Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Sep 1965, p. 8

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Tn krcp mallress ln perfect condlliun or as long as possible uivs care It should be vdA cuumcd tlmmnghly al least weekly and lumcd twice momll Turning llpplnu lhu mmum nm mm muting ll head In MlMom it fresh and dislrilmles wear and stress more evenly Dcspilu the mail conscien Ilmn can however any mal lrcs mll ewnlunlly wear on And although arm lmllamd old me may look Just llku new when cnvcrrd wilh Imh linens and boauixlul bcd spread lhcma no way In com Ml ll nnc whm you slwp tossing and turning an IL lirod wings 01th ll mu lhcre are Mmml hnsm mm In check mm can hrlp you dahrmlna lumthlr your mumts should 2N mluml th we uhnlhcr mnltmx in largo rnounh Iln powhlp Um In Me you InkMm same year um 11 nmnl or yml For umxtmnhlc Ilup mntlrru should he 10 dud Muller hm lhu slcnpcr Much nllwws lnr IIMIly Know Inz marc head mu Srcund rlwk lnr thllK In nmh or IM nwihmcy Wlllt Ago unumm Inn homun wfl mul hmnvy making Ilmn nrhlnuly unmmlnrluhla vlar mm the hmviul 1mm xmmnn lhr midan 1hr unfilled mm lhl IMM 14 Im mmuvun and along llw mm mm ulmxr and mm mm lnurlhrr lmkrn mwlml Mmhu Ill nny ma army Mr nml Imlnn Ufllll lhnl Iho mnllmn near Inz llm m1 mung fly ELEASOR ROS Insomnia that usurpor pleasant drums has been blamedwllun Juslilinhly on evemhing from nervous lun lion tn lavers quamls If ypuvc pcntumore Man your 55 nights laldy try lmking right he ncth you for Ulccause mu rroblcm Ynur mnurcss may be an ovadun mlimmml Many maple mend mamy just once for mattress and mm orncrmm III How can you be vermin when malmu lx due Im he junk iln We nxkvd Infurmnlion urcnu the Nalmnnl moda Iinn vvf NMan Manufacture and we won ndviml lhnl boll hnu shuuld he rcplutcd every ci ymm Cause Of Insomnia May Be Mattress Mil rher Ihe mum and cm nuer mu Ixmlrr mlm nnrl um um spring hmkrn rmll um mmmflmu In All umm nl tMrriflIMlM lvuiux mm mm mmvnmm um 1mm whirl II wnm It var Ihal warm pn ynnw Ahlumgh mtm Hm can lrnwlw may foxMy lvmw ll mun ml mI dnmngu Ilnrh mil wilh Mm nl um rnnmi tummy frm MM mymmn aim nl mar Krwrhl lawman an ur In mull tam4M Mini mallmu 1mm Mum an mlr maul 4m rm war ua Mm hml luvhvw mnIrru InI Imp Mk pwmlnm mmlmlrd nhw lar tum hung NI human quhazn Mme mm1 new lnklml mg ha humid mNmll In um wow rm Vllflh Kw mmdmi lo must average permx mad about onethird hls liIelimL sheep in its important In make sura Ihnl yum zmmo years in the mm Morpheus are indcmi fill most mslml ones your PLAY THE NEW BINGO wmu nulLiiflllflll 11 OTTAWA CHTh9 use 01 marks In ichaol gradlng syslems is unfair to the child nndcan be hmnlul In his menlnljheallh say tormer direclvr the federal henlth dcparlmnnts mental health dlvislap Dr Chmlax Slpgdlll chic child radjnslmenuervlces or the Town Enurd ofllducnllnn nys llhat ln llme mare and more member the public will come lu appxculale the de strucllve etlncl camliellllon ln school achlevemcnt can have an puplls In an outspakcn article in tho departments publicalion Can adas Mania Health Dr Slog djll wriles us of marks as men ure of comparison between pu pils in class is little value ynt it is of enormous deslruc live imponance paint widely recngnized by educalars sysitemfdi Schoiqlfcmding Has Noj Value AS Méqsuteé Why nun do they coninue to use them and force compo lion The leathers themseives are competing Parents expect marks and class sanding and passing from grada to grade So 10m as the public do manded lhls symm Ihe school were bound to accommodate Eu already lhorcis good dcaL of support or he use at my nhologisls social workers and psyghialrisls in school system mun noJo Damagmg pr5cllces be lolcralgd divisinn when was csla Dr Slogdlll who was lhe first chief or flu menIaIAklxpalUl for marks IS Iaully because the children seldom hava an even start Innalg developmental and experiential diflercnccs be tween