One of the things we can be thankful for these days is that we dont eat like that any more We still en joy good food andwe also enjoy traditional Thanks giving treats So put all the oldtime desserts into oneextra special bolldavdgsert and try servingthls Fresh Cranberry Thanksgiving Pudding Its rich spicy and full of the lartsweet flavor of fresh cran berries It can be prepared and even steamed in ad vance it looks elegant and it tastes wonderful FRESH CRANBERRY THANKSGIVING PUDDING Makes to servings cup vegetable shortening cup firmly packed brown sugar eggs cup unslfled allpurpose flour teaspoon baldng soda 13 teaspoon salt teaspoon ground cinnamon 14 teaspoon nutmeg V4 teaspoon cloves cup milk cups soft bread crumbs cupVchan pray pranherries mm mm unnMu lo hnvn an mum wlm III Hollnus Papa Paul VI they did hmo lho hon or nl unending mm In hmoflc Si Pclcrl Mu Murde Inlmdurod Mn Slam nnd Mu Ted Wlnttr vnlccd he npprrclnllnn of lhl mrmbm Mn Stone Ictnnd vice president In St Marya CWL related her memurlo her rec nl Iour She wnl lmimlcd by lho cunoml the dlllmnl Immlrlu indudlnx Italy Eng lluml and Smlq Althoum Thu Ipeakrr will on In Me Hm amusing pull lho laur which made nuch Ill njoynhlo ovcnl 191 mm mm In mmllnl an pmch by enjaynblo polluck lumr 5mm mu Imam Mon ilxnor Clnir Fnlher meu nnd mm Arbour During lho bullnm mllon nnduclcd by lmMml Mn Solemn vnlunlml I1 re 1ch In Inlll In an Im nln drum lnr no Inan IIdrcn Mn llvmulaln no nclinn tonvrner will handlo nlormnunn lullnllnl lhll pro ram An intoroslin travelogue lrlp to Iha Hay Land was the hlghllght ul um September mea ï¬ns SI Mnryl Calhoun Wam 30 held In St Jowphl Cream shortening until light and fluffy Gradually beat in sugar Add eggs one at time beating well after each addition Sift flour with baking soda sail and spices Add dry ingrediean alternately with milk Stir in bread crumbs Fold in cranberries and raisins Pour mixture lite wellgreased libquart mold Cover with greased foil Place mold in large pot of boilln water so that water comes halfway the side of re mold Cover pot tightly and steam heurs Add hot water as needed to maintain level Remove mold from pot and take off tulléuver Heat mold in moderate even 350 deg 15 minutes Let cool on rack 30 minutes unmold pudding and serve warm with hard sauce To store for future use vra pudding in foil when ready to serve rcplace p11 dingln mold and restcam as above 15 to 20 min utes Audllarlum Mn vanllc wlunlaorkl N2an Rummnn ï¬llh 1n Jomvhl Amlllonum Um mid St Marys CWL Member Outlines Trip To Holy Land Heres what they faced before arriving at the des sert course nppeï¬ZEl cream soup followed by boil ed turkey with sauce potatoes vegetable and relishes Dessert Not yet Next came roast tur key with glblet sauce chicken ple several more kinds of Eotatoes vegetables and relishes Thls was follow ed salad course and ï¬nally dessert For those who were still hungry olives salted almonds and frult helped tide them over until the next meal 2Its no wonder the men of yesteryear generally out llved twoor three wives Slaving over hot stove was deï¬nitely not joke In those days Lakeview Restaurant The boards set by our grandmothers werent the only things that groaned on Thanksgiving Day How would you feel after meal of 10 or llcourses in cluding variety of dishes served at each course nineteenth century cookbook lists some astonish¢ ing choices torlThanksgivlng dinner dessert or more properly dessert apple pie squash pie mince pie Thanksgiving uddlng with wine sauce fruit tarts and cheese an crackers all or the same meal Whats for dessert on your Thanksgiving menu Youre probably