ML and Mn Allin Frlluley mnrned nHlr vhlllnl nllllm 1n Douull Mr and Mn II Hey mur rml In the vlllnu all mend he uuh Mr course In he Wlnlnu tlmllcl 3er MIL mm mm Hrmnim mm Inna me Glrenumxl um luulll lulul lprnl so wrhrml wllh MI lmer Mil Ill 4hng um mu mm al Hp Illhlmlhll llm Irvlvllng In ernwood Unl ml lhmqh Mr nurl Mu Mruuum Am Mar lrll ll HM rml lhn MM lnlumrll ulrr mum any nl mnnlhl Mm H19 Inllul nmlhrv Mn Jim nnlllL ML nml Mn Imlhu Iml Hummer ol Tuumin mm lhI mm ullh he mm mm mu Mr nml Mn lhml ï¬lblvnld Mu mum lml he Ann In mm 1m mk hm Mr uul My Hill Sprint mth sprnl lhl wuhntl wllh Mr mm Mn Hnwnnl Mum and ulhorl nllvn In 1h llhlrIrL Mr And Mn OICM ï¬rlllty Narlh my Mm Umln Mnnnlm and All mm Mmhnm Hr werlrnd unlx Mr Ind Mu Mlmnlnu mn and Mn Kelly of Eutlph Iprul lrw Ila wnh lhelr Ihlu Nu Inmu Num InII Mr and Mn Hm 01ch Toronla nprnl Ibo wuktnd with In lermrrl pmnll Mr Ind Howard Hrnrork and lhl nut Mu ï¬hnw By MRS TERRY mel Dunvu relumd llllr vlnung Mr and Mn Allan Iclllrlry George Ind RIIphVSnldt lerlnlnrd number lrlendn II mm mm Saturday urnlnl Mr nndNM Snldcr have none Io Pcrl llnpe when Ralph work drlllinx um St Johnl Church Sundny murninl me In memnry n1 Mn Myrn shellicld Ind wm xlvcn by her lly Se ll mcmhm lh ly at Ihe nervlce Sundlyvl Minnow lnrth were Mr and Mn Emu Mowforlh of Tomnlo Mr Ind Mrs Willlam Walton nf lllrrlu And ML Mur of llillsdalc Mr Ind 1d Ind flurry of Na culle Mu El mcr Jnhnslun chburn Sash Ind Mlu Carolyn 05ch On Illla were men vitkon wllh Mr And Mr Hnrvq 0ch or and Mn Gcorge Klrlon who celcbnlcd their 151 wedding annlvzrnry wflh nmlly reunion By MRS CASTON Mr and Mn Ralph Snldcr It neg vlsltogg in London Mrs Walker Hunler and Dr Hanan were admlmd to Royal Vlclorln Hospml Thun day and Friday reapecllvely Mr and Mn Forbes Sewny Phoenix Arizonav apenl law ddyl last week with Mr and Mrs Black mm In the village they Interrod lhe mm Med remains of III lather Ur azn Sewrcy in he Thornton Un lon Cemetery buldr his wife who was sister 01 In late Mrs Richard Power yummy Recent nests and caller the home of Mn and Mn Gecrge Holt ere Mr and Mm Emery Bellry nl landlord and WLUiam max of Hemn Allin Jacksonville Florida have been spending the past week with MH Isaac Jenna Mm Jay and Ajax Penney SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS Word has been Remain the passing of Mn Simpson who became 111 while vlsllinz her daughter In Mommin Suk Sympathy is extended la her im mcdilt lamin and all num mgum 4nd Mend Several Trlnlly United Church people attended Rally Unllcd Church anniversary services Sep ember 18 lo heir Rev Bab Rumbnll of lhe Toranln Church for the Deals In morning 28 mtmbera lrlnlly Junior choir led In Ill servica of lung conducted by Mn Wm wh also Ian solo whlle Tdnlly lenlor chnlr mam Holly chair lnAIhe aligning prize winners at Cookstown Fair mong those noted were the WI ler Schnlyl William Mnlcnmsun and daughter Janet The Ben Schnlyg and Brian Baker Ttmrnton Womens Institute had busy day last Wednesday when they catered for the noon meal and operated refreshment boat or the beneï¬t visiting chil dren and parents when Em Township Schoal Area Mr took place in nofntmpark Mrs Ron Parker is on the shit or CoomawnEsn Town ahy Area Sang his gear Mrs Mumy Mc Master of Tumnlv and Ada Mc Mnsler at Barrie ware Sunday guests Mn and Mn Scull Sharp Mm Heb Slmwon from nwa his been vlsllinz her caul lnl Mr Ind Mn 12 Black and Mr Ind Mrl Cm My CRAIGHURST ELMVALE MR GEORGE HOLT THORNTON My ml Mu olm ml Kmn Sunln mm mm dun Ni my um Tmonlm mum Mr and Mn llmm ï¬lmy Suwlny MIII LII llay MIL in up hm Lfnn ml lahy Arm Mu runnm CerI lhlthIM Allm uml Mn ll