children make it unfair lo compe LThmpghfllvailurBa 9r SOME GIVE UP fear of lmlurer ms unvfalr rus flied bind and give up and so never reach anywhere near lhch poquinl He says even he children wha win out oflen fail in the long run by their emphasis on excel ling over 0mm ralhcr than ex periencing the inner salistac Mans of acquiring knowledge developing skills and feeling sense of pcrmnal growth and prgzrcss Pu He say here is grave danger the child wiii begin to do only as much is required to pass his subjccls nr in win his ieach erjs pyrcnln approvai But évhcn he Vivi school PL GL°l end these standards became 11 relevant he in nu liker to feel the need or lurlher education nrtraning fiawever with this rapidjy flunging suclely essenhal the learning continua thljoughgnml mhoolchd nu mum EXAMINER WEDNESDAY sum ms The September meeting the Dalston Womens Institute was held at tho home at Mrs Gearge Salisbury with the pmidcnt Mrs Allan Brawn in the chair The call We and Dont or the Sick Room wasm swgyed by nine members Dalstdh Institute Members Plan Entries For Barrie Exhibitn mmutcs previous mating ¥and correspondence erley Walker 111th is be ed on at he Area Cnnvnnliyn Arrangemen were canvass or he CNIB leng thy dismssion allowed on ex Mend at the Bar MEI Lorne Hundy commented on Lhe moHoTorgalynur Wealth and mm You Health with filling rcadiq shnwcr was planned or the armor Danna Drown to be held on SepL 13 at the hum of Mrs San Walsan rs arcnce Brown was in charge of the program 531er on the Highways She was as sisted by Mrs Tam Coward This proved to be interesting and educzgllogal hr lgdiex Rctrcshmcnl were served bf Mrs Tom Coward and Mrs A601 my assisted by we host fihe next mceling will be held on Oct 11 he home Mn IlllJSTHATEIl ATLAS 4qu yr flack riu mix in II mny TOKAY GRAPES IA FLAME VALENCIA ORANGES BRADFORD CELERY CRISP CARROTS NM HIIIIM AT 1IIIIHTIEI MARKET YOUMIR NM MI AIL IOIUIqu ANMYMN IIIIANIIH llflflnlTlEE 109 BIGHRETTES 11 HMH HFIM 12 mum 3H Produre of RA Nn Emir Annunw nun4n 09 31 29 5c aw As Neither parent not leacher should feellhathe alone his all lhe unswerL Mare teacher need to recngnlze that am Iuys axpcclalinns inevitably play an mporlant part In the childs war and behavior at when More parents need to realize howdlflefenl the schools ex pectatian and grngram are mm what they were when lhay were yuung Murray Forbes Roll call will be Name way in whldl the Al omlc Age is changing our lives mmm 4Dr George Mulaughlnn practising paed iatrician and Assistant Professor of Paediatrics at the Universfly Tomnto issued this statement Recent rcpmis in the pros luvs given the lmprcsslon quite widely that there is some doubt abwl the availabilin and use suitable mnsles vaccine result at those reports in deed several my own patients have vhuncd up querying vacci nations have recently admixr blond Doctor Reports Measles Vaccine ILLliLal rTo Cllfld This impression is most un lommaie and misleading We naw have in our medical annn mcnlnrium vaccine with prov en ability in pHch measles and In confer lengthy immuniiy rem this disease In cum side effects in my cxpericnm Kiley are minimal and there are cw if any can indication to IL use vim mm strongly beliove that with 11c OF lDAYS WORLD Im Im69c 25c 29¢ Couple Hold Summegflome Emily Paxty pheasant Ind umILiua Im lly party was honlzdvby Mnipd MrsInnk Dnle at lheb lum mervfesort Birchdala lpdxe Inn Ossossane Hench an Seaman Bay located eight mile west of Midland MrnndMrs Dale mleflalned pmximate so nieces mime ews their uabanda and wives at weekend parly an Sept and 19 Mrs Dale 20113 ha eldest of the surviving members at the amin of the late Mr and Mrs Jimgs migrwhn in the early 190m resided on farm on the mm concession of Innis near Churchlll flhose bltending expressed their nppreciallan In being able to get Iagelher as lamin or thin happy occaslnn Iamlly dinner was servedran Saturday