pianning one sumptuous creation such as this Fresh Cranberry Steamed Pudding to top all this popuiar holiday meal But it wasnt always that easy quad 11H Mull HU IIICKET IX Katiekv Fried Melt 471th Min TAKE OUT riï¬sbd randy 63 mi cup seedless raisins For Pknkl Or Anyllmo Ml IHSISI KITCHEN GOSSIP By EILEEN DIXON ll wu nllo nnnnunud In In IltRlunnl mmln would Ike pllca Oct In Gundim Angel Gumch Drill And bu would charmed or lhh nvtul The pmhlcnl reported on nun nulonnl urcuuve mu un which lack pint In Orlllln In Ilnledlhul1Iplrllullwork lhop wmml be held In 11ml In the prlnx Vlï¬ll Illll 7K Mn wick hlnhd ma llrllu who vhllrd lho my Vic lam Hnlpllll durlnl um um mtr Ind mkrd nr mm vnlun mu tn any on um work manly Mu Drcull pomd mm barhip Mlundlnu III laknn Ivy Mn Run whu Inlmduud now mrmberl MIL Nuvrnllc lnll Mn Mlln nqm Mn IL Srhflwy Animual mu vmer mm um load Ihawcr or lha Rulemplorhllnu Amen would be hrld qrqlpdupcrnshg will be moi by Mm Saw 1155 ur reminded mnmbcrl that we hall awn hnva Chrlalmu um and 3m wrapplng or it It proved mart aumssful mm 155 your Mn lone COHVCMI ol the mud Holly Tu and Me Sula 1n Nnv l7 outlined plum mndo Ind nktd member in luhmlt my new 1ch hr My went marrow is your birthday your horuscnpc lndicalcs ihai while progress may seem slow at Ihu mumenl your chances or achievement along both ca reer and financial line will come soon In fact programs launched new it carelully pro planncd and carried out should bring line reward in lnle Dc ctmbcr good period bcgin ning than will lagt through midFebruary other good pe riod alnng these lines June August and Seplnmbcr for li nanclal mailers late April and Scpiembcr or Job undm busl ness allalrs It will be Import ant hat you bo conservative on all cam for the next 12 weeks huwcvcr oompuny dining 2090 cent reduction In premiums fur buglnry insurance whm them dog In 4h lnmlIy no mal lzr Mm bmd or size Says Herbert Shrvrard tho mull dog ml somdmm put up as rnurh nolsa the big dag and In mmle do nnuo lhnk sends the nMxra away Whené personal mailer am concerned In picture pleasant nneJ yam cardul to avoid Irinlon In dose circles In early March and early June both domlslic and social mal lers should pmsper or mas of car 1th and you are clilhnr ncw romancn nml or mnrrlnge is passibllily in iala Dncambcr April lliny or Iiuzusl lravel will ha under ausplcinus influences in early February May June and lu Kusl chlld horn on In day will be eximncly prncllcal and will alter ha lhings ho wnnls onpnnow While financial and career mailers conilnuc be gchcr nusly inlluenccd lhcm nrc some planetary restriction ii re personnl relationships an enn named lilnny persons may be under stress nowparilculnrly he elderlyso cmphasllc pn Llanca and incl THE nmmnu THE STARS SAY mum an IUD3A Insurance of the Canadian olub of Barf rle present Mm Bascmn SL Jnhn with mangle piece as D005 1m 71 mm mml hmnum Iu n2 mu lull HM vmlmllnl nlrlzu Mu nnu Mn Tnlvmln MI IUD MAYNARDS AUCTIONEERS MMIHNEIIV MACHINE 700M HAW MATITIHMH WELDING IKWIIMIINT VMiT TUUL 00 HUI FOHK LIFTS TIlLIZKfl IZIJJ INHLTN ImHJl 100M lnrlurhnl MllUn Murhlnu lllnrnmlnl nnvl Vrmrnli Lalr UrnmIrrl Sn Um lhllll lllmvl IM VMT QIMNTIIIIIR llll MFMUIIINH 11mm MHHIII ETHH MILLING IIHIS TAIB MM HH IllllrlN IllAllZILl EH2 MHli null MIMTINNI In numbrll In uhlnrti Ilr Hui rllnllllnrl lyrrilllnl nvldnunluph IIIIHA Mr Th llul Ilrll IIKII ixmlhrulnl SPECIAL STUDENT RENTAL RATES rMmI HHNO THE REST PRICES OFFERED DY IIIIVZIHDDKM JamI UnIId sml le Farmorly Unllnd Sml Corp Taronia Dlvlllon 0N INSTRUCTION FROM THE CLARKSON COMPANY AGENTS John Slcwgrtugaslrpresident Tmumlll Mum lmrnwl Ind Duwmll