mws 30mmisiavi AutdCémbfbmseiBill ccclive arold Lule said Mrs Brennan kcpl mumhllng lhal he Wnnlml hcr th lo be In my nnd hnl aha pmhed her In lrnnl nl lho lrnln lu munln hn two nth Mn thran M1 JOHNS Nfld CF Iramlnr Jonrph Smlllwnnd Tuudny nnnnunud Romn mrnl plum lhnl wIIl Ive AL mm cnmplflrly lno ulur sludrnll Mcmnrl Unlvmllx lldou man than 1000 morlnl Slwltnll Mr Smlll wmxl MM Ihr Ncfloundlnnd ï¬uwmmrnl hm docldod la main lulllon lrrn or nll Ilu dtnll al Iho Imlvmlly up lull IMIIHHHK Um llllh yrnr be Klnnlnll In lhu lull 01 mm Tolnl ml lur Ml xchomu In 1m unuld lm Illan llnn 600000 Ila Ink plnnl nlno nurly gin In 11 Iu Mn Ink plnnl nho nu finnv In pay nhry in II drnll II no unlvmlly Ilmllng In Inm tn hrlp Innu lhrlr ul uullnn Shunnu whnn hum Jnhnl unuld you munmy mluy Ind Iludtnu mm which lohnn wm melu $100 munlh OTTAWA Th CAM fllln ulnn ol ï¬hMrnlI ull TutMy ulzhl lelmlmlllnd lnmln Smullumln nnr nouncmwnl lhnl lru lunlnn um 1w muvhlml II umlrr mhaln Itwmn rent III umpIa lnr lhc ml Cum MI PIL IMO Tu IM mmlnrod Jnhnny Znh cm llw Null of rnunlvy and ml mu mmlr mm 500 lwnd Tunday nlnhl and mu lmd llnm Jail 11 Mva IIUI xhwullnl and rnnullml IHIcIl dnm 1M llnhy linur WASMNGIUN AP The 1184 Senate Nesday approved Wrondse bill 04 put into time the agreemenl benween 0v United Slamand Canada impending tariffs at mammar laaturers low on new nulmm bugs apd ts AMC President Roy Aber nehy mid lhe companys 1966 prices compared with prices 965 modnls Willi such lhcn opiinnal cquipmcnl as padded Instrument panels back up lights windshield washers nnd rear ml bells will be about no below Ilia amaze In ad dlllan In an average exclscrlax rcducllon of $58 NEW YORK APlA dis lraughl mmhcr was nccuscd hurllnx her uur vywr old dlughlcr Marie to death Tue dny bonnaxh Inbwny lraln be uusenW wanicd hcr lo be an In on hamicidu charge Mn nlhle Ilmmnn whose sch cohmnl dhmu brought can In the eyes or de cclivcsuho queslqnctl her Dun Mart of CFCF Montrenl was elected presldenl mi Central Canada Broadcaster Amdalion Tuesday It ï¬ts 15th Annual meeting of the orgnnln IUOII representtng prlvate rn dio and television in Ontario Ind English speaking Quebec Mr Mnrtz succeeds Frank Murray CJBQ Betleville whu was namcd to join CCBA rep mentatlve on the board dt rectors or the parent body the Canadian Assaciatinn of Broad casters other CCBA oflicm nppolnted We McKnight CFRB Toronto first viceprenln dent Pr MacGawan CJLX Far tt second vlcspresl dent it received Imdeflakmgs 1mm Um Canadian subfldlarleaof General Mom Ford 31ng er and American Molnar and smaller conmnuaver hm yearl DETROIT AP Amcrican Mbiors Carp announced Tucs da lSGtrmodcl prices and be list included provision he siandurdizntinn 53 iytquipmeni once ruled rm Under the compromisewdls oration let with the presl den in the event that Canada is 91 nicer August 1968 to have suught by government ac tion larger sllce of theNorflI American market than ac cognmqrfar lat Free Educaiion Cash Charged The legislation now goes back 19 House or flepmscnlauve which is not expected to act be are Thnudny The compromise woflmd out by Senate House conference mmmltlces lune down Son ale pmvlsion dcflgned to my becl US labor agains any ex cessive Iransfer of auto Indus try emphymont to Canadian NW The Senate had wnuen in demmcnl that the maiden rcimposc mittson Canadian cars and parts in such an event unless Congress mled otgexjwise 31155 was Mother Hurls Child Before Canada vsuzncd he auw 3mm 13 JamW Announces Price Elected President Deiegatesid APEC annual conveniion were meeting in the same downtown hpici when La bgr Minister MacEachen an nounced pmmim oi $1500000 in aid loilhe coal industry Ravi drew Hogan nfviha cconomins department 01 St FrancisXavier University in Anugonish NS had warned Ilia ihe Cépe Breion steel in dustry could go under unieu aomeuginz wasidone in prepar Olflcers said Cash appsrgnlly had abtalncd the drugs in Ju am Mexico just across the RIa Grands mm EI Pm customs ofï¬cer said he hadvmjablets dexadrina stimulant and 475 nhltlLM equanlla ranqqllllet in his pnsseulon munx CPTha Allan tlc Erbvlnce Council hurdi cheering bords Tuesday of gov1 ernmenl Assistance go Capa Bremn1coal Jndustryrbut dire precuch or the Islands neel Indusï¬iy mud Monday IlilHa El 39 Ingamnlhng pl Coal Aésistavnée Hey it looks great How about things