rnwlord nl mm mu nhnwrr or NH Muvln Ilkhnrdwm nl um In hmm mu Lllllln an In Tumnln Mr In lewluul MIII Mn Gullll vltllud Sunday wllh Mr Ind NIL Garden AL hlmnn lvnun Ni wrkomu In onlwlml In Mr Iml Ml mun Sturhnn vim hnl ma 0d lno our rommunlly mam Wrmhrldn Mn 11 mm vllllnl Mr and Mn Mnnny lluu rqxlly Nola lho charm In Ilmc nl rhunh nervlrrIUnlled rhurth II In um lmbyluhn ll ma nm ml rommunfly Snip day 3k no Mn IL hrn le mnl rouplt lllyl nunily wllh Mr Ind Mn Dunnnn Nllltdalr TIME CHANGE lly MM II CMWFnRI Mr Ind Mu Muruy Mann and hmny nllrndcd the Mom rmnlon nl Dundnll merm llrk Mondly Mr Ind Muhmh Mr Int Mn IL dly ed Celich Dlxnnl Both birthday celrbulinn Sept II home In Elmira Rev Dawnrr Dunlrncn and Willy Dawntr annnln upon Sundny with Mlu Either Unwner Mn lhml Drnllcy Ipenl lha weekend with Mr Ind Mu Jlmu Leighton Holly Mn Kannelh Bmllcy lpenl Sundly In llmlllnn wllh har un Chnrleanemlnz Wm Mn and Mn Jlmu Cameron xpenl the wuktnd with Hand Mr And Mn Gnydnn Stephen Burllnmn Thu male quarter from Edam vale Unllcd Church will win Ihe choir ll lhl anniversary lar vIce of Gumm Prelbyleflln church ll am Sepl 25 Most of the pupil allendlnz he Ive room lchocl Gulhrla lrnnxporled by bul um year Harry Hughu pal my In home Mn And Mn mm Brdley and family hm rerenlly moved Into their new hnmn Mnnnd Mn Daulld Wallwln nl Toronla vmled Mr Ind Mn Mr and Mrl Ewen Caldwell and Mn Wilker Caldwell spent llre weekend Port Credlt with Mr and Mn George flay Cald well who were celebraflnl Illelr Both weddlnz annlvqmry Sn wdny Paul Caldwzll Ian at Mr and Mrs June Caldwell hid the misfortune Io break bl lell nrm Surrday By MRS CAMERON Mr And Mn Howard Camp bell Shirley Roy and Dnnaxd and Mrs Gny visited Miss Ma bel Guy Homings Mill last Sundly Recent dInner guuLx the home of Mr And Mrs Howard Campbell And Mrs Gray were Misses Lilian and Myrna Mc Gee Toronto Mn Roy Tale Mlmlcu And Mrl Dan Schull VIIINHVEE VEC 0R0 STATION MR8 JOHNSTON Congratulations to Buzin school on winning second prize or their banner and third prize or marching And in the pupils tor the wonderful show In they had It Dro School lair NEW UNIT Rugby 4H Homemaking elm held their first meeilng of the unit CloLhu Closets Up to Date qul 13 the home at the leader hire George Lang mnl There were five marbers Fluent and ihe election at icorr was as allows president Linda Home secretary Gwen Malley treasurer Ellenor Lang mnn press mponer Katherine Lehman Monhers were laid the ra qulmmenlx ol this unit namely record book he box laundry bu cove hangers shoe pac and sectioned box or senior mere Dimssion was on good storage space essentials 11th ventilation Ind alkrncilve ness of cloths Linseis bulli ciasel wardrobe or movenble wpboani and impro vised closers The hostess sew ed relrnrhmenu By ESTHER DOWNER ndMxr Kimberley of Toronlo spent the week with the former brother Irid lrmlly Mr and Mrs Snmuel Kimberley PROPERTY HALE Carol Buqu hu Iold pm party on Km sum to Albert While And In purchased Mn Seam uwl mlddm on quze St Leland nowal son at Mr ma Mu Ml flown 1m enrolM In Hrs year Ryanson Poly lechnlea Inslllule in Lhmyw coum Sundly null or Mr Ind Mn Tqawnlcgopelj EGBEBT GUTHBIE RUGBY Annimmy mvlrt mm UBHNI lhunh It HON II no pm nu Ilnirl lirva Bum wll b0 lhl well um Viulnu nnlmd In llwm Mn rlly hm Mr IIan Hill llrd r4 Wmmultlfl Mr ANN Mflvvnnhk Mr AM Mn kr IM 01 ul Tnmuln Iv Tu lher Ullmlly PM man And nnll Mu IL llflnlon Mu lrlrll anmxh vlnilwl 6mm flu wrrkrml wllh he dun lrr ml wuin Mr and Mn In Mï¬ry Imm mun Cmney dmflulrrl nl Mr and NHL le Camry um nunan Jon WI Mnmvw IIIII hunt Tm onyg IMv yrnr Jouph On In 10 phlm 0n r4 Aururn nu Am Mn 11h