UNDERWOOD LTD SIMCOE PLAZA l1 ESTRELLITA 7284421 UNRESERVED AUCTION FREE CATALOGUE ON REQUEST IIKKVIISW IV D4 WT ll THUIL IL 12 SPEAKERS WIFE HONORED lllrs Cochran will campaign against Ralph Dye ol the New Democratic Party and Dr Stanley llnldasz leeral mem ber in the last Pnrllamcnh Barn in London Mrs Coch ran nuw lives in Ottawa but Plans to move to Tumulo below Lhu election Hiram 13m 011in wc all dwldcd lo compete or he nlc est beard nt walk or yzarl Then wnh braces cams and REIORTEHS 30 HAIRY DRUM MU13w whale editorial slat 1A Peuple the Malay socialist dally news paper was reported in ham wwcd no share so long as aha mung coalition govemmcnt was In pour But smll mun her dented lh Ideolmzlcnl ma son saying When we gcautigully Em 23 05an ncci mmxSnm MUMMSTER Door North at Ilunlnn For Complrlo And Sen IIlvll The 1959 polio victim and mvthcr lhm girls has been nominmed Progressive Conserv ative candidate in Toronto Parkdalc in me Nov gencral clecliun TORONTO OmA cw years ago Felicity Cnchranc 36 was told she might newr walk agah But now In xensn shes running ma parly Try Mun Polio Victim Mpther Of Three Nominated In Parkdale Riding token 9f ï¬he clubs appxedH aï¬on and souvenrr 01 Bar rie Mn John duhman of the development and new THE BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY SEPT 23 1965 In addxlion to being malhcr Mrs Cochran works as pub llclly men or the federal panmcnl lrado and com IIICICE lot no determination here No newcomer to politics Mrs Cochrane was Ynunf Cm servaflve as lcmngér Hri nin with her parenloJMer she lhoughl she would seek mm ations In Newlnundland nr Brit sh Columhin Then Senator Wallis Mc Culchton lhough hide best In Toronto education was in uarrie last night to address mem pgm qr mgCapadlan 01m cqnmgilleg nL um 119th 4Exunlner ihoToi THURS SEPT 30th pm to FRI OCT 15 pm to on 2nd 10 to pm WATCH FOR THE HOOVER DEMONSTRATIO ON CKVRTV CHANNEL OR IN EATONS AT THE FOLLOWING TIMES DAY DEMONSTRATION HOOVER WASHER The Canadian Red Cross Bar rie Bunch flan In spansvr night school program or rain lng or the Visiting Homemak CH The amuse is open to Any vmman wishing In in crease her Homemking skills Any new Canadian desir ous ol becaman more nmlllar with the Canadian way of Home Management Any woman who may wish In becmploycd an Homemaker 41Tho pra en Hy employed Homemaker The course would be bendiclal In anyonu senklng employment as want aide in hospital or numing home Roulsuation at Central Collegiate is on Oct or Oct Rates tor the course gm set at regular night school ces Plum were made lo hold Bazaar mudBake 5319 it September meeting oi the Lud les Auxiliary to the Navy League The autumn event will be held on Oct from 730 to 10 pm tbs Oranzo Hall on Burion AvenuegConveucr oi the bazaar ls Mrs Joseph Madlym CIlRlSTENlNG BAPTIBMALBERVICE Mluj Tammy Gayla Crewe inml daughter of Mr and Mn Babel Crews oi Perri lent wu bapllud St Geomes An giican Cimchv Alliandale tendingihe christening servica were Min Liz Crow Ki chener godmother Mr and Graham Toronia Tam mat um and aunt Mu Twins Hawimlnna Ed Gm ham Toronio godfather Rev and Mn Donald French joined iamily and Mend at luncheon hair It the hum of Mr and Mm Graham of Perri Lana Tammys maternal grand parent BAZAAR PLANS Homemakers Gain Further Training At Night School lor Enter Dlxnn Mifldï¬ tha II the meenl Do prurient Nam Ire Intended to can the enterl wdnl Ilia or an all Dblrlcl wedding In nlumrlu brldll lhawm hfldnpmlel coming go yuan lnvellm and VI hm Ill 114m at Intele rude of IMLplfl Your help In mpplylnz an new vfll In study IPIIIEG med Elma 91mm The Elma Enmlner 7M Ind uk xbiisniai