awning when Mr Dnle proposed ma lo the health and Mun happin ess of relatives whn were unable lo attend The namuu were read nnd commented on by HHSml Johnston nisler of the honles The evening was spent tn the lounge at the lodge where 5km contests and oldashluned songs were par of he evenings enter lalnmenh Thu weatherman provided glo rinuxyqulumn wealhzrrwflh wann sunny days or the weekend REUNION LAfler um SmxauyutemmMJ let was aervcd guest gathered In he inunge and made pres enlalion to the hosts in the arm of gin of mnnay and family girls The September Sang with lyrics written by Mrs Johnston pertaining In amin tradition and untimenls wu sung by Bucsu Many ol the family niece and nuphews of In western provin ces were unable to attend Those present were Ir om numerous point In Onlarin and ram Nnvn Scolln the availability of Ms vaccine all children over 10 mmlhs should be immuniled against measles in most scrlous dis ease and one which has has taken lar loo lightly by our moiety FASHIONABLE FOOTWEAR LForThe Entire FAMILYL SEE US AT THE Fashion Show AW FuWomen Dr Locke Shoes MdeShoes Neuxafizor Shoes MumsHeolmggor Savagokfighbow BodCorpflSnoes ForMen th execulivc and nawslcller committee of Rowland Nurm Allochtlon nl LOnIgrlo Dhtrlct No 11 Sath SImcoe Chapter met in Barrio athe 5mm Rpmwith 16 memberu Allen Ill Fieldksecy Conducts Discussion At RNAO DiStriCt Meeting wax dulded the meellns 1th Mn SHeap Barrie and M11 mam King Anisopn would represent Inn South 51m mflhapler the Honey Har bour Conlerence Duunxfiae business portion themeetxpg um wasm inlér Hung discussion on hedlvisinn between managerial nnd non managerjgl nurses dating to coileclive barwnlng Miss Irene Lawsnnlleg Fiekl Secretary the RNAO lhljonlu condude quesgan Vaninn cornmillecs discussed plans or he qomlng year nd aruwer pornod Ranilfiz vg baygalnilpg am new iiNKO lLfllElifl 301 Trimming babys nglln cm be chat limes espccially if hss confirmed fin dencher clmrmodwr sup patina that my mm just riflat Yuu might uy mipping Ihtm xi unalmlmhmyoutwee drsmy his finwwImdu WW may at Try pEcJ In him on your lap in front of mirror or he mlnlcure Self nficcted glory is nothing Vndubh ml with two we cial point of View Introducing variety at vexe lablci In early is mu mo lold purpose 11 helm build good min habits whu food unplaan Ire miy It pm1 VidaWEWWM Gerber My Foods each on Tanlmnmkod cording in own mm MD pteciom nnlrilive values min quumnlv MRS mm mm Mom on Trimming babys Sulmlhnu plan If ymxbaby nglln Cln be shnuldouasiondlynbelnuvcp chore limes Iablemhy force espccially if hss I11 issuean you confirmed fin can easily substi clevcrmwr sup mu another with Iy mm just right similar nutritive alye€Mjefl Rm cueta 1e ovr WJ Swuthatocs oquuuhlot mum mm mans for wmple WALKWEL seasonis mum min9 Idem mum Travis Prui dent Mn Roy Burmlslm First Vicépresldenh Mlsl Cath erine Brown Second vicemeal denl Mm Welllngugn SeamanTreasurerfirs Lionel Bmck WINs Ammo moman cmmen méian Amateur Ski Assam lion announmd way that NancyGreane qt Rqssland 50 is the winner thin yeprhol Um Johil Semelipkfi Ard Mm Greene like na lwnal ski mm vldafies early this yearagainst Ameri can and Emmancotmmfitlon has been racing since 1959 She ls halourlh winner at lha Warimamml in honor MSfilh melink who was killed in 196 while racingin Germany The exnuliva or ha cominl Ionuly mum Whenever give baby hi oil or lotion beauty treatment snitch few drops lot the back your hands Helps keep both hands and amide lofl Smile zln milcsm usually now far yuu whm you top 01 MW main come with Garb SInined Gullrd Delicllcly voumdnddelizht fully smooth my one will ma SHOES hawy mding for baby med Made from whom ingmfimb MNDMNWMOM Pineapple Anomool Vanilll Banam Butterscotch Fnril and Cheny Vanilla mike up the mph Ing list Gexber Em Foods mam mu Canada YONIGHTI $2173 var WM flaky

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