Into 0mm Ammyv Tmmlo wm nmu Mr Mu Innrd Mmnohy 53m her llfler Ad Milk Km lnlnwr rllurned lo Wood Mn Ioflvr Mm ul IL Mama Ind Mr Daru numch mlho and mmxon All board mrtln Forum Siam my lrld Wmn Innilmc In Conlu logn Mmng My Mi Mar znrvl Donnnn Im Dam hridb Wm lllendtd an Alumna 5M wer Ind thd In her how nur nu mm nl Mn Jndx mow Ohtcln Cum qqulng lngA My MILK WK Mr And Mn Md Cnmev lumd openifm mm 01 Weckend vmlorl wllh Mr Ind Mn Dlrnu were Mr Ind Mu Jnck flaznu Ind dnughlzr Mr Ind Mn ny and hmily Prcxlan Mr nnd Mn chk Cooper and hmlly She IeId Sanlcy Bnrnu Slayncr Ind on Sunday Mr Ind Mm Melbourne Hnrncx Slnyner Thu girl mnl nl ha ham Mn Sum Allan Irldly ava nlnz plnn urmngcmtnuofhlr exhlbils 1113 now unll wlll nm In lwn week llme wllh Clulhu Clnscu Up In Dale with few new mtmhem ly MM MEI HOWELL We uuuytfl an the Mn Aller which lhu bride and gram of 25 yam were pre tenlcd wllh um and expnuxnns good wlshu Th cummun My Ilse extend whhu or many more year at hlppy wedded Mr Ind Mn Johnbuniheed were entertained ll he home cl lhelr lonlnllw Ind dnughier Mr and Mrs Ran JDMI on the occuion oi their eiiver wed ding nnnlvernry Sept Ll Friend and relatives irom mlny localinns were present including the original groomsman Ind hil wile Mr and Mn iilher Cllrklbuil and lhe bridesmaid and her husbnnd Mr and Mn Jlme Perkens Azlnsnurli huiici enipyeiji on By MRS SAM ALLEN Mr and Mn muse McEI Wain attended lb birthday parly or he lormera sum Mn Wal mn Palgrave Sunday 25TH ANNIVERSARY 00 gm an la nix UCW who were successful with their exhibits It Cookslnwn ALT Mm Browr Ii hum from Imp ingpicely mum Mr Ind Mu Grenville HIIJ b012 Gall and Lmy mended he AbramWent wedding in Orillhv regently ME and Mn Edward Manon of Orlllll were Sunday Iuexu of ML Ind MH Ggen Hilbert By M115 LEESON Min uni Mn Ted Houzhlon Toronto visited Mn Hggxhton 53nd urp treatment In Toronto She is able to ralurn home an lhe weekends Her many friends wish Bernch speedy recovery Mr and Mrs Hanuy Benton moved from their horn here In 1115 at guanine Syrups es en ed to the juniiie Mrs momn Batu whd passed away Sept llih in her 89th yelr Her funeral wn iner mended Sept 15 memorial cemetery service wu held It the Prexbyiednn Church Sept 1L Rev Cherie Towmley gave the welcome and Edwards the addreu The cemetery looked besuiilui end the flowers on lhe graves bore testimony that they who were laid to rest were not forgotten large crowd attended iiIiI litt lng service Diane irwin smsii daughter Mr and Mrs Willis Irwin returned home two week an alter spending some time in Or anzeviiie harpiini We wirh Di sue speedy recgyery TOTTENHAM Mn Met Wilton returned home from Guam when lha mm thre weeh with he non Dime gnd lgmflyi Weekend vhflou wflh Mr Ind Mrl Karl 611mm were Mr nnd Mrs Jack Wallis Pan Per mum Mr Ind Mu IL Crawv ford amiach coon EDGAR CBOSSLAND NEWTON ROBINSON MANSFIELD TOMATOES IUlVIHI UD Eï¬iiifï¬iï¬ivsg 19° ONTARIO NO PORK CHOPS SHOULDER BACON GOLDEN VALLEY SLICED RINDlESS PORK SHOULDER BOASTS VONTARIO DOMESTIC STEAK MflflMflJELL PEANUT BUTTER GAINES nuncms SHIRRIFFS SQNLIGHT IOUID DETERGENT CLUBHOUSE CARROTS ORANGES WEAWBBAGE 25¢ 11 £53 29 89 39 lEGS BUTTER FRESH ONTARIO SPRING lAMB lb MEATY srawms curs LB 79° FOR youn OZ mn USA SUNKIST 39° PKG 49c 69 OZ JARS Fresh Shouldav CHOPS WIENERS POLISH SAUSAGE EUROPEAN flflSTS SCHNEIDERS VAC PAK SKINLESS SIEHKS PORK BUTT naASTs SIRLOIN 0R WING BONELESS RUMFBR ROUND STEAK TISSUE FRESH OLGATES ENCORE DETERGENT COTTAG BUEHLERS OWN TEA BAG MlRACliEWHIP SALAD DRESSING TOILET BREAD ONTARIO NO 24 OZ LOAVES FOR ONLY HOMESTEAD Qt Basket 16 DUNLOP st BARRIE 79° lb hag 36 43c 59c ROLL PAK 25 if