siervluesvwere held SPEAKING IN BARRIE Wmnnlu luml 1300 RPM kw mm mm wnn mam Ne mu Inmlhlm mu aludenl Il Teachers College Toronto spent the waekend the home at 111 pnrenu Mr and Mn Flannnn anlo Avenuc wzmm mom Mrs Gordon Walkara group was ln charge ol the program Current news ol lhu various mla slan ï¬elds was glven by Mrs Willlarn llardiel Mrs Walt sang lloly Splrll Fallhlul Guide belore the worshiy per iod led by Miss Edna Theodore The wait which was on the Baptist work In Africa was pre pared hy Mm Walkzr who our llnod ha present candlllons ln Angola where ordalned Alrican pastors have had to carry on since tho uprislng In 1961 Many al the mlsslanarlu lormcrly in Angola are now working In Illa part of tho Congo bordering on Angola parllrularly amongst Angolan refugees lhere There are approxlmnlcly 401000 who lnlt their villages ln Angola many nf whom are nww ln rel ugaa camps at Trlnlly Chapel Cam Burden on Sundny when Kevn Robert Dalllxunï¬son olCapl and Mrs Dnlllmn ï¬lm 52 Banla was chflslened Padre Jackwn amclaled Following the chr11 tenlnx Capt and Mrs mum Vcnlemlned at chrlllenlux lea Guam Included Mr Ind Mn Pl McQueen Mr and Mn Beblahelmer Emle Malon and £111 Brlcker Camp Bor an WEEKEND GUI151 The Penman Milsianflircle First Baple Church held its first meellnz of the all season at the hum lbs President Mrs Gordon Wood Melmse Ave who aln mukkd aver the bushes portion of the meeting Plans were completed or Ihankoflering Mcetlng Sunday levcnlng Oct 17 when the spe cialrspeakerrwill be Rev Perry Allaby who spent same year as misslanary In India While there Ila wnrkcd an the runs Xallqnollha New Testament In Ihe Saod language In Lhe form oi iniuvlews he Cimiu member lumed oi the early lives mm oilihe missionaries who are mining and teaching lime ihey wera represented by Mm Walls Mn Hardin and Mn Woodl The Seplember healing of Grace United Church Cï¬uple Cub was held in the farm of cum and Wiener must at Mission In Miica Topic 0i Penmara or PEOPLE Aï¬bbï¬ï¬Cï¬f Spdngwaler Park Prim were awarded winnen of char adu and nIinzwnl allowed the Mormulteéxt Attending the event were Mr and Mn Don Byles Mruand Mn PM Crew Mr and Mrs Crew Mr and Mrs BuChnp pell Mr and ML Durham Mrnnd Mu Everard Harm Mr and Mn Garnet McMaaler Mr and Mrs Percyiord Mr and Mrs Norman McEnchem Mr and Mrs Nelson Garrett Mr nd Mg PauEpIelg Mr CAMP CHOSEN TORONTO CF Dalton Camp national president oblhn Progressive Conservaflvn As sociation wax nomlmtul Mon day my to nppose Trade Min btcr Mitchell Sharp In the Tor onto 51g of Egllxggon in nu Arnold Cruiser MOTOR TRll Mr and Mrs Willis Corrigan 1mm 52 accompaniedhy Mr and Mn John Carbon MCarolhie Street have muni od the my alter weeks molar trip holiday to tho weatum provinces Tha Barrie nme Mama Mrs Cor flzana and Mr Corbeua 1th and other relatlvcs Ln MBIIIWHI and Saskatchewan They matured was via the lranslcmada hlzh way and returned vln lhn Uï¬ii ted Slates route Mr and Mn Paul Eplell 5nd 1rl Smith nnd FASHION SHOW An Art Gallery lhema will lllghllght the fourth annunl Fuh lon Forecast lhll evenlng corn menclng at 030 oclock at Bar rle Cenlgul Cnlleginlu Audilui lum Commentator nl the thaw will be Mu bola Roberan who has done tho ashlan commen lallng or all ma ahnw upm sqrecl rhy Ys Manchu 69mm ANNIVERSARY uvuuunnununnamx Mr andMn Normal Klan will be at home no Mew relatives and nelghhofllhlxagt Icmoan km lo oclock and this evening from to 10 oclock The uccaslon will mark the Elt riu couples 50m wedding anni versary Nov Emil 11mm RUBYS BEAUTY SALON FALL PERM SPECIAL mm sz 3W HIM Pam mm Cocktail Shlmm 114 DUNLOP 81 mom 12551131 No Apmlnlmenl lHlIX $1006