe underworld Let ï¬nd out whntwasrhid den In this case from Parlia mgnl enbnker said at Hamilton Mr Dim enbaker charged that man un derwofld execution in Quebec would have been less likely had the ledaral gnvemmenl mek Opposition demands or disdai ure at justice departmentw port on bulkrupldcs Thu Que bec killing are linked with fraudulent bankruptcies mmsrmnnam mm In nu mm ALVlneIand OnL Oppouuon Leader Dlflenbnker put Forward sixpoint Conservativé mam cial palicy including Criminal Code amendments to cud flock lrgxdg an of over 10year Nhlely per canto lha cxpendlluro would be b0 Armna alive novernmént ivnuld refor zst more than 2000000 mm In cenlm gm gulem Canndl The Rambler American is in the spotlight Because its allnew for 66 Allnew from headlight to tail light All new In styling inside and out Rambler American is another word tor beauty Allnew length actually extra inches longer Longer lovelier livelier How can you get along without one Especially when you get solid value tool Now standard power is 199 cubic inch that puts out 128 hp more then any other compact Theres builtin quality In Ramblers temous teatures too The worlds most complete ruslproollng Single unit construction for greater strength and rallielreo dnvillgt Double salety brakes Rust end corrosionwool ccmmic armoured mulller Insulating fibreglass roolllnor Illfeature sater system Including year as well as lrent seat belts lmprovod salon glass padded dash and sun visors More solely features than youll lind in any other car but Rambler and all standard oqulpmentl In no olher car can you get so much quality plus value for your money Let your Rambler dealer provo it to you seen mm One of lhegieitustyioblems In Canada was the economic In eqlallty belwnen diflercm rc glons TlIIswa why the ND was so preoccupled with he qugglinn Mn Douglas will 0511 awn 0nL today um Campaigning In New Dema crallc Party territory Mr Pcamn nld themaln dmer ence helwbenmberals and the NDPI that ha Libell are In posmun Ioimplzment lh c111 form both pull nde as Quebec city NDP bade 11 Douglas nld an election struggle at the moment be tween the Liberal and the New Demacrala In mustpam ol the country Thu prim mlnmer said Mn DIeIenbaker ha accused km of rsprcadlng dummy He wan happy to leave It to the vote Nov which political party and which leadership could do more or building Alronger and lunged anqdn ne ovending passion hu bean udo what can to bring about unity In this country to make better Canadians uar VOlelts mccms mpt ll Ihay ilkevahey can call me stupid hubtolsayl have done anythan 90 bring about disunlly hum me cut me dig quick mp mayjugefmey URGES MARS SHIP L05 ANGELES AWA Nn bel Prizewinnlng scienllsl has proposed $200000000QO pro ect lo build nuclearpowered spaceship Lhal could whlakmen Mars at 5400 rnlles an hour uch project sald Dr Willard Llhby could he completed In 10 lo 15 years If successlul ll could carry us tronauts to Juplter In 17 mm or lnuld rear New In two 22 The Beallu In one their literary momcnlsL Thnir SECOMmovlm Helpl Uni ed trusts release In Eastman mu mum mum wnnmsnh BEATLES AT IMPERIAL member trade mission will spend month in New York and three Latin American mum Mes studying Ilia market fnr mining equipment and will engineering servlces the rude denarlmenl an nounccd Tuesday The missia will Visl Mexlcn Oct 1241 Peru Oct 1129 Chile Oct 30 Nov and New York Nov 1417 calnr will open today at Illa Imperial Thulm The group some up wilh seven new song 11H In the waywt comedy mjmm pp