that dont show The 66 Classics qualitylike every Ramblergem deep beneath that handsome auxface Youll discover ï¬ttings and appointments that result from thoughtful craftsmanship And the builtdn features that make Rambler another word or value Like Single Unit Conetmction an all weided body that means no bolts and no rattleajuat solid car of solid worth This feature and many moreadd up to familyminded quality youve never experienced befomi the one car for the Checar family my EXAMINER WANT mi PHONE 723211 Judze lTroliier wél informed mum will be pyeéquedlo nindgd of hi Ler of Queenl Peppy Friggy contensz the ifldflel eclsln AMONTREAL 10p LAw you or Ike Seuinren Iniernl anal Uiiinn inflJ inivrmed Judge Emiiegiroiiier Tuesday that theyvnro contestinthis decision June 72 In which in lent nine SiU oliiciais to volun llry stalemanl The pinemen including Leo nard Red McLaughlin who succeeded Hal Bank president of the SW are 1c cused ol inciting namen lo bandon ihelz hi cl ll or new compéfldonllmm when Ha laid plans for new lleel ml at Becnnnur Que being built wilh Human aid rum lhe Quebec government are omlnaua or Cumlarelonx cm My Confesthecision 5mm all munum REBEL ummwwmw What do we mean by familyminded car nelh Chan9n direclorlgen Shaw assistant gen eral manager Expo 67 sets all underground blast at Com Just this the Rambler Classic wits designed from the start for family use with lots ofintcrior room bags of luggage space and lots of power What else Economy Inrmuinionnnco in running Costa and nbovo nil in terms of netqu price Thats what we mcun by familyminded curl NAMED DEPUTY TORONTO CF Dr Kzn BIGUNDEBGROUND BLAST IN BC Vincqinxine here Tic bins 169 Lplvmon it he ï¬aï¬lrnl gnedrwnx of leaqumrora larv Workll Flir CE Wirephnh era of héaiulliévicel for the health or Ontario upon the re Iedernl healUï¬depmtrrgent will ï¬remen of Dr Brown at lake nver deputy mlnlfler of the and Dbccmberu Rambler Clmica got plenty on both counts in motors weve got new 7mninbcnring Torquo Command the 6s that act like 8s powerful 108 hp V8 In optiona weve got more Hum any one mun can wuntl Along Ila of 72 you aovontytwo with everything from oomplolo power cqulpmant Mooring brakes windows to mlinlng bucket souls Youll have no trouble dressing up your Rambler Classic to null your own particular mods Options 66 RAMBLER CLASSIC mmcm norms tomum Humo uhm boll qullw uhnyau build 1n nol whit you add on murmur om IOMAWA CPFCBC direc tor nm lhrminy meallnx lnToronlolodaywlth their own dealh tentencea prime item on lhg Igenda himst meeUngol the ll member board Iince lhg Fowler cummlltu rcpan 91 brondcasï¬ngwan Issuedt key recommendation was or new broadcasting aulhob ily under fulltime chainnnn implemented by the govern ment lb would mean Ihe dis Ippearance at theCBC bond and IheBoard Brondcas Governnru Thu CBC cam in 191 some lever criticism in the reparl with Ill Internal organization high qn the bllcklhl Thereport by the commutes under Mantrea businessman IL Fowler also suggested aboli tion of the pests of president uni vipppyeglflgnt the 1307 Preside it the publiclymwned corpnralinn and Win Briggs scalar vicepreildent also are on the CBC beard SUGGEST TWO EA The Fawler rééorï¬ï¬Endallon was for CBC directorgeneral sponsible for longgerm oper alléns and genDFa rï¬anaiér CBQLDzirectofs Meétwioh Réport Im soldyoure the one car maker that talks my language 1mxm 3mm hMuNznn to run the CBC dey by du The twowould be directly spansible la thabmadcaflln authority which =wauld hav the power to hire and Ihem The CBC board with nln Member from other walklv life as well the two lap to ppralion olflclah has regul meetings each two months Th last was helm the quler port came gut Sent Thu report and hm ll mighl evenmally be translated Into law In the maIn topic or this one Thu meetings are closed Tha program committal which grnup all member of the full board meals through lhetlrsl day The CEO drew praise In 111 Fowler reportlar much 01 it pragrammlnflv in contrast same slinging comment About the bulk of fare altered by pfl vate television and radlu su lions But he reportsuggesled the CBC tyy lorimprove radla nrngramming an areawhich had beam neglected child since theaqlént of TV Most of the rest cf ha um nxpected to be devour la Fowler waever cgrrnnl unlonmanagement dispute in is due fardiscussion wk